39,326 Topics
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This is my first PHP script, to add a user to my website but i keep getting these errors Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent Cannot modify header information - headers already sent mysql_num_rows expects parameter 1 to be resource boolean given I have a basic understanding … | |
Hi All, Help me please. I want insert to people_go table using checkbox. data.sql CREATE TABLE `people` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `p_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`p_id`), KEY `id` (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ; INSERT INTO `people` VALUES (1, 'P001', 'Ana'); INSERT … | |
PM bmx322 Hi All, I am integrating JFormer with CI. I am able to get the form to build but the validation doesn’t work and there are no POST vars nor any values in the jformer formValues on submission. I load the JS files in a header template and have … | |
Hello. Please guide me about how to get the options of select tab from mYSQL table. Where to insert php code and how to? Have a look on the code. <td><select name="tby" size="1"> </select></td> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><label>Issue/ Tests : <textarea name="issue" wrap="physical"></textarea> </label></td> Regards. Aamir Karim. | |
Case switching is a neat way to make your site a bit more dynamic. it gives you the ability to show blocks of information "on the fly". By attaching the variable name "Content" to our link, we pass that condition in the query string. Note that on the last link, … | |
I'm trying to execute a binary on my Linux web server. The binary is called 'phantomJS' which is used mainly to create screenshots of a webpage. I logged into my cPanel and found the following information about my server: Operating system : Linux Architecture : i686 So I went ahead … | |
| Hi I'm trying figure why I'm getting this error **Undefined offset: 1**. I'm practicing with **list()** function and with a **explode()** function. When I ran the code it kept mention this error: Undefined offset: 1 The line is this: list($bagsize, $candyprice)=explode("#", $_GET["size"]); The list is not an array. It's on … |
hi all pls help me.... im trying to select all related items of a particular product... related items are also another products... here is an example of my table product... prod_id related_id 100 101,102,103 101 104,105 102 101,100 103 100,101 104 103 105 104 if i select product with prod_id … | |
Last Day I have installed wamp server 2.2 and I was using wamp server 2.0c till then. I have a strange problem, when i start wampserver and try to load pages on browser it shows the error > Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated http://tinypic.com/r/206g8is/6 Please help me , thanks in … | |
Hello. I am curious if it is possible to create functions dynamically in such a way, that (1) the names of the functions to be retrieved from an array and (2) these names could be used also inside the functions. I have a code that is solving the first problem, … | |
I have a calendar built for course scheduling and I'm trying to have it auto book a google resoure calendar by sending an email using phpmailer with an ics attachment ics file BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//company// Course Scheduler//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130411T170000 DTEND:20130411T173000 DTSTAMP:20130410T110314Z ORGANIZER;CN=my@Email.com:MAILTO:my@Email.com UID:unique_id@email.com ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP=TRUE;CN=Test;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:MAILTO:myresource@group.calendar.google.com CREATED:20130410T110314Z DESCRIPTION: test LAST-MODIFIED:20130410T110314Z … | |
Guys please, i really need your help real urgently. I've search the web times without number but couldnt get anything tangible. I have a php loop like this . 'While($row=mysql_fetch_array($dbquery)){$username=$row['username']; print("<input type='submit' value='$username'>");}' now i have a jquery code to select each value contained in the hidden input 'var x=$("input").attr('value');' … | |
This is not what I would consider a critical question but it has been bugging me a little. If I have a number of mysql queries that I drop directly into an array because there is only a single result. Doing so uses a line of code such as this … | |
I'm trying to debug my PayPal IPN code. Here is my PHP code: if ($this->input->post('payment_status') == 'Completed' AND in_array($this->input->post('txn_type'), array('web_accept', 'subscr_payment'))) { $query = 'cmd=_notify-validate&' . http_build_query($this->input->post()); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($result == 'VERIFIED') … | |
I have 2 tables inside of my database and 2 forms on my website. 1 form works and sends information over to its table in the database while the other form doesn't although I have used the exact same method for both. Here is my code, please help me find … | |
I display records from one table. On every rows I add 2 columns (type of listbox). They are filled from another tables. How can I save choiced values from listboxes after Save? <!-- Anesteziolog --> <form name="myForm" action="cos_den.php" method="post"> <?php echo"<td >"; $cpquery = "Select anesteziolog from anesteziolog order by … | |
Hello every one my problem is i made a website with registration and alot of other things but i want to make a form that have two main fields 'subject' and 'post' like this website and then when the user fills every thing and press submit a new page will … | |
Hello! I'm working on a mini framework and everything is going great, exvept this one part that I have gotten working but it brings more complications and it's extremely confusing to me. So I will summarize what is going on. Essentially I have a class (a controller, we'll call this … | |
i want to be a well learner about PHP. Why PHP is The Most Popular Web Programming Language? | |
when i put my code in the cron processing it shows an error message after sometime of execution. "Fatal error : Out of memory (allocated 65273856) (tried to allocate 10485761 bytes) ". But the execution is working fine with the localhost. Kindly anybody let me know whats the problem was? | |
Another solution i've been searching for days now is for sending mail to actually existing accounts, but haven't quite found it yet. I have this functionality in my code where i can search and select professors individually for setting question papers. The search and select pages are working fine, so … | |
Is there a reason why this won't take aciton or submit. I don't get any movement on the browser. Neither of the forms move. <div data-role="content"> <?php echo "<table width=\"500\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\">"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($showEmployees)) { echo " <div data-role=\"collapsible\" data-mini=\"true\" data-content-theme=\"c\"> <h3>{$row['employee']} {$row['phone']}</h3> <p> <form action='admin.php' method='post' accept-charset='UTF-8' id='editemployee' > … | |
write php function that acceptsany number and checks, if the number is even then the function should display that number and the next following 5 even numbers, if the number is odd then the function should display the number and the text following 10 odd numbers. | |
Hi all, I'm trying to run an update query using the following code: <?php require_once('myConnect/connect.php'); $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_GET['e']); $ac = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_GET['ac']); $checkQuery = "SELECT subscribed FROM myUsers WHERE email='$email'"; $checkQueryResult = @mysqli_query($dbc, $checkQuery); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkQueryResult); if ($row['subscribed'] == 1) { echo '<p><b>This account has already been activated!</b></p>'; … | |
Hi! I'm working for a company that specializes in custom software development. Challenges are part of my daily routine and once I thought I want to share what my team has learned so far. You can find my thoughts here: http://cases.azoft.com/datagridbundle/ In a nutshell: *Recently, while working on one of … | |
Hi all, I am a completely new user of wordpress. Don't know I should post this over here or not. Can somebody please tell me this basic thing. How to insert data through wordpress in mysql. | |
I have searched for this problem on google and all solutions I have tried dont work I am new at PHP and used this method before but for some reason this one is giving me the run around. it echo's the text "Special Occasions" but the link it refers to … | |
I am not able to transfer file from one server to another using ftp_put() below is the warning its showing and also files are not getting transfered. If i put absolute path below error is coming **>Warning: ftp_fput() [function.ftp-fput]: Can't open that file: No such file or directory in ...** | |
Hello. Can I add any data directly from table into data base using dreamviewer 8 by php? i mean in design view, i add table. then when i enter a data in the cell, so can i add this cell text to a field in DB table? Also how can … |
The End.