39,326 Topics
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I want to create a webpage which will automatically send an email before 2 days. <form action="try.php" method="post"> <p>Date From : <input type="date" name="date1" /></p> <p>Date To: <input type="date" name="date2" /></p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <?php // echo("First name: " . $_POST['firstname'] . "<br />\n"); echo("Last name: " … | |
Hello, I'm new into PHP. Just migrated from Java recently. I'm trying to make a conversion machine that conver number to romans number. Here is the code I wrote : !DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Latins to Romans Conversion</title> </head> <body> <h2>Latin to Romans … | |
Link in MySQL: https://wahlburgers.com/dorchester Variable loaded: $website = $row["website"]; How can I echo the word "Website" as a hot link to $website ( https://wahlburgers.com/dorchester ) inside an HTML form? This is what I've tried: <input type="text" id="website" name="website" value="<?php echo "<a href= '" . $website . "'>" . "Website" . … | |
I want to create a tool for my website that convert word document to html form and vice versa. I don't know the process how it works. I wnat to make it in JS, PHP or codemirror. I dont know how and where to start. Thanks. | |
i just want to create a update form by using modal but when i click the button update nothing happen no popup appear or did with a wrong ways? i already change the position of the end curly braces but still not working. Any ideas? here is what i working … | |
Good day, I am actually a young programmer, who wants to develop a webpage that enables someone to take a practice test. It was given to me as an assignment that determines if I will remain a programmer. I know little about PHP codes but none in Mysql. I came … | |
HI , First at all i'm a newbie and sorry if this a dumb question. i want to create a form that only can be submitted once per day by each user, each user has thier own id. My question is how to create a process that will check if … | |
I have 3 radio buttons on my form A , B , C but when i clicked on A radio it shows specific dropdown which get data from database table but by fruitid 1 and when i clicked on B it will show data fruitid 2 as onnword. i need … | |
How can read line in file that line have recordor examplethe file: date new_cases new_deaths 2020-07-30 665 10 2020-07-31 590 9 2020-08-01 - 0 2020-08-02 - - 2020-06-04 738 8 2020-06-05 779 - 2020-06-06 770 5 4 line it is not record new_cases or new_deaths so wae ignore the line … | |
Hi ... I want to create some php pages where I have to change the variables ( top of the page ) through a form and of course save them on the same page. I don't want to use databases. It's possible??? <?php $pageurl = "text1"; $title = "text2"; $description … | |
Hi, I would like to ask how to redirect to another page, like for example dashboard page (because normally after successful login it will redirect the user to home page) ? I am new at laravel environment and I will highly appreciate all your comments and looking forward to learn … | |
I am attempting to update my accounts table for the current session ID with the data posted from a form. My first prepare statement is functioning fine and can be seen functioning through the placeholder variables in the form. It is my second prepare statement that doesnt seem to be … | |
Write a Python function maxaceregate(!) that takes a list of pairs of the form (name score) as argument, where name is a string and score is an Integer Each pair is to be interpreted as the score of the named player For instance, an input of the form [CKohir 73) … | |
this is my code for inserting records into my form which is in html file `Inline Code Example Here` <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); $connect=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); $db_select=mysql_select_db("employee",$connect) or die(mysql_error()); if (isset($_POST['id'])) $id=$_POST['id']; if (isset($_POST['name'])) $name=$_POST['name']; if (isset($_POST['gender'])) $gender=$_POST['gender']; if (isset($_POST['mobile'])) $mobile=$_POST['mobile']; if (isset($_POST['email'])) $email=$_POST['email']; $qry="insert into emp(id,name,gender,mobile,email) values ('$id','$name','$gender',$mobile,'$email')"; $result=mysql_query($qry) … | |
What is a “MIME type”, what does it consist of, and what is it used for? can anyone pls provide with example? | |
<?php $dataContent = $user->name; if ($user->active) { if (!$user->active) { $dataContent .= ' <span class="label label-default">Inactive</span>'; } if($user->teams and $user->active){ foreach ($user->teams as $team){ $dataContent .= ' <span class="label label-primary">'.$team->name.'</span>'; } } $assignee = isset($filter_var['assignee']) ? $filter_var['assignee'] : []; if (!filter_var($assignee)) { $assignee = [$assignee]; } $assignee = array_unique($assignee); } … | |
hi there are two question. first how to boost the backlinking and second is which forums or guest posting is best for backlinking. Tags: #php #upload #css #form #asp.net | |
Can anyone please help on this. Tenanti Version: ^5.0 Laravel Version: 7.x PHP Version: 7.4 Database Driver & Version: mysql-5.7.31 **Description**: When I install tenanti version getting an error in service provider. Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException Unable to resolve dependency [Parameter #1 [ array $config ]] in class App\Providers\AppServiceProvider Steps To Reproduce: "orchestra/tenanti": … | |
I am trying to get user's information and show them in user's profile. And i found this query but it is in PDO and my work is in sqli here the query : if(isset($_SESSION['user'])){ $getuser=$con->prepare("SELECT * From users where username=?"); $getuser->execute(array($sessionuser)); Sinfo=$getuser->fetch(); And here the whole code <?php session_start(); $sessionuser=''; … | |
I want to create a single login page for Admin and user.When admin lo it should go to seperate page and when user log it shoult go to seperate page.I want sample code for this.Thanks.. | |
I have a project where I need users to be able to save their work, then at a later date select the session/data from their previous work and continue. I have completed all of the coding (and it works) to save the current session under their userid, and populates a … | |
How to remove from the Google index pages of my site that were created by a virus Japanese keyword hack? It is necessary to remove from the Google index links to the pages of my site http://quartercheapersigns.ca/ that were created by a virus - about 43 800 pages in Google … | |
When I access an api. it returns data in below format **n2035014,25 N2035014,25 B2035014,2944.40,250,3787.30,2400** o24,22971.20 h24,23064.15 l24,22641.40 c24,22945.05 i24,22744.40 I am clueless how to map these data and store in mysql table. First set of data highlited in bold is dataset 1, followed by second set of data which has … | |
Hello i want to automatically add an id to the inserted row on my table in Mysql db. The table has no uniquie key and no AUTO_INCREASMENT. I just want a function to add the id automatically when the row is inserted. This is the statement i have $db = … | |
i want to know how to create qr cde in php | |
i want to unserialize? and display Array from my text field in db table. This is what i use to serialize on Insert statement. `$persons = serialize(array($paymentData['anArray']));` and this returns after var_dump `["persons"]=> string(104) "a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:5:"value";s:15:"Producer: Simon";}i:1;a:1:{s:5:"value";s:13:"Writer: Simon";}}}" ` Now the object that i return from Select statement is memberDetails $sql … | |
hello, i have a probelm where i want to update my image in database using unlink(). The error is **Warning: unlink(images/481933.jpg): No such file or directory**. I try search the solution but nothing can solve my probelm. anyone can help me? thank you in advanced. this is my code: $upload_dir='images/'; … | |
For example. I have a select statement that is "select ID from students where student name ='name';" Now I don't wanna echo the student ID but I wanna store it in various where I can reuse it. How do I do it. "select ID from students where student name ='name';" | |
Hi i am computer science students. I always confused to about php base websites or another website. Yesterday my teacher gave me assingement to check website either it is php base or other platform. But i haven't decided to give answer. I am week student in class. please help me … | |
Hello friends, I am looking to start my career in web development. I have also learned a lot of about web development and PHP. So, can anyone let me know which is the latest version of PHP and it's featured? |
The End.