39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dyshein

I'm on a university server running PHP 4.3.9 and in order to allow my php files to access the oracle database running on the server the oracle and php sites tell me I have to compile PHP with the option --with-oracle[=DIR]. This is confusing because as far as I have …

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for martinkorner

Hi, In the HTML forum I asked how I could get the results from a form which I will put on my site via e-mail, I was told: [QUOTE]Give them a form to fill. The form posts to a PHP, ASP, or ASP.NET program that stores the results in the …

Member Avatar for martinkorner
Member Avatar for parker123

Hi There, I have used this php script in the past on several web hosts and have had no problems. Here it is I save this as a php file. jump.php or whatever <? if ($link == "1"){$visit = "http://affiliatelink";} if ($link == "2"){$visit = "http://affiliatelink";} header("Location: $visit"); die(); ?> …

Member Avatar for mperkins07
Member Avatar for cancer10

Is there any other function in PHP that can be used for redirecting a page I use the following [CODE]header ("location: index.php");[/CODE] But it generates the following error: [CODE]Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\admin-right-nav.php:5) in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\admin-right-nav.php on line 6[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for sepedatua
Member Avatar for PillFORM

I am currently working on a Store for my website [B]funkinfamily.com[/B]. My store will be selling MP3 music downloads (Digital Releases) of music from my label. I am programming my store with PHP so I thought I would ask the PHP-heads here. The question i have right now is, how …

Member Avatar for PillFORM
Member Avatar for StandardsDT

hey everyone im posting this in here cause its the only place that seems some what relevant to GeSHI as it uses php5. anyways heres my issue our forum is IPB 2.1.X if you visit the following link youll clearly see that my responce is wrapped in the quote box …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for bbb777b7

After I installed the mysql and php, i get this error: The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret). I tried on google but couldn't find a solution. Anyone know how to solve it?

Member Avatar for besart
Member Avatar for iammatt
Member Avatar for arsmizzou

i'm having trouble figuring this out b/c i have the version of oracle that doesnt support ora_numcols, etc... anyways, here is my query... $query = "SELECT DISTINCT S.FName, S.MName, S.LName, S.Address1, F.Value, F.Feature_id, S.zip, S.Student_id FROM Student S, AwardedScholarship P, stu_feature F WHERE P.Is_Pending = 'Y' AND F.Feature_id in (" …

Member Avatar for arsmizzou

i'm having trouble figuring this out b/c i have the version of oracle that doesnt support ora_numcols, etc... anyways, here is my query... $query = "SELECT DISTINCT S.FName, S.MName, S.LName, S.Address1, F.Value, F.Feature_id, S.zip, S.Student_id FROM Student S, AwardedScholarship P, stu_feature F WHERE P.Is_Pending = 'Y' AND F.Feature_id in (" …

Member Avatar for AhmedHan

I have an HTML which posts a form to a PHP page. The PHP page encodes the password from the form using md5() function. And then I tried to save this MD5 code into a file using fwrite() function. Here the error occures. fwrite() only accepts string parameter, but the …

Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for wired4art

Hi I am trying to change the way the message board looks. I would like to do away with the how many views and how many replies. Can someone help a new comer to code?? It is a language more complicated than traditional Japanese for an English speaker.:eek:

Member Avatar for wired4art
Member Avatar for bbb777b7

I need to make a login thing. I got some codes from another person, but it doesn't work for me. I double and tripled check to see if my apache server and mysql were set up correctly and they were. help? sign-in: [html]<html> <head> <title>无标题文档</title> </head> <body> <form action="checklogin.php" method="post"> …

Member Avatar for bbb777b7
Member Avatar for muthumari

Hi, I am new to PHP.How do deselect the selected radio button.I have 4 radio button . If i select one radio button .Then How do the selected radio button go to deselected whenever i click the submit button. Anybody help me?? Thanx

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for hollystyles

Hi, I have to connect sometimes to MSSQL and sometimes to MySql depending on the customer. I am experimenting with the php adodb library that claims to make database connection possible to either vendor using the same syntax. First the background at home I have: Rig1: windows XP professional PHP …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for puddin

DO YOU KNOW WHY THIS IS NOT WORKING ALL THE TIME ONLY SOMETIMES! okay on my Login Page I Have At The Very Top <?php session_start(); ?> FOLLOWED BY THE LOGIN FORM THAT GOES TO welcome.php PAGE <table class="form"> <form name="login_form" method="POST" action="welcome.php"> <tr> <td> <p class="b">Email Address<br> <input name="email_address" …

Member Avatar for conspiringfate

I am looking for someone who loves to code(php) and even better is familiar with phpizabi. I have some websites that I would like to develop. All website revenue will be split 50/50. my email is [email]conspiringfate@earthlink.net[/email] Email me or reply to this mike

Member Avatar for NwS

Heya there, This is my first post here so plz be nice :P The first changes i want to make is remove/disable the registration and login form from the forum itself and integrate this into the rest site.. I've been trying to do this the last 10 hours and posted …

Member Avatar for NwS
Member Avatar for Ries

This is my code but I get the error Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/projecte/public_html/index.php on line 48 When I try it, any ideas on whats gone wrong [CODE] <?PHP switch ($pg) { case login: $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "projecte_ries", "*********") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: …

Member Avatar for loanskey
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya Im designing an online music video library. Ive already done my registration and login scripts to register a new user. I have decided that to store the mp3s im gonna have a file system instead of storing them directly in the database. Can someone please direct me on How …

Member Avatar for leelee
Member Avatar for tester_geniusd

Hello I am develop script for upload/download files on server. I am create simply php file: donload.php for download image to user and log statistics of downloading. It is very simply file but it take much server resources (memory). How i can reduce it? Kind regards, Dmitry

Member Avatar for loanskey
Member Avatar for arsmizzou

can anyone help? thanks! <?php include_once "mysql_connect.php"; mysql_connection($dbc); $select = "SELECT DISTINCT D.Title, D.FirstName, D.MiddleI, D.LastName, D.Suffix, D.Address1, D.Address2, D.City, D.State, D.Zip FROM Donor D, Pre_award P, sch_donor S WHERE Approved = 'y' AND S.Did = D.Did AND S.Scholarship_id = P.Scholarship_id"; $export = mysql_query($select); $fields = mysql_num_fields($export); for ($i = …

Member Avatar for arsmizzou

can anyone help me out? <?php include_once "mysql_connect.php"; mysql_connection($dbc); $select = "SELECT DISTINCT D.Title, D.FirstName, D.MiddleI, D.LastName, D.Suffix, D.Address1, D.Address2, D.City, D.State, D.Zip FROM Donor D, Pre_award P, sch_donor S WHERE Approved = 'y' AND S.Did = D.Did AND S.Scholarship_id = P.Scholarship_id"; $export = mysql_query($select); $fields = mysql_num_fields($export); for ($i …

Member Avatar for mrcb

Good evening everybody. I'm trying to add values to a database. The script is connecting to the server just fine. It is finding the correct db just fine. The issue is when I try to add stuff to the db... Heres the code: [CODE]<?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $edname = 'bob'; $edemail …

Member Avatar for mrcb
Member Avatar for puddin

Hello I read sessions and php but it's not exactly registering in my head that I understand it easily. On my site someone signups all is good they get their email and register sign in. I have them signup with a Desired Username, Email address and Password okay. Now when …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya ive finally completed the login and registration forms for my online music video library site. I just want to know what would be the best way to store the mp3 files in the database and how i would go on about it so the user logged in can view …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for puddin

I am so stressed, My membership signup was working fine. Now it's not emailing. It is entering into the database fine but not emailing can someone tell me what is the problem, Thanks Kindly I'm Exhausted... To session_id is to the person who just signed up. // Let's mail the …

Member Avatar for puddin
Member Avatar for puddin

Thanks for all your replies. Here it is have you ever seen [url]www.mate1.com[/url]. They have a site design I want to do. You signup get in and are brought to a page that is “Your Account

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for yocool

Hi all, All I want is just this. The user on the client PC will click on a print button and the content of the mysql query will be sent back to his printer. I know we can't do this with Javascript, or can we? Really appreciate all the info …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for chilllax

[PHP]<html> <head> <title>Participants</title> </head> <table align="center"> <tr> <td> <a href="http://www.officalhalo.com">Home</a> <a href="/tournament/FFA.htm">FFA</a> | <a href="/tournament/signup.htm">Sign Up</a> | <a href="/tournament/results.htm">Results</a> </td> </tr> </table> <body> <h3 align="center">Participants</h3> <?php $gamertag=$_POST['gamertag']; $eaddress=$POST['eaddress']; if (!$gamertag || !$eaddress) { echo 'You have not entered all of the required information.<br />' .'Please go back and try again.'; …

Member Avatar for DGStudios

The End.