39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for ilokana

Can you divert one database to another database if the former has crashed? My site crashed and would like to have a backup database if this happens again (hopefully not!). Thanks.

Member Avatar for SoN9ne
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

Hi all I like to display the next and previous content's teaser for every node in drupal(PHP CMS) . .Is there any module available for this issue.. next and previous content's teaser should be of the same taxonomy of same content type.. Suppose if i a news is displayed in …

Member Avatar for sugumarclick
Member Avatar for GregoryHouseMD

I know how to process a contact form to a mail, but this is the first time I'm using checkboxes and I have no clue on how to send it... here is the html code part: [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%"> <tr class="info"> <td width="100" align="center" valign="middle">No. of …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for toad78

I would like to convert information from a MySQL dbase table to PDF, but only certain columns within the table. I've heard about many PDF class programs, but the people who've recommended them can't seem assist me with using the program. I may be a novice with PHP, but would …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phutisemenya

hi, guys. i need a code that works like this one but using table row instead of option. thanks [CODE] function RightButton_OnClick() { var AvailableLB = document.getElementById("selection"); var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("selected"); for (var i=0; i < AvailableLB.length; i++) { if (AvailableLB.options[i].selected == true) { LinkedLB.options[LinkedLB.length] = new Option(AvailableLB.options[i].text,AvailableLB.options[i].value,AvailableLB.options[i].focus(),AvailableLB.options[i].selected); AvailableLB.options[i] = …

Member Avatar for Boronia

Hi I got a online reservation website and I am having a problems with reservation forms. Forms were ok until couple of months ago. When you submit the reservation form it doesn't go to the admin e-mails but all reservation are kept in the database. it's a php/ mysql database …

Member Avatar for Boronia
Member Avatar for lcyew

Hi. I'm doing exporting from .php to .pdf now and face a little problem here. I've found something like below and I think it might be helpful for me to do exporting to pdf. [CODE]<?php $mypdf = PDF_new(); PDF_open_file($mypdf, ""); PDF_begin_page($mypdf, 595, 842); $myfont = PDF_findfont($mypdf, "Times-Roman", "host", 0); PDF_setfont($mypdf, …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for grr

[CODE]function fafaconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name) { @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); @mysql_select_db($db_name); } if ($link = @mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "pass")) { echo "pass-"; } else { echo "fail-"; } if ($select = @mysql_select_db("zushee")) { echo "pass-"; } else { echo "fail-"; } if ($newlink = fafaconnect("localhost", "admin", "pass", "zushee")) { echo "pass"; } …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for amail

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in activation.php on line 11 Invalid Validation Code what is wrong here? [CODE]<?php session_start(); include "mysql.php"; $c; if(!$_GET['code'] || !$_GET['act']) { die("Invalid Use Of System."); } else { $code=$_GET['code']; $cq=mysql_query("select * from confirm where code=$code",$c); if(mysql_num_rows($cq)== 0) { die("Invalid …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for egturnkey

Hello friends, let us cosider [CODE]$a[1]['en'] = "ok";[/CODE] and we have a form with submit option as following [CODE] <form method=post> <tr> <td>name :</td> <td><input type=text name=PlanName></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=submit name=submit value="xx"></td> </tr> </form> [/CODE] and its php code [CODE] if(isset($submit) && $submit == 'xx') { $q1 = "insert …

Member Avatar for omoabobade
Member Avatar for waleed66

Hi, I am creating a website where users will be able to submit forms. In the form they will be able to submit text and uploaded images. With regards to uploaded images, once they are submitted, what is the best way to save them? Is it to a MySQL database …

Member Avatar for omoabobade
Member Avatar for InterfaceDesign

hi, I need to create a 5 page website with the following features: . upload ten images with one paragraph of text . the ten images with the text will be displayed on One html page together . On the index page of my website, I want a scrolling to …

Member Avatar for omoabobade
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hello, I know you probably get quite a few threads asking this, but the DaniWeb search didn't pull up what I was looking for. So here we go: I have a page that I've made as "private" by including my access control script at the top. The access control script …

Member Avatar for Kruptein

I got a table that is made up as followed: [icode=table]region_id,...nation_id[/icode] the regions are countries, the nations are names users choose. I want to have a world map showing which nation has which region, Is this possible? I'm not sure how to do this, but maybe something with <map> and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mano123

while surfing through internet i came across a new type of php scripting (atleast i've never heard of it) by the name of 4image php script..so can anyone tell me what is this scripting?? i mean its contents and how to write it using php etc etc i'm a student …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for amail

hi. I have been working on this page for a while and all I get is errors...(this time: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /header.php on line 291) can someone please help to fix this? [CODE]<?php class headers { function startheaders() { global $ir, $set; echo <<<EOF <!DOCTYPE html …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arindamtech

Hello Php Champs, I am new in php , I am getting this problem Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent I have written the following code at the top of header.php [code=php]<?php ob_start(); session_name(); session_start(); ?>[/code] I am new, failed to understand what could …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for j_limboo

Please advice once the session is created by A client and B client logs in with the same username and password I want to logout A client Is this possible? [CODE] <?php //Start session session_start(); //Check whether the session variable SESS_MEMBER_ID is present or not if(!isset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) || (trim($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) == '')) …

Member Avatar for j_limboo
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

[CODE] <?php //CONNECTION TO DATABASE! $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="accounts"; // Database name $tbl_name="login"; // Table name $tbl1_name="details"; // Table1 name $con=mysql_connect("$host","$username","$password"); mysql_select_db("$db_name",$con); $show_all=$_POST['rg01']; // Show All //echo $show_all; if($show_all!="") { $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl1_name WHERE sex='$show_all'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); } else { echo …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for gpss

Hello! I need help.. please.. i'm new at php... but i need to make this: i have a database (postgreSQL) on a server... now on my webpage, i want to insert (manually-in my webpage) like with a text box, i insert there the client name (and other box's for the …

Member Avatar for gpss
Member Avatar for hynt

I keep getting PHP T_STRING errors. It says this: [quote]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/a1558762/public_html/forum/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_1/skin_global.php on line 186[/quote] Line 186 is as follows [code=php]<strong>{$this->lang->words['pc_replies']}</strong> {parse expression="intval( $items['pmData']['mt_replies'] )"}<br />[/code] I tried changing punctuation, but nothing has helped. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hello everyone again, When a user logs in a cookie is set on the users computer called genieuk_logged_session The value in the cookie is a random id created using a random key that the script creates, if i can i need to compare the value of randomin id in the …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for 123468743867143

Need instruction. Please. [B][COLOR="red"]Situation:[/COLOR][/B] Most of my site pages start with the following: [COLOR="Green"]<? include("include/common.inc.php"); top(); left(); middle(); bottom(); function middle(){ ?>[/COLOR] My include/common.inc has the head, title, meta tags which means they look the same on EVERY single page of my site (hundreds of pages!). Not good for SEO. …

Member Avatar for Eng.h
Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites

Hello, I have a client that wants his users to be redirected upon login to a page that displays only information that pertains to this user. Kind of like a bank site that only shows their account. I need to know 1. How to do that type of redirect 2. …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Can someone tell me if i can use the below query. When i click submit button SQL says: [QUOTE]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE username = 'genieuk'' at line …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi, I use a upload form to upload images first in a server directory and then I would like to save file in a database. My questions : 1. I would like to change the name that image is saved like that : Image_1.jpeg or Image_1.gif whatever type. 2. I …

Member Avatar for bufospro
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hai friends, i want to code for send a short msg(sms) to my clients mobile phones through my website. anybody help me

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for moon_isha1

i m using windows, xampp, with appache sever. plz tell me from the first how to send mail in php on localhost ... this is really pizzing me ... plz its very urgent plz help me thank you...

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, I uploaded all php files to the ftp all files are working but some links are showing error, 500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. Please can anyone help me to solve this issue thanks …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for nishanthaMe

I want to run an infinite loop,as soon as my web server start up.I can write php loop but how i start it from the start of the server without user request for starting.

Member Avatar for network18

The End.