39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for programmingman

I am having difficulty using phpmailer. I get connection errors. The most recent error is: Connection: opening to smtp.gmail.com:587, t=300, opt=array () Can someone tell me what is wrong?

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for ashalatha

Hi Can any one help me how to to get the records in between the dates by using from and to dates using php,mysql,ajax

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for jonlloydd

PDF file uploader is spitting out an error, could anyone help? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/stylecraft/domains/stylecraft-yarns.co.uk/public_html/dev/_cms/upload_pdf2.php on line 37 <?php $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "pdf"); $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"])); if ($_FILES['file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { die("Upload failed with error " . $_FILES['file']['error']); } $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); …

Member Avatar for jonlloydd
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, Am new @angularjs. I am using progressbar in angular bootstarp. but for my requirement its little bit tricky. I am using progressbar for DB migrations. OnClick of button my migration process starts and bar should show progress. What I was thinking to do is : onclick call function which …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for jonlloydd

I am trying to print a table of reviews based on the date they were written. I set the dates and hit search and nothing happens? There are record in the database. Any help would be appreciated! <?php include_once("includes/session.php"); confirm_logged_in(); include_once("../includes/functions.php"); include("../includes/dbopen.php"); include("../includes/mysql.php"); ?> <?php $pageTitle = 'List Orders'; $pageSubTitle='Orders'; …

Member Avatar for codingin

I have connected to database link below $db_host = "localhost"; $db_username = "root"; $db_password = ""; $db_name = "db"; $sql = new mysqli($db_host,$db_username,$db_password,$db_name); And I refered to it on a different page like: function user_exists($username){ $username = sanitize($username); $query_user = $sql->query("SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$username'"); return (mysqli_result($query_run,0)==1)? …

Member Avatar for codingin
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello everyone i have a little problem over here im making share button so i want to update the database on the column 'isShared' with value `1` so here is my code but it doesnt work, all the time is showing me `Already shared ticket!` Here is the code: if(isset($_POST['share'])) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fireburner29
Member Avatar for fireburner29
Member Avatar for fireburner29

how to make active in dynamic multi level css drop down menu with php mysql ? i given my html and php code. <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation" style="margin-bottom: 0"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse"> <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">SB …

Member Avatar for jonlloydd

Function is called in my functions file. function Get_Favourites($fields){ $member = $fields['fv_member']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM favourites "; $sql .= "WHERE FV_MEMBER='" . $member . "' "; $sql .= "ORDER BY FV_PRODUCT"; return FetchSqlAsObjectArray($sql); } Functions file is called in my header and is working with other functions. <?php …

Member Avatar for jonlloydd
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I need your examples. for creating new responsive online admission form . Its urgent.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, Am trying to fetch data from one table of one DB and put it into another DB's table. I wrote below connection code for this: <?php $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); /* OLD EIMS connection values */ $old_host= "localhost"; $old_uname="root"; $old_pass="ABC"; $old_database ="EIMS_OLD"; /* NEW EIMS connection values */ $new_host= …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for davy_yg

update_image2.php $image_info = getimagesize($_FILES["file"]["name"]); $image_width = $image_info[0]; $image_height = $image_info[1]; print_r("$image_width"); I wonder why $image_width do not have any value?

Member Avatar for rtrethewey
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I have the following code: $locationcheck = wp_strip_all_tags( get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'project_location', ' ', ' , ', ' ') ); And I want to check if the value of $locationcheck is equal to ">> Online/Remote <<" However, I am getting stuck with the >> and << as it doesn't seems …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I'm not sure if this should be in this forum but I figured it was a good starting place. I am creating a database that, among other things, allows users to input a store's location (e.g. name, address, etc). Once a store has been added, there is an ability to …

Member Avatar for Yong woon
Member Avatar for best4earn

i was using same setting on my sice last 6 months , Now i need to change some things on my site i have changes picturess css style but my web looks remain same , i remove my cookis and cache of browser but still not responsive than i go …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for bolfescu

Hy i'm using $_GET function to a variable and after make a query, but when i simply trying to display that variable, is not the full text...is less and then thats why dsnt work the query...how can i fix it ?

Member Avatar for bolfescu
Member Avatar for JosephHanh

Need help with the quiz problem. I want to set time limit for each question in quiz module (say 30 seconds) and after that time, the form will auto submit the question (auto submit = no option selected = unanswered). There are 3 questions, so total time limit is 90 …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for King_Of_lords

Ok Guys I have searched a lot but didnt find proper suitable content Where In a single php page 1)I want to populate 2 drop down list which display data! from 2 different tables that is table_designation and table_relation and 2)at same time am going to add one question[by textbox] …

Member Avatar for hell hansen

Hi guys i've one page which is hosted on cpanel! and on my localhost is working properly, but on cpanel is not working. The problem is about session and redirecting login, is not working how i want! my cod is: <?php session_start(); /* * To change this license header, choose …

Member Avatar for tsp003

I've got a problem with my pagination with one of my components on my Joomla 2.5 website. I no longer have a subscription with the developers so they won't help me. Basically the pagination in this component is vertical instead of horizontal, as in the picture below. ![pagination.PNG](/attachments/large/3/39807112133f3356027c716834f3863e.PNG "align-center"). I've …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for kingwash

class booking_diary { // Time Related Variables $a="09:30"; $b="19:00"; public $booking_start_time = $a; public $booking_end_time = $b; } I have an input fields where the user will set the $a,and $b fields instead of fixing the dates in the code. Can i do this. Please help. Thank you

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for shady atef

<?php require_once '_includes/_coo.php'; $id =$_post['user_id']; //error here -> line 4 // sending query mysql_query("DELETE FROM example WHERE BookID = '$id'") or die(mysql_error()); header("Location: index.php"); ?> error in line 4

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for davy_yg

update_image2.php $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM image_upload"); $data2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); if($image_width > $data2['maxwidth'] || $image_height > $data2['maxheight']) { echo '<br>'."Image is too big".'<br>'; echo $image_width.'>'.$data2['maxwidth_bn'].'<br>'; echo $image_height.'>'.$data2['maxheight_bn']; exit(); } Successfully upload pictures Image is too big 995>1000 227>240 I wonder why the message says the image is too big?

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Sammys.Man

Hi guys, wondered if someone could help please, i am trying to display a championship table from the 3 tables i have in my mysql. tbl_champ holds the championship name (nitro) and date (2015) tbl_rounds holds the round name (round1 so on) the date (01/01/2015 so on) and the champ_id …

Member Avatar for Sammys.Man
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm new to PHP, i've started it yesterday. I want to creat a simple CMS with (PHP and PDO), what should i do? I'm going to start with creating the CMS core. I want to create sth like a simple wordpress. What should i do? Where should i start …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for aru786

umm i have vry serious issue with my php code...im trying to pass the value of a radio button which is being fetched from the database to an onclick function. the function is being called on the submit button.But the function is not getting called...how shud i solve this problem

Member Avatar for Wolf_2
Member Avatar for DennisP

The following snippet is a simple PHP Pagination Script which I wrote. As far as I know it works fine. It is meant to be used within a class, and I have wrapped in in a class in order to demonstrate it's usage. The example given below will return something …

Member Avatar for Wolf_2
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi i have a table route day,position... day position 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 then day pass to number 2 and position passes to 1 i have these data in my table but when i order the table by day..position are all messed..if i order the 2 …

Member Avatar for asaidi
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I have created an Open Graph story.I am thinking of using the PHP SDK code provided by Facebook here is the code $response = $facebook->api( 'me/objects/rovespier:art', 'POST', array( 'og:url' => http://samples.ogp.me/407704082730386, 'og:title' => Sample Art, 'og:type' => rovespier:art, 'og:image' => https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/images/devsite/attachment_blank.png, 'og:description' => , 'fb:app_id' => 34954712323 I dont know …


The End.