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Member Avatar for Gentleman

Hello Forum , I am working on Windows XP SP3 ,I want to configure my PHP server accessible for our entire LAN cz I want to post and retrieve information to/ from my database being on any machine in our LAN. What configuration can I make?

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Member Avatar for chavdar79

Hi, all I'm a newbe in php My question is simple, but after 10 hours on the comp,I've got jammed Please help on the correct syntax of echo ("<a href... $ID[1]="Best Song" $url[1]="http://localhost/cat_music/BS.php" echo ("<a href='\".$url[1].'\">".$id[1]."</a>"); doesn't work Installed PHP 5.2.5 TIA

Member Avatar for TommyBs
Member Avatar for isomillennium

is there any way to get a form name from a page that the post or get variables sent from ? for example : $_POST['name'] , $_POST['password'] .. What would it be if you wanted the form name to be sent ?

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for webwareshop

Hello All, I have a chat friend online who said to me that if I don't know java or .Net then my web design will not make me money. I know how to program in php, asp html etc and willing to learn more as knowledge has no age limit. …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for rickarro

I have a form that inputs data to a database. All is working fine, but what I'd like to do is when it gets to the [code] $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error()); [/code] instead of the mysql_error, I want to display my own error with …

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Member Avatar for Cobs

How can I get live feeds(stock prices) from a stock exchange and attach the display in my website??

Member Avatar for Cobs
Member Avatar for yara1

hi [CODE] if (confirm ("are u sure "); { <?php mysql_query("INSERT INTO student ('id','name') VALUES ('1','osama'); ?> window.location='home.php';[/CODE] even if i chose cancel value will add to my data base why ??

Member Avatar for yara1
Member Avatar for kevin wood

[CODE]$time_diff = time() - $sent; $time_diff = intval($time_diff / 60); if($sent_mail < 30) { // in here is a page built will php which contains its own if statements }elseif ($time_dif >= 1) { mysql_query("Truncate table time"); mysql_query("Truncate table email_count"); echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=maillists.php">'; //should load page user wanted …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for haggis365

I am trying to write an image as a tif file using php. It appears that i cant save an image as a tif using php - blimey is this correct?

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for sethupathi

I clearly explained my prob... My task is to upload the resumes in server..and displyed dem as link in a list box..i finished tat..if a user clicks tat link open/save dialog is open as default..but i don wann tat open/save dialog. ex: sundar_c++.doc santos_c++.doc If the user click the above …

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Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello - I'm new to inserting checkbox arrays into mysql tables. After scouring the web for two days I've found a solution using 'foreach', and it is inserting the data into the table correctly however I'm getting the following Error Notice. "Notice: Array to String conversion on page blah.php on …

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Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, I want to make a site which compares prices of a product from different brands.I wanted have something like By Category, By Brand, By Store, Best Deal, Gift Deal.Do I need to create different tables?or is it enough if I create 1 table?Can you please tell me how to …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for antwan1986

Hey everyone, I'm making a login system (in an attempt to advance my PHP knowledge). I've successfully made a system which registers the user (and uses md5 on their password), and also a login page which queries the database on the login info they supply (with the supplied password also …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for danishbacker

Hi. im a beginner in php, following is my site [url]http://www.peipians.com/[/url] i want you people to check it help me by suggesting any modifications... plzzzz :)

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for foundsheep

I'm not sure why but my form is not sending the info. I'm able to get the email but all the fields are blank. When I submit the form I get my echo message. Any help is great, thanks. Form: [CODE] <form action="sell_process.php" method="post"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for Vity

I Have visited a dozen of websites and registered with them but still none of them has helped me with my problem. I got a php script that i created that sends the results to a specific email address but the problem is that the attachments are not still working …

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Member Avatar for Suhacini

I have problem with page navigation.My problem is that am getting all the records in one page. $rowsPerPage = 10; I have 30 records, all are showed in one page...not the 10 records.Here is my code. [code] <?php include ('conn.php'); // how many rows to show per page $rowsPerPage = …

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Member Avatar for Suhacini

Do we have 2 tier & 3 tier architectures in PHP?If so tell me what are they used for, how & where we can use them?

Member Avatar for Pavlos1316

Hi all I have a checkboxes form. How can I get the results displayed (in a new window lets say) when submiting it? Thank you P.S. I care about getting results displayed part.

Member Avatar for Pavlos1316
Member Avatar for Suhacini

Hi, I wanted to display data which is in my db.The format of displaying must be in a div, in that div 3 columns & each column must have 10 rows.Am using this: [code] while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $query; echo ' <tr> <td colspan="3" > <a href="'.$data['MedName'].'" >' . …

Member Avatar for Suhacini
Member Avatar for Sheridan

Hi: I'm not sure that this problem has a solution but here goes. I am retrieving a list of names from a database and displaying them on a web page. The list would have the form: Doe, John Smith, Harry Jones, Dan I want each name to be a hyperlink …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for tahir_bsit

[code=PHP]<?PHP @session_start(); $userId=$_SESSION['userId']; if(!session_is_registered("userId")) { echo "<Script language=\"javascript\">window.location=\"index.php\"</script>"; } if(session_is_registered("userId")) { $userId=$_SESSION["userId"]; } ?> <?PHP require_once('conn.php'); $status=""; if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]=='POST') { $username=$_POST['username']; $userpassword=$_POST['userpassword']; $qury="select * from login where username='$username' and userpassword='$userpassword'"; echo($qury); $res=mysql_query($qury) or die ("can not process the query".mysql_error()); $count=mysql_num_rows($res); if($count>0){ while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $userId=$row['userId']; $username=$row['username']; } session_start(); $_SESSION['userId']=$userId; $_SESSION['username']=$username; echo "<Script language=\"javascript\">window.location=\"APS.php\"</script>"; …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for forwardlookguy

Hello again, I previously asked a question about how to seperate text in a form. I understand how to do that now (thanks KKeith29), but my question now is this: How do I use the data entered in the form for the variable I want to perform the substr on? …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, mysq_query($query) returns a valid result set. However, [CODE] function query($query) { return mysql_query($query); } [/CODE] returns a 1. Why does this happen? Is there a way around it? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for Kraai

Hi everyone I have a website, running for years without any problem, and all of a sudden, today, it does not display any pages. All is blank! The website in question is a Xoops installation. I accessed my directory and files via cpanel, and first went to see if I …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for vivek1
Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for subham1982

Hi guys, I am a PHP prgrammer. This is my first Therd in this site. I want a seaching code like google's search. ex. if i type hotel then it display all the hotels. but if i type" hotel in USA " then it display all the hotels which is …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for joker40

Hi , i am working on vb forums and every thing was fine , but when i put the .htaccess file this errors comes : [B][COLOR="Red"]The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, [email address removed] and inform …

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Member Avatar for dele454

I have a question to ask, please see attached images: [URL="http://www.killerinstinct.co.za/stats.gif"]stats1[/URL] [URL="http://www.killerinstinct.co.za/stats2.gif"]stats2[/URL] In the CMS, I have a stats page as seen (IMAGE 1), it captures all the necessary stats regarding the website and its entities. This stats page should be generated every month on the fly. Since all these …

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Member Avatar for gptArun

Hello, I'm using below PDO connection class but didn't shows any result , [B]Pls reply if u found any bugs[/B]..- [code=PHP]//name connect.class.php class Connection { private $connection; private $username; private $password; private $dsn; /** * To connect to another database, change the "mysql" in the dsn attribute to * the …

Member Avatar for darkagn

The End.