39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for chupinette

Hello everyone! I am developing a php web application and I was searching on how to deploy it. I heard about nusphere..But it is a trial version..Can anyone give me some suggestions or tutorials on how to deploy a php application? Thanks, Chupi :)

Member Avatar for chupinette
Member Avatar for mark2326l

I have entry dates of my records in format yyyy-mm-dd. I have 2 drop down menus, one for Year, and one for Month to select. I have no idea how to return results without using the complete date. If I use a text box and enter the exact date (Y,m,d) …

Member Avatar for mark2326l
Member Avatar for jrw0267

[CODE]echo "<param name='FlashVars' value='mp3=Slipknot-Duality.mp3&bgcolor1=$rgb\&showinfo=1&autoplay=0&showstop=1&showvolume=1'>";[/CODE] I am having a problem getting my bgcolor1=$rgb to be evaluated I know that $rgb has a value in it because i am using print_r($GET) and it is evaluated as the correct value how do i get the variable to pass as a paramater in the …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for armyguydave69

I just switched webhosting companies and I'm having a major problem now, I keep getting errors that I wasn't getting before. Mainly, these right here: [code] Notice: Undefined index: username in D:\hshome\c274056\test.yourroommatefinder.com\register\signup.php on line 12 [/code] Here's line 12: [code] $username = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['username'])); [/code] Tried this too: [code] $username …

Member Avatar for armyguydave69
Member Avatar for nigelsponge

Hi, I am using the explode function to bring some txt boxes from a database based on sizes. All is good but I need to only show the text boxes if there are sizes available for that particular garment. So the user can't enter any quantity into the text box. …

Member Avatar for nish123

hello friends.. [code=php] <?while($row=(mysql_fetch_array(result)) {?> <tr> <td><?echo $row['photo']?></td> <td><?echo $row['info']?></td> </tr> <?}?>[/code] above code i use for fetching data.. one result in one row at a time..!!! now i m try to show two result in one row..!!! in other words.. two different data in one row..!!! how can i …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for MikeGore

I need to convert this into PHP. I heard of ASP to PHP convert programs but they don't work they just append $ to a couple of places thats all. Since my other posts have remained unanswered I don't really expect replies from here either, but I a desperate. Could …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gavola

Hello everyone - first time poster here, long time reader. I have a minor issue that appear to simple to fix - but I've just hit a road block. I would like to create a three way inner join to display all the information I need in one SQL statement. …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello all, I have an issue regarding using variables from my global.php in a hiarachy of documents. I will explain how this works. I have my index.php in the root of my server, I then include the global.php file and from then on I include a handle.php file for the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for nadnakinam

how to retain the values of radio buttons back from databese? for example, if user provided with 3 options (red, blue & green) if a user selected green(the value is stored in database) then next time he/she returning to the same page, previously selected option green radio button need to …

Member Avatar for nadnakinam
Member Avatar for tarunkhatri

I want to insert multiple rows in a database table, from an submit form. But not able to trouble shoot the problem in my code. Following is the code which is not inserting any row in the database. [CODE]<form action=test_insert.php method="post"> <table> <?php for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td><input …

Member Avatar for tarunkhatri
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai, I had developed a web site. In that website I need to add a facility to check for the domain name availability. I am a PHP programmer. I need to check for .com, .net, .info, .co.in only. Please help me how to do this. Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I have worked in PHP for 1year and a half,Now i want to develop website using the CMS,and some people suggested it would be better to start with Joomla...i have installed it in my comp,but i reall dont know how to get started. So if there is anyone who knows …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Please explain me and when we [ICODE]echo $form;[/ICODE] then it shows. please explain this. [CODE]$form=<<<POST <form method="post" action=""> </form> POST;[/CODE] Thanks in Advance...

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for dourvas

i have tree select boxes. i fill those with data coming from a database (mysql) i want to change the data of the last two selects regarding the selection of the first. here is my code. it doesnt work (i used a little bit of javascript) in head [code=JavaScript]<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have written a dehasher and the first 446000 rows in the mysql database have turned out ok but now my script isn't placing the entries into the database in order and is taking like a minute per entry to do it. Does anybody know what is wrong with the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for elamigosam
Member Avatar for mundetas

I have a form with check boxes, but if some of the check boxes I are not checked I get undefined index is there a why around this please help. I am using $_POST. :-/

Member Avatar for mundetas
Member Avatar for crohole

Hello master... I want to build a web crawler that can detect all files which extension is : .pdf .ppt .xls .doc First, insert the domain of a website to search files, than the result will be like this : domain : [url]www.examle.com[/url] Files : 1. xxx.doc 2. xxx2.doc 3. …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for AliHurworth

Hi all, I have a two-part form intended to replicate the output from a toolbar, with the aim of sending data to a database. So the data is generated by the following code (sim1.php): [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for CFROG

I've been working with a script that allows users to look up other users in their area based on their zip code. I attempted the script myself but the whole lat/long thing was a bit much for me to understand, so I settled for one that I found on the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I have been learning making CMS and you guys have been helpful. I can now post, and view the posts. I need to edit/delete articles. I have read somewhere that you can make a link that appends an id of the article and you can retrieve it via …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for normmy

Hi all I would apreciate some generic help with the following problem as it's probably far too complex to document and solve on a forum but I need some more ideas on how to diagnose this problem. situation: PHP running on a Hiawatha server using an mssql 2000 database. all …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for davidlgj

Hi all, I'm using the PHP code below to get results to return to an autosuggest / autocomplete. The problem is that if an earlier SQL query takes longer to return from the database than the most recent SQL query then the results of the older query will be displayed …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for MikeGore

Hi, I am trying to add a small date-time box to my website. In visual C# this was so easy as you can just drag and drop the gui. In dreamweaver I have not been able to find any like. I would like to be able to pick a date-time …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for uktena

I'm writing a utility for work using forms, then submitting the supplied information into a database with php. The work this intended for is to be performed every thirty days. I need to find a way to automatically check the database and be sure each table in this database has …

Member Avatar for uktena
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai, I had a php based website and my home page is index.php. In that index.php page I called an another page (inner.php) using iframe. And works fine. Now I had heared that goolge calculate iframe objects as the virus or something like that blacklist our website. Is there is …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai friends, I had a main web site and a number of 15 ( also increasing ) child websites. I had a master database in my main website. Now I need to connect main database from the child websites. I had a code to connect the database from main website …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for armyguydave69

Okay, I just change hosting providers and I was using my old account with the previous hosting company as a testing server. Anyway, I set up the new account today and ready to make my account live.... but of course it couldn't be that simple. I have code for a …

Member Avatar for armyguydave69
Member Avatar for chris_j_haines

I am looking for ideas of projects I can do to further develop my PHP and MySQL skills. I did Business IT university and have a good knowledge of PHP and MySQL as I did my dissertation in it. I would like to develop these skills further but I have …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.