39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sahs1hdv

I need to know how I can display the data stored in the database using php when a user load a page, without necessary puting them as it is on a static web page.

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for skyyadav

Hi I am writing a php program, it gives the error "parse error syntax error unexpected t_constant_encapsed_string expecting ']' " the code is <a href="blog.php?id=<?php echo $article['_id']; ?>">View </a> any suggestion?

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for ernesto22

hi. i'm seeking help with checkboxes.i have built a ordering system. i have two tables "food" and "refreshments" both consists of columns "name,price" . what i want to do is . if i click on my submit button , all the checked checkboxes should be added up and have a …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for newbie14

Hi, Currently we have legacy system which is build purely using java and runs on jboss. We notice its using a lot of jms and also httpurl connectivity to pass on files. The system basically supports rossetta net framework where it allows file transfers between trading partners. We notice with …

Member Avatar for newbie14
Member Avatar for nufftalon

I am not sure what I am doing wrong but can't seem to recieve test email for this php form the form is at the bottom of this code snippet <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>MIAPP</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"/> <!-- FAVICON --> <link rel="shortcut …

Member Avatar for nufftalon
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm having trouble understanding how the spl_autload (and namespaces) should be implemented. I have the following: namespace A\Core; class Controller { } extended by: class SiteController extends \A\Core\Controller { public function __construct() { echo 'Created SiteController!'; } } * I'm not sure if this is the correct/best way …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for smdjilani

i created a mailing option,when retriving messages it's taking lot of time and showing error of time delay.......can someone help??

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

Hello to all: I've been banging my head against the proverbial wall on this (for a few days), and finally thought I'd seek thoughts on it. I have an existing submission form that has been getting hit by bots, so I'm adding a CAPTCHA to it. The entire solution is …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for sonalchavda

Hi i m learning PHP.How can i insert a data in mysql by using onchange event in radio button, i m not used a submit button in my code can u help me by giving a solution of my prolblem by giving a little example. Thank you so much

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for grant.baker

Ok, what I'm trying to do is have next and prev buttons to navigate through a mysql database sorted by date. Currently, the code I wrote does this, but gets stuck on duplicate dates. $Next = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $logbook WHERE Date>='$Date' AND ID!='$ID' ORDER BY Date LIMIT 1"); $Prev …

Member Avatar for raybigto
Member Avatar for lui.szeleong

Hi , I m new to codeigniter and i m trying to build a login system. However the logout system is not working well. After I click logout in /main/home it shows URL error. anyone know whats the problem ? <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for zebnoon

Dea Friends, it is superb serveice you are doing....lets please talk about SESSION in PHP.My code is below. <!DOCTYPE html> <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Login page</title> </head> <h1 style="width: 20%" >Login Page</h1> <fieldset style="width: 30%"> <legend style="background: #59CC57" >Login</legend> <body style="background: #B6ECEB"> <form method="post" > Username:<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="username" …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for patk570

I have a code: $data=$_SESSION['title']; $view=$con->query("select flower.*, mystash.* from flower,mystash where mystash.name like '%$data%' OR flower.name like '%$data%' ORDER BY name ASC"); $check=$view; if($check!="") { while($descri=mysqli_fetch_object($view)) { I am trying to get the name from each table `flower` and `mystash` each have a column in there of `name` I am …

Member Avatar for kimhanu
Member Avatar for soomro_moon

hello everyone, im working on some php project for my masters thesis, i need a help. can any one guide me how can i insert data from mysql to excel file using php. i have some data in my phpmyadmin database suppose like book_store , table name books, i want …

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Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. Been playing with some autoloading but couldn't get it to work. I'm trying to implement the PSR-4 (project scope) approach, but documentation is sketchy and I'm a bit lost as to the issue. I've read the PHP-Fig docs: http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/ and an trying to implement a script from the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for veedeoo

and the new home for codeIgniter is (drumbeat please... and another drumbeat) ...The [British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)](http://www.bcit.ca/) in Vancouver, Canada. Please read the official announcement from ellislab [here](https://ellislab.com/blog/entry/your-favorite-php-framework-codeigniter-has-a-new-home). IMHO, the decision made by the EllisLab is in the best interest of CodeIgniter. Although, I am not sure how …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Thobby

Hello, I'll like to use the uploads & rename scripts on a wordpress site, can u help with that. Has used in this website. www.Gidi360.com/vc

Member Avatar for Thobby
Member Avatar for johnef_sh

I am inserting answer of each of my questions I need to get the question id and inserted into the answer table see my code <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post" id="quiz" class="container width_648"> <?php $getTheQuiz = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM rec_employer_quiz WHERE ad_id=?"); $getTheQuiz->bind_param('i', $ad); if ($getTheQuiz->execute()) { $res = $getTheQuiz->get_result(); …

Member Avatar for johnef_sh
Member Avatar for zebnoon

dear friends, i allready written code for PHP registration and login forms . i am worried about attacks from user unwanted data entry.My code is below. <?php include"conn.php"; if(isset($_POST['login'])){ $uname= $_POST['username']; $pword= $_POST['password']; $uname =real_escape_string($uname); $pword= real_escape_string($pword); $sql="SELECT * FROM login1 WHERE L1='$uname' AND L2='$pword'"; $result=$conn->query($sql); if($result->num_rows>0){ echo("welcome"); } else …

Member Avatar for zebnoon
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Okay I have a html upload form here, What is does is displays a browse button so users can upload files to my site, what I want them to be able to do is completly rename the file that they are uploading once they upload it to my site, but …

Member Avatar for Thobby
Member Avatar for arafath077

book include --lib --db.php --input.php(static methods) --config --config.php --file.php index.php this my folder structure.THe config.php has spl_autoload_register. spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { if (file_exists("lib/{$class}.php")) { require_once "lib/{$class}.php"; }else{ require_once "include/lib/{$class}.php"; } }); i can access classes everywhere from project.but nont from book folder.I used namespace also.its not work for static method.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I have some experience when it comes to CodeIgniter. I am trying to figure out a method for determining the window size of a browser and assign it POST or $this or the user session (also part of $this). I need the variable to persist for the session. In my …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for ronelo

good day to all, Sir/Madam my $_GET['criteria_id']; not working, cant display. ////// this is the code i use to display the data from table "criteria" and the colum are: [criteria_id, criteria] and the name of my database: autotab <?php require_once 'connect.php'; $idz=$_POST['criteria_id']; $wh=mysql_query("select * from criteria"); while($loop=mysql_fetch_array($wh)){ $ca=$loop['criteria_id']; echo '<div …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for potatopie

Here is my code: require_once("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); // set authentication $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; $mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; $mail->Post = 587; $mail->Username = "myemail@gmail"; $mail->Password = "myemailpassword"; // set From: $mail->SetFrom("myemail@gmail.com", "First Last"); // set To: $mail->AddAddress("adifferentemail@yahoo.com", "First Last"); // set Subject: $mail->Subject = "Subject"; // …

Member Avatar for Pradeep_9
Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

Dear, All Viewers I need your help guys I need to convert the python Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) PHP or Java or Perl Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI), Please if anyone know about it help me ASAP, I wait for your feedback guys. Thanks here is Code... asterisk.py code is below: …

Member Avatar for zebnoon

Dear friends, I am facining an other problem to in cloude a connetion file in PHP form.my code is below <?php include"conn.php"; if(isset($_POST['login'])){ $uname=$_post['username']; $uname=$_post['password']; $sql="SELECT * FROM login1 WHERE L1='$uname'"; $result=$conn->query("$sql"); if($result){ echo("welcome to new page"); } else { echo ("login problem"); } } ?> can not continue connectoin …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for michael.sullivan.1422

What i need this to do is delete what is inside the div eliment already before it writes the the div again. If anyone can help me i give my thanks, :) <?php $file = "./test.html"; $imgs = glob("1/*.*"); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTMLFile($file); $container = $dom->getElementByID("container"); if(count($imgs) == 0 …

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Member Avatar for michael.sullivan.1422

Hi, I am just starting with php and i have been trying to get these two pieces of code to act right. Like they are shown everything works just fine. What i need this to do is find a certain html code on a page then write to the next …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for best4earn

**I have open source PTC Script install. It was working f9 since last 3 months but yester day Its members login page shows a blank screen only while my all website is working properly. I can access to my admin panel without any restriction but members can't access . http://ptclicks.org …

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The End.