39,326 Topics
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As the title says I want to have a text field appear using the if statement. My simplest attempt.... [CODE] <?php if($row_Recordset1['NoPages_A'] { echo<input type="text" name="firstM" id="firstM" />;} ?> [/CODE] | |
Hello guys am new with PHP. Would some one help me with the code below am getting: ERROR: Parse error: parse error in C:\webdev\Apache\Apache2\htdocs\oscommerce-2.2rc2a\catalog\product_reviews_video.php on line 2 CODE: [code=php]<?php define('NAvb script:popupWindow(\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $product_info['products_id']) . '\\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image'], addslashes($product_info['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br>' . … | |
Hi all, Pretty new to PHP and I am trying to get a handle on securing a form fields data. For example, I have a simple form where user enters information into a field called mydata. The field must be able to contain multiple words and basic punctuation. What I … | |
Hello , I have a question i use php meldoy , and i have alread a user list in myql how can i fix the usere lis???? | |
Hai, I am developing a web application for a video store. They need to publish their tailors through their web site. I have to develop a PHP application to upload video file. I did it and working fine with PHP and Flash. But it works only in the case of … | |
can someone tell me what is wrong with the following: [CODE]function connect($db_host,$db_database,$db_user,$db_pass){ global $db_connection; try { $db_connection = mysql_connect($DB_HOST,$db_user,$db_pass, true); if(!$db_connection) { throw new Exception('MYQSL Connection Database Error: ' . mysql_error()); } else { $connection = true; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->GetMessage(); } }[/CODE] I receive: Parse error: … | |
hi 2 all, i'm very new to this php world... if any1 can solve my prblm, help me...! an image was successfully uploaded in desiered DIRECTORY in server... i wish to resize the images which uploaded image... i couldnt found php code to do RESIZE... Thnx in advance... | |
HI, I have embedded youtube code in my site for youtube videos. I am using the url to display youtube video. The problem is that the video is not displayed after I gave the Youtube URL, but i see the blank screen instead of video. anybody has any idea what … | |
Hi, i am trying to use the pagination concept in Cakephp for my application .. [CODE]$allreports=$this->paginate('Report',array('Report.user_id'=>$userId));[/CODE] i am trying to have a group condition in the above query like 'group'=>array("Report.report_id") .. i m not awarre of giving that in this paginate.. where in [CODE] var $paginate = array( 'limit' => … | |
I have a word file containing questions and those questions also contains images. I want to save all those question images in a separate folder in a sequential order even also same images and replace them one by one with a text in sequential order. So please tell me how … | |
Hi guys, i was wondering if anyone could help me out here. I'm trying to display an alphabet. to do this i am using this code [CODE] for ($i=65; $i<=90; $i++){ echo '<a href="test.php?f='.chr($i).'">'.chr($i).'</a>'; } [/CODE] This works as it should. Displays the alphbet each with a link. What I … | |
How do you acces a folder beneath the current folder? The upload script is at: htdocs/mysite/management/upload.php and i want the files to be uploaded at: htdocs/mysite/images/ What should the directory be? | |
.error Info: To add this product into your cart you have to select a product variant on the details page. above is an error im receiving when i add a custom attribute text box to my product could you please assist me with a solution for it. Not sure cause … | |
Greetings, Would some experts show me php code to play a .wav file? Thank you very much in advance. phpnovice | |
So I have a simple login + set cookie script. After checking to see if the supplied credentials are in the db, the script sets a cookie. After this, the script forwards the user to a password protected page. I know the login + cookie placing script works fine. When … | |
Hi, Please help me out.How to add images in the PDF file using php? I tried this coding : [code=php]<?php $pdf = PDF_new(); PDF_open_file($pdf,''); PDF_begin_page($pdf,595,842); $image = PDF_load_image($pdf,"png","myimage.png",""); PDF_place_image($pdf,$image,64,26,.24); ?>[/code] But i am facing an error while running this code: [B] Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDFlibException' with message 'Handle parameter … | |
Hi All, I am processing a form that includes address info. If the user fills out the form and (address2) has an apartment number that they enter like: #1522 I have trouble later where I might contruct a link such as: [code] header("location: contact.php?address1=$address1&address2=$address2&city=$city&state=$state"); [/code] The link creates fine, but … | |
Hi there, I am looking for a suggestion, and wondered if somebody may be able to help. I have a client, who requests that within his form there is a unique six digit generated number, I am looking for a piece of software or a Dreamweaver extension that may be … | |
Hello. I'm using AJAX for all the updates to the web site I'm building and it works very well. But now I face the need to: 1) Upload a file (an image or video) to a folder in the server. 2) Insert a row in MySQL with the name of … | |
i want to upload and crop five images at a time in php. i wrote code 5times for upload,and 5 times for croping. so...there is any possible to using an arrays and using anyway i want to short my code....plz help me.. | |
Hi folks, I want to open a pdf stored in the database in a new window using php server side script. Actually I want store the file name in data table, which user clicks. So i need a server side script open the things in new window along with the … | |
i want to relate my tables, but i can't find out how to relate the tables. how? | |
I have a simple javascript function that shoud insert a value in the cell when the value in the dropdown list changes. Dnt knw the reason why its not working. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function displaytaskid() { var id=document.getElementById(dropdown).value; document.getElementById(task_id1).value=id; } </script> <td id ="task_id1"></td> <td name = "task_id[]" id="dropdown" onchange="displaytaskid()" … | |
Need help could anyone know how to make an image in a form act as a submit button? Would anyone know where I can get information on how to fill a drop down box with data in a mysql database? Please help please please :-/ | |
Besides the obvious, like security issues, character limits in older browsers, etc. Is there any real difference between $_POST and $_GET besides the method in which data is passed? I have a script that works perfectly with $_POST but completely falls apart when I try to use $_GET. I rarely … | |
Hi, I have uploaded a web site on the server then I hav tested it on the browser but it is taking a lot of time to load its contents. I dont have anything heavy in the site, does anybody know any solution to overcome this problem?? Please reply. Take … | |
Hi, I need to make a search page for book using PHP and MySQL. I've already have the script that I've got from one site. It run very well. I can type what I need to search then click which category to be search using textbox such as Title or … | |
Hi everyone, i m doing an inhome project on community development... For that i need a form such that we can send a mail to anyone without authentication,, For Ex. a user of gmail can send a update to user of yahoo or gmail. Please help me | |
Hello all, I need a Free Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, MSN and AOL address book import script using PHP , as i need it to a social network site. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. |
The End.