39,388 Topics
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Good afternoon all, I'm at the beginning stages of learning PHP. I'm trying to understand passing in functions. I have a video lesson so I can see what is being explained but for some reason i am still not getting it. [CODE]<?php function hello($word) { echo "Hello {$word}!<br/>"; } hello("Daniweb"); … | |
Hi everyone I've been googling my time away trying to find a resource that explains how many php uploads http can handle at once and any extra info on the process and limitations etc. Does anyone have a link they could share. Google isn't being very helpful (or the problem … | |
hi hows it going? ive tried loads of times to fix this problem but its not happening here is the registration page code [CODE]<div id="apDiv6"> <form name="register" method="post" action="regform.php"><p> <input type="text" name="username" id="username"> </p> <p> <input type="password" name="pass" id="pass"> </p> <p> <input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2"> </p> <p> <select name="usertype" id="usertype"> … | |
Hi, Ok.. i have some pages on my site that has a link like [code=text]<A HREF="<?php $websiteaddress ?>/webbuilder/downloads/download.php?filename=age_verification_popup.zip">Download</A>[/code] if you look carefully you will see using get in my below script i get the filename in this example [b]age_verification_popup.zip[/b] This is then sent to this script. [CODE]<?php @include ("/home/sites/genieuk.co.cc/public_html/includes/global.php"); // … | |
Hi to all, page1 -- login page page2 -- secured page 1 [COLOR="Green"] No Problem[/COLOR], If user logged out successfully using logout button. session ends and doesn't allow user to go to secured pages. But... [COLOR="Red"]Problem[/COLOR], if user press backspace or back button in browser staying in page2, directed to … | |
hi guys,,, Can Anyone help me in my problem. I want to exclude the second and instead i will use the Am/Pm. I did exclude the seconds but I can't include the AM/Pm function. I used this code [QUOTE] <?php echo ('A'); ?> [/QUOTE] but this is static.. how could … | |
Is there anyone could explain me about how to write login php code by using build-in function of authentication. I have learn it from a book, but it have been done.[code][/code] | |
Hi Please tell me how we can search PDF File , which is stored in folder like C:\Folder and then show in show.php page as dynamic link. also Upload new PDF File to Folder Please tell me how? | |
the photos on my friendster don't show,they are blocked. what should i do to unblock them. also, when i browse my friends photo albums they don't appear.....pls help me unblock those photos,,,,tnx | |
Hie everybody, Iam trying to insert multiple rows into a table at the same time. The form fields of the rows are defined as checkboxes in html. For example it requires a person to enter his qualifications by ticking appropriate checkboxes. Now a person may tick more than one checkbox, … | |
Hi! I am developing a php site and required to export the .php files to HTML, PDF, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, ODS and SXC files. The problem i'm having here is that i don't know anything about exporting files. How should i start? Could anyone provide some steps to help me … | |
Is there any way to do this? I have multiple drop down lists and depending on which drop down is selected I want it to unset some sessions. Do I need to use AJAX for this? | |
hi to all, i need help from you all... i need to search in database and to display the match records, say if search results are 28 in number then i need to show 5records/page (like this records 1-5 in page1, 6-10 in page2.......26-28 in page6) with some options like … | |
I am trying to build a small website using PHP and MySQL serve as the database. Can anyone tell me how to connect to MySQL database using PHP and is it similar to using Access because I have succeeded in doing that. Thanks | |
i m using a open source cms (PHP) when ever i try to logout. i get loggged out but the screen shows as if still logged in. when i refresh it gets directed to home page. when i press back i get the history all the people logged in. how … | |
help. [URL="http://us2.php.net/trim"]manual[/URL] says: [CODE]$hello = "Hello World" $trimmed = trim($hello, "Hdle"); var_dump($trimmed);[/CODE] when used turned out to be: [CODE]string(5) "o Wor" [/CODE] i just want to remove all the x's from my string. its not working for me. $string = "faxtxxx"; does not come out to be "fat" it comes … | |
i have this script it wont display the page if i have over like 30 things in an array. wtf but it will display if theres only like 20. does anyone know what i can use instead of array() because i have like 100 things i need to use in … | |
Hello there, How to setup Sandbox Paypal subscription button code? i googled out but only found code for paypal.com not for sandbox.paypal.com .. thanks , Arun | |
Hi i have another query i would like to run by you. I have a javascript code which i would like to implement in my site but i have come across an error. The JS generates a new input text field once a button is clicked but i'm uncertain of … | |
Hi, I'm trying to split a string with multiple delimiters using the PHP preg_split function. I am trying to separate the numbers from the units in terms like 172px, 100%, 2.5ems etc... i.e. after I run a preg_split on 172px I want the resulting array to have array[0] = 172 … | |
Hello all. I have a string that will contain the username, for the security reasons i want it to be checked it if its diferent from the specific charset. I think it could be done by looping the check 1 character from the username at a time till the end … | |
This is the first page of my website(AssociationAdd.php). When I clicked the 'Add' button, it shows that : [COLOR="Red"]"Notice: Undefined index: T2 in c:\easyphp1-8\www\efiling\associationaddprocess.php on line 19 Notice: Undefined index: T1 in c:\easyphp1-8\www\efiling\associationaddprocess.php on line 20"[/COLOR] [CODE]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="ja"> <title>Index</title> </head> <div style="position: absolute; width: 1146px; height: 842px; … | |
Hi, I need to know about creating dynamic slide show or dynamic photo gallery in php. Can any one please help. Thanks Regards, | |
hi all Can anyone please tell me how to take screen shot of web page using javasctipt. Even is it possible Thanks | |
hi i'm using [B]wamp server 2.0[/B] in that, php version 5.3.0 MySQL version 5.1.36 PhpMyadmin MySQL client version: mysqlnd 5.0.5 while uploading my files on to server (plesk control panel) there i have these... [B]Local host[/B] MySQL version: 5.0.45-community-nt Protocol version: 10 Server: localhost via TCP/IP User: username@localhost [B]PhpMyAdmin[/B] … | |
A client would like me to implement spreadsheet-style form traversal using arrow keys, i.e. left arrow to submit entry and move left by one field on the form, and so on. Does anyone have a browser-independent method of doing this please? All input fields are single line text fields. | |
hi, im a newbie developer.. i developer a website in php n hosted it.. when im trying to access it i get an error.. You do not have permission to view this directory or page due to the access control list (ACL) that is configured for this resource on the … | |
sir i want to know how to convert any image in pdf format programatically in PHP. If possible please give codes. Please Reply Soon | |
Hi Friends, I am working on a Script to login into yahoo using a curl or fsock script without visiting to yahoo. I am facing so many problems. Guys, Please help me to solve this Problem. Please Its Urgent. Thanks in Advance Rahul Anand |
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