39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for just_me

hi guys. I got problem here. I built the system of weighted average method calculation based on php. Now, I'm the last part which sum of the value in html table. Basically, this is my coding:- [CODE] <?php session_start(); $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, When you add integer ID primary key auto increment, it automatically makes ID for you. But I was pondering on what happens after deleting a record. Does the server automatically adjust all IDs for you or it remains un assigned? For example, I have inserted as follows +------------+-------------+ …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for guruvarman

hi, I've coded like this for login Database. Its well working in my local host in offline.But not working Online in Plesk PHPMYADMIN MYSQL Database with same database name, username, password as below. and host name as mentioned in PHP server.. (provided db name, username & password are correct) [CODE]<?php …

Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man
Member Avatar for CFROG

This seemed like a good idea to me but it's not working out the way that I want ... I'm probably over-complicating it 8-) I'm trying to allow users to search for other users in their area and part of the search criteria gives you 8 different options to choose …

Member Avatar for fwdean
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

hi, i'm using php 5.3. version for my site development. If i use this function "session_is_registred()", i' getting message something like warning(not actual warning message) as following "Function session_is_registered() is deprecated in c:/.../.php" how can i erodicate this message? help to accomplish it... Thnx...

Member Avatar for fwdean
Member Avatar for ENetArch

All, Does anyone know if there is a package available to allow PHP programmers to store their PHP Objects / Instances into mySQL, and still allow them to be searchable? ie .. not serialized? Looking forward to your responses, E,

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for valonesal

I would like to make it so that no matter what the client enters it will match words in the database. Example: they type [url]http://awebsite.com[/url] but only awebsite.com exists it still matches it and any combination such as they search awebsite.com and [url]http://awebsite.com[/url] is in the database it matches. Here …

Member Avatar for fwdean
Member Avatar for tarunkhatri

Hello, I have a php page with a form(grid) which is submitting values to the database. [CODE]<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="POST"> [/CODE] As soon as i press submit, data is updated in the database but I still see previous values in the form(grid), and manually need to refresh it for …

Member Avatar for tarunkhatri
Member Avatar for IfNot

Hi, I've got a problem that is freaking me out. (it's really wierd 'cause IE & FF are both behaving the way I expected but Chrome wont. I have a problem trying to get equal row heights in a table where the last 2 columns are rowspans (4). I've got …

Member Avatar for IfNot
Member Avatar for valonesal

We are wondering how we would add parameters to the following script so that each section can be called separately. [CODE]<?php // This is the content we want to display $data = <<<EOT <div class="topbar"> My Text goes here </div> EOT; // Output JavaScript code to write the data printf('document.write(unescape("%s"));', …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for digtokiller

Hello im looking for some kinda code, you are paying for something on this page, then when you are done you come to another page. thats not the problem, it come now. this page you come to, it should only be able to open if you come from the paying …

Member Avatar for digtokiller
Member Avatar for MDanz

how do i do a hyperlink to last page? this is a page url.. e.g. [url]http://www.ufaffd.com/topic.php?id=44?topic=&page=2[/url] how do i do a hyperlink to last page not specific page..

Member Avatar for smvec
Member Avatar for Ghodmode

Is there a way to act directly on an array value returned from a function without assigning it to another variable first? For example, if I just want the third value in a CSV record, I might like to do it like this: [code]$value = preg_split('/,/', "one,two,three,four")[2];[/code] But that doesn't …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for AbsoluteCPP

[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/misc-explaincode.html?TB_iframe=true&height=400&width=680"]Code View[/URL] In the linked page u can see that source code is properly formated, how to do that?? I am making my web, i want to know that how can i show the c++ source code on my web with proper format. Q: How to show a formated source …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for LaurenceJ61

Hi, I'm trying to confirm a Delete action that will remove data from a database. The code is pure php, no jscript etc as I want everything to be server side. My php file shows a form with the current data found for a venue with 1 or more 'rooms' …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, So today I am trying to do something that is probably quite simple. But my head is all over the place and I can barely think straight! Something which is not good for a newb! I'm trying to display some text files on the web. These text files …

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

hai, i have a database file in mysql file extension, anyone help me how to upload the database to server. Thanks

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for ssmeshack

Hai there, I have doing php code for form data to be send to email. But it is showing... [QUOTE]Your message could not be sent at this time. Please try again. [/QUOTE] Here is my code for html form... [CODE] <body> <div id="emailform"> <form action="email-thankyou.php" method="post" name="contactForm" onsubmit="return validateForm(this);"> <p><strong>Name:</strong> …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for LogicWeb

I'm trying to use an if conditional inside the skin file for my ipbpro arcade mode. The problem is when I edit and reupload, I get a blank page due to the code I'm using but I'm not sure where I'm messing up. In a regular vb template it looks …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

help. i finally put together a script to upload only .png IMAGE files that are under a certain filesize. BUT. is there any way i can only upload the image if its dimensions are exactly 55x55? heres what i have so far: (i want it always be named avi.png so …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

i want to search from the following table attached in zip file, my query is select * from tbl_property where acco_id='1' and count_id='1' and holi_id='1' order by add_date desc but there is a problem, i have various value in holi_id , i want to search , means want to match …

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Member Avatar for ayesha789

I need result which shows all the dates which expire after or within 90 days form now on(current date) but this query also shows results which already expire like it shows 27 sep 2009 which is before current date. I need only those which are expiring from today and with …

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Member Avatar for Allison2009

Hi, MagneticOne Store Manager for Zen Cart says that they have the option to upload the data feed to update the color, size and quantity in the shopping cart. I tried to update it, I was not sure how to use it. Anyone in this forum has used the "MagneticOne …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

If any one have a script which can grab the yahoo,hotmail and gmail address book,i will appreciate to have it or Any suggestion on how to make me succeed in this. I wantto enable member in my site to import their address book directly from the site. Thankx.

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I have inserted time in Database using CURRENT_TIME() and Data type is Time. Now I want to show the Time in AM and PM format. Please guide me. Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for mick_sp
Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [code] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <flooor>4</floor </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <flooor>3</floor </user> </users> [/code] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am developing a Lease Management System, and I need to upload multiple files in a folder. and I want to name the folder where I want to upload in DB. Here is a code for upload a single file. first file is sendfile.php [CODE=php]<!-- The data encoding type, …

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Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I've been getting spammed by a Robot alot here lately... When a member signs up there required to fill in all of the blanks(username, name, email, etc.). I want to make it where certain characters cant be used in this area(such as < / " etc.) I also want to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I'm trying to make simple CMS and can populate my HTML (generated by TinyMCE editor) to my database. I can retrieve them as well. Now I want to add image support to My editor. What are the tricks necessary? Thanks a lot :)

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for mark2326l

As the title says I want to have a text field appear using the if statement. My simplest attempt.... [CODE] <?php if($row_Recordset1['NoPages_A'] { echo<input type="text" name="firstM" id="firstM" />;} ?> [/CODE]

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The End.