39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I can successfully parse data from a form in one page to a table in another page, but I'm having problems displaying the data in the same page as the search form. Below I have set up a simple one field search and table in the same page. I …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for Prerequisite

Hello all, I'm trying to get through this tutorial, but running into a brick wall. I'm not very versed with PHP, so the error may be simple. I'm trying to call the data that the user inputted to the PHP form, but it's only displaying blank lines for me. I've …

Member Avatar for Prerequisite
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

i have following in my database ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [code=text] <table><tr><td><img src="default.jpg" width="160" style="border:1px #87925d solid;padding:2px;"></td> <td valign="top"><a href="mylinkhere" target="_blank"><strong> Vicky Bhai Part 4</strong></a><br><font size="1" color="#cccccc">http://www.mysite.com</font><br>Stage Funny Stuff</td></tr></table> [/code] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if want to add a <a> anchor tag to only image before displaying it on page.................how can i do that with preg …

Member Avatar for yannyannyann
Member Avatar for puvi

hi ppl of the forum.. i am so glad i joined this forum, members here play a big role in my learning PHP, n im able to work on a PHP project so soon all thanks to the forum and its members.. n here i'm back again, with another piece …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for alafift

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. Module FastCgiModule Notification ExecuteRequestHandler Handler PHP_via_FastCGI Error Code 0x00000000 Requested URL [url]http://localhost:80/employees/default.php[/url] Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\employees\default.php Logon Method Anonymous Logon User Anonymous Do you guys have a solution to fix this error? …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for puvi

thanks guys.. please clear one more doubt.. lets say, i have a table(Name) with fields first_name, mid_name and last_name. records in the table are as follows: 1. tom-robert-hanks 2. angel-diva-hanks 3. nick-kick-hanks 4. jingle-doll-bond 5. james-cool-bond 6. john-mac-bond now i want to fetch all the first_name having last_name as bond …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for puvi

hi frens, i have a weird doubt haunting me. please clear it for me.. lets say i have a table(EMP) containing fields emp_name and emp_dept, n there are around 10 records in the table. now i want to print all the emp_name. i know we can do as follows $empname=mysql_fetch_array($result); …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for stanley87

I am developing a search engine that match keyword search for game title and category game that is limited for three keyword search.i am facing some problem that need to swap among the keywords more than using one keyword search.Any guys can help me or give me some guide on …

Member Avatar for stanley87
Member Avatar for blocblue

Hi everyone, As the thread title suggests, I am trying to think of the best way to maintain and synchronise local and remote databases. To explain this more clearly, I'll outline the scenario and my thoughts for tackling the problem. I have a website on a remote server, which obviously …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for yamot47

[CODE]echo ("<tr id='$a' bgcolor='B0C4DE'>"); echo ('<td>'.$row['idbook_code'].'</td>'); echo ('<td>'.$row['b_name'].'</td>'); echo ('<td>'.$row['b_author'].'</td>'); echo ('<td>'.$row['b_avail'].'</td>'); if($row['b_avail']>0) { if (!$_SESSION["valid_user"]) { // User not logged in, redirect to login page echo("<td>Available</td>"); }else echo("<td><INPUT TYPE=button id=show name=show value=add></td>"); }else echo("<td>No stock of book</td>"); echo("</tr>"); ?>[/CODE] i have my search area when i search it output …

Member Avatar for yamot47
Member Avatar for slrobinson1983

hello all. i have this code... [CODE]@mkdir("C:\wamp\www\uma\member media\member tracks'$memberid'") or die(mysql_error());[/CODE] ... it works but the folder it makes is in single quotes. i'd like to have the folder it makes have no quotes at all. its creating 'FOLDER' when i just want it to read FOLDER. i've tried... [CODE]@mkdir("C:\wamp\www\uma\member …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for rohit b k

hi guys, pls help me out.. how can i insert the current date into mysql data base through php ?? n pls tell how to retrieve also.. its urgetnt..!!

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I was hoping that someone can help me with this. I have this linking list working, but I have one problem, when I click on the link it shows up with the link like this winner.php?service=1&&year=2010 and honorable.php?service=1&&year=2010&award=1 this is for all years not just 2010, and what I …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, im trying to upload a file(.pdf, .jpg, .bmp, etc.. ) but I'm getting this error message.. check the file I've attached, it contains the output on the page but with errors.. [CODE]<?php define("REPOSITORY", "/www/parctice/test/htdocs"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name'])){ echo "temperory file name: " . $_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name'] . "<br />"; echo "file name: …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for stv_101

hi....i'm stuck in populate data inside the drop down list. the problem is, when i already success in populating data from db in 1st drop down list, i cannot carry the value. second drop down list data will depends on this value in order to populate data from array into …

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Member Avatar for ebrad

Hi I'm using the Thesis Theme with my Wordpress site. I was editing my custom_functions.php to create a custom footer, and after I saved got the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/content/71/6936571/html/XXXXXXX/wp-content/themes/thesis_18/custom/custom_functions.php on line 39 Since then I have copied and pasted the original .php from …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for xapher19

Ok, I'm really really stuck with this. I've tried everything to my knowledge to fix it, but I just can't. So please, can anyone here help me with this error: [CODE]Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'host-ip' (4) in /home/ashley/public_html/pw/inc/config.php on line 7[/CODE] This is my PHP: …

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Member Avatar for andrewliu

Is there a way to read the contents in a word or pdf document and output it with the exact format it is inside the document (i.e. spaces, indents, etc...)? Thank you

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for public-image

Hi everyone :) I have created a kind of catalogue thing but when users purchase the item they have the option of how many they want, although at the moment I have been doing if statements e.g. [CODE] $amount = $_POST[amount]; if($amount ==1){ $insert = mysql_query BLA BLA }elseif($amount ==2){ …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for puvi

hi frens.. i am working on a project, where, i had to add rows to table dynamically on click of button. i got to work that part, but got stuck with getting to save the data entered into db. i have not missed to add "[]" to the names in …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I am using a prototype PayPal payment system which does not ever need to properly work, but I am having trouble writing to the database as well as redirecting to the PayPal payment page at the same time. Here is the form: [code=php] echo '<form name="purchase" target="_blank" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">'; …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi Friends, How to implement form submit security other than using the captcha method ? Please help Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I have a password reset form and a user can enter either there username or email in one text box. One problem i am having is with validating the data. I have a username regex function that works fine to validate username and uses php's inbuilt FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL. Basically when …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for Dewise

can someone help check the following code <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> <!-- <!-- Begin function Check(chk) { if(document.myform.Check_ctr.checked==true){ for (i = 0; i < chk.length; i++) chk[i].checked = true ; }else{ for (i = 0; i < chk.length; i++) chk[i].checked = false ; } } </script> </head> <body> <?php extract( $_POST ); …

Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hi I am having some issues with sage pay php form integration. I have built a shopping cart that selects product information from a database and am having issues integrating it with the kit. When I test against the sage servers, everything passes except the cart contents. Is there anyone …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I want to add a file which will come database that is file path. I am using the following code to send, Mail is being sent with out attachment. [code] $name = "Abhi"; $email = "abhi10kumar@gmail.com"; $to = "$name <$email>"; $from = "Rahul Kumar"; $subject = "Here is your attachment"; …

Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello i am after creating a javascript alert box with a text input and a submit button that when the submit button is pressed the text field will save its self into a php variable that will then be inserted into the a database. here is the code i have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bristolspider

i have a prestashop install for a new wed site and have edited a module for this so that i can get a payment system to work with it (secure hosting ill refer to SH). there is what seems a very simply document from SH [CODE]1. In the form on …

Member Avatar for jacob21
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Vai

I am trying to write or find scripts that will: 1- create a script that will allow someone to Unsubscribe to a mailing list based on email address. 2- export data to a predefined excel file which will be used to print mail labels. I have looked and looked and …

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The End.