39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sickly_man
Member Avatar for sickly_man
Member Avatar for sickly_man

good morning everyone. i have pretty much correctly implemented a browsing function to look at table information 3 rows at a time. here's the problem: my front end builds the search query from user-entered information, so when i hit the "Next" button to see the next 3 rows that fit …

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Member Avatar for bubai

i am using iframe. it works in internet explorer which show the content of word file but in mozila download the file. How i solve it in mozila firefox. Any one help?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ankitagalaxy

I m beginner in Php-Mysql. I have installed apache PHP-Mysql but still it is showing problem in running the script. I really need a help to learn it. Anyone is there who can solve my problem.

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for FBI

hello my friends :) I'm new to web dev so ive started learning PHP. i have a couple of questions... 1. Can i change the default .php extension to .whatever ? 2. Can i change something.html to something.whaever extension? in Apache Mod rewrite? i mean SEO. i want to make …

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Member Avatar for MB1765

Hello to every body who visit this thread I want to prevent view source(html tags & javascript scripts) of the page with php. I've studied php manual withuot any success how can I do it? Is it possible

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Member Avatar for Cerberus

I couldn't find anywhere to ask this question and i'm working with PHP so i thought i would ask it here. What would be the SQL statement to modify a database field from 'YYYY-MM-MM' to 'DD-MM-YYYY'. Thanks,

Member Avatar for Cerberus
Member Avatar for sickly_man

i've got a front end that upon the user entering criteria it displays the 1st 3 records that match that criteria. is there an easy, or somewhat easy way to display the next 3 records? and possibly even be able to go back browsing thru matching records in groups of …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sickly_man

whats up everybody? im using the [U]Web Database Applications: with PHP and MySQL[/U] book and tried to modify their generic browse function to make a front-end that looks at a table 20 records at a time. suffice it to say, i can't get it to work. the function is in …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bharati_saran

hai, i want to load the combobox with the data from database and want to retrieve data ina textbox from database using php........how can i do it. It's very urgent...... i want the code can any body help me...... Thank u all....

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for ndeniche

i am a newbie in learning php, and i would like to know if php can be used just as javascript being initialized in the head of an html docment to be called whenever you need it?

Member Avatar for WhiteLeo
Member Avatar for ndeniche

i am trying to do some examples to understand more easily php, but when i try them, this happens: (here is the source code) [code=html] <html> <body> <?php $arr=array("one", "two", "three"); foreach ($arr as $value) { echo "Value: " . $value . "<br />"; } ?> </body> </html> [/code] and …

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Member Avatar for marjan_m

what is the difference between Apache and IIS,n which is required to install for using php.kindly let me know? Regards,

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, Wishes. While i try to install phpunit in Xampp I get the following line along with few other . phpunit/PHPUnit requires PHP extension "reflection" I googled a lot and no where i could find any such extension. what i shud do to find this extension. I removed one required …

Member Avatar for lukescammell
Member Avatar for pd1234

hi, i created one registration form include image verification field how to add image and how to verify give some idea. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi Does anyone know what is the simplest way to backup a database using the [b]mysqldump[/b] function in php? I have googled a lot and the codes i have found are very hard to understand and most of them does not work. Thanx in advance for your help.

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for mithesh

hi i want to read the whole URL passing through the address bar and asssign it to a variable .Please help me

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for kodiak

Hi!!! I need to check a form for illegal characters through a whitelist(list of allowed characters) with php. A function that could do this for me would be helpful...I can't find one on google... I really have no idea how to do this.... thanks!!!! ~Kodiak

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for RobLamb

Hi I have a problem with a site I am doing. I am writing an email address as a session variable and on my dev machine (windows XP running EasyPHP) I am having no problems calling up user information based on this. BUT when I put it on the live …

Member Avatar for SStedman
Member Avatar for okparrothead

hello DaniWeb Forum, I need help with reading a csv. Here's the file: product name, color, width, quantity, subtotal product1, red, 20", 200, $30 proudct2, blue, 30", 10, $12 I've written code that creates this file as an order. What I'd like to do is read the subtotals and generate …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for dgdg

hi all , need to know whether an array with too many indexes or only one index creates difference in processing time? for example say array $aTotalsMarks [code] $aTotalsMarks[$sSchool][$sDivision][$iRollNumber][$sExamCode][$sSubject]; [/code] And [code] $aTotalsMarks[$sSchool.'##'.$sDivision.'##'.$iRollNumber.'##'.$sExamCode.'##'.$sSubject]; [/code] does the above two arrays make a difference in processing if the number of indexes are …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for vssp

hi friends I am using mail function to send message one user to another user in php application . When i send the mail i got the html code with mail content . [B]example[/B] X-Mailer: PHP/4.3.9 Message-Id: <[EMAIL="200707242342454.CDF209301FD@mail.xxxxxxxxx.com"][U][COLOR=#0000ff]200707242342454.CDF209301FD@mail.xxxxxxxxx.com[/COLOR][/U][/EMAIL]> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 00:24:54 -0700 (MST) Name : RAM<br><br>Message :<b>Test</b> …

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Member Avatar for kodiak

ok, so i need to insert something to my mysql database. I have seperately tested the connection, and it's good. It's just something wrong with my code. Look at it. [code=php] <?php include("db.php"); $link2=mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); if(!$link2){ echo "could not connect.";} $myusername="test"; $mypassword="test"; $sql="insert …

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Member Avatar for Persist01

Hi, another newbie here and 1st-time post so hope I have posted this correctly and I hope someone can help because it is doing my head in... Basically I have a cookie that gets set after a user submits an answer to a poll question. When the user hits the …

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Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have IIS setup on a Windows 2003 server configured with PHP. There's a section of the website that requires a login, and I have it setup to integrate the login with a Windows account on the server. What I would like is to create a home directory for each …

Member Avatar for mangophp

Hi , IF Client disabled the cookies..my question is .. Will session works in PHP..and if yes how it will work ? and if no what other method to maintain the state of the user. Thnaks in advance, mangesh.

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for zodehala

[B]index.php[/B] [CODE] <?php /*header*/ header("Content-Type: image/png"); /*We'll set this variable later.*/ $new_string; /*register the session variable. */ session_register('new_string'); /*You will need these two lines below.*/ echo "<html><head><title>Verification</title></head>"; echo "<body>"; /* set up image, the first number is the width and the second is the height*/ $im = imageCreate(200, 40); /*creates …

Member Avatar for dezignwork
Member Avatar for Angel8552

Ok...I have decided to learn PHP and I could use some help from you guys. Though I have searched the Internet for free tutorials but could not tell which one was to choose. Could the PHP gurus here direct me to some cool PHP tutorials on the net? Help will …

Member Avatar for ProgrammersTalk
Member Avatar for MitkOK

Hi folks. I Have a question : I'm interested how you generate query string to search DB with more than 1 form with LIKE. For example : We have $_POST['name'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['email']. How do you generate sql query to search with two criteria ( name and phone ) ? …

Member Avatar for dezignwork
Member Avatar for RobLamb

Hi Everyone. Still have had no joy on my last post but here is another. I am uploading an image to a blob field in MySql DB. Again, on my local machine its fine...however, on the server it does not get added to the field. All other information is added....eg …

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The End.