39,323 Topics
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Hi everyone. I'm making a shopping cart and I found out that I have a small problem. The currency that I want to use (BGN) is not supported by PayPal. I can use euro but the BGN is almost twice less than the euro. What can I do? This is … | |
Is there a PHP variable that holds the page title? I would like to get a hold of the title of the page that I at,(The text at the top of the browser) for later storage. Thanks! | |
a browse and submit button when pick the image and submit , the image name goes to my SQL table and the image it self that the customer pick it copied to my "upload" folder :( my problem is that i only see the image name , so my issue … | |
I wrote this code called delete.php, i have another script called view.php which displays all the users in the database and displays a link to delete that particular record using the get method. In the delete.php file it retrieves the id through get method from the view.php file and deletes … | |
Hi i'm new here and with php and I want to ask for some help regarding my order form. Here is my existing code. [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/25k4wbc.jpg[/img] Basically what it does in the form is you fill the item(text field) with the number of orders you want (1,2,3 etc.) What I wanted … | |
My online chat uses a php script. There`s the part I need to correct [CODE][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="red"]if(isset($_SESSION['name']) && $_POST['text'] != ""){ $search = ""; $aname = $_SESSION['name']; function find_value($input) { $handle = fopen("online.html", "r"); if ($handle) { while (!feof($handle)) { $entry_array = explode(" ",fgets($handle)); if ($entry_array[0] == $input) { $search = $entry_array[0]; … | |
Is it possible? I have a php file (and iframe) wich recives a variable from it's main page, then it makes some conversions to this variable to create an URL that should be included in a flv player, I must use html to include the player but I don't know … | |
When is it the best time to close a database connect? Is it good to close it on every scripting page i do that uses it? | |
Hello everybody, am working on a small php project and in some pages i have dynamic table to read date from another table in MySql database and i added into same table a javascript code for inserting new row. the fields in the table is: Value (input type="text") time (generated) … | |
Well, all I want is to pass a variable, just one, to an iframe, I know that is something like: [CODE]<iframe src= 'http://blabla.com/bla.php?variable=string'</iframe>[/CODE] and inside the iframe something like: [CODE]$myvar = $_GET['variable'];[/CODE] But my problem is that my variables are URLS, with "?" and "&" so when I parse that … | |
I'm trying to figure out the best way to replace apostrophes in various user input which is all formatted first using [B]mysql_real_escape_string[/B]. Of course this replacement should take place after all input has been sanitized and anything funny removed. :) Any help would be awesome! | |
| I was looking at this [url]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/web-design/html-and-css/threads/97183[/url] post and I did everything the guy said, but he did not say how to make up all the files. I made the login, members, and every other file he said make. But now im stuck with a bunch of files and I do … |
Ok I am stumped. I am inserting the data fine into the table and database so i know its not the config.php nor opendb.php. I used a code like this before and it work, i've only altered the $sql, the td's, and the $rows[]. Table name is hotspots (all lower … | |
Hi everybody! Well my question is as follows, I need to search for a div with a specific ID using php under wordpress, till now I found images and links, but I need to find a specific div ID and copy it, for now tested with this: [CODE] $html->find('$html->find('#divid');'); $html->find('div[id=divid]');[/CODE] … | |
Hello friends i'm new in php programming, i'm using wampserver with php5.3.5 , but it shows error on this code [CODE] <?php $to = "bkstha2010@gmail.com"; $subject = "Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $from = "someonels@example.com"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); echo "Mail Sent."; ?> [/CODE] as well as … | |
Hi Guys, Help me solve this... First I fetch values from DB and shows it in a table with check boxes. Once clicking OK button, it shows selected check box values. User modify any values and click edit, it should update the DB. I don't know where to fix the … | |
How to limit the number of checkboxes to be selected using php??? | |
Hi I'm currently creating a property website and it allows users to submit upto 7 images/property. Currently on clicking the 'submit' button to Add A Propety my code checks for image size, file type and then moves the file from a tmp location to images/propertyimages file. All the images from … | |
I've been learning php and following the examples on w3schools until I came to this example and now I'm pretty stuck after having tried to make it work for countless hours. This is the bit I'm on: [url]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mail.asp[/url] I try to send the email using the following code: [CODE]<?php $to … | |
Hi i just created a website for my church and the IE 9 is displaying it wrong.. Can some1 plz take a look at it and get back with me on why its doing that? [URL="http://www.lgm70.org"]www.lgm70.org[/URL] When i looked at it in IE 8 it shows everything that I created … | |
Hi Frns, Am new to PHP, can anybody please tell me how to include a calendar in a form... Thanks in adv.. | |
Hello, I need to post data to another server using jquery. Here is the code i am using [CODE] $.ajax({ url:"https://www.thewiseagent.com:443/secure/webcontactAllFields.asp", type:'POST', data:"ID="+$ID+"&Source="+$Source+"¬ifyCc="+$notifyCc+"¬ifyBcc="+$notifyBcc+"&noMail="+$noMail+"&CFirst="+$first+"&CLast="+$last+"&Phone="+$Phone+"&Fax="+$Fax+"&CEmail="+$CEmail+"&Message="+$message, success: function() { //window.location.href = "http://www.petlooza.com"; } }); [/CODE] i got error (302 object moved) in case of firefox/chorme although data is inserting.. but in case of … | |
Hi, I'm working on one php project without using framework and I want to form nice urls without tons of get parameters and ? and & characters. I know this could be solved in zend using controllers and actions and I'm looking for somerhing simillar. On my site, I have … | |
[B]I want to learn by myself any one of web development languages. i dont have an idea about which is best to learn PHP or HTML or CSS or do i need to study each one in order to use each one for some purposes.. what is the difference between … | |
For my new code that I'm developing, I have a text box where a user will type in a date as follows: [B]MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 05/19/2011)[/B] This date then needs to be converted and inserted into a date/time field on a mySQL database. I've been trying to play around with this … | |
Hi, I want to destroy session when user close the browser tab or window in PHP. Please give me sample code. Thanks in advance. William | |
What is the full code that redirects all urls (including subfolders) without www For example: [url]http://www.abc.co.in[/url] redirects to [url]http://abc.o.in[/url] as well as [url]http://www.abc.co.in/subfolder[/url] redirects [url]http://abc.co.in/subfolder[/url] | |
Hi Friends i have some problem in update my dynamic text box value for particular id alone, i want to update only the 2 column fields into my database, i have used the below code. i am not able update the fields into my DB. Please help me to solve … | |
how to create frames in php page .and autoresize iframes. | |
I work on ubuntu 10.10.Please suggest me a php editor or IDE that I can use so that it highlights my syntactical and other errors.I currently use gedit which does not helps much with detecting typing errors. Regards. |
The End.