39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for thirsty.soul

move_uploaded_file not working. althought the query works fine. newbie to php & daniweb :) . if($page=="Image") { $uploads_dir = '/gallery'; $tmp_name = $_FILES["t1"]["name"]; $name = $_FILES["t1"]["name"]; move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "$uploads_dir/$name"); $insert="insert into gallery values('','$tmp_name')"; $query=mysql_query($insert); if($query) { header("Location:gallery.php"); } else { mysql_error(); } }

Member Avatar for thirsty.soul
Member Avatar for accra

Hey guys, i found this piece of code that is suppose to read a port on my server and write to a .txt file the gps data it get gets. am receiving nothing, am not not sure what the problem is, also am new to gps and php socket programming... …

Member Avatar for accra
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello, I need a little bit of assistance with parsing data from an html using xpath. Please indulge me for a moment as I attempt to explain my problem and subsequently my question: The html code from which I am parsing data is below. I would like to specifically parse …

Member Avatar for v1shwa
Member Avatar for ultmt.punisher

I have created a chat program that is working fine on localhost but in the live server its not working fine, its sent response or text very late, So I don't know what code should I post here to get know whats the problem or how it will be solved. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for minafarmland

Through CURL Request find meta keywords, meta description, title tag, IP address, Load Time, HTTP Status, Internal & External Links of any URL.

Member Avatar for v1shwa
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to create a web message features. This is the code that I have done so far: messages.php <?php //LOAD INBOX MESSAGES $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE to_stu_username='".$_SESSION['username']."' ORDER BY date") or die(mysql_error()); ?> <table id="admintable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="900px"> <tr> <b>Inbox</b><br><br> <th>From</th><th style="width:500px;">Messages</th><th>Date</th> </tr> …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for Admissionform

My code is here $location="Delhi,NOIDA"; $cheack2 = ""; $arr=array(); $flag = false; if(isset($skill)&&$skill != ""){ $query_arr = explode(",",$skill); foreach($query_arr as $query_arr2) { $arr[] = "job_keyskills like '%$query_arr2%' "; } $cheack2=implode(" OR ",$arr); $flag =true; } if(isset($skill)&&$skill != ""){ if($flag){ $cheack2.= "OR "; } $cheack2.="MATCH (job_keyskills,job_title) AGAINST ('+$skill' IN BOOLEAN MODE) …

Member Avatar for v1shwa
Member Avatar for thiagorochagomes

Good evening I have this code in PHP that serves to list the latest topics in a forum (IPBOARD): <?php // CONFIGURAÇÕES DE CONEXÃO $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","senha") or die (mysql_error()); $select = mysql_select_db("forum") or die(mysql_error()); // URL DO FÓRUM $url = "http://endereço do forum/"; // LIMITE DE LINKS QUE IRÃO …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jaspertan

Hi Sirs , I would like to ask assistance regarding this topic i have a GUI which is Email Address : Password: what will happen : when i tried to use my Google account it will allow user to access next page if google account is not valid they can't …

Member Avatar for mwnt2014

Having two Problems shown below: 1. **Want to send post form data to other domain area and receive response from that domain page**. (Ajax not working for other domain) 2. Show ads div between worpress post area through plugin. how can i make this plugin.?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for chaze

Here is the page: <?php include( "mypath.php" ); include( "{$filepath}/config/clientdbconnect.php" ); if ( ------------------------- ) { #exit( "Security Violation" ); } include( "header.php" ); $sqle = "select * from helpconfig where cid = '1'"; if ( !( $resulte = mysql_query( $sqle ) ) ) { exit( mysql_error( ) ); } …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for accra

Hi every one. i have built an online fleet management app in php/mysqli successfully. I now have to add a gps device to send lon,lat, speed and so on to online app. I did some reading on php tcp socket listener, but am not very clear. Do any one have …

Member Avatar for accra
Member Avatar for malatamil

i want to display 3 data per row and n number of rows. someone help me to do this. <div class="top-box"> <?php include("config.php"); $sub2_category_id = $_GET['sub2product_id']; $sub2_category_name = $_GET['sub2product_name']; echo '<h2 class="head">'.$sub2_category_name.'</h2>'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT p.`product_id`, p.`brand_name`, p.`brand_path`, p.`sub2_category_id`, p.`sub_category_id`, p.`main_category_id`, p.`date`,ba.`brand_amount_id`, ba.`available_pack`, ba.`mrp_amount`, ba.`our_price`, ba.`product_id` FROM `product` p JOIN …

Member Avatar for thirsty.soul
Member Avatar for Jake.20

<?php //start php tag //include connect.php page for database connection Include('dbConnection.php'); //if submit is not blanked i.e. it is clicked. // var_dump($_REQUEST); session_start(); $errCount = 0; $user = $_POST['usernameTbx']; $pass = $_POST['passwordTbx']; if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])!='') { //VALIDATE USERNAME TEXTBOX if($_REQUEST['usernameTbx']=='') { $errCount += 1; $_SESSION['error'] += array('usernameTbx' => "Username cannot be empty"); …

Member Avatar for Ketul_1
Member Avatar for centenond

Could some 1 please tell how to do timestamps that not rely on users computer? time(); and UNIX_TIMESTAMP() seems to rely on users pc Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Paul_26

Hello i try to update the Image using Update Query in MySQL here's the code $pic = $_FILES['photo']['name']; $sql = "UPDATE `std_login` SET `imagename` = '$pic' WHERE `std_id_no` = '$std_id'"; the File upload works, but not Stored in Database. what to do? help me please.

Member Avatar for thirsty.soul
Member Avatar for thirsty.soul

Hello DaniWeb, I am working on project in which admin generates dynamic query by selecting value from the First dropdown(program) then second dropdown (semester). The concept is that For example: if admin select "MSCS" from the first dropdown list and "3" from the second dropdown list. it should populate all …

Member Avatar for thirsty.soul
Member Avatar for eahdbz12

I need to get the list of diagnosed disease of the patient by choosing his name in the combo box,how can I do that? This is my code. <select name="pname" class="textfields" id="model" style="width:180px;" onchange="getVal1();"> <option id="0" >--Select Patient Name--</option> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","dbnpatient"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()){ echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " …

Member Avatar for thirsty.soul
Member Avatar for fariba123

i have a form with multiple checkbox. how to get the values that are checked. pls give a quick reaply. thanks

Member Avatar for bhagyashree.bhatt2
Member Avatar for asheesh.mehta.54

<?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("secure"); $name = $_POST['n']; $address = $_POST['x']; $order = "INSERT INTO user VALUES('$name','$address')"; if($result) { echo("Input data is succeed");} else { echo("Input data is fail");} ?> Error: No base was selected

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mark.giles.14

Should apostrophe's be stored from a form into a database as ’ or as is ' If Im pasting articles into a database from another website do I need to convert the string on posting or leave them as it is.

Member Avatar for mark.giles.14
Member Avatar for Webville312

Dear all, I have this project that I was working on, and I put it on hold. Now I have revived it (Anyway that is not the issue). The issue is that I record students' information and record their entry class; However, as time goes on, the students either gets …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for Kalaivani Nair

Hi everyone.. I'm using a very simple code to remove an item from session array. I just jave no idea why it returns SQL error like this in another page that initiated the deletion: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL …

Member Avatar for Kalaivani Nair
Member Avatar for vishal sata
Member Avatar for tapananand
Member Avatar for iConqueror

I have a form that asks the user to enter in an exam id that they want to delete from the exam table in the DB. The problem I am having is that even if the user enters in an id that does not match in the DB the script …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for guyinpv

I am needing to build a custom portal for very specific needs in my client. They work with dozens of outside contractors and so the basic idea is that the portal will have separate login accounts for each person, including the CEO, accountant, IT, etc. Within each person's "home", they …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mokshi

Hi I need to generate six tables one by one but i am not able to generate with proper alignment its running out of page,I also checked pageheight,but its not working,My code is as follows and its very urgent some expert please hep me out in this issue.Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for kingston22

Hi, I'm new to web development sector. Can anyone suggest me some tips or blogs to gain information about the web development with emerging ideas and tricks.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, First off, this is probably not the right section, but the question is asking which language I should choose... so I don't know which forum topic it should go under... I am looking for a solution which would allow someone using an online panel running on my web server …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for hriti

hello i want to display my pdf file on same page when i click on left side ...pdf will open in right div how i will do that???

Member Avatar for hriti

The End.