39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ivylyn

guys can you teach me how to construct a code for developing my website. for example i have a list of different symptoms of a banana diseases which is a checkboxes,if i checked one of the symptoms,my system will analyzed or calculate that information based on what i have checked. …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for WebMedia_1

Pls i need your help here, im working on web page in which i want the user who register or subscribe will login to know thier status either membership expired or active but this code it is working manually if i set the date but not working from the database …

Member Avatar for WebMedia_1
Member Avatar for jeffersonalomia

Hi, i just hosted my website on 000webhost for free and somehow i cant connect with my database resulting to that i cant login on my website. How can i solve that? Please help. thank you Heres my code for db connection '<?php $db_host="mysql1.000webhost.com"; $db_username="a1924971_user"; $db_password="*************"; $db = "a1924971_learn"; $cn …

Member Avatar for OtepTheThird
Member Avatar for Aeonix

Not so long time ago, I asked you for help with `preg_match()`. Pritaeas gave me nice answer and Cereal showed me nice webpage where I could try out the latest queries, live. The query provided seems to be working on the website granted, but not on my project. 4 out …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for James_43

hi all, I have been coding a payment gateway using a company called SwipeHQ. Using their APIs I have programatically created products from my website and make sure they stay updated. However, I'm now completely stuck about how to have my checkout navigate to their payment form and then return …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for shabbir04

Hello everyone, Please help me to create a chained select box here i created something , but when i select 1st one its load 2nd one's options from database, but get 1st one unselected <form action="" method="post"> Username: <br><select name="productforuser" id="option" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <option selected value="no_user_selected">No User Selected</option> <?php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Hi I am new in php programming and learning this i have found a small problem.I am trying to creating a file called lib.php, where i add all my files jquery lib downloaded in /js and css files.My directory look like this: ** -practise + /css + /js + /images …

Member Avatar for bigtalk
Member Avatar for Aeonix

Is there a way to grab strings that match patterns `--*--` and `++*++` (two seperate queries) where `*` is a wildcard and `--`, `++`, are criteria to meet. I'd like to write matches within variable fully, like `--daniweb.com--` and `++this just an example++`. `preg_match()` provides solution on alphanumerical identities. And …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

HI, I need a query for this. In a table, I have two date columns like fromdate and todate. My date format will be yyyy-mm-dd. I need to know how to compare dates including the given date to take all dates between the given dates For example,fromdate is 215-08-01 and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for James_43

Hi all, Been really trying to get a grips with objects in PHP. I think my lack of understanding isn't helping here! Basically, with the help of another user here I managed to filter some object values and add them a nice array. I used the following code: $i = …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for paul.rothenberger

Hey everyone, I'm working on a project that allows the user to register but am running into an issue where when the registration page is submitted the user receives a blank page and no confirmation(database record isn't entered). I've read and re-read the code and can't seem to find the …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I need to be able to display each day of the current month excluding Sunday in a format: month/day (eg. 11/11). So I want the output to be: [CODE]11/11 11/12 //excludes Sunday 11/14 11/15[/CODE] etc. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

Member Avatar for Adriano_1
Member Avatar for davidbcn

all the emails are sending together to all the recipients showing their emails in "TO", which i don't want. how to send mails individually instead of sending to all recipients together? my code is: function SendMail($msg,$subject,$addresses) { require "class.phpmailer.php"; //Fetch from email here foreach($addresses as $key=>$val){ $email = test_input($val); if((trim($email)=='') …

Member Avatar for davidbcn
Member Avatar for Edwin_7

Forum Hello people, my name is Edwin Galician and I have a problem about the Facebook API in its version 5 and consists of the following, it turns out that on my local server, I work well, but the production version generates me inconvientens the most important so far is …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I do not know about this. In a table I have from_date and to_date only. I will pass two dates to compare from_date and to_date . I want all the dates with day in between two days. My query is SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE fromdate>='2015-11-01' AND todate <='2015-11-30' …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Natsu123

Hi guys, I really need your help. I am Programming an app where a teacher logs in with a username and password. After the login a new Fragment in the app opens where the Teacher see all his students in a ListView. To Login I only type the username and …

Member Avatar for Natsu123
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am new in Symfony2. I am trying to get result from a drop-down using ajax and symfony; I did all the settings as it is which is mentioned in the documentation provided. But I am getting **POST http://localhost/docCMS/web/app_dev.php/getclientaddress/13 500 Internal Server Error** DefaultController.php /** * @Route("/getclientaddress/{id}", name="get_client_address", options={"expose"=true}) * …

Member Avatar for James_43

Hi all, I have a fairly limited understanding of how objects work exactly, but basically I have: `$response[] = $html->data->identifier;` Which I would think stored the values as an array, but when I try to add something to that array with: `$response[] = array('quantity' => $itemsinfo['qty']);` I get the error …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for shany0786

i am facing small problem, i am not very good with ajax.what i want to check is email avaliblity through ajax and show no or yes.png code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#email_id").keyup(function(){ if($("#email_id").val().length >= 4) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo base_url();?>Traveller/email_is_taken", data: "email_id="+$("#email_id").val(), success: function(msg){ if(msg=="true") { $("#email_verify").css({ "background-image": …

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for James_43

Hi all, So I've never really understood the php mail function, but I've tried to set up msmtp after failing a bit with postfix. The problem I get now is when I go to send an email I get an error "unpexted TLS packed recieved". My account conf is: account …

Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I am confused about the php there is used to include a file like headers footers functions etc etc so I would like to ask what is the difference between the followings: require_once(); require(); include(); include_once(); Thank You

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for pilucho

in all pages will code with "session_start ();" but does not display all the information, as "First name, Last name" But if the user is connected, and when browsing pages, only shows the nick, and the other names disappear on the first page to connect, if it shows all the …

Member Avatar for pilucho
Member Avatar for hell hansen

Hi guys! I need help with meta tags on my website! Look on all intire website i have more then 20 pages, and im using only one head.php and footer.php files. So i want to have a meta tags for each page, without dupicating the head.php, and i'm really struggling. …

Member Avatar for hell hansen
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I cannot find anything in phpExcel documentation. What I would like is to end up with an associative array with keys from the first row in the excel worksheet. It's something that can be done of course, but is there a native method?

Member Avatar for Martin_10
Member Avatar for bilal.saim

I am using facebook api with php. My program takes posts' message and show on the page. If the post type is photo or normal text and there is a link inside to message, it not show like a clickable or I can not understand it is link or not. …

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar2003

I am in the process of developing a web application with a "question - answer" session in PHP and MySQL. This is more like a forum, where the user asks questions and a dedicated expert answers the questions. I am trying to implement the following feature: * When a user …

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for gentlemedia

Sorry for the vague title, but I'm using a PHP snippet on a WooCommerce shop which shows the difference between an old price and a new price (sale price) in a percentage bubble on the page. The thing is it shows also percentages with decimals behind a comma if it's …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for shabbir04

Hello everyone.. this is my php code <div class="content-1 col-sm-12 nopadding"> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Date</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-2">Product</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-2">Username</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Quantity</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Rate</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Sale Amount</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Payment</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Balance</div> <div class="list-header col-sm-1">Remarks</div> </div> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM sale_history order by date …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shany0786

I am have debugging some javascript code in firebug,then i have seen some strange POST thing in firebug this is worrying me? I have registration form when i reload page i see in firebug following "POST http://api.adsrun.net/post" Response Header Cache-Control no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Connection keep-alive Content-Type application/json Date …

Member Avatar for janicemurby

Hi i have got multiple check box working in test file but when i try and put it and check box all i get is array i put this bit in profile.php $length = count($interests); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){ echo $interests[$i]; echo ' '; } ?> in …

Member Avatar for minitauros

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