39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for jenpai

Hello everyone! Im just a newbie here, and i really need help from you guys. We have a project in our school right now... i want learn how to implement a simple "Post Messages and Announcements" using PHP and MySql in my site. Kind of like a miniforum where the …

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Member Avatar for Scrawn_Dog

Hi guys, relatively new to PHP - hoping someone can give me some advice. I am trying to navigate to a certain page using a switch statement, ie the case that is chosen determines which page you are directed to. The PHP code I have used reads as follows: [CODE]$TourName …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ndnalibi

Does anyone have an opinion on Zend. My company does a lot of php web development and would like an independent review of its worth. We work with Joomla as a CMS, so this would be our primary use (writing extensions), although we also do some home grown lampp applications. …

Member Avatar for rickarro

Hey all, Quick question i'm having trouble answering. I've concantinated my variables together and all looks good except for one thing. I want 2 spaces after a colon and am only producing 1. [code] "Thank You!!<br /><br />PERSON:"." ". $row['fname']." ". $row['lname']." [/code] This produces: Thank You!!! PERSON: John Smith …

Member Avatar for m.pontus
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

Hi, I want to create a table in Mysql but i receive an error. [COLOR="Red"]Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\wamp\www\CreateTable\create.php on line 11 Table veriler_2 couldn't been created! : [/COLOR] i give you the whole lines to check it for me. I can not …

Member Avatar for m.pontus
Member Avatar for rajeevkshr

Hi all, I need to pick date for a Textbox in PHP.How Can i Pick this.Anybody can help me for doing this With simple examples............... With regards, Rajeev

Member Avatar for rajeevkshr
Member Avatar for naju

I have used trim function as: $myar['mykey'] = trim($value); but the return value to that array is not trimed .. still there are white space before and after the real word.... what might had happen

Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for naju

I am working with a site with a lots of modules. some of the modules are inter-linked to each-other; such as article and resource, Member and Level. And now i need to make the modules inter-linked if they exist, and independent if they dont. its like if we have [B]member …

Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for rajeevkshr

Hi all, How Can i call a paricular function in PHP From HTML through href.Anybody can help me for solving this....... Rajeev

Member Avatar for rajeevkshr
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Hi all, I have obtain an error while making thumbnail images from the uploaded images. The error displays like as below [B]Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted [/B] Actually the size of uploaded image is 208kb.. but it displayed the above error with memory size of neary …

Member Avatar for sokchea
Member Avatar for assgar

Hi I need help. I know what I want to accomplish, but I do not know how to do it. The events are recurring every month, but not recurring at the same time or on the same day of the week. WHAT I NEED HELP ACCOMPLISHING: How to do I …

Member Avatar for assgar
Member Avatar for rickarro

Good Morning, I have a script that is working just fine as it stands, thanks to ya'll :) I wanted to make a change to it but am having trouble making this change work. The scripts says to "select * from my databases", using "Where" three data inputs. This tells …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for smilyswapna10

hi, i am facing the problem with reuglar expressions. my requirement is if type the word like `$var` in a input field and select the EXACT WORD radio button and i click the search button then i want to display all files with the word `$var` all in my directory. …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rickarro

Hey All, I have a form that i want to be able to change the look of, it displays within an HTML page and is basically a rectangle with my input fields in it. I'm using a [code]<form action="fromform.php" method="post">[/code] type form. What i want is to be able to …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for kudzugazette

I have been using PHP sparsely on my website for some time now, but I would like to become more efficient and therefore have a couple questions. They will stream in slowly, bu for right now... Currently I use the <?php tag many times on a page. Is there a …

Member Avatar for kudzugazette
Member Avatar for naju

I have create lots of module for a cms-site .. with functions only. to avoid the collision of the function names ... i have kept module name before the function names. now i need to convert the modules to classes. one module contains lots of files included .. can we …

Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for iamthwee

How do I send an email... I have WAMP (windows xp apache, mysql and php). But what do I do now. Explain...

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for sanch3za

get the value from derived table in the walikelas table i have field :id_teacher,name,password in the kelas table i have field :id_class, class_name, and id_teacher. $query=("SELECT w.name, k.id_teacher, k.class_name FROM walikelas w, kelas k WHERE w.id_teacher = k.id_teacher"); my question is how we get the value from w.name,k.id_teacher,k.class_name and then …

Member Avatar for Walkere
Member Avatar for tzan2833

Dear all I have a few questions. I would be grateful if you could take the time to answer. I have installed on windows xp home apache2, php 5 and mysqlserver 5. The [URL="http://localhost"]http://localhost[/URL] page of apache works fine. The <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> page works fine. However when i …

Member Avatar for grandgoodel
Member Avatar for paranjyoti

Dear All, I am installing Zoomla for the first time in my local machine. When it came to the 4rth Step (Database), i gave the DB details of my database created online, but it couldn't connect to the DB online. Therefore i created a new DB in the localhost and …

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for hooray

I have a search box on my website, that allows users to look for items that have been posted by other users, I am using this code a the moment, but there is a problem with it [code=php] $category=$_GET['cat']; $text=$_GET['text']; $query=mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM event_information WHERE category='" . $category . …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jhize

At risk of sounding like the newbie I am.... I don't know enough about php to do much of anything, yet. BUT! I know exactly what I need (I think). MAybe someone out there has seen something along these lines: It would be a php module that provide a custom …

Member Avatar for jhize
Member Avatar for nazall

this is the php code for me that gives me error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampplite\htdocs\eurofrit\insert_ac.php on line 35 i will be thankfull if someone helps me because for days i can't fix it <?php $host="localhost"; $username=""; $password=""; $db_name="member"; $tbl_name="produktet"; // konoktimi ne server dhe zgjedhja e …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for nuBudDy

hi, im trying to view my php page on the browser on iis and i got this error : [COLOR="Red"]call to undefined function mysql_connect().[/COLOR] im not sure why this happened, tried googling but found only solution on apache. any help would be appreciated.thanx

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for smilyswapna10

Hi, i am using the regular expressions in php. but i am facing some problem in that. i have input type='text' and i have 2 radio buttons one is Any word and second one is Exact word and i have one search button. if i type in text field as(i.e., …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi i am doing something like planner.... based on todays date..i want to display the current week he must be able to enter only on todays date..the previous days in the week should be readonly

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi guys I've got a database with a table that stores paragraphs of text. What happens at the moment is that when I pull the text from the database and display it on the page all the line breaks are missing. I'd like to keep the line breaks. I've checked …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for Vai

What I am trying to accomplish is: When a user logs in the username / password is checked against the database. Once that is done, I need it to load a page. I am getting an error using the following code. [code] <?php require_once('core/db.php'); // Check if login form was …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Morty222

Can someone tell me why this would cause the following error: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource <?php $un = $_POST['email']; $pw = $_POST['password']; include("../admin/mysql.php"); $query = "select * from tbl_accounts WHERE $un = email AND $pw = password"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); …

Member Avatar for Morty222
Member Avatar for hooray

Ok im not sure wether this counts as a php question or a database question, but ill put it here anyway. I have two fields in a database, one of which holds a foreign key that is a primary key from the other: USER(user_ID, username, password) USER_INFORMATION(user_info_ID, [COLOR="Red"]user_ID[/COLOR], name, DOB, …

Member Avatar for hooray

The End.