39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for paramedic233

I've installed wamp and everything runs good. However, when I try to edit one of the .php files and debug it, I get a parse error of unexpected T_STRING. I am so completely lost trying to do this. Please help a gamer out! Lets see, WAMP Windows 2000 Pro sp4

Member Avatar for paramedic233
Member Avatar for macrame

Hi I'm trying to configure apache for PHP. Can somebody tell me where I can find the http.conf file of the default Apache 1.3 webserver which comes with OsX? I can't find this entire Apache directory. The server is running allright (I checked it in my browser at [url]http://localhost[/url]) And …

Member Avatar for macrame
Member Avatar for web_gost

Hi Iam new with php & making searching module for client.for searching i select two values from DROP DOWN list i.e: Category & City, Third value is the search string entered by the user like Hussain & co. Now wht i want is that , it giv me results by …

Member Avatar for vssp

hi friends Now I am assigned new task. But i dont know Its possible or not.Please advise When user saw the Product using webcam the prodect details (name ,make model etc....)are displaying inthe screen.Is the possible to develope the project using php Please advise. __________________ Thanks Vssp

Member Avatar for Timra

I have a page with many links on it but all the links are saved into my ,mysql database.These links are displayed on my site.I wanted to know if google robots sees those links there.if the admin of this forum will allow me to post my links page so that …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for BigDen13

Table Structure: Table article articlecategory author category The category table lists the main categories while the articlecategory table is a join that lists the category id and the article id. On my main page I have all articles listed. However, I would like other pages to contain only stories from …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for turnbui

As a learning exercise I'm looking to use CGI to password protect my web pages. Once I ahve got a user to logon properly I'm wondering how I should go about authenticating them for each page they visit? That is to say does each possible web page they can go …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for pzuurveen

Hi all I'm writing a code to search image on google and parse the urls to a flash aplication. More and more I don't get the image but a picture that tells me not to hotlink. I want to detect this so I can look for another image. I've written …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for cty

Title: Problem in session using php5 Good day, I use php5+mySQL4+IIS5.x Previuosly i use php4 and no error occur, after i uninstall php4 and install php5, error happen. -------------------------------- error message: 24lmnsndeh7pkibp65mttcajo7PHP Warning: Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(C:\DOCUME~1\CTY\LOCALS~1\Temp\php\upload\sess_24lmnsndeh7pkibp65mttcajo7, O_RDWR) failed: No …

Member Avatar for cty
Member Avatar for Poppa Pimp

The URL of the page this is on in my site is [URL="http://poppa-pimps-wallpapers.com//ImageResizer.php"][COLOR=#000020]http://poppa-pimps-wallpapers.com//ImageResizer.php[/COLOR][/URL] You can click on browse and get image,but when you upload image it will go to another page and says (([B]unable to create emp directory[/B])) Here is a site to be able to see script work [URL="http://tech.tailoredweb.com/image-editor-52/"][COLOR=#000020]http://tech.tailoredweb.com/image-editor-52/[/COLOR][/URL] …

Member Avatar for JessicaB

Pleeease help! I am hosting several sites with GoDaddy which use their own php mail forms. GoDaddy has their server set to sort variables in alphabetical order by deafault. This is a nightmare for me and I cannot figure out how to set custom sort orders. Can someone please tell …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for tech291083

hi, can any one tell me a good GUI editor for php on fedora core 5 32 bit linux? i am looking for a development tool something like dreamweaver which is easy to use with menus, buttons etc. thanks.

Member Avatar for tech291083
Member Avatar for jack500

please guide me how to acess database for mysql thr' php, i tried a lot but getting error like cannot open the page or c:/program files/ apache/htdocs/dbconnect.php Could not connect to database why these error, i am using mysql 5.2.0, php 5.2.0 and apache 2.2.3, are there any setting needed?? …

Member Avatar for omesa
Member Avatar for phaiymty

Hi fellow americans and non americans. umm . i need help on this one site. i get an error code Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /hsphere/local/home/lupahkha/lppros.com/membership/add.php on line 41 and on line 41 this is the code VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['pass']."')"; and this is the whole code <?php // …

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Member Avatar for chrisbt123

Hi, please can somebody tell me how to make a shout box, like the one invision powerboard and PC Nuke scripts have? I know a bit of php, but not much, so I'm stuck. Thanks Chris

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for steven01

I want serval pages from 1 to n.how to let the new contennent always on page 1?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for FSNHosting

ok, I have a site that's using a signup form for people to enter a bunch of information, then I'm storing it in session variables until the final submission, when I then insert it all into the database in 1 shot. The point of this is to keep from cluttering …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for sr_burrus83

[B]hi all this is steve burrus and I seem to have a problem with my copy of apache 2.2, integrated into PHP, being able to have its' port bind well enough for it the apache server to start up. :sad: Can someone plz help me with this? [/B]

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Karpat

Hi I tried to use getenv('HTTP_REFERER') to get the referring url ie find out where my user came from... but on localhost i keep getting a blank... I checked phpinfo() and the referrer was in fact blank... Is this normal behaviour? That Aussie Bloke PS it is spelt HTTP_REFERER and …

Member Avatar for UrbanSky
Member Avatar for Karpat

Hi - I have had a message today from my hosting company to tell me that one of the sites on my hosting account is having it's php code abused. Apparently someone is manipulating the php code from the contact form to allow them to add Bcc addresses. Any ideas …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for assgar

Hi I thought I had resolved this problem but I am intermittently the receving the warnings below. This code consist of a 1) HTML form, 2) a display function on the HTML form and 3) a process to manage the form input. Can you show me what I am doing …

Member Avatar for assgar
Member Avatar for NolanVW

Below is the code I'm using to try and simply display the contents of a table...however, I'm getting the following errors: `Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in d:\Customers\user######\www\dbtest.php on line 18` `Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in d:\Customers\user######\www\dbtest.php on …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for assgar

Hi I need to allow the form user to fill out the form using alpha numeric characters only. After reading what I could find this my first attempt to use preg_replace. This works but I need to make sure I am validating the user form input. Have I missed any …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for clara-n

I am looking for a contact form with a Captcha image useful to stop spam. The problem is that my server doesn't allow scripts. Is anybody out there to help me? Thank you!

Member Avatar for clara-n
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I have been looking though php.net and done a few small Google search to try and find a funtion that will highlight html like how the funtion highligh_string() works on PHP. Does anyone know of a function that does this or will I have to create my own? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for assgar

Hello I am working on a search page. When you type the person's name insted of displaying a listing I want to be redirectd to the user information. I am getting a warninig: Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent( at start of D:\search.php: 108) in d:\search_play.php on …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for BLADEME

Hi, need sum help... [IMG]http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/Smileys/default/huh.gif[/IMG] I've created a php file which writes an xml file, and a web page which accepts user input into html buttons' values. What I want to do now is take that information from the html buttons and use the values stored in the html buttons, …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for wise1

This is a simple script I copied from a book to create a form, then mail it to an address. I cant get it too wok and wonder if its the script or my server. I even copied the source form the publishers website and it still wont work. Basically …

Member Avatar for imgtube
Member Avatar for GReddy4u

I usually have no trouble with sites, but i need some help making a PHP chat room for a website. Nitto1320(the game), [url]www.kirbynos.tk[/url] thats the site so far and the other is [url="http://www.gotglitch.com"]www.gotglitch.com[/url] I know downloading all the PhP stuff is required but it seems on the confusing side for …

Member Avatar for imgtube
Member Avatar for evilmonkey29

i'm currently learning php. i'm making a file for a friend instead of using the page that comes up when theres no index file in a folder. i want the directories to come up first and then the files. heres the essence of the code: [code] //$entry is the filename …

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The End.