39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for asim ahmad

sir i am using xampp and want to know how to run php file except saving them in htdocs(root) folder of xampp.as i have used JSP and know how to put our jsp files anywhere and make them run by linking with a file (i.e not to save in root …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Zack_Grindall

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help as this has been puzzling me. I have a form with a few checkboxes on it and i need to store them in a database table taking on the following structure: user_id / c_id user_id being the users profile id and c_id …

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Member Avatar for gtey

Im very new at PHP, I am having problems with learning how to get information from rows in a MySQL Table and having them displayed on the webpage when certain conditions are met. For example, my table has 5 colums in each row.. Item #, Item Name, Item Type, Description, …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for lcyew

Hi there. Is there any way that can count the number of slashes in a string? For example: abs/frg/grgr/rgr/ and,the number of slashes can be obtained? Thanks for any solutions provided.

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Member Avatar for Besherek

Hi folks, I'm building a page that displays content from a database. I'm using CKEditor to add content to the database which includes basic html tags such as <p>, <img>, etc On the page however, I want to shorten an article and have a more link below it. An example …

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Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi, i created dynamic table with a help JavaScript master (Airshow) which add rows automatically and sums each added row. and so on here is my code. Please help me to send it to MySQl base via PHP Thanks beforehand [CODE]<html> <head><title>dinamik sheet</title> <script> function addrow(){ var tbl = document.getElementById('sheet'); …

Member Avatar for ko ko

Hi.. Everybody.. My EOT font doesn't work wiht PHP file. It only work in HTML. What do I do for PHP? Thanks..

Member Avatar for sam023

Here is my code [code=php] /* Create a new mysqli object with database connection parameters */ $mysqli = new mysql('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'db'); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Connection Failed: " . mysqli_connect_errno(); exit(); } /* Create a prepared statement */ if($stmt = $mysqli -> prepare("SELECT priv FROM testUsers WHERE username=? AND …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

I've attempted googling this, but i'm not gearing my searches right or something cause i'm coming up with junk. I have some php software I design that uses GD functions. One of my main users is on an extra machine that belongs to a hosting company. With my software installed …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for jithusdani

Hi Folks, I have created a text box dynamically using javascript. Now i want to call a javascript function in the OnChange Event Of that Control is there any way to do the same.?? Here is the code what i tried. [QUOTE] el[j] = document.createElement('input'); el[j].type = 'file'; el[j].name='work'+j; el[j].onChange='lookup(this.value)'; …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for lcyew

Hi! I'm having some problem in displaying long varchar retrieved from database on the interface. When the text is very long, it causes the interface to stretch horizontally to display the whole text. I've tried to use text field to display them. It can restrict the display of text in …

Member Avatar for lcyew
Member Avatar for joloms38

Hi.. Can anyone help me about the Online Bus Ticketing System, i'm using php language and i dont have any idea on how to make a code. the choices will be like this.... 1. place origin 2. destination 3. passenger fare 4. set reservation 5. time departure 6. bus terminal …

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Member Avatar for arobix

My client tells me that when he tests this code, he is asked to supply his email address when he has already entered it. When I test it, it goes through. It used to work and now it doesn't. Here is the code for the form (Apply_Online.php): <table width="750" border="0" …

Member Avatar for arobix
Member Avatar for OmniX

I throw the exact same sql statement in phpmyadmin and it works but it does not work with mysql_query. Ideas? [code] $a = "INSERT INTO players (player_id, first_name, last_name, date_of_birth, email, mobile_number, emergency_number, mother_name, father_name, player_number, team_captain, ip_address) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for OmniX

I have done this a million times before. I dont understand why this is not working through the use of a class. It is telling me that the variable is "undefined" hence contains a NULL value which is a load of *((^&$#. Anyways my code(sections of it) is below, any …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

I posted this earlier, but its not showing up now... sorry if I end up double posting. Anyway, I got a problem with one of the main users of some php software I release. They are getting errors on imageftbbox and imagettfbbox that are in my software. Their phpinfo shows …

Member Avatar for headedtomexico
Member Avatar for sassenach

Hi, I am using a script to upload media files. Here it is: [code] $filename_audio = 'uploadintaudio'; $tmpName_audio = $_FILES[$filename_audio]['tmp_name']; if(empty($_POST['intclip_which'])) {$_POST['intclip_which'] = 0;} if($_POST['intclip_which'] == 1){ //change image only echo 'MEDIA --> <br/> name '.strtolower($_FILES[$filename_audio]['name']).'<br/> isset? '.isset($_FILES[$filename_audio]).'<br/> which '.$_POST['intclip_which'].'<br/> error '.$_FILES[$filename_audio]['error'].'<br/> type '.ereg($media_types,strtolower($_FILES[$filename_audio]['type'])).'---- '.$_FILES[$filename_audio]['type']; if (isset($_FILES[$filename_audio]) && ($_FILES[$filename_audio]['error'] != …

Member Avatar for planethax

OK, I am making a Form that will have about 65 check boxes, this data will be pulled from database. I need to validate form to be sure that 7 (no more no less) are checked. Can some one post a quick code snippet of the code validation for this? …

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for laxminarayan108

I have website in PHP a products based website. Products pages are genrated dynamically with their Id's. I want to change the Meta tags of category (Products) page. I have a Product page, i want a PHP code to change the meta tags of category (Products) pages with the help …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for ayesha789

HI, I am developing a Inventory Management Databse in PHP/MySQL. There are 3 fields 1. Item_Code 2. Serial_No 3. Quantity For Example: if Item_Code is fan02 and quantity 10 then each item quantity have a unique serial no. How i can develop a form for user, Who can insert item_code …

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Member Avatar for hi.meral

I want to access one control of FCK through a html button (out side of fck) when we click on 'Paste as Plain text' image of FCK editor a popup window named `Paste as Plain text` is displayed I want to open that `Paste as Plain text` pop up window …

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Member Avatar for Facte

Hi there everyone. I have a script that has been written to generate a feed for sites that mine links to. It is supposed to return all jobs from my mySQL database that have not expired. No matter what I do I can only get it to display all jobs …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I built a comments system, basically the comments appear underneath the form once submitted and page is refreshed, everything works like it should. I have this piece of code below, what i am having difficulty in is first time it worked then it no longer works. [CODE]<?php $bannedwordquery = …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for slucia

how to rectify the following error ? SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in php

Member Avatar for hawk17
Member Avatar for valonesal

I finally got things together and now the echo is not working can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? The page I want to echo is working fine I just cant echo the information to another page. Thank you. Here is the echo page. [CODE]<?php echo '<a href="http://mywebsite.com/index.php?text=this">'; …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for jithusdani

Hi Folks, I have 2 texboxes with the name names like 'des0' and 'des1', So i need to validate this two controls for required filed with the help of loop. something like this [CODE] for (var i=0;i<=1;i++) { } [/CODE] So i have confused what will write inside the loop …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for smvec

hi.. im trying to send email to the user who register to my website.. SMTP server response: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address in D:\Domains\lelys.org\wwwroot\reg_save.php on line 66 this is the error im getting.. [CODE]if($res) { //echo "record added"; //$count = 1; $to = $mail; $sub = "Confirm Mail From LeLys"; $header …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for dipsn

Hello friends. I have built one website in Joomla and while testing on all browsers i found that its having problem in IE 6 and IE7 . Some of the pages are not at all getting displayed. I have tried by modifying index.php and also ie.js script but nthng worked …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

hi, please tell me, [B]how to set or specify the "URL Name" ?[/B] [B]for example: [url]www.yahoomail.com,www.daniweb.com[/url] etc [/B]

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

when registering. how do i make it so that its like with php [CODE]if($username matches any of these words){exit("that username is not available to be used. sorry it is forbidden");}[/CODE] like that kind of thing but see i was thiinking it would be better if all the words(cause there will …

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The End.