39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sem123

How to convert psd to html any software???? or any procedure to create it if software how to get full version of it?

Member Avatar for jenniferjudy2
Member Avatar for spud91

Hi Guys! So i have a login form thats "supposed" to display an error if a person doesnt enter any information or they enter the wrong information I have the following code: <?php session_start(); // Starting Session include_once('config.php'); $error=''; // Variable To Store Error Message if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['user']) …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for stutego

Hi everyone thanks for being here to helpout pls I've learnt alot about php but my problem is dat i need a basic foundation on how to use php in creating apps or cms and pls will also need a mentor who can helpout point some few things out when …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm trying to create a simple CMS, and looking for a good tutorial, any idea?!

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Afternoon All, Been a bit since I had a question... Guess my education from Daniweb is paying off...;-)) I have a form where a member is posting a banner URL and alt text to display a banner on our site. I would like to validate the URL they enter …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm creating a CMS. I've got this log_error. Can you explain the problem for me if the error message is clear enough for you to understand it? I'm new to PHP. the log_error says: `PHP Warning: session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent`

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for muneersial

This code is not display data and not show any error.so reply me what is error. <html> <head> <title>insert new post</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="insert_post.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table align="center" border="10" width="600"> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="5" bgcolor="yellow"> <h1>insert new post here</h1></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">post title</td> <td><input type="text" name="title" size="40"></td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Tanveer_4

Let me explain what I mean by that.... I want to make a members portal on which every one will post so what I want is that every user/member must have their own Control Panel where they can do the following: add new post, delete their own posts, change their …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for boney

Hi, how do i pass the variables color, city and food to the mypage.php? I am able to get 'name' and 'age'. I want tto be able to pass all the variables mentioned in the script. <script type = "text/javascript" src="mypage.php?name=test&age=23"> var color = "red"; var city = "london"; var …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi I need to look in a field to find the text same as another field I have this at the moment but it does not work, hoep you can help update TAB1, TAB2 set `field3` =`field4` where FIND_IN_SET('`FIELD1`', '`FIELD2`') I feel FIND_IN_SET is not the right thing as the …

Member Avatar for mpc123
Member Avatar for boney

How do i get the title of the post and the image from a URL? Say i enter a random URL, I want to get the main title of the post in that page and number of images and the images itself. file_get_contents() doesnt help.

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for utsavjoshi95

to ask user before deleting a record If user clicks ok then only delete record from database If user clicks cancel then it should not delete record

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for diafol

Anybody using L5 yet? Just got to grips with 4.2 and thought I had it cracked. L5 was a shock. The "simplicity" of 4.2 has disappeared IMO. The documentation sucks too. But I don't want to be a hater. Am I missing out on rolling back to 4.2? I've read …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for SeanKann

I'm not sure what the issue is. I've checked all my encodings and they are all set to UTF-8 and no matter what the emails come in weird text. Not everything just throws in a weird letter at the end of words for some reason. Example of email The Server …

Member Avatar for SeanKann
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to unlink a file. I start with a form and submit it using javascript's submit() (out of necessity). Eventually the php code arrives at a function and unlinks the file (or rather doesn't). Now, the files unlinks when I use die() to exit out of script …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for patelsachin444

Hi, I have created dynamic dropdown list called technologies from table "technology". I have used it on another form called 'add_project'. In this form, there are 2 fields project name and technology which is dynamic dropdown list. I am getting all the values in dropdown.Now I want to save those …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for utsavjoshi95

problem with this code is, it is printing only first element,how can i print all elements which are added using addrow() <script language="javascript"> function addRow(tableID) {var table=document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount=table.rows.length; var row=table.insertRow(rowCount); var cell1=row.insertCell(0); var element1=document.createElement("input"); element1.type="checkbox";element1.name="chkbox[]"; cell1.appendChild(element1); var cell2=row.insertCell(1); cell2.innerHTML=rowCount+1; var cell3=row.insertCell(2); var element2=document.createElement("input"); element2.type="text"; element2.name="txtbox[]"; cell3.appendChild(element2); } function deleteRow(tableID){ …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I need a php code for converting from any format to pdf by clicking a button called convert to pdf. How to do?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for charlie.kirk.140

Hi guys, I want to insert data(integer OR decimal) into database record. should the data structure be integer? if so how do I print the value I enter (12.75 or 3)? thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for jonlloydd

I have a search box and a dropdown box. I am using these to filter data being displayed on my table from the MySQL table. I can type a county name in to the searchbox and all the records with that county name will be dsiplayed. THAT works fine, however …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for SeanKann

I'm trying to get this cronjob to work but it won't exec the the ffmpeg exec that I have in my controller file. When I try to run it via web browser it outputs the variables correctly but won't exec <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys have a nice day.. I have a problem need to be solved, I have upload script which save files in "/uploads" folder everything was going good until my boss decided to move upload file to storage server and need to store all files in "/etc/mnt/storage/uploads" so what should …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for hno

HI I want to a make an entertainment web site . What kind of it is more popular now ? how about a game web site ? In my country there isn’t any online game web site and I want to make a online game web site . Can anyone …

Member Avatar for thomas88
Member Avatar for jonlloydd

I am trying to create a search box that searches the county field of the database. If the criteria matches then the records will be displayed in the table. I have got the different counties in the dropdown box however when I click the record the table does not change. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Aayush_1

I want to develop an image scraper which picks the name of image from an excell file, searches for it on a website and then save the image with image's id as mentioned in excel file

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for muthu_kumar

1)i have tennacy contract pdf.. its contain 3 pages 2)i want to append the data in the tennacy contract page 3) whether is is possibe in fpdf.. # here my code# <?php require_once('fpdf.php'); require_once('fpdi.php'); // Original file with multiple pages $fullPathToFile = "2.pdf"; class PDF extends FPDI { var $_tplIdx; …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I want to create a database on my pc localhost and then want to use PDO to connect with that database to creating table and so on... What should i do?

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for vishalkumar1234

i have installed xampp server in my pc.i couldn't run programs in browser.when i write http//localhost then it screen comes with written iis7.please help

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for TheEdsgurl

I'm using sockets.io, express and php and I was wondering if it is possible to push something of a page (that only a specific user can see at the time) to another page other can see. For example, if an admin has: <?php $a = $row['test']; //data from test table …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for malatamil

upload.php <form name="selectionForm" method="POST" action='query.php'> echo "<select name='$q2['type']'>"; //echo "<select name='selecttype'>"; echo "<option value='Regular Project'>Regular Project</option>"; echo "<option value='FSA Project'>FSA Project</option>"; echo "</select></td>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='mid' value='$q2[0]'>"; echo "<td width='140'><textarea rows='2' name='comments[]' cols='20' ></textarea></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; </form> query.php $selecttype = $_POST['selecttype']; instead of calling 'selecttype' i want to call …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.