39,388 Topics
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I understand that many php scripts can run concurrently and that the actual limit is determined by hardware. However, I have written a script that benchmarks a mysql database application and am finding that only two instances of the script will run at a time when executed via an http … | |
Hey everyone! :mrgreen: I want to start a project soon, I have only alittle bit of knowledge of php so comments and suggestions would be very helpful! Although i am learning as much as I can, without confusing myself! Anyway I want to open an ecommerce site, but want all … | |
i guess i didn't really have to make this page load repeatedly like this (but, why should it matter, right? i mean.. technically, couldn't i get it to reload indefinietly?) but, i didn't want the user to be sent all over to different pages just to fill out this little … | |
Hello. I have an image system kinda working, when it uploads however it is uoloading calling all the images ARRAY.gif or ARRAY.jpg Can you see what I should do that it correctly list the images name. The code is two parts. The preupload form page NEXT To The photos.php page … | |
Hi i just wanted to know as im designing an online music video library how to have a page like the following [url]http://demo.jamroom.net/ranking.php?mode=band&order=5&pagebreak=20&pagenum=1&header_template=artist_header.tpl&row_template=artist_row.tpl&footer_template=common_footer.tpl[/url] where when the tracks and images are uploaded by the user it goes directly in the images and tracks section respectively | |
hey, am developing an online dating web application and am stuck when it comes 2 match making between members in ma site.how do you implement match making using php/mysql?,any matchmaking php scripts you know? thanx in advance guys. | |
I've made an extension for firefox ,which will work as quick image upload tool for my image server . Now.. the issue is my server needs to have some supporting php scripts for this to work. Can someone help or guide me on this pls..??? | |
<?$file="www.mysite.com"; $fh=fopen($file, "r"); $fileinfo=fstat($fh); $b=filesize("$file"); print $b; echo "Filename:" .basename($file)."<br/>"; echo "Filesize: ".round(($fileinfo["size"]/1024),2)."kb <br/>";?> this is the code to determine the size of the page. but i m getting the error as filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for [url]www.mysite.com[/url] any body help in finding the page size of teh given url | |
I'm rather new at PHP. I'm trying to run a script, but every time I do so, I'm not quite getting the output I should be getting. I'm using this my Dreamweaver at home & working on the simple examples from this website [url]http://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php[/url] I've typed in: [B]index.html file [/B] … | |
I can't find a way to let people attach a file to messages auto sent to my e-mail. my code is : <html> <head> <title>email</title> </head> <body bgcolor="red"><center> <br> <table border="2"> <?<form> //1 <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow" text="black"><b>print "!all fields must be filled!";<b></td> </tr> //2 <tr> </tr> //3 <tr> <td>print "first … | |
tell me how to generate a mysql database at the end system and how it is related to web server i want to ask that what is the extension of the mysyl file so that it can be uploaded and where do i create this | |
Here's what I want to do: I want to have a file with just a bunch of variables that are defined by integers. Then I want to have another file that calls on the first file so I can then use those variables. The second file will then add 1 … | |
Hi guys, i'm having a major problem with producing queries using PHP. By the way, not that good at trying to explain problem!! I want to be able to run queries within a PHP form without having to input values into every fields(meaning searching the database for field1, fields2, field4 … | |
Hiya all Im developing an online music/ video application withe a registering section for Artists and one for members. right now i have 2 separate registering pages, could anyone tell me how I can get artists and members to login through the same login page step b step thanks Brims | |
Hi guys, I have 3 pages where 1 of them (last one) is in secure server. I use sessions in all of them and these sessions work fine in first two pages (using session_start()), but when I get switched to secure server ([url]https://xxx.xx.../site/page3.php[/url]) a new session comes in. I can … | |
Im doing an online music library Basically ive got a page were u can browse tracks tracks that have a name image artist for that track and so on but all it is is a page with the text for example Artist Track Description Download 50 cent Little bit bla … | |
can Anyone let me know how I can get a page to handle my music content i.e track, image of track description and so on so it can be viewed. Right now i have a page where you can view tracks but it doesnt handle the content very well | |
Hello, I need help with this freaken' MySQL or whatever you call it thing. When ever I go to my site it says 'PHP-NUKE, and then the MySQL error' This is really starting to piss me off so can you guys plz help? I will be more than happy to … | |
Im trying to do a menu as a support link in e107 I have made a dir in e107_plugins called scanner_menu and made a scanner_menu.php What Im trying to achieve is similar to this html example [url]http://www.clan-tfb.co.uk/scanner_menu.htm[/url] I want to make a menu with an image in that links to … | |
Whever i use the print function, the function goes crazy. For example: <?php print "this is all"; ?> Instead of getting: this is all I get: this is all"; ?> why is that and how to fix it? | |
hi i am new to PHP. Currently i am using IIS for PHP .But i want Apache serevr to run PHP.is it possible? is there any servers available to work with PHP? Pls reply.. Thanks | |
this is the code below it output the text randamly. i am getting the output . but my problem is i have used print_r to get output so i got result as [CODE]<Array ( [0] => gello [1] => bello [2] => nello [3] => jello [4] => uello [5] … | |
I wanted to know as ive got my scripts uploading mp3 tracks on a file server I want a page with a template where the track images can be stored with track name, and track number of streams and dwnloads at the moment its just a page with the text … | |
I'm trying to make a script to return the next 5 days for example today is 2006-04-24 and it would create variables with the values of 2006-04-25, 2006-04-26, 2006-04-27, 2006-04-28, 2006-04-29. I thought and using getdate function and add +1~5 to day value but I realized it would bug after … | |
Okay I am new to PHP, well getting it to run. The programming part is fine, it is very similar to python, ruby, etc... so no trouble there. So here is my problem. I made a class, and all it has is a function that writes test to the browser … | |
hi i've just started learning PHP. i have downloaded phptriad 4.1 so that i can use php without uploading it to server. For my feedback html file, i put: <html> <head> <title>TAEKWONDO WEBSITE - Membership Form</title> </head> <body> <font face="arial" size="4"> <p align="center"><big>Membership Form</big></p> Please Fill In Your Details And … | |
After a form is completed its submitted to another page to process the form. Once that's done, it forwards back to where visitor was. I want to display a message to the visitor first before moving to the next page, so how can I delay the page forwarding? | |
I am a newbie web designer and I have downloaded MySQL, php4 and uploaded phpBB2 to my server to setup my forum. and I have looked at countless tutorials and it's really getting stressful. Is there any way that you could guide me through the process using AIM or yahooIM? … | |
I've recnetly finished building my CSS based website based on Alcohol, whereby I've links like Beer, Wine, Whisky and Spirit. I now wish to have "Cocktail" link in it, however, in this particular page, I wish to make a use of MySQL along with PHP. Although, I've basic knowledge of … | |
Expressing worm hello to everyone !! i have got one problem hope u guys will help me ,, working on a chat room with php + flash , chat room is working fine all i need is , if i need to do IM ?????????:eek: i heard tha ajax can … |
The End.