39,388 Topics
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Hello friends. :(I have a problem but i don't know how to implement a solution. The problem is that the HDD's from two Windows Servers got corrupted [COLOR="red"](1.- Site Server, 2.- File Server)[/COLOR] and all the files PDF's and the main site(ASP) were unaccesible for a while, now i recovered … | |
I want to read the whole data, write into a file and save it to on that file. What is the code of the above ? | |
Hi Friends i am having one master table for category which contain 7 fields, i am having sitename as a table which contain 8 fields, if i create [B]newsite[/B] name then it has to copy all the fields from master table in addition to that it has to display the … | |
Hi Frendz, How to show all markers on google maps which are in different places? | |
how can i get value from following three table?. 1.In item table i want following field. A.item_name B.item_price C.image_path 2.In orderdetail i want following field. A.Quantity * orderdetails field is like that 1.Orderdetail_id 2.Item_Id 3.order_id 4.amount 5.Quantity 6.status | |
Helo guys, which is the most comfortable version of wamp server to use?? Thanks | |
Hi all, i'm building a simple date input with php using drop down list box the problem i faced is "leap year" how do i display 29 day in the drop down list box while user selected a leap year if user make an option on day first then only … | |
Hi, I am trying to install PHPUnit and having problems. I get many errors: # pear install phpunit/PHPUnit phpunit/PHPUnit can optionally use PHP extension "dbus" phpunit/PHP_CodeCoverage can optionally use PHP extension "xdebug" (version >= 2 .0.5) downloading PHPUnit-3.5.13.tgz ... Starting to download PHPUnit-3.5.13.tgz (118,553 bytes) ..........................done: 118,553 bytes could not … | |
Well I get CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and compare it with date() function and they are not the same to get more into details. I do $sql=mysql_query("UPDATE time SET date=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" WHERE id='1'); than I retreive the data $data=mysql_fetch_array($sql); echo $data['date']; echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); there is a difference of 6 hours. I guess its … | |
I'm building a web page that gets information from a mySQL database. It's setup like this: [CODE]<?php if ($act == "") { //// Get the index page $myQuery = "SELECT * FROM $menu WHERE control='index' "; $result = $dbh->prepare($myQuery); $result->execute(); while($row = $result->fetch()){ $page = $row['title']; $myQuery = "SELECT * … | |
Hi, I have this code that adjusts the position of the subjects and the pages in my site. This is working where the value of the radio button = 1 (which is = showing, in the database - And 0 = Not showing) And I am talking about pages for … | |
hi guys! im noob in php. Could you please help me in uploading then reading text file in php? Heres the example format in text file: 201005040939040105-646A Then this must be posted to a table(<table></table>). Example: | 20100504 | 0939 | 040105-646 | A | separated by 5 columns. First … | |
anyone here who've already encountered this error?? Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\new\orderprocess.php on line 25 | |
Is there is any way to either change the inner content of a new php page to whatever you want in dreamweaver OR create a template for a php page that is completely customizable and doesn't have those nasty templatebegineditable & templateendeditable html comments in there. If so, how? | |
Hello, I'm having difficulty getting my PHP code to read my HTML check-box code. Basically, when I submit my test form I get the following error message, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/seguemin/public_html/feedback.php:83) in /home3/seguemin/public_html/feedback.php on line 110. I am very new … | |
Hi Hope thet someone can help me with folowing I have a mini event calender but i want to show te even into a popup but i can't fiux it i have here the code [CODE]echo "><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?month=".$monthstring."&day=".$daystring."&year=".$year."&v=true' onclick='Popup.showModal('modal');return false;'>".$i."</a></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; ?> </table> <div id="modal" style="border:3px solid black; … | |
Hello, I am retrieving code from a database and my resulting array is as below. [CODE]Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => False [1] => True ) [1] => Array ( [0] => True [1] => False ) [2] => Array ( [0] => False [1] => True ) … | |
please i need your help. i need to output the result below in this format $array = array('45', '92' , '91','94', '90', '12', '104', '105', '93'); [CODE]$checkfresult = mysql_query("SELECT name, state FROM users"); $users = array(); while($thecount = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkfresult)){ $users[] = $thecount; }; $array = array('45', '92' , '91','94', '90', … | |
I am using joomla 1.5.22 version.whenever i try to save any changes in global configuration in joomla's backend it redirects me backend's home page without saving the changes also when i try to add a contact it redirects me contact manager without adding contact what the problem?please help. | |
I never uploaded a file before and I'm finding some problems regarding uploading a file in a directory which have some security. I searched on the internet and I found out that I need to make use of [I][B][U]chmod[/U][/B][/I] php function however I have been fighting against my computer for … | |
I have got myself in a bit of a mess creating a dynamic form and not knowing how to get at the resulting data. I am creating a dynamic form from a mysql database, in order to allow the user to edit and re-store their data. Database is quite simple: … | |
Hi,I put many tiny forms on one of my pages, all have the same action to return to this page when submitted <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> but how can I know which one was submitted? I used this line all this time when I had only 1 form … | |
i actually want a user to select a file to upload to my webspace , and while uploading it is renamed and at end it will display a url to the user which contains php variables ( (depends on the file name) .. i have made a form (for the … | |
Hi, I want develop a web site which contain database driven report and chart etc. Database for I intent to use for my application is MSSQL 2005. Plz give me a step by step guide line to configure PHP,MSSQL and Xampp etc. I am using windows 7 ultimate and xampp-win32-1.7.4-VC6. … | |
Does anyone feel that Cake is worth the trouble it takes getting used to it? I don't mind putting the time into learning it as long as it pays off in the end. They claim you are up and running faster and spend less time re-inventing the wheel and while … | |
lets say i have a get variable:[CODE]$goto=$_GET['goto'];[/CODE] and i have a array [CODE]$sections= array('fail' => fail());[/CODE] how would i make it so when the $goto=fail, it does the function fail from the array? | |
hello i want help to design a script for banning ip's and also range of ip's.... Hope that somebody may come out with a solution to do this .... | |
I have resolved a couple issues on my site thanks to you all, and hoping that you can come to my rescue one last time, because I am at wit's end trying to figure this one out. I have a shopping list on each page. Normal grocery store items; users … | |
Hello, In my code I am getting this error: [CODE]Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User turt2liv_demo already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/turt2liv/public_html/demo/jamond_website/class.php on line 11[/CODE] That method looks like this: [CODE]//Constructor function __construct($debug){ if(!$debug){ $debug=0; } mysql_connect("localhost","turt2liv_demo","demoacc") or die("Connection Error: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("turt2liv_demo_jamond_website") or die("Selection Error: ".mysql_error()); error_reporting($debug); date_default_timezone_set("America/Edmonton"); if($this->isLoggedIn()){ … |
The End.