If any one have a script which can grab the yahoo,hotmail and gmail address book,i will appreciate to have it or Any suggestion on how to make me succeed in this.
I wantto enable member in my site to import their address book directly from the site.

any Response ?

Yahoo has an API that will should allow you to extract address info.

I'm sure that if you do a search you'll find the others (at least Google).

I think you have to use curl lib and benefit from many URL services that YAHOO, MSN and GOOGLE offer and one of them is getting the address book.

I had used curl, but i am directly interacting with Gmail, Yahoo, Rediff and Hotmail server. Not using any other website information which gives this information.


I think you have to use curl lib and benefit from many URL services that YAHOO, MSN and GOOGLE offer and one of them is getting the address book.

@PoA i opened the openinviter.com and Downloaded the Script yahoo.php and vkontakte.php
but in all the Scripts i got this Error

Fatal error: Class 'OpenInviter_Base' not found in C:\wamp\www\vkontakte.php on line 22

What should i do to get it working.

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