39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sina6002

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new here, though I've read many posts here:) I got into a question and thought someone might be able to help me with it. I need to read human language date input and extract the date from an input. Let me explain: Lets say we have …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sam023

I have seen in many applications where user is restricted to choose particular option only when user is trying to upload something..!! For example if user is uploading image..he only see 2 options JPG and GIF format in file type option of Browser Window..!! How can i do the same …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for jossylala

got a api from an sms provider that looks like this CODE [url]http://www.frihost.com/api/send_sms.php?user=xxxxpassword=xxxx&to=1234&from=xxxx&content=hello&content_type=text[/url] am writing a php file for my sms site to send message so that the output would give something like the one above. Here is a look at my code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); include($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ."/includes/config.inc.php"); if(isset($_SESSION['user_id'])){ $user_id = …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for armyguydave69

Hi, I'm having a slight problem on my home page. Depending on if the user is logged in or not depends on what navbar they see. However, even if the user is logged in - it will sometimes tell the user he is logged out. If you refresh the page …

Member Avatar for armyguydave69
Member Avatar for groogruxking40

Hey everyone.. I would like to be able to upload .pdfs that are 30MB 1. I am using Wordpress 8.4 2. I am using Dreamhost and cannot locate either the php.ini or .htaccess file 3. I don't have php.ini or .htaccess in my root folder via FTP 4. I e-mailed …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for veledrom

This is content of in.header.php [code] if(!isset($session_id) || empty($session_id)) { session_start(); $_SESSION["Inputs"]=array(); } [/code] This is index.php which also has form objects that POSTs other values to step1.php [code] require_once 'inc.header.php' $_SESSION["Inputs"]["name"]="MyName"; $_SESSION["Inputs"]["surname"]="MySurname"; [/code] This is step1.php [code] require_once 'inc.header.php' $_SESSION["Inputs"]["age"]=$_POST["textboxAge"]; print_r($_SESSION["Inputs"]); [/code] Problem is print_r prints only [inlinecode]Array ()[/inlinecode]. …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for saibhanu

Hi, Anyone tried to open crystal report file from PHP?. If so pls explain or send me sample code. Thanks, Bhanu

Member Avatar for totskie
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... I am struggling from last 10 days..Here i am sending mail with an attachment...I got the attachment ..but, the attachment file data is fully corrupted..this is my code..please solve this one...also here my hosting server doesnt set the SMTP SERVER settings...so, do it plz...... [CODE] $fileatt = "upload/"; …

Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi,This is my php file. I want to [COLOR="Red"]replace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]$$FullName$$ with Jon Rama And $$FirstName$$ with Jon and $$Gender$$ with Male[/COLOR] And [COLOR="Red"]create to new file Jon_Rama.php[/COLOR] [code] <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <b> <h1 class="title_list">$$FullName$$</h1> </b> <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>$$FirstName$$ is a $$Gender$$.</td> </tr> </table> [/code] How …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, I my code i am using open tag like this [COLOR="Red"]<?PHP [/COLOR]its working fine but if i use [COLOR="red"]<?[/COLOR] that time its showing entire code its not showing html pages Please can anyone tell me how to fix this problem Regards Punitha pary

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for armyguydave69

Hi, I've been looking around for a hosting company and haven't been able to decide on one. I was basically wanting to see what some people would recommend. My requirements: 1.Windows based 2.PHP & ASP.NET 3.Unlimitied disk space 4.Unlimited bandwidth 5.Allow to host unlimited domains under one account 6. The …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dougbarrett

Hello everyone! I searched the site already to see if this question has been addressed already and found no results, but if it has then I appologize and if you can link me to that thread I'll refer to that to solve my problem. I am trying to save a …

Member Avatar for dougbarrett
Member Avatar for Kadjii

Hello, I'm having a strange problem. I'm trying to make a link to a page called stats.php for a series of first names that I have stored in a database. However, when I use the code below the hyperlink ends up being a link to the current page I'm on …

Member Avatar for Kadjii
Member Avatar for dwdata

I have an upload page which allows a user to SELECT a file from their hard drive, then UPLOAD it to ftp folder, and then store the path of the image to mySQL db. It functions just fine except BUT we want to guard against large file being saved. If …

Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi,This is my php file. I want to [COLOR="Red"]replace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]$$FullName$$ with Jon Rama And $$FirstName$$ with Jon and $$Gender$$ with Male[/COLOR] And [COLOR="Red"]save or create to new file Jon_Rama.php[/COLOR] [code] <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <b> <h1 class="title_list">$$FullName$$</h1> </b> <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>$$FirstName$$ is a $$Gender$$.</td> </tr> </table> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for studioceasar

Hi All, Can one of the gurus out there help me to convert a row variable to a link that will download an MP3 file? Using the code below: my $row['link'] displays the url in plain text. I would like to create a button to initiate an automatic download command …

Member Avatar for studioceasar
Member Avatar for motionfiend

Hello all, While attempting to switch from a hard-coded array to a dynamic array read from a db table, I'm running into a few snags. I'm using the following function to create the dropdown menu, and it has worked for everything thus far: [CODE]// function showDrop($array, $active, $echo=true){ $string = …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for venus_me11

i have a code here where a user can search a specific trip and can choose his/her preferred seat.. my problem is when computing the total fee for the reservation being made, i can't count the number of times a user check a seat... by the way, the output for …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for JennyK

Hi, I am very new to php but I have been using it to do small web-based experiments (surveys) that have several alternative versions. I need to get an equal number of respondents for each version of the survey. So far what I've been using is a randomization variable for …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dmorrison

Hi Guys, im confused here, im writing a script to show password as *. My code at this minute does the following. Passwords retrieved from database, Password gets counted, Password then gets changed into * Password then gets printed to screen, The code i have just now. [CODE]<?php $user = …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for alex0514

what im trying to do: 1. register 2.login 3.go to "my profile" where user are able to edit their username, password and so on. my problem: i have success to do the register n login page, but after login, the page "my profile couldn't show all the details that the …

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Member Avatar for droomagon

Hello everyone, I am currently in the midst of figuring out how to let user select a list of items, and then display in a table format, as well as entering the array of data into database. Basically put, its like a shopping cart, where you have selected an item, …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for jen140

Hello all. I was looking for a way to make some grafical stats of recieved files on my honeypot. After thinking on the way to do so, i understood that the easiest way would be parsing the filename with regullar expression or using dir() command. But for parsing the data …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for itsrahulk

Hi All, i am developing in which user can search by various features. i have given a list of feature using checkboxes like. [CODE]<input type="checkbox" name="feature" value="Air Conditioning" />Air Conditioning <input type="checkbox" name="feature" value="CD Player" />CD Player <input type="checkbox" name="feature" value="Rumpus Room" />Rumpus Room[/CODE] i am using post method in …

Member Avatar for brunope
Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990

Hi All, I have a PHP Code That is Search Input Value from Database and Print it. but i want to Print Serial Number (1,2,3......) before my Every Query. For Ex: 1. Name F Name Add 2. Name F Name Add 3. Name F Name Add 4. Name F Name …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for phpboy

Hello. I'm quite a newbie to cURL and php. I have been trying hard to login at youtube using cURL but haven't had any success. All i get in return when i run the following code is the youtube login page, with my username(which i used in the code) written …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for mrcb

Hey all - I did a bit of searching and read up on the "..not a valid MySQL result resource" error.. but I can't seem to fit any of the solutions to my code. Can I please get some help? Here is the error: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am developing a database for Lease management system, I have a field expire date of Lease agreement in my database. Now if expiry date is 07-December-2009 I need alert about it 3 months ago means today. So how I can write SQL Query for this purpose. thanks in …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am developing a software. I need to show only those subscriber, their subscription will expire after 90 days and less then 90 days. and when it show these subscriber it saves information in another table automatically. For Example: if Subscriber have expiry date 15-decemeber-2009, it shows alerts that …

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Member Avatar for MArun25039

I'm new to the web development world. Is there a script , software, tool that I can post my Form Data to and it can then control and manage all the places that data needs to go to. For example: User fills out a Form on my website, I'd like …

Member Avatar for almostbob

The End.