39,388 Topics
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Hi, I am in trouble for getting related product. Any idea to implement it with SQL? For Example: Main Product Name: ABC Shirt B190 Men The sql will show the related product like ABC Shirt B190 Women ABC Shirt B190 Child | |
Hello, I wonder why the date comparison does not work: SELECT * FROM class_list INNER JOIN student ON class_list.student_id = student.student_id INNER JOIN teacher ON class_list.teach_id = teacher.teach_id INNER JOIN class ON class_list.class_id = class.class_id WHERE datetime > date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ORDER BY class_list_id date('Y-m-d H:i:s') --> 2014-08-11 08:32:08 datetime --> … | |
Hello, I've just started learning codeigniter and struggling with ajax calls. Found a few tutorials but can't understand how to do what I want. I have a home_view with links, and when I click on a link I want it to fetch data from the database with the given id. … | |
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Hello Friends, I am echoing out my articles from my DB (mysql) doing it 10 articles per page and i want to be echoing out advert in between the articles, that is echo our an advert after every two article. meaning on a page of 10 articles, i will have … | |
![]() | I'm trying to find a way of automatically updating page titles on my site - occasionally, connections (owners, trainers, jockeys of horses) will appear as a variation of their original name (i.e. Mr M Smith may pop up as Mr Matt Smith). I update these in the database, but the … |
Hi, please if someone can help me, i want to put the google map detector zone to my website, like http://www.ipulmeu.net/ or other website's. sorry about extern link not advertise. | |
Hello All, I have fetched array from database, it is two dimentinal array. and want to print it into html table. But when print it's need attribute while printing it. here is code: <tr> <th>Sr.No.</th> <th>Skill type</th> <th>Skill Name</th> <th>Project</th> <th>Practice</th> <th>Description </th> </tr> <? $skills_1=[HERE I HAVE FETCHED ARRAY … | |
Hi all ; please help me what is the expected problem in this code ??! function SearchGrid($query,$updateOk=FALSE,$DeleteOk=FALSE) { $tbl.="<script> var prev=1; function HighLightRow(rowno){ if (rowno%2==0) tblsearch.rows[prev].bgcolor='#66FF99'; else tblsearch.rows[prev].bgcolor='#CCCC99'; tblsearch.rows[rowno].bgcolor='white'; prev=rowno; } </script> "; $result=mysql_query($query); $tbl.="<table id=tblsearch align =center border=0 > <tr bgcolor=gray>"; $RowNum =mysql_num_fields($result); //name of field :) .... for($col=0;$col<$RowNum;$col++) … ![]() | |
I am trying to check only selected domain extensions using check-box but it check all domain extensions existing in array. here is what I am trying. $name_domain = trim($_POST['domain_name']).$_POST['suffix']; $domains = array( ($name_domain) ? trim($_POST['domain_name']).$_POST['suffix'] : '', (isset($_POST['_org'])) ? trim($_POST['domain_name']).'.org' : trim($_POST['domain_name']).$_POST['_org'], (isset($_POST['_net'])) ? trim($_POST['domain_name']).'.net' : trim($_POST['domain_name']).$_POST['_net'], (isset($_POST['_biz'])) ? trim($_POST['domain_name']).'.biz' … | |
I cannot get the login to work right, everytime i change anything little thing it stops working all together which is unacceptable. So far i have the login reading from the admin table i created, this is good but the issue is my passwords are not being read as case … | |
I want to save screenshot of any webpage using php. i search in google but i dont found any result for linux server. i got some window server result using imagegrabwindow() function. is their anotherway for linux server. i install one script with Class COM i which internet exp. open … | |
Is there another function for creating php sockets apart from this socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); ? Really need to know, thanks. | |
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5846/add-1-to-a-field Didn't really work. My script looks as follows: <?php if (isset($_GET["id"]) && isset($_GET["char"])) { $id = $_GET["id"]; $char = $_GET["char"]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM battles WHERE id='$id'"); if ($char == "1") { $bool = "first_char_votecount"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $mincemeat = 1 + $row["first_char_votecount"]; } } elseif ($char … | |
Hi, why use with table error? if not use witn table are normal... can u help ??? <form method="post" action="page.php"> <table> <tr> <td>Select</td> <td> <select name="people" id="people"> <?php if($_POST['submitted'] == true){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $_POST['people']; ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $_POST['people']; ?></option> <?php }else{ ?> <option value=""> -- select -- </option> … | |
i try to get comment count from a blog post use blog feed. i want to get number inside <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> i use this syntax but did not work: <?php $feed = file_get_contents("http://www.trenologi.com/feed/"); $xml = new SimpleXmlElement($feed); foreach($xml->channel->item as $entry) { $comment = mysql_real_escape_string("$entry->slash:comments"); echo "$comment"; } ?> i think the … | |
{ ............ ............ $order_details="INSERT INTO ....."; mysql_query($order_details); $o_id_detail[]=mysql_insert_id(); } $prev_id=implode(',',$o_id_detail); $last_id=explode(',',$prev_id); foreach($last_id as $last) { $last; foreach($addon_price as $a_p=>$p) { echo $a_p; foreach($p as $m) { $addon_id= $m['id']; echo $m['addon_name']; echo $m['deposit']; echo $m['ppd']; echo $m['pp_eight']; echo $m['pp_six']; $addon_total = $m['deposit']+$m['ppd']+$m['pp_eight']+$m['pp_six']; echo $addon_total; $addon_detail="INSERT INTO tbl_orderdetail_addon (OrderID,addOns_id,addOns_price) VALUES ('$o_id_detail','$addon_id','$addon_total')"; if(!empty($addon_id)){ … | |
These days, I am busying in building up LAMP environment on CentOS 6.5 While installing phpMyAdmin,problems occur. By convension, I download phpMyAdmin zipped files,and then unzip it to /usr/share/phpMyAdmin. in the folder /etc/httpd/conf.d, I create a new file named phpmyadmin.conf. and add the follow content to it. Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpMyAdmin … | |
I need Code for Tracking Aramex API.I have found tutorial on their website but i am facing problem to do it. Thanks | |
how to convert this old fastioned mysql statements to pdo? <?php error_reporting(0); define("host","localhost"); define("user","root"); define("password",""); define("db","pass2"); $connect_db=mysql_connect(host,user,password) or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db(db, $connect_db); $username=strtolower(addslashes($_POST['username'])); $password=strtolower(addslashes($_POST['password'])); $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $count=mysql_num_rows($result); if($count==1 && $_POST['userlevel'] == "admin") { session_start(); $_SESSION['id']=$row['id']; header("location: admin.php"); } else if($count==1 && $_POST['userlevel'] … | |
Is Paypal Sandbox so changes ? As I am not getting any POST request data on successful payment from Paypal Sandbox in my success page. | |
Hello Guys, I coded the following and worked 100% perfectly but I want to do it ajaxly ! how to make all of this sending by ajax with animation(fadeIn,fadeOut) this my code: product.php url: product.php?id=4 <div id="product_page_desc"> <?php foreach ($products as $info) { ?> <div style="background:#fff;box-shadow: 0 0 1px #cd9db1;float: … | |
i have a form which asks the user to enter a username , once the user enters the username, the program will check if the username entered by the user is a new username or an old one from the database 'testdb' and table 'test'. if it is a new … | |
i have a add to cart website, in that am getting some problem. if i choose available pack size is 100 Grm,quantity-1 and i add to cart this product. again if i choose different product name,pack size is 200 Grm,quantity-2 and add to cart its changed to 200 Grm for … | |
basically Im searching for the term ded within subject, how come all i get is Array() when i run this <?php $subject = "dedfd"; $pattern = '/ded/'; preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 2); print_r($matches); ?> and then i tried to search for the letter d within subject and i get Array … | |
This i sdriving me nuts and I know there should be an easy answer. Here is the php $sql4 = 'select tranamt, tracct from bd.bdptran where bd.bdptran.trnum = 105 '; $result4 = db2_exec($conn, $sql4); while($row4 = db2_fetch_array($result4)) { echo $row4[0] ."<br />"; echo $row4[1] ."<br />"; } I get the … | |
Hello everyone, **!WARNING! this function should only be use, WHEN ffmpeg PHP CANNOT be installed in the server.** I just got some free time from tedious and hectic school schedules. About two months ago, I saw a question about "how to get the duration of a given video file?". Of … | |
I have some data in a MySQL table, and I want to use them to populate form fields, so the site's admin can edit them. This is what I have so far in modify.php, but it's not working: <?php // configuration require("../../includes/config.php"); // query users table to retrieve admin homepage's … | |
I am using phpThumb class to generate thumb image and watermark image/text; I am getting thumbnail image successfully but not able to write any watermark text or image. <img src="phpThumb.php?src=<?php echo $row['user_profileid']; ?>/<?php echo $profile['photo_name']; ?>&w=144&h=173&fltr[]=wmi|watermark.png|BL" alt="" class="profile-pic"> I have to change in config file to show watermark ?? | |
unable to insert data into table user_detail using jquery i've three files index.php, upload.php, function.php // index.php <?php require_once('function.php'); session_start(); if (!is_user()) { redirect('signin.php'); } $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Home</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/pure-min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <link href="css/uploadfile.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> … |
The End.