39,388 Topics
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I'm trying to determine number of days difference between the due duedate and current date and really need help. [CODE]<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db(numbersdb) or die("Unable to select database"); $query = "SELECT taxrate FROM numbdata" ; $result = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($query)); $taxrate = $result['taxrate']; mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db(oodb) or die("Unable to select … | |
What is the reglalr eperssion of [CODE]http://www.adexmart.com/product.php?id_product=[B][U]14[/U][/B]&utm_source=shopmania&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link[/CODE] in JavaScript. Underlined and bold marked text will vary ?? | |
So I've been doing some reading on what the model view controller is and from what I understand, it is pretty much a way to structure your application but I'm still not that sure and I need some help knowing if I understand the concept correctly. If I start making … ![]() | |
hi, there is a script or something that can read this file? [url]http://ical.imac.com/ical/portuguese32holidays.ics[/url] the ideia is to save all days and holidays for a mysql and then update time to time. thanks for your help :) | |
hey people, i have the following problem, i'm setting up a webshop with over 2k items and every 6months the prices are changing(wines) so i was wondering how to import an xml file into a mysql database without having to go in phpmyadmin. this because i don't want the people … | |
HI! I have a php page. There are music names (they are in array). I want to make a search script. This script must find what someone writes. But if user made mistake while writing, it must find similar music names. Is this possible, or I must use mysql? | |
When i do refresh in php, the data in iframe become blank. How i still get the search results in iframe after press "refresh" button? Thanks! In the iframe, it just like the search information php [CODE] <iframe width="650" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" copyhistory="yes" name="Shopping" src="http://localhost/search.php" ></iframe> [/CODE] | |
Hi all.. I am working on a website which require me to handle the image uploading and retrieval. This website is some kind like an image gallery. Straight to the point, i am having trouble in retrieving the last image to be displayed on my view.Clearly to be said, i … | |
Hi, I am new at php so please I beg of you to go easy on me., I have looked on the site and read many tutorials but I am trying to understand the following: When I call session_start() at the beginning of a page a file gets saved to … ![]() | |
Greetings ! I am trying to develop a website, much like hotornot.com, but a little simpler. The idea is: - The visitor comes to my site and selects a category, then he is presented with various images which he can rate. He can rate the images without leaving the same … ![]() | |
![]() | Hi, I'm currently looking at password hashing and from what I've read so far, it seems pretty pointless. I read this [URL="http://phpsec.org/articles/2005/password-hashing.html"]article[/URL] which recommends using MD5 or SHA-1, however I Googled for decrypters and found them witin the first 3 results on Google. I don't quite understand the purpose of … ![]() |
I have a PHP script running in the background that's in the cron to perform specific tasks on a daily basis. When it's completed it's daily tasks, I want to be able to start a 2nd PHP script, but not exactly sure how to go about it. This 2nd script … | |
I'm trying to read the [b]taxrate[/b] from the database table and use it with values from another table. the database and table are correct as is the field (taxrate) from the table, value is 0.06. Then I'm trying to multiply that value by the value of a field from another … | |
wordpress template is good working on localhost but not working Online why? | |
Hello! Quick question, i got a file uploader that can do huge files, so if i want someone to upload 1GB, what do i set the max_execution_time in php.ini to? ![]() | |
Hello everyone. I am trying to write a quiz for a site. Questions are in multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank etc. The example questions i have can be seen below. I'm trying to plan how am I going to code this. I was thinking of having a table … ![]() | |
Hi experts., I am back again... Now i am working in a Joomla project. Here i have a big trouble for sending mail. Once, i send a mail with entries in Contact module, it says "Could not instantiate mail function" with "Thank you for your mail". But i didn't receive … | |
guys i'm usiung mysql Server version 5.1.36 and i wanted to use this stuff ' , ),{ in my input , but its always coming out an SQL Error for me when i use String Type also still got the error , i used text Type got SQL errors, i … | |
hello guys , i have a table created in php and within this table there's a liked word that will lead to it's topic , and this topic would be stored in the database. then when it's clicked it will show a page and display what has being stored in … | |
Hi Friends I have pasted the code below which i was used in my project. But i am getting mysql_fetch_array() error. For your more information i have attached the screen shot of the error Pls give me solution [CODE]<?php // Inialize session session_start(); include("../config.php"); // Check, if username session is … | |
I want to show some description of my blog post at home page and a read more link when user will click that link it will redirect to post detail page. I am using the_content('Read More...') function. Now how can i give character limit that how many character i want … | |
Hello, I want to learn PHP as I'm interested in designing Wordpress blogs.But I do not know about PHP or CSS.Don't even know the IDEs one has to work on.How should I begin?Please help. Regards | |
Is there any way to list *.css from directories/subdirectories recursively? I want to make a css selector... The following script lists nonrecursively... But i need a recursive list... themeselect.php : [CODE] <?php if (ini_get('display_errors')) { ini_set('display_errors', 1); } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); if ($_POST['currentcss']){ setcookie('currentcss', $_POST['currentcss']); } require_once('getcss.php'); function right($value, $count){ return substr($value, … | |
Hi frnds .... I am trying to create a contact form in PHP , MySql .... In my form i have two 3 input fields n a Submit Button ..... 1. Name 2. email 3. SecurityCode ( here user have to enter the captcha code ) I am collecting all … | |
In many job vacancies about software engineers,i have seen programming with PHP is a qualification.But as i know PHP is a server side scripting language.Therefore i want to know why they are looking about PHP as other programming languages like c,c++,java & etc.Please explain me...... | |
I am developing an application where I am uploading a file and then it is uploaded to a temporary folder and I see the preview of that image through an ajax call without refreshing the current page.Then after clicking "Save" it saves the file to original directory. The file I … | |
I want to do a picture search engine. I use `simple_html_dom` and `preg_match_all` to get all the image, then use `getimagesize` get all the image size. Here is one part of my code. [CODE]<?php header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; $v = 'http://www.jqueryimage.com/'; $html = file_get_html($v); foreach($html->find('img') as $element) { if( preg_match('#^http:\/\/(.*)\.(jpg|gif|png)$#i',$element->src)){ … | |
I am confused about &reference operator. here i dont understand the call_user_array_func() and referense operator why used here? but can you explain it on my code original source is [URL="http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/the-problem-with-phps-prepared-statements/"]http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ph...ed-statements/[/URL] i tested it. i want to know what happens there i know this & reference operator but for what reason … | |
I need help! Here's script: [CODE] <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); $time="1303889758"; echo $time."<br>"; $convert=date("G:i:s d. n. Y. ",$time); //convert $time to our date: output is 9:35:58 27. 4. 2011. echo $convert."<br>"; $con2=mktime($convert); //convert converted time to unix: doesn't work echo $con2; ?> [/CODE] I have two script. One script write the time … | |
hi all, I am new web developer. I don't know the difference between template and theme. explain about template and themes and difference. |
The End.