39,388 Topics
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Hi, Just trying to learn on how the Zend Framework works but i keep on getting this errors on viewing as [url]http://mainevent[/url] on my local machine: [code]Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception' with message 'Invalid controller specified (error)' in D:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\xampp\mainevent\include\Zend\library\Zend\Contro ller\Dispatcher\Standard.php:249 Stack trace: #0 D:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\xampp\mainevent\include\Zend\library\Zend\Contro ller\Front.php(914): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)) #1 D:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\xampp\mainevent\public_html\index.php(16): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch() … | |
Is there any way to name a variable after another variable, I sort of made up this bit of code which I thought might work but it didn't [CODE]<php $V_Name = 'variable'; $"$V_Name" = 'Hello'; print($variable); ?>[/CODE] Bit of a long shot I know but I thought it might work, … | |
[php] <?php /* declar some relevant variables */ $Host = "localhost"; //location of mySQL on server $User = "michael"; //my username $Pass = "koolaide"; //my password $Name = "phpaccess"; //name of the database to be used $Table = "info"; //name of the table within the database mysql_connect ($Host, $User, $Pass, … | |
Hey folks, I have made an image-based shoutbox and now users can view older and newer message on the shoutbox depending on the $_GET['page'] - pagination - that works. However, since it's image based and can be linked in forums etc. on the Internet I only want it to save … | |
I've got some code using a lot of complex if statements that I'm using for a VIN decoder. I finally got it working and I'm hesitant to alter it but these if statements are huge! If a switch statement could be used to accomplish what the if statements are doing, … | |
I have a client who I simply don't have the time for any more. I wrote his website in PHP and it's worked fine for over 6 years now. I've told him to find someone else, but upon telling him I want him to find someone else: 1) he's only … | |
Hey guys, I have a script calling the value from a hidden field from the previous page and then writing it to the page. What code would I have to use to say: IF hidden field value from the previous page is empty then the hidden field value should be … | |
I have an Ubuntu machine hosting a site (apache2), running Sendmail. When I "sendmail -f [email]user@mydomain.com[/email] [email]user@wherever.com[/email] < some-email.txt" from a terminal window on this machine the email comes through no problem (/var/log/mail.log substantiates this). For whatever reason I CANNOT get sendmail working from a php script on my site. … | |
Hi.. Note that Iam quite new at this :) What I try to do is to give the option to members to update/change their password or email. How do I tell when nothing is entered in password field lets say not to POST anything. The code below checks if username … | |
Hallo everyone, Im new to this forum, but not new to PHP, I do a lot programming in it, but sometimes I have to [B]less[/B] knowledge to solve the problems I get. The title is not very explained what my problem is, so mods, edit it if you want. [B]The … | |
Hi, Can you please help me? I need to store the path to an image in a mysql database. Would anyone be able to provide me with a script that can do this? Thanks Col | |
Dear All, I want to convert a jpeg or png or gif file to bmp file ... can anyone help me..... It will be very thankful if anyone publish the code for converting other type of image files to BMP file.. Thanks in advance.. Jino. | |
Hello All, This is my first time to join this community, but it seems very good! :) Anyways, I have a question, right now I want to use AJAX with PHP so that I can get the size of a file meaning, when you choose a file in the form, … | |
I post this question on behalf of my tech team. We simply put the following Google AdSense code into the [url]http://www.requestfill.com/myreqfill.php[/url] (I cross the publisher number in this posting) [code=html]<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; /* 728x90, created 6/1/08 */ google_ad_slot = "6307144564"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> … | |
Hi! I am new to php, I got a migration project from php to asp. that project use cakephp we got the project folder containg app and cake sub folders and .htaccess file pls help me out in configuring the site thanks | |
Hi everyone, I have a table with 7 fields, and I have a search page, which has seven text fields and one submit button, and according to the criteria entry the result will be displayed on the same page, below the text fields. I need this on many of my … | |
why does this work? [code=php]function restrict($string){ $words = @file('restrict.txt');//found at [url]http://verve2.org/runningStory/restrict.txt[/url] $me= "(((((())))))))("; $me = str_replace($words, '',$me); echo $me; }[/code] no output and this not [code=php]echo restrict("(((((())))))))("); function restrict($string){ $words = @file('restrict.txt'); $string = str_replace($words, '',$string); return $string; }[/code] output: (((((())))))))( i noticed on the second one it only does … | |
Hey, Im designing a website hosting business's website and have a relatively simple whois script which when you enter the website, it checks if it is available then returns some text in a span just under the form. At the moment the user types in any domain type (.co.uk / … | |
I'm a eperienced php freelancer, I have worked on different type of website, Real Estate, OSCommerce etc. I can work on temporary, hourly, hire, contract, freelace or salary basis at very cheaper rate. Please contact me at <URL snipped> Thanks | |
I am creating a movie database. Right now I have each movie set up as its own table. Inside each table there are fields for title, summary, rating and so on. On one of my web pages, feeding off this database, I want to show the movie title, summary and … | |
I am doing a a form to add a new product to the database.when i try to run the form i am having this error.please help.I have attach my coding below: [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { … | |
Hey, im trying to use the mail() function, but its not working. This is the script: [CODE=php] <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php if(mail("coolgamer48@gmail.com","Test","Test","From:coolgamer48@gmail.com")) { echo "Success"; } else { echo "Failure"; } ?> </body> </html> [/CODE] I keep getting "Failure". Is there an issue with my syntax, or is it … | |
Hello all. I have an HTML page that displays a list of comments left on a site. The administrator needs to go in and put checks next to the comments he wants to delete, and click submit. echo "<td width=\"75\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"toApprove[]\" id=\"approve\" value=\"approve\" />"; echo "<td width=\"75\" align=\"center\"><input … | |
Hi, Can anyone help me here, I want to display an image using the path of the image and the image title from a mysql db? I can upload the info to the db, but I have trouble displaying the image. Here is the code: [code=sql]CREATE TABLE `trailer` ( `id` … | |
hi, this is a snippet of my codes, <td><a href="editFunction.php?ID=<?php echo $contact['ID']; ?>">update</a></td> after clicking "update", the ID will be passed to the editFunction.php page. editFunction.php [code=php]<?php //get variables from previous page $ID = $_GET['ID']; //sql statement to retrieve the commands $sql = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE ID LIKE … | |
Hi, I'm making a website for a friend who sells sports memorabilia and I'm using a LAMP setup. I am making a menu that utilizes AJAX. The menu consists of a SELECT tag, we'll call this SELECT1, where the user clicks it, it drops down a list of leagues such … | |
Hi there. All mail sent through the SMTP server, i need to modify the message being sent through. I already have a PHP script to send MIME emails with embedded images for HTML meails. What i need is a script to modify the message being sent to SMTP and return … | |
Hi, I am making a mailing program and the problem i'm having is that I want to display the message exactly as it is entered for example, when the sender presses enter for a new line the reciever see's it. I have thought of using <pre></pre> tags but if the … | |
Well, The main problem for any popular [ wide ] Images Hosting website .. is the bandwith ! and this problem can be solved with Multi-Server programming .. with PHP I have some ideas in my brain .. it's like : - administrator provides me with 2 - 3 servers … | |
This is a contact form php script which i got from some site. But when i uploaded to site, it shows " parse syntax error" . Its somewhere between line 30 to 35. Please review it and find ou the error. <?php $EmailFrom = "contact@test.com"; $EmailTo = "root@localhost"; $Subject = … |
The End.