39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I have a website that has a contact form in the footer of every page. When someone sumbits their details I do a check to see if the fields are filled in correctly. If the fields aren't filled in correctly I display an error just above the form. …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I have a Textarea, and I want to store value in a variable. The condition is that the value will be fetch from JS that is [B]Document.FormName.Combox1.Value[/B] in the [B]same page[/B]. I know $_POST['Combox1'] method..

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar
Member Avatar for bluetoot

Please can someone help me out with this error? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/npr/public_html/getfile.php on line 12 if i take off the line 12 the page works but i need to include the line 12.HELP! [CODE]<?php include('recruit.php'); $id = $_GET['id']; mysql_select_db($database_, $recruit); $query_users = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for bluetoot
Member Avatar for Th3nutz

i have de following code [CODE] <?php require_once('Connections/conn.php'); ?> <?php $oras = $_POST['oras']; $zona = $_POST['zona']; $camere = $_POST['camere']; $tip_apartament = $_POST['tip_apartament']; $chirie = $_POST['chirie']; $tableName="anunturi"; $targetpage = "afiseaza.php"; $limit = 2; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM $tableName WHERE oras='$oras'"; $total_pages = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query)); $total_pages = $total_pages[num]; $stages = …

Member Avatar for sfrider0

I'm running Ubuntu and have just installed PHP5, Apache2, and MySQL. I created a PHP Project in Netbeans and trying to echo "Hello World." When I run it, I just get a 404 Not Found error with this "The requested URL /PhpProject1/index.php was not found on this server." Any ideas …

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Member Avatar for tape enterprise

SO am am soon going to build a blog. what I would like to know is how to do the prvious posts button at the bottom of the page with like the 1|2|3...Next|Last that type I was just wondering how it is done I know to fill the Homepage your …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, I m making a php user registration program and in some other sites I found some hidden field as follows [ICODE]<input name="authenticity_token" value="a58b64b916157840987d0655fe8ce14fecc030fd" type="hidden">[/ICODE] I m wonder what its really means ? Is it a dynamic value in which's value stored in SESSION and later it check with …

Member Avatar for ramlantjong
Member Avatar for simsim123

hi all hope every body is fine i want ask you about how can we send the form data entries includnding attached file to an email without saving the file to the server as i want to know if this procces legal to take the uploaded file and send it …

Member Avatar for simsim123
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi all.. basically i want an ajax code that retrieve the data from the unique div(with php).. what i mean by unique here is that my div got the id with the name+(the php code to make it unique). okay i dont really know how to explain but here is …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ddellostritto

Hi all - Was wondering if anyone has come across a script that verifies if an email address exists or not? Beyond verifying that the data entered has an @ symbol, I'd like to make sure that I'm not getting bogus email addresses. Would be any way to do this …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for TySkby

I know a lot of people have their own comforts and styles when it comes to scripting and coding, but... Some language documentations specifically state a naming convention that is considered best practice for their language, like Java specifying camelCase. However, PHP's online documentation doesn't specify a naming convention (from …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mehran tahir

hi, i face this problem from last three days, i want to disappear the alert box of javascript on time base, for example when page is load and the alert box is appear,i want to remove it after 10seconds if the user not press the ok button, thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Ashley S

Hello, I am having trouble with my phpBB forum. Editing the theme widths, images etc. I am hoping someone from DaniWeb can actually help me out. My MSN - [email snipped] [Note]: I am sorry for posting in the wrong section, Just cannot find the correct place. Thank you!.

Member Avatar for Ashley S
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I have this website and I got the script(Pdf search engine) which is licensed to all domains ,i installed on [URL snipped] and it is working fine ,but when I installed it on my other domain ,[URL snipped] and i did search ,it is saying that this script is locked …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for fuston05

Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I am simply catching and assigning vars to a lot of $POST vars. this seem monotonous to me..lol any advise is greatly appreciated. thanks :) sorry aboout the title..wasn't sure how to title this one. lol [CODE]if(isset($_POST["submit"]) ){ if(isset($_POST["est_num"]) ){$est_num= $_POST["est_num"];} …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for tomjrjones

please can somebody help me add an account to webnight commander here is the script where i add the account but i dont knwo what to do with it [CODE]/* USER ACCOUNTS. Uncomment # comments only */ $users = array(); //************* SAMPLE USER ACCOUNT - BEGIN $users[] = array( // …

Member Avatar for mrcpp

Hi, a few time ago I posted a thread about a page in ajax/js/html that didn't work correctly. At first, I thought it was solved, but now I see it is not. I am trying to make a gallery using jCarousel, and it used to be very buggy until it …

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Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, I have a PHP script that uploads files. So far it works good with normal http connection, but when it comes to SSL ans https, the move_upload_file() function just fails and does not move the file anywhere. Any solutions? Thanks

Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I want to create a count down to a date with the following variables 1. number of days (90) 2. current date now using a specific past date stored in db, I want to create a countdown that basically tells me how many days until the 90 days are …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for mingler

I have a problem with using globals within class scope. For example: [ICODE] $GLOBALS['test'] = "How are you?"; class great { [INDENT]function grace() { [INDENT] echo $test; echo $GLOBALS['test']; [/INDENT]} [/INDENT]} [/ICODE] Problem is, that neither of the echos produce any output. Is there a problem with accessing superglobals from …

Member Avatar for mingler
Member Avatar for cliffcc

I cannot delete the records after pressing the delete button. What is the fatal error? Thanks! admin.php [CODE] <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="test_mysql"; // Table name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot …

Member Avatar for cliffcc
Member Avatar for Lonburak

Guys, I need a code to ask database if the data is MALE or FEMALE than display a picture.. I know little about PHP !! The database has USERINFO table than a row with MALE or FEMALE written. Please help..

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for john0563

Hello, I was hoping for some help in the right direction. I am creating a PHP/MySQL script and I was wondering what is the best way of being able to use it as a standalone application on a local computer. It's a little complicated, but let's say it's an online …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for ptara1

I have a script that calls up a picture stored in a database. I then have a script that displays said picture on another page. If there is no picture in the database I would like for their to be a no picture icon displayed. New to php but I …

Member Avatar for ptara1
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hello friends, I am new in php.I need your help in sending sms through HTTP. Could you suggest me what to do?

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for zeeshan_kust

i retrieved data from mysql table into html page i.e [code]$query="select * from student"; $result=mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error()); while($rs=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $rs['st_id']; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $rs['name']"; ?></td> <td align="center">&lt;input type="checkbox" name="check" <?php if($rs['checked']==1){echo "checked"; } ?> /></td> <td align="center"><a href="delete_student.php?id=<?php echo $rs['st_id'];?>"><img src="images/delete_icon.png" alt="Delete" /></a></td> <td align="center"><a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for public-image

Hi there :) I am doing a login log script and at first I didn't record the timestamp unlike all my newer logs, I was wondering is there a way to turn the date d/m/Y (15/02/2011) turned into a timestamp? I would appreciate any help given Thank you in advance!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hi, Today I was reviewing traffic for one of my websites, I found out that someone linked a jpg image into a forum, and now its getting huge bandwith I mean a lost of hits even when the image was deleted, hits I could use, is there a way for …

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for nrkumarvj

Hi I am preapring a website form where the resume needed to be uploaded and it should send an email to me along with upload as attachment. Please let me know the error in this below forms: == HTML Form: [CODE]<form method="post" name="mailform" action="emailnew.php"> <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for saira-nazir

i want to use if within while loop plz check it out and point out the mistake [CODE]$n=2; $e=8; $n=$e; while ($n<=$e) { if ($n%2=0) { echo"result is " .$n $n=$n+1; } else { echo "invalid"; } }[/CODE]

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The End.