39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for newbietech

Hey guys I need some help with sorting under headers, Suggestion was made by Professor PC but keep getting errors. I hope to get this solved. I couldn't figure it out. I just keep getting some error messages. I don't know what you're talking about when you mention "><a href="thispage.php?sort=1">Notice …

Member Avatar for Bulldawg

Sorry, me again. Is it possible to help me with being able to sort by clicking on column headers. And the code again: [code=php]$query = "SELECT firstname, lastname, pilotid1, pilotid2, COUNT(flight_time) AS flights, SUM(block_time) AS block, SUM(flight_time) AS ftime, MAX(date_of_flight) AS date FROM members, pireps WHERE members.pilotid1 = pireps.pilotid2 GROUP …

Member Avatar for newbietech
Member Avatar for ramseswar

need help to sort the output of database into a tabular output and allowing user to sort the result by ckicking on the header titles of table.........................

Member Avatar for ramseswar
Member Avatar for ibrahimssani

Hi there, am new to php and i have been trying to upload files from a form to a location on a server ( folder "uploads" on the server), the syntax and everything i am using is right cos i tried using just a form but when ever i use …

Member Avatar for ibrahimssani
Member Avatar for atplerry

Pls i dont relly want to understand what is really wrong with the code below! I want to insert record into the database i have written one and it is working well for two record but for these is not working. And more so it work anytime it like it …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for tirivamwe

Hie everyone. Its been a year now using PHP and i think i do understand it now but dont understand what a PHP framework is and what it is used for, how it works, and if its necessary to use it. please help

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

ok guys is there any way to submit a form to a number of pages at the same time? can we provide a number of urls instead of just one action attribute? one form send the same info to different pages. i mean something like an email, but it is …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm trying pull up data from database, and display it on a table. I used this code before but for some reason it won't work here. Any suggestions? Thanks! It says the error is this line: [ICODE]<?php while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {?>[/ICODE] The error message is: [B]Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, In a spam message I always see my own email address in the to: field. How do they do that? They must use the bcc: field to send out the emails. So why do I see my own email address in the to: field? I would like to create …

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for wussa

I have been having a parse error but its ok now.But there is another problem. I can reg and email sent to me for confirmation,. I have confirmed it but when followed link to verify confirmation of registry it said nothing is found. Is this a database error. Thanks My …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for max2me99

Very new to this. I've set up a MySQL db with two tables. Structure is table_ads with fields id, category_id, name, sort_name, img1, img2, and active table_categories with fields id, category The goal is when page is loaded to have all active (true) names from ads fall below the category …

Member Avatar for max2me99
Member Avatar for cork

Do some servers support classes and others don't? I wrote a shopping cart on one server and copy/pasted in onto another server and i get the following error: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in .../classcart/ShoppingCart.php on line 7 This is how …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for wussa

Hi, please help me as I can't see to get the problem. I have just transferred the site to my new host. I am getting this problem hitscountersite.com/register.php please help me php coder. Cheers

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for shekki

Hi, I'm having trouble getting this to run. basically I'm trying to get a table to display miles per gallon into liters per 100 kilometers in increments of 10. Every time i run it though, it just displays the table header without any results. Any advice would really be appreciated …

Member Avatar for shekki
Member Avatar for Ivan Rutter

Help! Running xampp (basic package) version 1.6.6a under windows XP Professional, installed to D:\xampp. Attmpting to use zip_open() in php script and getting: Fatal error: Call to undefined function zip_open() in D:\xampp\htdocs\tms_test\zip_test.php on line 3 The php script, from the 'w3schools' website, is: <?php $zip = zip_open("test.zip"); zip_read($zip); echo "zip_open …

Member Avatar for Ivan Rutter
Member Avatar for psathish2

i get username and password from user in login.php to compare with mysql db username and password.here 2 type of user are admin,user,if login a admin go to uregister.php then login the user go to userlink.php in the databse 3 fields username,password and usertype. [code=php]<html> <head> <head> <body> <form method=post …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for infernodeep

hi can anyone help me plzz im very new to php. [CODE]http://localhost/cion_latest/download.php?code=adm&user=7&download_type=trial[/CODE] from this im try to download an application. Application downloading correctly but when im try to install app. im getting this error [COLOR="Red"]This installation package could not be opened. contact the application vendor to verify that this is …

Member Avatar for gargg321

Hi I am in a bit of fix. I am developing a module in PHP where I am using javascripts to validate the data entered by the user. Now the problem is that I am firing a query to the database through PHP and hence storing its results in PHP …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I'd like to have a script run automatically each day that removes a day from a table with a column called "day" but only if an entire day has passed since the entry of the relevant row. Can someone perhaps suggest the best way of doing this?

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi, page navigation is not working.please tell how to pass date [CODE]<? include_once('session_control_emp_sp.php'); ?> <html> <head></head> <body> <? //db connection $page_name="mg_resumep.php"; //$limit=sql_quote($_GET['limit']); // Read the limit value from query string. $limit=$_GET['limit']; //$start=sql_quote($_GET['start']); // To take care global variable if OFF $start=$_GET['start']; $id=$_GET['id']; // echo "\n"; $agent=mysql_query("select * from magic_agent where …

Member Avatar for lydia21
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi, here is the code for page navigation, its working fine but , if there are 4 pages , each page is displaying 3 records per page, if we go to 3rd page, and click on the subject it will display the contents but it will automatically come to the …

Member Avatar for Lavendor

how do i access the database? i am using dreamweaver as my design interface. and using php for script / coding. thanku.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for bmarshall.0511

Alright so after many people asking me to post the login script I use for my site at [URL=http://www.locatestyle.com]locatestyle.com[/URL], I made two functions. Now these functions do not include everything that is used for the login procedure on [URL=http://www.locatestyle.com]locatestyle.com[/URL] due to the fact I don't want everyone to know how …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for xylude

Is there something special i need to do to get this to work? I made a script that builds a neat little table with pictures from the sql database, and want it to go into an iframe. When i run the code I get this: (screenshot) [url]http://www.freewebs.com/xylude/helpme.jpg[/url] It just shows …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for ldaves
Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, $a1 = $_POST["a"]; $servicec = addslashes(serialize($a1)); i used this code to store the check box values in db with comma seperated it has stored like this....a:5:{i:0;s:18:"vehicle Inspection";i:1;s:14:"batteryservice";i:2;s:10:"oil canhge";} but while retrieving its displaying in the same manner but i want dont want to display like this.....i want it …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for osman85

hi there, i am new to all this web design stuff and i got a question regarding redirecting the page once an email form is sent to me in my php i have a form set up to send me information that people type down and it emails it to …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for saikishore

Hi frnds.. This is Kishore.. i want to know something about Controlpanel WebHosting.. whats the procedure to create cp-hosting in php. plz provide some screen shots to get some idea... Thanking You.. Kishore

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Suneetha Reddy
Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for god_1896

hi all; I have a recursive function the read the file, but its doesn work properly so It a big problem for me as a newbie in php, i need help to someone, here is my function that read the file and returning the line of file as array of …

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.