39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for paradox814

I need to load a value from a recently posted page... [php]for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { $_SESSION['someVar'][$i] = $_POST['someVar'][$i] $_SESSION['anotherVar'][$i] = $_POST['anotherVar'][$i] $_SESSION['yetAnotherVar'][$i] = $_POST['yetAnotherVar'][$i] }[/php] now the session part works just fine, but the $_POST part just blows up on me! How can I fix this? I want to …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for tyty

Hi I have attempted to install Apache/PHP on a new WinXP Home machine. I have it running succesfully on a Win98 machine. Apache works fine. PHP doesn't. I get the following Apache log error when trying [url]http://localhost/phpinfo.php[/url] - File does not exist: c:/webroot/php/php.exe/phpinfo.php. phpinfo.php is in c:/webroot. PHP is installed …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Yuki H.

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/user/public_html/im2db/image.php on line 14 This is the error I am getting Here is the code: Image.php Am I supposed to add a exit(); after $result = mysql_query ($sql, $conn); line? [PHP]<?php // database connection $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", …

Member Avatar for val542
Member Avatar for symoore22

http://ww.bestblanks.co.uk/media.php hi im not sure what im doing wrong with this: have a look at the above url: each product name is suppose to open a small window which will go on to display a description of the product: however when you click on title there is an error and …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Knad

Hello, I have just begun recoding my site and whenever i use PHP to put data on a page via an IF statement it overlaps any cells that are below it, and it also seems to be extending my left menu to the right. The left menu works when logged …

Member Avatar for Yuki H.
Member Avatar for bennetjosem

This one isnt working! [code]function insertpath($num){ echo " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\"> <br>\n"; echo " <b>Date Published</b>:",$Date_Added[$num] ,"<br>\n"; echo " <b>Sample</b>:",$Sample_Views[$num],"</td>\n"; } insertpath(0); [/code] But this one Works [code] echo " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\"> <br>\n"; echo " <b>Date Published</b>:",$Date_Added[$num] ,"<br>\n"; echo " <b>Sample</b>:",$Sample_Views[$num],"</td>\n";[/code] Well not woking in the sense the values …

Member Avatar for senexom
Member Avatar for Young Teck 06

Okay, here is the thing, I would like to have BugZilla to run for my site bug tracker, unfortunately I cannot get it going, I have some money in my PayPal and anybody who is willing to help me out on getting it installed and tell me what I have …

Member Avatar for bennetjosem

well what i want is if my php page generates any error it should automatically redirect to my index.php. please note any error (mysql or sytqax or anything else. )

Member Avatar for senexom
Member Avatar for moosigal

I'm in need of a PHP tutor/instructor. Does anyone have any recommendations? My background is in front end (HTML, JavaScript, CSS), and I'm having a change in my job at work and need to get up to speed quickly. I'm not even sure what book(s) to pick up. I do …

Member Avatar for Atomical
Member Avatar for tehbacon

ok, lets say i have: $array = array(1, 2, 3); is there a php command function that i can use that will let me have teh first item in teh array become varible $year, teh second item $mnth, and teh last item be $date?

Member Avatar for aboyd
Member Avatar for Atomical

I've been coding php for about four years now on and off. I'm attempting to write a script that will replace links on a page with another link. I'm debating whether it's even worth it to try to code something with strpos. I was of the opinion that preg_match would …

Member Avatar for Atomical
Member Avatar for stevoo

basicly i have a vbulletin forum and i am trying to create a simple web page , now the thing that i do not now is how can i obtain the current Members that are registered in the forum and show it in my web page

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for ashneet

Hi All I need help and i am new to php so bare wih me :confused: what i m tryin 2 do is that add poduct shipping handeling togther to get an avraged rate so this is the part of code Troubling me: [CODE] $nrow = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($Vh4 == …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for sharp_edges

Example : [url]http://rpol.net[/url] I am trying to create a site of the same nature and trying to avoid "Cgi". A Few questions: The example above allows users to create threads in allowed areas only. Further in some areas user can only post.. In others they can Admin thier threads.. I …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Gnome_101

I have the following code, which tries to see if someone selected a drop down menu item that is already part of the database. If it is, then the error message should show up. [PHP]$size_of_user_array = count($user_selects); $size_of_db_array = count($already_in_db); for($y=0;$y<$size_of_user_array;$y++) { $input = $user_selects[$y]; for($r=0;$r<$size_of_db_array;$r++) { //echo "Already in …

Member Avatar for Gnome_101
Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

I would like to install phpBB 2.0 on a windows 2000 server on my network, so that network users can access this locally as a method of communicating over the network in addition to email. This needs to be available to about 200 people on site, which is managed by …

Member Avatar for Zachery
Member Avatar for 4BoredomDotCom

I am trying to make a joke site..... I havent dont the rating system yet but have one previous issue to deal with and cant find it in any of my books. I want to have a password protected admin page, addjoke.php where I can add by category like "Blonde …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for symoore22

Im getting an error with my website when i try using sessions. Im new to it so im probably doing something stupid [url]http://www.bluetipdvd.co.uk/cart.php[/url] [B]error message:[/B] Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/bluetip/public_html/cart.php:4) in /home/bluetip/public_html/cart.php on line 4 Warning: Cannot modify header information …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for ashneet

Hi all First of all i m still new 2 php so please help me out. I am makin an small shipping system using php and i want to make it so that when people submit zipcode the form should only submit the first two digits instead of whole thing …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for dafabe

I am currently re desigining a web site and would like to make things easyer by using php. I have the basic design done in html tables and want to change the content of cells depending on what links are clicked on, or at least i think this is the …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for forgotteneagle

I have some questions pertaining to php and I need help! [B]1)[/B]I want to display random art in my signature but I want it behind a frame and with the artists's name written on a "nameplate" [B]2)[/B]I want to have a guest book in my signature that you can post …

Member Avatar for darklordsatan
Member Avatar for luny

I'm still a newb with php, and i've been messing with this for hours with no success. First, heres the sql dump for the three tables I'm using here they are: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS news; CREATE TABLE news ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, postdate timestamp(14) NOT NULL, …

Member Avatar for zippee
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm currently using phpMyAdmin with Plesk 7.5. Well first of all there's the known problem with the CSS not working, but that's besides the point. My question is actually whether it's possible to access phpMyAdmin directly through some URL instead of first logging into Plesk and then navigating all the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jpt62089

I am looking for an experienced PHP Programmer to help me with a website I am building. This will be strictly volunteer but that programmer will earn a spot as a staff member on my new site. I do not want to give out any details right now but if …

Member Avatar for jpt62089
Member Avatar for symoore22

hi i am trying to turn this code: strOutput += "<input type=hidden name=\"amount\" value=\""+ moneyFormat((fTotal + fShipping + fTax)) + "\">"; into a html form line: <input type=hidden name="amount" value="??????????"> im not sure what i shud be putting in the value bit. can anybody help thanks simon

Member Avatar for darklordsatan
Member Avatar for michael123

Once php has been installed on apache server, why I cannot run php program on it, any idea?

Member Avatar for wakOrang3
Member Avatar for seemajanardhan

Hi! I hope someone can help me out on this one. I have been trying to get it work since last night. I am making an application where I can add a quiz. The quiz has questions. Each question has a certain number of choices and out of those choices …

Member Avatar for ravi_be
Member Avatar for Stick

Hello All, I have a form that I created for user login. It has three fields. username Password Date I want the date field to default to the current date when users login. Can anyone help me with setting a default value for the date field? Thanks in Advance! Stick

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Member Avatar for sm00nie

Hi all, Is there a way I can delete or expire a cookie that's been left in the users browser cache with php ? The reason I ask is, I'm setting up a paypal store, and if users already have a paypal cookie in their cache when they checkout from …

Member Avatar for sm00nie
Member Avatar for sm00nie

Hi all, Would anyone know how to search an external html file for a work or phrase ? I was thinking something like - [code]<?php $fp = fopen('http://www.google.ca', 'r'); if (preg_match('/Google.ca/', print fgets($fp))) { echo "match"; } else { echo "no match"; } ?>[/code] Unfortunently, that doesn't work, but you …

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The End.