39,326 Topics
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I have an input submit button that once clicked activates php. Now the problem I have is that I have the neccessary code (or what i think is) to stop from the input button working (as I have used the same technique on the other input submit buttons). To get … | |
I hv downloaded html to pdf convertor but i am not able to use css in pdf file. can anyone hrlp me. | |
Hi there, Bit of a complicated query, for me anyway. lol Following code: [code]$url = 'http://www.cheapsmells.com/viewProduct.php?id=6590'; $html = file_get_contents($url); preg_match('/<div class='productOurPrice'?>(.+?)(\d+\.\d+)(.+?)?<\/div>/', $html, $match); $out = $match[2];[/code] Great, no problem! However, this next url I need to code to is a bit trickier as the tag data is, well see below... … | |
How should I implement "interactive refresh" (I don't even know how I should call it) where one visitor's action (klicking a link, submit button etc. - everything will do) activates page refreshing of other visitors on the same page? I know how to implement an automatic, periodic refresh but I … | |
Hi there...I'm pretty new at the PHP game, I've basically taught myself everything from looking at examples scripts and Google, and I've only been tinkering with scripts for about a week. Therefore, I'm confused about the error I'm getting when I try and run this part of the script. Basically, … | |
hi all, when i refresh the parent window then the child winodw should be closed using javascript and html. Thanks& Regards, swap. | |
Dear friends, I have trouble with printing page with landscape. I am using java script to print the page. as well as I have set css file to print landscape but it is not working. I have used these line in css files, <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { size: landscape; … | |
I installed Wampserver on my machine and everything else seems to be working well except that scripts on html pages are not being executed by the server. I previously had Apache 2.0.59 and still experienced the same problem. E.g on the code below: [code] <html> <body><?php echo "Hello World"; ?> … | |
I have about 100 sub web sites under my domain, example: domain.com/England, domain.com/Denver and I adding more, I need my main web site to recognize where the customer came from (which sub domain) and send the form information via email to that office. Let's say someone goes to my England … | |
| How would I make it so when I select something from a mysql database, that information isn't stored in the array twice? Here is my code [code]<?php include "header.html"; include "db.php"; if($_GET[by]==genre) { $sort = mysql_query("SELECT genre FROM bands ORDER BY genre"); while($sort2 = mysql_fetch_array($sort)) { $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bands … |
[B]Hello Guys Can anybody here answer my this question. How we can show Latest Categories from this Sql table. Here is the Table [code] -- -- Table structure for table `jos_afm_cats` -- CREATE TABLE `jos_afm_cats` ( `cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `parent_id` text NOT NULL, `file_id` int(11) NOT NULL default … | |
Hello I found some great php code on this site yet I have a question. regarding the php script below: <?php $to = "orders@babyresume.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; $headers = "From: $email"; $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; if($sent) {print "Your … | |
Good Morning, I am thinking of letting users upload files to my website. I already have a php script to allow this which will be the back-end of a flash GUI. I have made the .swf which would allow the browser to find files with only the specified file-types for … | |
Any one know what i have to studying the zend php 5 test? i have the study guide book for the zend php 5 certification, but i read it all and think it is not that useful. Is there any where have the practice test or tell me what i … | |
I am creating web order form html and php.I am not php coder.So please sorry if i am wrong . The demo page is [URL="http://www.desinovels.com/order/contactus.htm"]Here[/URL] I want if user come and click on check boxes.So i will receive email on completion.when submit.I dont know which tags will be user to … | |
Hello !!! I am the owner of a website which is a social network. The members can email each other but there is a little problem: [B]They can see the email address of the person who wrote them[/B]. As you can see, this is uncomfortable for some people because there … | |
ajax_example1.php <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script language="javascript"> function showdetail(id) { //var xmlhttp; //if(window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); /*else if(window.ActiveXObject) xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");*/ xmlhttp.open("GET","data_fetch.php?id="+id,true); xmlhttp.send(null); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlhttp.readyState==4 || xmlhttp.readyState=="complete") { //if(xmlhttp.status==200) { //if(xmlhttp.responseText!='') { //document.getElementById('emp_nm').innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; xmldoc=xmlhttp.responseXML; document.getElementById("emp_nm").innerHTML=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("emp_nm")[0].firstChild.data; document.getElementById("dpt_nm").innerHTML=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("dpt_nm")[0].firstChild.data; document.getElementById("wrkphour").innerHTML=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("wrkphour")[0].firstChild.data; document.getElementById("sal").innerHTML=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sal")[0].firstChild.data; document.getElementById("ph_no").innerHTML=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("ph_no")[0].firstChild.data; … | |
Hi, I m trying to run my php script using the xampp on Fedora linux. I ve sucessfully started xampp.And tested using "http://localhost/" It works well.... But when i try to run my file (php or html)it does nt work.. I put my file exp.html [or exp.php] in the "lampp/htdocs/" … | |
I am currently reading and displaying the entire contents of a text file using the following code: [ICODE]$html_get = file('content.txt'); foreach ($html_get as $html_num => $html_text) { echo $html_text; }[/ICODE] I would like, however, to have the code read the contents of the text file up to a certain line … | |
Hey guys, sorry to bother you with some rather elementary woes. I am using the book Beginnings PHP5 and MySQL E-Commerce and am stuck at Chapter 2. My default folder for Apache is C:/htdocs. I created a folder C:/tshirtshop, created a simple php info page in this folder, and have … | |
Hi Guys I have two tables I'm trying to pull information from. In the end I want to be able to display a username and a school name which are contained in 2 separate tables but linked by the school id number. The problem is that the 'members' table which … | |
Hi I'm trying to be able to pull user information from a Heidisql table. Using a recordset I was able to pull cand_id and set_nbr, but not the actual response, which is the most important aspect. The code I'm working with is: $GETURLCAND_ID = $_GET['cand_id']; $GETURLSET_NBR = $_GET['set_nbr']; mysql_select_db($database_episcopalgbec, $episcopalgbec); … | |
Hello, I need some help with php and tpl. What tpl is ? I saw lots of website having tpl files. whats the advantage ? How to work with tpl ? Basically is tpl used with smarty ? I hope i get some help at Daniweb. Thanks DSS | |
Help please I am a newbie trying to learn. I have the time and attitude but I do need direction for what I am trying to do. I have a photo site that I am trying to redo. I am trying to create a page where on the bottom or … | |
Can someone point me in the right direction, what I am trying to do is use the result set that I have from a php query to a mysql table. I would like to be able to individually select a record from a query result that returns multiple records. I … | |
Hi guys...Good morning...I have following code. <?php $pid=$_GET['pid']; $conn=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die("Cannot connect to server"); mysql_select_db('developer',$conn) or die("Cannot connect to database"); $sql="select cnode,item,pnode from listviews where cnode='$pid'"; $res=mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot execute query"); while($ar=mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $itm=$ar[1]; $pid=$ar[0]; } $sql="select cnode,item,pnode from listviews where pnode='$pid'"; $res=mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot execute query"); echo "<table border='1'>"; … | |
I am currently using PHP-Nuke to create my website. Currently it is in development and I wanted to know how I can add a Donations block with a paypal donation button inside. I know how to set location and everything but I can't figure out how to make the block … | |
hi i am new in PHP ,i am doing my job in a company and there are some existing project they tell to me plz check and remove errors ,i m trying more and more to remove this error but i m failure....plz help me. <?php require("header.inc.php"); session_start(); if(($useradmin)=='') { … | |
Happy New Year everyone. Does anybody know how I can restrict access to a page to those users coming from a specific url. Thanks in advance Taffd | |
I have used the css to print the page orientation to landscape. But it is not giving the desired result. the code I have used, <style type="text/css" media="print"> .land{filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)} </style> Please suggest me to print to lanscape. I am using php and javascript. Regards, maza |
The End.