39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for amith_ami

hi all... i'm doing a job site and i want to view jobs from another jobsites like http://www.indeed.co.in/ on my website using xml feed. i dont know how to implelement that ....... pls help me to do that... tnx in advnc...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for keeleyb

Any ideas please on where should I look for help with making a site (lecaff.fr) that includes phpmyadmin, work on the remote server. It works fine on the testing server and through various browsers using Dreamweaver cs6 and phpMyAdmin 3.3.9. It also responds when I comment out the php script.

Member Avatar for keeleyb
Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

I was working on a project where a set of code opens a file and reads the content of the files and stores those words in a table. I recently had to format my PC and obviously i re-installed the WAMPServer but it didn't seem to work the way i …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Squidge

Evening all. I am goign through my Image upload script and found it looks messy, would you recommend an cleaner way of doing this: move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'photos/' . $_FILES['file']['name']); try { $fileName = $_FILES['file']['name']; $resizeObj = new resize('photos/' . $fileName); // *** Resize options: exact, portrait, landscape, auto, crop $resizeObj->resizeImage(225, 150, …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for aqr996

how can i set to the top directory (i.e. **public_html/folder**)? I have tried **$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']** without luck. define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(realpath(__FILE__)). '/folder' );

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for yy886

Hello I have found a good template about PM system. http://www.webestools.com/scripts_tutorials-code-source-15-personal-message-system-in-php-mysql-pm-system-private-message-discussion.html But here is the question, is there any way to modify it to be able to send to multiple people? Like Message 1 is subject to send to a group of people. Message 2 is send to an individual …

Member Avatar for yy886
Member Avatar for chennaipackers
Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hi Guys, I have a problem using the sqlsrv_connect function (in that it's failing!). I have been using mssql_connect on a server with an older verison of PHP where my connect string worked fine. But putting the information into the sqlsrv_connect doesn't let it connect. Here's my code that I …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for erictdavid

Hi, I've created a PHP form that has a workflow. When a user fills the first page, it sends an email to the respective department head. The department head reviews the form and adds his/her contents. I was able to develop the form, but I am looking for advice/ guidance …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for ivanichi

$char = '3'; $string = '101131110|101131110|'; $positions = array(); $pos = -1; while (($pos = strpos($string, $char, $pos+1)) !== false) { $positions[] = $pos+1; } $result = implode(',', $positions); print_r($result); The position of '3' in our string was 5,15 I want to get a second position of '3' in position …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for haris.zia.92

i want to use insert and delete query at the same time but its not working only insert query run here is my code,every thing is working but delete query..... include("conn.php"); $a=$_GET['email']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])); $firstname=$_POST['firstname']; $lastname=$_POST['lastname']; $email=$_POST['email']; $password=$_POST['password']; $city=$_POST['city']; $address=$_POST['address']; $gender=$_POST['gender']; $degree=$_POST['degree']; $specialization=$_POST['specialization']; $experiance=$_POST['experiance']; $salary=$_POST['salary']; $designation=$_POST['designation']; $insert=mysql_query ("insert into admin (firstname, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dhani09

Hi, I have the following tables **tbl_user** - id, username, password **tbl_userprofile** - id, userid, name, surname, gender, nationality,address, mobile, department, email, question, answer. userid is a foreign key in **tbl_userprofile** referencing id in **tbl_user** I'm trying insert a new user into **tbl_userprofile**. But i'm not sure how to go …

Member Avatar for dhani09
Member Avatar for ferdinandmucos

I have a text file: $string = '1 The most important feature of spiral model is: requirement analysis. risk management. quality management. configuration management 2 The worst type of coupling is: Data coupling. control coupling. stamp coupling. content coupling 3 One of the fault base testing techniques is: unit testing. …

Member Avatar for ferdinandmucos
Member Avatar for rambleon

Hi, I have a web site that was originally only in English, I wanted to make the site multilingual so that there would be copies of each page in English, Arabic and Hebrew. To do this I created a duplicate site for development, after completing the basic structure with the …

Member Avatar for rambleon
Member Avatar for rjony321

Hello Masters, Please help me, How can i display only how many days leave when i mention last date.my system just display *like **5 Days To Go*** compare/subtract current date.I want use it codeignitor. Best Regards, Rjony :)

Member Avatar for rjony321
Member Avatar for ahudson

Hi guys, basically, I've been stuck on this problem FOREVER! *When I open the webpage, I get this error.* Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&&' (T_BOOLEAN_AND) in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-12.1\www\Creative Landscapes\functions.php on line 83 **Line 83:** `else if (isset($_POST['submit'] && empty($_POST['username']) or empty($_POST['password']){`

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for daniel36

The pay is giving error"Sorry, we couldn't retrieve your data. Please try again later.".The url is "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webapps/business/?business=dheersinght%40yahoo.com&custom=47&currency_code=USD&item_name=paid&item_amount=9.95&return=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fpayment-successful.htm&cancel_return=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fpayment-cancelled.htm&notify_url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoftwaresproject.com%2Fpaypal1%2Fpayments.php".

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for martjojo1

Hey all, i've a form with a textinput for links, but at submit, it won't send any links started with http. for example: <form acion="result.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="link" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" </form> <?php //---Result.php: echo $_POST['link']; // if links start with http:// it won't be there ?> …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I have taken up a project of creating my own forum. A chat forum. I have started to design the homepage. But there is still much more work to do. The thing is I dont know how the folowing things work: Member login and that each member has their own …

Member Avatar for James singizi
Member Avatar for sigvewinter

Hi guys. So I have this code for uploading pictures for TinyMce. I can't figure out how I can manage random filenames on upload. I've tried to change "$filename" and adding time() and rand(), but it don't seem to change the filename. Any ideas? define ("MAX_SIZE","200000"); $errors=0; if(isset($_POST["submit"])) { $image …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

hey there I don't know if this mentioned earlier but I want to do this sql statment $sql1 = "SELECT product FROM products WHERE cat = 2"; $sql2 = "SELECT product FROM products WHERE cat = 3"; $sql3 = "SELECT product FROM products WHERE cat = 4"; I want these …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hello. I have a user defined function in start of an Html page. I want to add textfields in the innerHtml. Please guide me what should I do. When I enter string in the innerHtml on line 10 and 11, It show "New" in the cells. BUt i am adding …

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for davy_yg

This code works online for login. I wonder it doesn't work offline for login. I am using windows 7 and apache server. I already enter the correct username and password. It shows nothing as if nothing happens. <?php ob_start(); include('../includes/koneksi.php'); /* the files */ // username and password sent from …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for shakayu

How to separate admin and frontend part in php with codeigniter? I have 3 users.. How to give them the privelges to get access on their pages ?

Member Avatar for shakayu
Member Avatar for charleskoliver

I want to know that how I prepare a website in wordpress from scratch without using any premade template. What files are required and how to upload them on server that browser start showing that website.

Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for harbi.dayah

I'm new to php and dymanic web applications using PHP I'm tyring to read from table Id(primary key) to other form and save othe table as forign key. I appreciat for you help

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Member Avatar for sandi009

Hello Everyone I am using 2 different database servers to retrieve my data. Some of my query retrieve data from one database server and some from other database server. I had made connection successfully, But there is one problem. The problem is that when I am retrieving data it is …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for yy886

I am thinking to implement a forum like Private Message into my website for those who are a registered member. (<100 Member anyway) So Member A can send a message to Member B. Member B will have a notification popup within some seconds saying that he received a new message …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for amar k

here i found the solution for windows 8 while installation apache , mysql , php http://connectwww.com/how-to-install-and-configure-apachephpmysql-and-phpmyadmin-on-windows/457/

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for shakayu

Hello guys Am still a newbie in php in codeigniter Hmm, am creating a website..for that when a user log in...the session has to be kept..while she is browising between several page in the website. how can i include this? Header or something? I have already do the login part.. …

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The End.