39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ello

Hi, the problem i'm having is with the following code. When the user clicks the submit button with any errors it displays the section I've marked out. But it positions this at the very top of my form, pushing evverything down. Is there a way to get this error information …

Member Avatar for ello
Member Avatar for jtdbidirect

This is a keyword search script for one table only (pages). i need this search on 2 tables (pages and services) with one result set at the end to echo to the page. Can anyone help me? I have been trying to find a solution for 2 days - it …

Member Avatar for jtdbidirect
Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, Is there any scripts that would logout a user if they were already logged in with that username and password? many thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dandixon

I need to select customer column my database and then insert this into a session so i can use it in the other pages of my site but nothing im doing seems to work, any ideas [CODE] <?php session_start(); include("Connections/database.php"); ?> <?php /** * Checks whether or not the given …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for rje7

I am trying to split up the registration form into two php pages. Is it possible for the second page to submit its form along with the $_post which contains the information from the first page? well the question should be.. is there a function in php which will bind …

Member Avatar for rje7
Member Avatar for mCmAl

I have a blog,where I post a lot of songs,and I'd love if somebody could help me implement some sort of script in my blog. Is it possible,that whenever I want to post a zippyshare link,the script automatically converts it into a embedded media player? This is some source code …

Member Avatar for wangome

i have been building a web site of late but the login page has given me hectic coz it s giving me an error which i dont understand please help me with the correct codes am using dream weaver and wamp server. will highly appreciate.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for gchurch

hey well i have a drop down menu or four that collects the day, month, year and number of nights spent over. i'm havin difficulty caluclating the departure date with all this info. can anyone help me???

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for gchurch

is it possible to use a vaiable within the date() insted of using y-m-d. i want to use $day-$month-$year

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for JBLDW

I have the following code section that is used for displaying a list of items and would like to modify it so it displays as a multi column display. I have been told that I need to use a counter, but I cannot find any information on how to do …

Member Avatar for JBLDW
Member Avatar for captain.don

I want to create a php web page to uload a file on web site.I want, when a user browse the file and click upload then the file should upload on web site and the script will generate the encoded url to download the uploaded file, or any other way …

Member Avatar for sami.asanga

Hi, I need to get the itemId's from the Database to a combo box where the combo box will increase according to the new values. I wrote a code like this [code] <select name="catId"> <?php //get category id from the database $sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM tbl_category ORDER BY cat_id"; …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for arthurav

I use a couple of functions to which I have to pass the name of the mysqli connection in order to fetch some data. Is it safe to use a global variable for the mysqli connection to skip passing the connection name to the functions?

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for ckant_kol2006

I want to upload and store images in MySQL database, but have no idea. Please help me out? Thank you

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for mindboggler2010

Hi, I just want to share this function to you that can split an array and return it and formatted as: 'element1','element2' etc. This is useful in your WHERE clause particulary if you are using IN e.g. select id, lastname, firstname from farmers_table where id in ([B]'3408', '1223'[/B]); The BOLD …

Member Avatar for mindboggler2010
Member Avatar for sami.asanga

Having a problem with updating a picture.I need to replace the current picture in the DB by allowing the users to browse a picture and uploading it.And if the user did not upload any image I need to keep the current picture as it is. I wrote something like this,but …

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for jkaye

Hi All, The basis of this project is that I have an album of pictures, where you can add and delete pictures. What I wanted to do, was when you delete a picture, have the rest of the pictures move down to fill in the gap. The database is set …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all I have the following script 99.9% working for uploading a single image to a database - Storing the file in a folder and placing a link to the file in the database - The only problem im having now is when the image is uploaded the extension of …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for krrr25

I want to read the content of a .rtf or .doc files and display the file content as html output in a webpage. Need to extract some of part of the content also, like name, surname. mobile etc.... Anybody have the script to process .rtf or .doc files into html. …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

good day! i'm a newbie in php. but i know the basic things like what is server side and what is client side. my question is is it "OK" if i place a php script (which is a server side) in the page that my client views? i dont know …

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Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez

After weeks of getting a javascript to work the way I want it to, I am informed by the company that hosts my web sites that they want more money for me to have the .js file functional on the server. I am not a coder, nor do I have …

Member Avatar for Gregoriochavez
Member Avatar for RobotFX

Hi! I'd like to show the ads on my page only to visitors coming from search engines. I'm looking for a php script that can do the trick - if lucky and I'll find it, I'll integrate it in my page. If you know of such thing or how to …

Member Avatar for RobotFX
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hello again everyone.. I have a form with an e-mail input. After the user enters their e-mail, I want to have the content of the form sent to them... The name of the form textfield for the e-mail is "email". How could I make this happen in the php script?? …

Member Avatar for lwaterfo
Member Avatar for kadriirdak

Hi There, I do have an array; [CODE] $result = array( 'Database' => $database, 'UserID' => $contactAmendedBy, 'OldContactNumber'=> $_SESSION["CONTACTNUMBER"], 'OldActivity'=> $OldActivity, 'OldActivityValue'=> "ANT", 'OldSource'=> $OldSource, 'OldValidFrom'=> "25/08/2010", [*]'OldValidTo'=> "26/08/2110", 'Source'=> $Source, 'ValidTo'=> $ValidTo )); [/CODE] What I want to do is to give move values to dates. like; [CODE] 'OldValidFrom'=> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for gchurch

i want to use federated tables in my db and not sure how to set them up in phpmyadmin...? does anyone have a solution for me...?

Member Avatar for gchurch
Member Avatar for arunkhopade

Hello All, I m getting the following error... CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: Please tell me what to do???

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for ello

Hi, I've got a form with captcha working, but I'm trying to add a 'refresh captcha' link too it. Now I already have something changing dynamically with PHP so I was wondering if something like that would work for this. Here's the one I have working: [CODE] <a href="index.php?act=generate_quotes">Generate</a> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for ello
Member Avatar for ppetree

OK, putting together a simple table based on the output from a sql query. mysql_num_fields() returns 9 so I know I'm getting ONE row back. mysql_field_name($result, $i) returns the column name. When I try to output the table row(s), I get nothing... nada... zip... I must be missing something! (tired …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.GalleryXYZ... I just have to check that whether this id is valid or not on android market? I found below link: [URL="http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent"]http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent[/URL] But it doesn't help me. Is android provide any …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for tyroneb

Hi all, I have been on this now for two weeks. Very much a neewbie. Despite following Googles own instructions to the letter I just can't get the analytics cookie working on the following page: [CODE]<?php $filename = {name}; $filesize = filesize($filename); $filetype = substr($filename, -3, 3); switch($filetype) { case …

Member Avatar for EverWebby

The End.