39,388 Topics
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Hello, I am a new php learner. So far I have learn what is variable and how it's decelerated and functions and it's use. If, for, while, do while, and Array statement. But I have only php Bible Book. I need more ref. book about php. Please give me some … | |
Hi, I am uppgrading fra php4 to php5 and have som error messages. I get the following error : in /home/test5/www/forbruksfinansiering/forbruksfinansiering.php on line 463 Notice: Undefined index: betalingsbetingelser in /home/test5/www/forbruksfinansiering/forbruksfinansiering.php on line 463 Notice: Use of undefined constant [CODE]$_SESSION["betalingsbetingelser"] = $_POST[betalingsbetingelser]; [/CODE] | |
Dear friends, I have created a html page with dynamic select boxes and included the below line in the form [COLOR="red"]<form action="sqlpage.php"target="_blank" method="post">[/COLOR]. The mentioned sqlpage.php contains some php code which connects to MySQL DB and search for queries and displays the results on a webpage. But when i run … | |
Hi All, In windows on easyphp we open the mysql console from the browser by typing [url][/url] In ubuntu when I do the same thing, it does not happen. I installed LAMP server using the following command sudo apt-get install tasksel sudo tasksel and then it is interactive When I … | |
Hello, I'm looking for someone who can help me fix and clean up a PHP email verification form that I can't get fixed with my lite knowledge of PHP. | |
Hi. I'm not sure if this is possible with PHP or not... I want to be able to have a user enter a phone number, and then the site will call the number with a message. For instance, it'll call them with their confirmation code. Is this possible? Thanks! | |
Hi, I've not been successful looking for a solution to my problem. What I need is to password protect a directory. I could use htaccess, but the user doesn't want a pop-up login window. He wants to start on a page with a form with the username and password fields. … | |
how to create stored procedure with phpmyadmin i tried this codes,its syntex error [CODE]1 DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `TestProcedure`() Begin select * from testtable; End $$ DELIMITER $$ or CREATE PROCEDURE `TestProcedure`() Begin select * from testtable; End [/CODE] i having mysql 5.1.41 version in my hosting regards rajan | |
after typing in the "Your message:" field and clicking the "Send e-mail", my page refreshes and gives me the error message "Your message field is required." it's as if what i'm typing in the message field gets discarded. also if i type something in "Send to:" and "Subject:" fields and … | |
Is there a way avoid the appearance of notice msgs in PHP (in the executed page)? If yes, what's the method? | |
hi, i am developing a website of reading newspapers and magazines..in a page where it shows 6 different newspapers in grid view in horizontal view in tablet, same page when twisted vertically should show only 4 in grid view.... how this can be done...any ideas please Regards, Praveen | |
hi, i need copy a local folders and files to a ftp server for example i call this: copy ( $ftpserver, $user, $password , local path + file ); or copy ( $ftpserver, $user, $password , local path / folders / folder + file ); the script must see all … ![]() | |
Hello guys, I am using php mail form where visitors contact with the registered site members. Searching for a solution to avoid unwanted spam messages. Is there a way to put in code which deny sending messages from custom mail ids? Thanks in advance. Using this post to great thank … ![]() | |
hi guys i want to add a plus sign or image instead of textfield to brows my file.is there any way to perform this functionalty ![]() | |
hi, i want to alert (javascript dialog) after user clicks the submit button, then process it with php and then show the alert after the body has reloaded (same body after post, just calling the same page. the easy thing to be done, but i'm going mad with it, is … | |
Hi Guys! I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this problem. I recently changed my login forms ugly default submit button to and image. The problem being that the image is submitting the form but I'm not getting the results I hoped for. It isn't logging me … ![]() | |
Below is my javascript validation file which i hv imported in my php form. the problem is the kind of pattern(or function in the javascript file below) i m using in case of name address and username they r validating correctly but they r not including the spaces in the … | |
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how to view messages with profile image .anyone help me my profile view page [CODE] <?php require("connect.php"); $username=$_SESSION['MM_Username']; $query=mysql_query("SELECT *FROM members WHERE username='$username'"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)==0) die("User not found!!!!"); else { $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $location=$row['avatar']; echo "<img src='$location' width='100' height='100'>"; } ?> [/CODE] My message page [CODE] <?php require "database.php"; $userfinal=$_SESSION['MM_Username']; // get the … ![]() | |
Hello i have checkbox like this at update form but it's appear unchecked [CODE]<input type="checkbox" name="years[]" id="years" value="<?php echo $key; ?>" > [/CODE] i want if it has value at database appear checked any help? | |
I have a code that gives me a unix time ie)1277851200 How would i be able to convert that to x minutes x seconds and so on. (real time) | |
I want to print a particular <td> only in php/javascript need suggestions | |
Hi all, I have been working with shadowbox in joomla which was working correctly but now it is not working as it use to.When i click on a hyperlink in a joomla page the content regarding that link should be shown in the shadowbox,but now it is showing in a … | |
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone can resolve my problem. Just to give you a heads up. I have a page with many input fields like textboxes, select etc. All these input fields are on one line in a table row. The number of rows depends on the amount … | |
Hello guys, i need some idea or someone to give me right directions how to make something like this: if user want's to insert a proxy site in database he got to backlink from proxy site to my proxy list. that's made at atproxy and centurian.com/submit.php i hope you can … | |
Hey, I created a simple user register script which later stores the data in a mysql database. What I did initially was that a small code would count the number of rows in the database and then automatically increase the variable by 1 to set the user id. For example … | |
I'm trying to create a simple members only section. With the following code, I'm able to log in and get redirected to a page (that simply says: "hello") if the login is correct. If I then copy the URL from the page to which I was redirected, open up IE, … | |
hi all; can anyone tell me where can i find a good example for this; i have this whole code [CODE]<?php $name = $_POST['name']; $sender = $_POST['e_mail']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $email = $_POST['email']; // Insert data into hotelinfo table $sql="INSERT INTO mailRecord(name, sender, phone, … | |
hi have the next code[CODE] <?php $search="ala salsa portocala nueve vacas"; $where="texto ala salsa nueve texto portocala verde nueve"; $search = explode(" ",$search); $old_kw = array($search['0'], $search['1'], $search['2'], $search['3']); $new_kw = array('<b>'.$search['0'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['1'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['2'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['3'].'</b>'); $where = str_replace($old_kw, $new_kw, $where); echo $where; ?> [/CODE] because i just started to learn … ![]() | |
Hi all , I have collected php shell scripts on various sites on web. However the only script which works is this : $ php helloWorld.php [CODE] <?php $var = "honey"; print "hello $var"; echo "world"; ?> [/CODE] Any other script which has different commands doesn't work on the system … |
The End.