39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for davethedope

Having a bit of trouble figuring out my image upload script. I have modified this a bit, but I am stuck as to how I can get all the links to be output into one space. [code=language]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title><?=$site_name?></title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- …

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Member Avatar for duttydea

Hi everyone!! I have a mysql table of products and i want to group them by the category then each sub category in a table: SQL strng: [CODE] SELECT `Product_Name` , `Product_Description` , `Product_Features` , `Product_picurl` , `Product_price` , `Product_Category` , `Product_subcat` FROM `prod_listing`[/CODE] Like this: Acoustic Treatment Acoustic panels …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dani190

hey guys i have this line [CODE]$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $option=""; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $option.="<option value=".$row['firstname; lastname'].">".$row['firstname; lastname']."</option>"; } [/CODE] Now i need to fetch the last name and first names and put them into those option values... hows that done? If i go [CODE]lastname, firstname[/CODE] I get nothing, if i just …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for duttydea

I am a Newbie To PHP!! I used maestro php myqsl to crate the code below.. I am trying to change the query to include a where statment: "where Product_Category = Acoustic treatment" everytime i edit it i get a syntax Error!! please can you help? Thanks in advance [CODE]<?php …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for mark2326l

I have stories (some with images) displayed through a repeating region. Data of stories and image paths from MySql. Stories with no image have a blank image frame next to it, but only on MS Explorer. I thought I had this resolved using a variable style. All Mac browsers look …

Member Avatar for mark2326l
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey everyone, I'm using php to delete a row from a table in a database in mysql, but it's not working. I'm not even trying to do anything fancy, just delete one row. Here's the code: [PHP]<? include 'config.php'; $recordid = $_POST['recordid']; echo $recordid; mysql_query("DELETE FROM employees WHERE recordid='$recordid'") or …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for lydia21

i have a login page which checks the user login...this works by fetching the data from the database and it is working.... but when i type the url of the second page it is getting displayed....i want all the user to enter through the first page...please tell me how to …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for rajeevkshr

Hi All, I am Struggling Some Problems With search Engine(Both Content search and Database search).I completed Codings For this.But its too lenghy.reached 12000 lines For search engine.Can i reduce this Codings? 2)Can you give me some tips for developing webmaster module for job portal? 3)How can i create a sub …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for rickarro

I'm having a little trouble understanding the mysql_connect and putting the user, passwd, database in a file outside of the web root. Can someone explain this to me like i'm 2 :) mysql_connect establishes the connection to the db, and the way I understand it is..I can put the username …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for shreevidya

i am doing a project where i require some message from php file to be transfer to c.is it possible to do. if so can u specify certain links for looking and studing too area

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for kevinpowertv

Hey Gurus, My goal is to build a website outside of Vbulletin, but use Vbulletin's power and ability to supply the content for the website. I want to be able to run news, articles, reviews, photo galleries, etc that are all managed through vbulletin and plugins like photopost, but displayed …

Member Avatar for duttydea

I have a created template in html.. in this template i have a scrolling DIV What i want to do is display the myqsl data in this DIV. [B]I have tried to use this:[/B] [CODE]<?php @ include ("index_random.php");?>[/CODE] to display random products from the product listing But it has no …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for kenchiro

Please help me file name and folder name when upload by by browser Folder and file name it does not array .. A B C-Z or 1-9 ..please help me to fix this problem... Really thanks the cause is when i moved to new hosting it happen like this problem …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for likhin

hi folks, I have installed PHP 5.2X on apache and mySQL 5.0. PHP on apache is working fine. can anyone tell what exactly are the steps to configure PHP to mySQL ? thanks in advance, nikhil

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for dani190

hey you guys have probably seen my other 2 threads but i said they were completed so i decided to create one more for this small problem. I realized that when i submit my form it sends me only the selected first names for some reason. Il post my script …

Member Avatar for dani190
Member Avatar for hooray

Hi guys, i am writing this piece of code, it is building some javascript. I have got it working exactly the way I would like, apart from in the while loop, I would like to reomve the comma on the last loop. This needs to be removed for the javascript …

Member Avatar for hooray
Member Avatar for armend90

I have an HTML file named index.html on one server, and another PHP file named ads.php on another server, and in PHP I have an $_GET['pub'] method set by the URL how can I get the value of $_GET['pub'] on the index.html which is located on another server? EXAMPLES : …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for njagi

hi I have php output of a sample invoice that I need to convert to EXCEL spreadsheet format I need help guys attached is a sample output of the invoice. This is the final output that need to be converted to EXCEL.

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for carlco9020

Hi, I am newbie tring to install php fusion into my web hosting account at Host for Web. Is there any good tutorials or step by step instructions I could read to do this myself? They want to charge me $60.00 per account to install this software in... I would …

Member Avatar for Persist01

Hi, don't ask me why but my client wants to display certain text as bold and a smiley face within a dropdown option. I don't think this is possible but wanted to check with you guys out there. In Firefox I know you can only display entire list items as …

Member Avatar for Persist01
Member Avatar for Piney

what's wrong with this line? [CODE] $wiseword = <div class="left-box"><p>$quote[$rn]['quote']</p><p align="right">$quote[$rn]['auth']</p></div>;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Piney
Member Avatar for dani190

Hey Sorry to bug you guys again. I had one more question. As i am developing this program now i realize that i have no clue how to save the data to the database. basically the whole point in making this program was to be able to export a table …

Member Avatar for dani190
Member Avatar for duttydea

How can i Load images in to each cell of a table based on its product id? The picture url is stored in field:[I] Product_picurl[/I] [CODE]SELECT `Product_id`,`Product_Name` , `Product_picurl` FROM `prod_listing` where `Product_id` ="$ID" [/CODE] I have looked around for a photogallery script but cant find one!! Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for johnsquibb
Member Avatar for ugp

I installed Apache2.2 on "C:\Apache2.2" directory, using windows installer. It works OK. (I can do these functions with out an error -> stop,start,restart) Now, i'm going to installe PHP 5.1.4 manually, which will work with Apache. I extract the content of "php-5.1.4-Win32.zip" to C: drive and rename that folder as …

Member Avatar for bgoedecke
Member Avatar for xywidgets

If you are an experienced web developer and/or widget developer please apply to [url]www.xywidgets.com/widgetdevelopers[/url] or [url]www.xywidgets.com/webdesign[/url]

Member Avatar for thecraigmcrae

I'd been trying to do date range comparisons all day, and found that using sql was the only way to find out if a date (inside a table) was between a range (assigned by me) I have 4 of the statements below, one for each season. [code] $strSQL = 'SELECT …

Member Avatar for Walkere
Member Avatar for Cryptoanalysis

I'm Trying to start a Tech forum on my website using phpbb. Can anyone help me get started? Thank you... <SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for Vai

Sorry, If i posted this incorrectly, or in the wrong place... I am just looking for help with Php Sessions... I have pasted the files and the warning I am getting... Any help would be helpful. Thank you for any help... Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Yuexuan

hi Me now facing another array format promble again SELECT SUM(RAW_AMOUNT) as TotalRawAmount, SUM(FG_AMOUNT) as TotalFGAmount, SUM(WIP) as TotalWIPAmount, UPLOAD_DATE FROM raw_fg_sum GROUP by UPLOAD_DATE"; how to store data into to this multi array again?? DataFOr UPload_date $arrDate[0][1]=19/2/07 $arrDate[1][2]=21/3/08 $arrDate[2][3]=2/1/08 $arrDate[3][4]=4/3/08 data for TotalRawAmount $arrData[0][2] = 1000; $arrData[1][2] = 2011; …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for alanos206

I am trying to add users to my MySQ table "users" and for some reason I can only get one record added into the table. It tells me that the user is added but when I check the table I still only have the initial record in there. Please Help... …

Member Avatar for hooray

The End.