39,388 Topics
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Hi all, Im editting a whois script so when it returns the details of the whois search it returns one positive answer if the "loggedin" cookie is found, and another positive answer if it is not, and a negative one if the domain is taken. The whois script works fine … | |
Hi all, I have the code for uploading the file......but to store the uploaded file in database and how to retrieve the uploaded file...... i want the code and logic Thanks in advance | |
How upload file to mysql db in server and show to link in next page the uploaded files .. | |
hi guys, i make some function in vb6 and then i'm complie this to dll, can php read and use function in this dll ??? thanks before :D | |
hii, can anyone please see the doc in this the del is not working pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rakesh Nagekar | |
Hi I'm looking for a piece of code that can turn a sql string into an array. Here is an example: [icode]sqlStr = "SELECT p.id FROM products p WHERE ((p.name = 'im a name' AND p.name2="another name") OR (p.name='always with')) [/icode] So that i in this array quickly could add … | |
I am almost done developing this e-commerce site and my client just asked me to add a shopping cart. I have some templates, but I want to start from scratch, is there a specific way of starting to do it? What should I consider when building a shopping cart? | |
hi all; I' am using the encoding type utf8- and its works on the firefox. but when i run my index on the IE 6 and IE 7 it does not detect the utf8. what seems to the problem of this? Can put the type of encoding so that my … | |
[code=php]$getm="SELECT player FROM manutd WHERE player='$x'"; $get=$mysqli->query($getm,MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); while($row=$get->fetch_object()) { $name=$row->player; } [/code] is there anything wrong with this code.........................plz help | |
Assign values to two variables. Use comparison operators to test the first value is: *The same as the second *Less than the second *Greater than the second *Less than or equal to the second Would really appreciate it if some one could do this for me cheers! | |
Hi All, I have been trying to create a php page that will upload a image, create a thumbnai and process a sql query, all automatically. I have attached the two files. The form page (show-addrecord2.php) and the processing page (do_addrecord2.php). The sql statement works fine. I am just having … | |
hi guys....actually i want to ask something.....how to make a step by step of form??? let say, there are about 5 form.....at the top of each form, there is just like a menu, a name of a form......let say, now, i'm at step 3 (upload file), then at the top … | |
Hello Everybody In Php iam using the checkbox and it has been one month i can not solve it; when i select one checkbox from several ones , and i click send e-mail= it is sending to all e-mails; it is not sending to the selected checkbox ; I need … | |
Create a script that usesa while statement that increments through and prints every even number between 1 and 49. Can any one do that for me?!? | |
Can any one please create a php script for me. A script that uses the if....else statement to categorise the marks of a student as First Class,Second Class Upper, Second Class Lower, Pass Or Fail. | |
hello everyone, i m new in php. i got a problem with my php and ajax code. i used div id to show data within html page (data retrieve from database).it's working well.but now i need to put showing value inside a input box. how to do that. can any … | |
can some one please help me! Can any one please answer the following question for me. Describe the circumstances when technologies such as Active Server Pages, PHP, JavaScript, JavaApplets and XML are required?!? I dnt have a clue and i gta hand in my assignment by 5 oclock sum 1 … | |
hey, can some body help me with the CP web hosting services for windows in php...??? Control panel containing [B]site management[/B] consisting of hosted domains, domain manager, FTP manager, file manager, and [B]E-mail options[/B] consisting of E-mail manager, webmail, e-mail fwding. | |
Dear web developer, I am trying to understand why php developers adopt a particular approach when designing their web systems. I have devised a questionnaire located at [url]http://websurvey.here.ws[/url] that takes 10-15 mins of your time. I would really appreciate you completing the questionnaire and sending the URL to any web … | |
Hi, I'll create a Login.php page to check uid and password and let user login to the system. Now, do i check uid and password in same Login.php or i post uid and password to next page to be checked there? What is the best way? Thanks | |
[code]<?php session_start(); include 'config.php'; $post = $_GET['post']; $slected = array(); if(isset($_POST['checkb'])){ if(count($_POST['sa']) > 0){ $do2 = mysql_query("UPDATE ptable SET status='updated' WHERE id='$post'") or die(mysql_error()); if($do2){ echo 'updated'; } foreach($_POST['sa'] as $awrd) { $result = mysql_query("UPDATE ctable SET awarded='yes' WHERE id='$awrd'") or die(mysql_error()); $slected[] = $awrd; if($result){ echo 'awarded'.$usersid; } } … | |
hi all; I have a problem in diplaying the city name. pleas cheack the line of this code. [QUOTE][CODE]$result=city::getDisplayName('$id'); echo $result;[/CODE][/QUOTE] | |
how to create a stat counter for the hits,output it everyday | |
I'm just looking to set up a simple registration form for my website, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a fairly straightforward tutorial... Thanks | |
Hey, i need a help from u... when ever one of my users registered into my website,,,,then automaticaly conformation mail send to users email... plz send me asap....its urgent... | |
i want coding for upload function...actually, i want to make upload function in my system....who can help me.....plzzz anyone give me the code for upload file into system...thanks | |
Hey Guys, I was hoping someone could tell me how to run server side code to process a file? Basically, I want users to upload a file to my site, and once the file is uploaded, I want server side code (I'm thinking PHP) to process the file. Also, I … | |
Can anyone tell me why this code isnt working? [CODE=php]<?php $username = $password = $database = $email23 = $_POST['email']; $con = mysql_connect('localhost',$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `user_user` WHERE `email` = '$email23'"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); $r = mysql_fetch_row($query); … | |
Hi, I get this error on red coloured line. "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\.....". I use PHP 5.25, MySQL 5.51. [code] $sql="SELECT * FROM customer"; $run = mysql_query($sql); [COLOR="Red"] if (mysql_num_rows($run) > 0) {[/COLOR] .... } [/code] When there is record it … | |
I am building a website for a recording studio - initially I anticipated having to embed some audio in the page that would stay playing through the whole site, I built an index/home page and used one of these deals: [code] <?php switch ($_GET["id"]) { case home: $id = "home"; … |
The End.