39,387 Topics

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Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya all. I have a bit of a problem Im developing an online music library I want to know if its possible to have a function for my application that when a user/member is logged in and they choose to add a track to their personal music library how can …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for aarya

i m seeking for good shoping cart with opensource code. any body sugest me please

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for Brims

Can someone tell me how to get the size of the track that i am putting into the database recorded in the database [php] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Add a Print</title> </head> <body> <?php # Script …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello and a BIG Thank-You!!! To you who have helped me... This I think will be my last image question. Okay the user uploaded a picture , it went to the (Photos directory) (Name and Type Show) Great!... Next to the (Mysql Database under aphoto_filename) Again with (Name and Type …

Member Avatar for VioletSite
Member Avatar for quansah

i am using drmweaver with php-mysql. i made this page to view students' progress report but i want the login to open the students.php page and show only the report of that particular student. I've tried using filtered recordset but that doesnt seem to work. Hlp.

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for abud

hello, Ive been using mod_rewrite for my forum...(I use phpbb software) [URL="http://www.m-benzforum.com/.......................................-vf19.html"]http://www.m-benzforum.com/................-vf19.html[/URL] [URL="http://www.m-benzforum.com/.......................................-vt1246.html"]http://www.m-benzforum.com/..............-vt1246.html[/URL] I want to avoid a duplicate pages..so I add viewtopic.php and viewforum.php on my robots.txt file. is it right? are my page (vf...html and vt...html) still indexed on google? Thanks for help :)

Member Avatar for ayajhane_dhagz

juz wanna know the syntax for retrieving and storing data from and to mysql database using php....

Member Avatar for ayajhane_dhagz
Member Avatar for hockmasm

i bought a prozilla automall website and i have found a glitch in it. currently, if a member purchases a package from me that contains 5 profile listings that last for 1 month, at the end of the month they will get an email that says that their listings are …

Member Avatar for greendayrok

Hi all! im new here, this is my first post :lol: lol anyway, i have a php script, but im having trouble setting it up.. can somone help me with it?? Thanks for any help

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day! After upgrading my MySQL to version 5 becoming very slow what's wrong with this? Please any could give advice how to optimise it. Thank you. Roland.

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for kaicrow

Hi, I have a website running largely based on the opensource osCommerce php. Recently we have experienced problems with pages crashing half way through loading. This seems to occur randomly maybe about 5-10% of the time you load a page. What happes is that the page will start loading and …

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello , If you know the answer please simplify it for me. I am so discouraged trying to figure this out. I'll be very grateful, Thanks ahead a time! When I insert my (2) selected photos in my photo form , they show two pictures but it repeats only (1) …

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for hockmasm

I am looking for a freelancer to create a payment/subscription system on my website. You can view the details at [url]http://www.scriptlance.com/projects/1148073042.shtml[/url]

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for karenhoe

hi, i got problem in covert the data to integer example: in my database is bv column is 2.0000 now i want it convert to 2 how to i do so? in php thanks for advance

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for dedoo

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone can help me with my problem. I am in the process of starting a directory but I stumbled on a problem I would like to fix. every link has an info link that redirects to an info page where more information can be …

Member Avatar for Brims

hiya does anybody know how i can have a page that members of an online music library application that i am building can download the tracks on the page by clicking a dwnload option. If anybody knows any good sites can you please let me know thatnks

Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

After exploring PHP for the past few days, I've been trying to use it on the new CSS based website that I'm creating. I'm trying to use "include" function in order to get my "header", "topMenu", "leftMenu", "rightMenu" and "bottomMenu", since in ALL the pages, these would be common. The …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for Brims

hiya in my database i have a users table Create Table Users( user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email varchar (40) NOT NULL, pass CHAR (40) NOT NULL, first_name varchar (15) NOT NULL, last_name varchar (30) NOT NULL, active CHAR (32), registration_date datertime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(member_id), UNIQUE KEY (email), …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for SYEDHANIF

HI [CODE]class Astro { var $jd; var $dec; var $ra; var $sid; var $dra; var $rsum; function Astro() { $this->jd = 0.0; $this->dec = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); $this->ra = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); $this->sid = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); $this->dra = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); $this->rsum = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } function copyFrom(&$source) …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Brims

in my online music video library so far I have an artist section where artists can login An artist should be allowed to upload their tracks on the site for the general public to hear. a user can download a track and listen to tracks provided they are logged on. …

Member Avatar for Brims

in my online music video library so far I have an artist section where artists can login An artist should be allowed to upload their tracks on the site for the general public to hear. a user can download a track and listen to tracks provided they are logged on. …

Member Avatar for alpha2006
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

I've managed to make the use of PHP's "include" function in order to share Header, Top Menu, Left Menu, Right Menu & Footer. The only exception is the Content, since it would be unique for each individual page. Problem is, I'm getting my "Content" displaying BELOW the "Footer", as it …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Brims

For my online music application I know I have to Store the data in a mysql database so that you can do searches, and using php you can display dynamic pages. Then just organize the data you pull from the database into html tables. to have a browse tracks page …

Member Avatar for cdwhalley.com
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya im having trouble adding the details into the database with this script if someone could point me out in the right direction <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Add a Print</title> </head> <body> <?php # Script 14.2 …

Member Avatar for cdwhalley.com
Member Avatar for digital-ether

Does anyone know of a class that is available open source that is used for parsing Raw Emails. I've seen the code where you first explode the raw email into lines, then iterate through the lines until you come to an empty line that seperates the headers from the body …

Member Avatar for michael123

I try to set cookie values from mysql DB, I have the code: [code] $result = mysql_query("select ID from table"); while ($thisrow=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $gname="name_".$i; setcookie ("$gname", $thisrow[0]); $i++; } [/code] Now the strange thing is, if the number of ID is less than 16, script runs without any issue, I …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ashwinperti

Hello As I am new to PHP I would like to know that I am facing problem connecting to the Database. And not able to find the reason of not connecting. I also want to know about the difference between mysql_query, mysql_fetch_row, mysql_fetch_num Ashwin Perti

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for DestinyMaker

Well guys this is the first time iam actually using php... i encountered these errors .. can some one tell me how i can rectify them Error: [b]Warning[/b]: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dynastyr/public_html/rebellion-rpg/header.php:7) in [b]/home/dynastyr/public_html/rebellion-rpg/header.php[/b] on line [b]7[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: session_start(): Cannot …

Member Avatar for vartotojas
Member Avatar for ndw2004

if you can teach me php im me on aim or email me at [email]ndw2004@hotmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for jamshid
Member Avatar for BigChase

I understand that many php scripts can run concurrently and that the actual limit is determined by hardware. However, I have written a script that benchmarks a mysql database application and am finding that only two instances of the script will run at a time when executed via an http …


The End.