39,326 Topics
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this program inserts data (correctly) into fields b4 update but I get the error message when I submit. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? [CODE]<html><head> <!--when the paidamt is keyed in, the current date, pd & paidsum are autoinserted--> <script> function $_(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); } … | |
hi guys as the title which is the best in security mysql_connect() or mysqli_connect() and which one you prefer thank you for help or suggestion . | |
Can anyone help me add another folder destination to the code below. for example Categories/test, keep in mind that I want to add not repplace the location below which is Categories/Game [CODE]<?php if(!$_POST['page']) die("0"); $page = (int)$_POST['page']; if(file_exists('Categories/Game/page_'.$page.'.php')) echo file_get_contents('Categories/Game/page_'.$page.'.php'); else echo 'There is no such page!'; ?> [/CODE] | |
Hello: I'm trying to figure out what exactly is causing this error: [code]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in D:\Hosting\7528136\html\request_confirmation.php on line 463[/code] this is my code: [code]<?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); //error_reporting(0); //error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); if ( isset ( $_POST['submit'] ) ) //If submit is hit { //here were … | |
Hi All, Can someone tell my how I can make this work: I have subjects AND pages from the Database. I am in this small script deciding which link is set, a subject or a page. Also I am showing the relevant pages under each subject, by ordering the pages … | |
Hello, I'm trying to get a var from php into my jquery code, but I'm having no luck. Jquery: [CODE]$.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "sortProp.php", data : "f="+type+"&s="+filter, success : function(data){ $('#propHold').html(data); $('#propHold .prop:first').addClass('active'); alert(data.title); } }); [/CODE] Php: [CODE]$title = array("title" => "$propName"); json_encode($title);[/CODE] I can't seem to … | |
Hello, i am doing shopping cart with google checkout. but upto now i didnot integrated google checkout. so give me the sample code. it will helps me a lot. actually i integrated paypal already like below [CODE]<form name="frmpay" method="post" action="success.php"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" /> … | |
I've fought this for days - can someone help? [CODE]<?php mysql_connect(localhost,root,""); mysql_select_db(oob) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query = " INSERT INTO oocust (payrec,invnum,date,time,name,name,street,state,zip,terms,fob,ordernum,dateord,datecomp,datepaid,charges,paidamt,tax,amtdue) VALUES('$payrec','$invnum','$date','$time','$name','$street','$state','$zip','$terms','$fob','$ordernum','$dateord','$datepaid','$charges','$paidamt','$tax','$amtdue')"; echo "data inserted</font><br /><br />"; $stat = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (isset( $_POST['payrec']) ) { $payrec=$_POST['payrec']; $invnum=$_POST['invnum']; $date=$_POST['date']; $time=$_POST['time']; $name=$_POST['name']; … | |
I checked my php.ini file and there is no ; in front of extension=php_mysql.dll or extension=php_mysqli.dll. I think the I am getting this error because my figuration File (php.ini) Path is C:\Windows. How would I change it to C:\Apache2.2\php\php.ini? Also, once I have done this do I need to recompile … | |
Hi Frendz, [INDENT]How to convert the direction in degrees to normal directions(North,East..) in php[/INDENT] | |
hi..I am wanted to use the anchor() tag which is one of the url helper in codeigniter for the div. [B] Below is the code which i want to convert into the codeigniter form :[/B] [CODE] <a href="events/page/<?php echo $id; ?>"> <div class="title_row" id="<?php echo $id; ?>"> <div class="content" > … | |
Hi Friends Pls help me, i have posted the code below, i am trying to multiply 2 text box values from thisqty and prate and final value has to be show in thisamt text box, and also i have attachment the screen shot [CODE]<form method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="billing"> <table width="1000" … | |
hi, all,i having code as below and the output is in the picture below as well <?php require_once("includes/session.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php confirm_logged_in(); ?> <?php find_selected_item(); ?> <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?> <table id="structure"> <tr> <div class="menu"> <ul> <?php echo navigation($sel_cat, $sel_item); ?> </ul> </div> <td id="item"> <?php … | |
Hi, I'm new to php oop. In our system when creating a new user, user's role can be assigned by selecting from the role dropdown list. Here, there are two classes, one is user class, another is role class. and user class use role class which is composition relationship. I … | |
Well I am using the image functions to draw pixels on an image file using PHP. The problem is that when for instance I draw a black pixel and right next to it a white pixel and than again a black pixel the white pixel will get faded! It will … | |
SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Persons this query is for finding distinct(different) value. how to find duplicate values which are not find by Distinct query.i.e repetitive(duplicate) values. | |
Dear Guys, i have Created a Table using Php and when i inters much data on it (Address or History of some subjects), it will make the table toooo large in size which's unneeded .. i need to manage the width of my table eeven if i enter lots of … | |
I have a simple database with 3 columns: id, event_date, event_name I have 9 rows in the database id event_date event_name 1 2010-01-17 Food 17th 2 2010-01-17 Bar 17th 3 2010-01-17 Football 17th 4 2010-01-18 Food 18th 5 2010-01-18 Bar 18th 6 2010-01-18 Football 18th 7 2010-01-19 Food 19th 8 … | |
I saved the link refrence in Databse like /PEDB/SupportDoc/5/PRFF or0444.pdf and used [ICODE]<a href=".$r1[10]." target=_blank>View</a>[/ICODE] to show the documents but when I click on view its not showing document because link break where space put in and show blank in explorer like /PEDB/SupportDoc/5/PRFF | |
Hi everyone! I want to send cyrillic letters with php, but it is not possible because php doesn't allow it. So, how do I covert the letters so that they could be sent. [CODE] <?php if (comments_open ()) : ?> <div class="comment block" id="respond"> <div class="holder"> <h2><?php comment_form_title('[B]Остави коментар[/B]', 'Leave … | |
I am trying to get information from my database that contains a foreign key that relate to another table, I am trying to enter details of an order and then have the customer ID of that order enter automatically from the customer table. [CODE] [B]Customer Table [/B] CREATE TABLE IF … | |
Hi, I have a fully pledged membership system and want to integrate my own user referral system but want some tips, advice really on the logic of it. Basically already registered users on my site will have the option to refer people, only registered users. I will try to explain … | |
Hi, I've written a simple IRC bot. but I have some problems, can you please help? #1 How to list all users on a channel? #2 How to get if a command/message sent by an op or not? Same with halfop/voice/owner? #3 How to get who sent the command/message (by … | |
Hi! Anyone know of a good tutorial for allowing users to "upload video files". I am familiar with uploading scripts for images but never worked with videos. | |
A friend of my recently asked me to help him set up a web based radio. Upon doing some research I found he has only original content (not copy right stuff), all static mp3 files, not live talk, and wants to loop the audio. I've found sites like radionomy and … | |
Hello, I'm working on a BB game and I have a question about its performance. Let's say I have 1000 users and using cronjobs every 15mins I [I]update user set ore=ore+'20';[/I] and every hour I [I]update user set turns='20';[/I] Will this have any [B]significant[/B] effect on the performance of my … | |
ok so i am trying to find any href that has a css file in it and append a template directory to the beginning while keeping intact this is what i have to begin with [CODE] preg_replace('/href=(?:")[^A-Za-z0-9].css/', 'href="'.$dir.$template.'/[^A-Za-z0-9].css', $content); [/CODE] i dont think that i am doing this right cause … | |
Hi Hoping someone has some experience with this. I have an insert record which works perfectly, until I try and encrypt the passwords and set the date to NOW() When I submit the form - the form does not complete successfully, however a record of some kind is inserted into … | |
Hey Guys, I need some help with Deleting data from a MySQL . Currently I have, Two PHP files. the First is the main page. [CODE]<?php $host=""; $username=""; $password=""; $db_name=""; $tbl_name=""; mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $result=mysql_query($sql); ?> <p>This Page Refreshes Every … | |
I used [URL="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-php-v525/index.html"]this[/URL] page for making upload progress bar. I downloaded it and uploaded it to the server (you can see it [URL="http://latinus.herobo.com/proba/progress.php"]here[/URL]), and I signed up to Google Maps API and I pasted the code, but it doesn't work. It uploads the file, but it doesn't write the upload … |
The End.