39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for gcarterm

Ok, I know this has to be simple. My Javascript skills are very weak (will become obvious in the code.) What I'm trying to do is use two Submit buttons in a form. The called function I want to send one named variable if one Submit is clicked and another …

Member Avatar for gcarterm
Member Avatar for OmniX

I wish to check if a variable (I am pulling the variable as mysql_fetch_array) contains the number 2008 in it. If so it is displayed. Now I have the display working fine but it displays everything and I want to optimize it to just show the variables containing 2008. Any …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for Phaelax

Nevermind, I'm a retard. I had phpMyAdmin opened to the live server, not the testing server which is still empty. I need a drink.

Member Avatar for successws

Hi All I have a very simple website for selling real estate - and I use a third party custmer management system - they give me free listings which I have showing within a listings page on my site. (good so far) :) My problem is when a user clicks …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for kkump

Q: I hope you might be able to help me I think mysql is not quit right but I am not sure what is not right. Except my site is not working. What happen is i can register, that works. I can log in to create a memorial and it …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

EDIT: Ahhh.. nvm, I found it: [ICODE]die("Error with database".);[/ICODE] should be [ICODE]die("Error with database.");[/ICODE] Might anyone know why the following php script produces [I]no[/I] results? I.e., when I ctrl+u in Firefox, a blank screen comes up. [CODE=php]<html> <head> <title>Create Base</title> </head> <body> <h1>Create Base</h1> <form action="bases.php" method="post"> <table> <tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have been programing a php online bot with an admin panel. It mainly works good an all but my forms are double posting. So the way I have designed the form is that the user enters the data. Then clicks the submit button which sends the data to MySQL. …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for awilson3rd

Hello, I have no knowledge of PHP and have been looking around for some information for a few days now so thought I would try here - excuse my ignorance:-) I have recently installed a business listing script called easysearchdirectory on a webhost4life hosting account. I have never had any …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for tanha

Hello everybody, In the faculty we are told, to develop a project for Faculty Library with more functionalities and facilities. [B]Who roles:[/B] Administrator Librarian Lecturers Faculty Students Others faculty students has different Access level [B]Criteria:[/B] Store Book Information Store Users Information Store information on lending books Achieve information on returned …

Member Avatar for tanha
Member Avatar for maydhyam

How could I put the following sql statement into a php variable? [code=sql]load data local infile ".$filename." INTO table testtsttbills FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'(account,service,date,time,timebandtype,destination,callednumber,mins,airtimecharge,tollcharge,amt,privatenumber)[/code] when I tried to putting it in the variable...it's showing not working because it recognizes the double quote in …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for m_saad

I've tried [URL="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/editor/"]YUI rich text editor[/URL] and found it great but I still can't figure out how to to integrate it with php . If I put the textarea in a form with method=POST what will be the $_POST['??'] that will give me the html ? thanks.

Member Avatar for m_saad
Member Avatar for servis

hellow every body, script is giving error for the following code [ICODE] $link = "<a href="reset-password.php?ui=$row['user_id']&ak=$upassword">Reset the Password </a>"; [/ICODE] i have tried variables with quotes as well but result is sme. the error is following "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\wamp\www\ProTest\password-forget.php on line 26" secondly update query …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for bigbob

Hi, I am very new to php and this forum so sorry if this has been asked over and over but I can't find anything when searching. Anyway I have used some script I found on the net which has a register a new member form and a login form …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for techker

hey guys cool forum..looks like there is lots of cool stuff here! i have a quick question. i need to do a list box for inserting a date. like a liste box of day/month/year that part is good.it is the inserting in database the hard part for me.see i never …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for heels

hi, I am doing a insert query over here and if the query is executed successfully, there will be a success message. However, whenever the query is being executed successfully, the success message is not being displayed. here is a snipet, can anybody guide me along? thanks alot. [code=php]//Execute SQL …

Member Avatar for heels
Member Avatar for tiger86

I don't know much about php but I do know how insecure it is and it is driving me up the wall. Why is this language insecure and what can I do to make php scripts more secure?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

I have a large multidimentional array that I am looping through to change it's structure and theoretically this function will work accept the "variable array" part. And maybe that's not the right name for it as I have checked my resources and cannot come up with the right syntax for …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for simps0n

Hello, I am PHP newbie (or even worse) and I have a problem with one function. I want to load content of an [URL="http://xml.goalsfeed.com/wettbasis/index.php"]external page[/URL] and I use the [B]include()[/B] function. It's working, but the external page has some [important] pop-up windows (that use /goals.php file) that I want to …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for nirbhab

Hello to all, My name is nirbhab, I am from India, Delhi. [B]My Areas:[/B] PHP Javascript PEAR Joomla Codeigniter Jquery HTML CSS Ajax I work with Algoworks Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Noida. India.

Member Avatar for selfhelpebooks
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hello all, I am trying to code for user's profile pic uploading and resizing the image. I am using the following code and I dont know where I am going wrong! [code=php] <?php //This is the directory where images will be saved $target1 = "images/"; $target = $target1 . basename( …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for mgt

I'm a new PHP user and could use some help creating a nested "While" loop. The code below creates a drop-down menu. For each value in the drop-down menu, I would like to create another drop-down menu. For instance, in the primary drop-down, you'd see Category1, Category2....CategoryN (with values pulled …

Member Avatar for mgt
Member Avatar for Tig

Hello I have a PHP website form that gets filled out with spam - mostly URLs. To try and stop this I have inserted the following code into my form: [code=php]$SpamErrorMessage = "No website URLs permitted"; if (preg_match("/http/i", "$telephone")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();} if (preg_match("/http/i", "$website")) {echo "$SpamErrorMessage"; exit();} if (preg_match("/http/i", …

Member Avatar for jencinas69

Hello I have this csv file 414060,440A,,,"QUECHAN INDIAN TRIBE SECRETARY- HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Salary $8.00 per hour Position Closes May 9th, 2008 Position is responsible for providing administrative support to the Higher Education Department. Preparing office reports, maintaining the fi" 414297,445B,,," Come work in a great team environment. NOW HIRING …

Member Avatar for jencinas69
Member Avatar for shariana

Can anyone help me? Obviously, I do not know what I am doing!!! I am getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/wbritt/public_html/ADMIN/index.php on line 341 [code=php]<?php include("login_config.php"); include_once("Utils.php"); if(isset($doExport)||(isset($category)&&$category=="exit")||isset($Export)){ ob_start(); } if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"MSIE")) { $IE=true; } else { $IE=false; } $AC=true; include("security.php"); $lArray=DataArray("admin_users","username='$AuthUserName'"); if(isset($lng)){ $LANGUAGE=$arrSupportedLanguages[$lng][1]; $LANGUAGE2=$arrSupportedLanguages[$lng][1]; SQLUpdate_SingleValue( …

Member Avatar for shariana
Member Avatar for punithapary

Anyone can tell me.How many ways are there to connect PHP with MYSQL and give me code also pls

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dinki

can anyone please tell me where do i found the theme/module for the eazyportal CMS

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi, iam completely new to php,iam having a problem with shopping cart where i have to compare two products via checkboxes could anyone help me out .ihave no idea how to do that plz help me!

Member Avatar for pandoola

This is driving me crazy... $sendit = (`ls`); echo $sendit; The above chunk of code returns a directory listing on my php page just fine. However... $sendit = (`sendmail`); echo $sendit; This seems to do nothing. I am looking for a time stamped sendmail entry in /var/log/mail.log but see NOTHING! …

Member Avatar for pandoola
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been trying to figure out how I would accomplish my problem mentioned in the titl of this thread with no luck. I've looked at a combination of using strstr, str_replace, substr and strpos. What I'd like to do is manipulate a paragraph so that if there is …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have found this code and would like to know how i can get the column titles to show up at the top of the page. [CODE]$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM merc_users" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); print "There are $num_rows records.<P>"; print "<table width=1000 height=400 …

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The End.