39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ctaylo21

Hello all, I have a script that displays the graphs of the rain gauges that the user selects on my site. They check all the gauges they want to see, and then when they click submit, my script then searches another site for the graph for each gauge using that …

Member Avatar for mikeflash

hey all, The server where I host my website went into unscheduled maintenance, a few minutes later I noticed that the IP of the server changed (they probably moved my website to another server since it's paid hosting although shared). So, my website was back online but some things weren't …

Member Avatar for joefarang
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, i don't know if i'm in the right category in posting this thread. I'm only newbie in creating webpages. I created just a simple web page made from wamp server(php & mysql), now I just want to try how to deploy it, like posting it in a free web …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I have text area and combobox, Selected value of combobox is to inserted at the current cursos location in the text area. How it can be possible ??

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for muhamin

bellow is my entire file, the problem is when i insert multiple links, it only fatch 1 link from the textarea and then giving me the following error on the rest, FYI there is no problem with the reading part in the text area i can read line by line …

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I have a mysql table which has following rows: id (unique and auto increment) platenumber customerid servicearea date I want to create a sql statement which essentially performs the following task: Pull from table_name the last inserted row where the customerid='mb6537'. There could be more than one row containing …

Member Avatar for phpology
Member Avatar for Noorul Ariff

Hi friends... My system is MS WINDOWS XP, Professional Version 2002 Service pack 2... I Want to Connect PHP with oracle... I searched in GOOGLE... Source: [url]http://me2learn.wordpress.com/2008/10/18…[/url] I Followed the steps given by them... but still i'm not able to connect... I installed PHP and APACHE... PHP version: php-5.3.4-nts-Win32-VC9-x86 Apache …

Member Avatar for arv3

Hello. I'm working with a webpage where its going to a Google Store Locator. [URL="http://code.google.com/intl/no-NO/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch.html"]Goolge Store Locator guide[/URL] I did follow. I got it working for a while, but here in Norway we have some characters, ÆØÅ that we use. This is the problem. When I search for a place, …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for nyler01

Good Day, I am looking for threads here in daniweb which will contain my question but the return is not similar to my problem.. Please help me.. i don't know what to do with this. I just want to store date field in mysql database but i can't here is …

Member Avatar for nyler01
Member Avatar for shainjetly

Hi i wanted to loop the options list of the select tag inside that echo statement from my database. This file out puts the content to a javascript code. and this output is also javascript. any one help me how can i loop that options in select tag from the …

Member Avatar for shainjetly
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hello, I have used Joomla, Wordpress and other CMS tools. All this tools are plugin and theme based. The basic concept for plugins are to extend functionality and if I update the core system than it will not break the plugin's functionality. I like this same feature in a forum …

Member Avatar for bimaljr
Member Avatar for chris.aaker

I need to take data in from a form, using a javascript call. From there I need to send the data to a php script that puts it in a database. I have an AJAX call that does this...but I know that the AJAX call also waits for a response …

Member Avatar for chris.aaker
Member Avatar for ujjval dave

hey guys, I am facing problem to get weather information from client ip address. i know how to get client ip address but i don't know how to get weather information. please somebody help me for this problem. Thanks

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for Walahh

Hello everyone, I would really appreciate if anyone could please help me out here. I am trying to read the user's input in one page and then trying to display it in another page (want to let my users upload a file from their machine and save them in my …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I have gone through various checks, and I can't seem to figure this one out... [CODE]while($row_sizes = mysql_fetch_array($sql_sizes)); { $sizes = $row_sizes['size']; $product_list .= count($sizes); $product_list .= "<li>".$sizes."</li>"; }[/CODE] Its not outputting any sizes. However, my count($sizes) outputs 0. And that shouldn't because I have [CODE] $sql_colors = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for shdwmage

Good Morning! I guess I will start with a little background and then elaborate on the problem. I run a website for a car dealership with many different locations. The site runs relatively well and all information is stored in a MySQL database except for the image information. Due to …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for burningcandle10

this is a php code when i check this code on "online php checker" it gives an error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING" on line 1708 how to solve this please give some advice [CODE]<?php class PopUp_Domination { var $base_name = ''; var $theme_path = ''; var $theme_url = …

Member Avatar for burningcandle10
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I have a select box which offers the user the option of selecting multiple selections. I'm a bit lost as to how --if multiple selections are made, to save these selections into mysql. here is the code of my select box: [code] <form name="theForm"> <select size=11 name=servicearea id=select multiple …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for apollokid

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out? I am trying to display the 5 latest rows in my database. Whenever I add a new entry it will replace one the divs. The issue is I want slider$v variable to count down from 1-5 because it would be …

Member Avatar for jimforsyth
Member Avatar for ddellostritto

Hi all - I've created a form to create events, but I can't figure out how to insert the date of the event properly into mysql (I'm not interested in inserting the time the register will be created, as that would be timestamp). I've got the column set as datetime …

Member Avatar for ddellostritto
Member Avatar for flinthabbit

Hello all, i have a strange problem, i use a multi files uploader on javascript and flash [URL="http://code.google.com/p/pirozek-yaps/source/browse/trunk/pirozek-yaps/plugins/uploadify/files/?r=30"]http://code.google.com/p/pirozek-yaps/source/browse/trunk/pirozek-yaps/plugins/uploadify/files/?r=30[/URL] SWFUpload jQuery Plugin v1.0.0 Copyright (c) 2009 Adam Royle. This is that script, and when i use [CODE]mysql_select_db()[/CODE] function in script for add url of uploaded file to database the status on …

Member Avatar for flinthabbit
Member Avatar for freakunleash

Hi All, I'm very new to PHP and MYSQL and I'm having hard time trying to insert data from PHP form in MYSQL DB. I'm able to echo out the output on webpage but i'm not able to figure out how to insert the data in DB. Please help me …

Member Avatar for freakunleash
Member Avatar for kishanillur

I am building a website using PHP. I need to be able to send SMSs(Messages) from my site to mobiles using some free sms service providing site like ways2sms.com. I don know how i can accomplish this task. Can anyone help me....?

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for lifeisboost

I have a simple value that is in a URL that must be kept for browsing a back end i have developed. So any form that is submitted must carry what ever the config= is. The URL value is ?status=17&config=6 This works fine on every page by the use of …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am in a company where SMTP is currently not available and port 25 is also blocked, Therefore I have choosen to send email via PHP Mailer Class but whrn I setup everything its giving me error... Second I did not understand this line [ICODE]$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for ddellostritto

Hi all - I need some help w/something that I'm not sure what the proper technique is. [B]How to deal with 'dynamic' forms?[/B] I'm working on an event registration form, where the person who registers normally registers their team members, so the number of team members could range from 1 …

Member Avatar for ddellostritto
Member Avatar for [omega]

Hi there, I am totally new to neural networks and am trying to train a network now. I am using a php script from tremani.nl for the neural network. Now what I wonder is that. How long does it usually take to train a network? I mean I am training …

Member Avatar for waisalima
Member Avatar for Imratzio

I created a admin page for adding editing and deleting items for making a e commerce site. Adding items is fine but can't seem to delete them. It does not show an error but I included a print_r($sql); and prints an error [CODE]<?php session_start();//works with session cookies, helps have persistant …

Member Avatar for Imratzio
Member Avatar for anita_86

Hi again!!I wanted to know that is it possible to backup the mysql database just by running query?I am trying to find out the code so that if a user clicks backup button, the whole database will be stored somewhere.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Powerponken

Hi, I have received a web application that needs to be upgraded for IE8. IE7 has been used earlier showing no problems but when testing with IE8 there were a lot of strange things showing up on the screen. I have managed to fix most of them that I have …

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The End.