39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for showman13

Here is the scenario... I have a website that orignated as an MLM / retail combination site... It was determined that we needed some seperation between the Rep portion and the Retail portion, so I spent weeks modifying the code in over 40 scripts to separate a visitors path basedn …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy

Guys, I know its easy to do it, but I'm having a hard time doing it. Please help me, I want to get the checked items in checkbox. The problem is that it gets the last value of it. I just used echo to get all the values, but how …

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Member Avatar for jovstudios

Hello Guys, I have a Question, it possible storing image to dabase using blob in the Framework of CI? This is my Code in Controler. function get_data_from_post(){ $data['page_headline'] = $this->input->post('page_headline',TRUE); $data['page_title'] = $this->input->post('page_title',TRUE); $data['keywords'] = $this->input->post('keywords',TRUE); $data['description'] = $this->input->post('description',TRUE); $data['page_content'] = $this->input->post('page_content',TRUE); $imageName = $_FILES['featured_img']['name']; $data['featured_img'] = $this->input->post(file_get_contents($_FILES['featured_img']['name']),TRUE); return $data; …

Member Avatar for jovstudios
Member Avatar for toxicandy

Eariler I wrote this topic: http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/482142/searching-using-optional-parameters and I got ideas and got to this point with help of another guy: <?php $whereClause = "WHERE "; foreach($_POST as $k => $v ){ if( $v != "" ){ $whereClause = $whereClause . $k . "='" . $v . "' AND "; } …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for berserk

I have this code which ironically WORKS on another page i have but for some reason will not work with my new page even though LITERALLY its the exact same function and should work regardless but with my luck it wont so i need help, maybe i have a small …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for RikTelner

So. I've been trying to use switches from PHP. I've done this many many times. I end up cursing up entire world and threatening everybody in the world, I was sitting here for about an hour screaming the worst curses there possibly exist. I don't know what happened. I don't …

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Member Avatar for sanjay@srvmedia
Member Avatar for Ketul_1
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder why this condition does not work: registration3.php <?php include('includes/koneksi.php'); $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ''; $confirmation = isset($_POST['confirmation']) ? $_POST['confirmation'] : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; $fname = isset($_POST['fname']) ? $_POST['fname'] : ''; $lname = isset($_POST['lname']) ? $_POST['lname'] : ''; $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for ilovephp798

Hi all, i would like to ask about, i have (date_from) and (date_to), and i want the range of the date show in the checkbox. Example: date from: 6/8/2014 and date to: 8/8/2014. it will show 6/8/2014, 7/8/2014 and 8/8/2014 along with check box. so, i have success make the …

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Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello guys I really need your help. I Had created attendance system but I stucked up with time in button. I have created a time out and time in button and both are working fine and great but the main problem is that I am unsuccessful for making the time …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for gogs85

How to share sigle post when click on button ex. fbshare, twitshare and show them in facebook. Do you know some examples or tutorial?

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for hanspeare_1

Good Day, There's a sticky that TUT about uploading image but i want the restrictions to be in this manner. But my problem here is no notice, no errors but the image file won't upload eventhough the other data has been updated, Here, check my codes. this quite long to …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi

Well, it has recently been bugging me that I have 8 years of working with PHP under my belt and not once have I tried to implement a custom solution to integrate PayPal into any of my ecommerce projects. I've worked with a lot of PCI API's from different providers …

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Member Avatar for mwnt2014

Want to show div on front end wordpress website with wordpress plugin.. If User activate the plugin then div should show on the front side of the wordpress .how to add ? Used add_filter('thecontent') and some more. nothing is working .

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Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am creating an elearning that tries to record date and time and I am looking for an automated system to do that so that the user won't enter any other information: As far as now, I only uses Date Time [ input textbox ] Is there other way …

Member Avatar for Ketul_1
Member Avatar for rjusman90

<?php session_start(); ?> error_reporting(E_PARSE); include "connection.php"; $User_ID=$_SESSION['UserId']; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID='$User_ID'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $filename=$row['PicUrl']; $username=$row['UserName']; $fName=$row['FirstName']; if(isset($_SESSION["UserName"])){ if(!empty($filename)){echo '<img src="'.$filename.'" align="left"width="150px" height="100px"/>';} echo $fName; echo"<li><a href='logout.php'>Click here to Logout.</a></li>"; echo"<li><a href='user_update.php'>edit your account detail</li>"; } if(empty($_SESSION['UserName'])){ echo"<li><a href='login.php'>login</a></li>"; echo"<li><a href='register.php'>Sign Up</li>"; } ?> </li> </ul> …

Member Avatar for Ketul_1
Member Avatar for marifard

Hi, I make a delete page with php to delete clients from clients table. With this page I try to delete images from gallery table. for example I wish to delete client ABC from clients table and it have three images in gallery table. here under I paste the code …

Member Avatar for Ketul_1
Member Avatar for Phanindra Reddy

I have got some piece of code to send multiple attachments through mail function in php. The mail with attachment will be sent if there is only one attachment. But mail sending fails if add two or more files in the array. This is my code // array with filenames …

Member Avatar for Phanindra Reddy
Member Avatar for Kniggles_2

Hi All , am geting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/a2856241/public_html/plus1.php on line 10 whith this code, <?php $con=mysqli_connect("host1","djslim","opensaysme","missionbase1"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE table1 SET score=score+1 WHERE id=['$id'])"; mysqli_close($con); header('Location: ./LaunchControl.php'); exit; ?> …

Member Avatar for Kniggles_2
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder why I get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&&' (T_BOOLEAN_AND), expecting ')' in C:\xampp\htdocs\squprime\registration1.php on line 65 line 65: if(!empty($stu_fname && $stu_lname && $stu_email && $stu_telp && $stu_skype)){ Thanks before.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for v1shwa

Hi, I'm trying to check the format of the string with `preg_match()`. It has to accept only the `(zero or more of ,.* )(exactly 9 or 5 digit number)(1 or more of ,.* )(postive integer <= 4digits)(zero or more of ,.* )` format of strings. Here, is what I tried: …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mutaharpk

dear i lost my website cpanel password can any one help me but iam using webemail it is possible to recover through this?

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for ousaf

class phpParser{ public $pageString; //some other properties and methods class software{ private $baseName; private $url; private $html; public initiateValues (){ $this->html = new phpParser (); } } // Now how to access properties and methods of phpParser class through software class member $html (which is actually object // of phpParser …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for mexabet

I want to insert a URL inside an echoed table row. Here is the URL and table column: <a href="modify-user.php?id=<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>">Modify</a> Here is the table column: printf("<td class=\"listusers\">" "</td>"); Thanks for your help in advance.

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for ankit.baphna

Hi Friends, I am using this code to upload image but it seems my call is not getting inside function. I put some echo commands for debugging. all I get output is after selecting file "hello entering function". but do not get other echo command print. Neither insert command is …

Member Avatar for ankit.baphna
Member Avatar for berserk

i have an issue, my code works wonderfully for the pupose its designed for however for security reasons i need th epages page my login page to have either randomized links or just links that cannot be bookmakred too so that one can bypass the login page. My login page …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello, I am getting an error <?Php include 'connect.php'; $userName = $_POST['Username']; $firstname = $_POST['First Name']; $Surname = $_Post['Surname']; $email = $_POST['Email Address']; $password = $_POST['Password']; $gender = $_POST['Gender']; $dob = $_POST['DOB']; $query_insertintotable = "INSERT INTO User (username,Password,First Name,Surname, Gender, DOB, Email Address) VALUES ('$userName','$password','$firstname','$userName', '$gender', '$dob', '$email)"; $query = …

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Member Avatar for hanspeare_1

Hi there, i have recieved this notice Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected in C:\xampp\htdocs\a\Student_Edit_Handler.php on line 53 and these are my codes. Kindly help me to fix this. <?php session_start(); $session_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if($session_id == null){ header("location:Student_Edit.php"); die(); } include 'Connect.php'; $flag …

Member Avatar for suraj32

Hi, I've developed a php web-app recently in english language. Now, I want to add support to other languages. I've googled & found some results like using `gettext()`,storing in `.ini` files etc. This is good for static websites. But, the thing here is I want to display some data from …

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The End.