39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for vukidrock

Hi there This is my problem: - Upload image (not important) - Store its in [filename].php - Show [filename].php like image.jpg in show.php (gallery) Can you solve? Thank you so much

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Member Avatar for monta2020

i have a hyperlink that when i click then will show me an output of listed names. i want to have this list arranged from A to Z in . thanks. um using PHP.

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for backalley

i've been attempting to execute this code , all i got was an error. [CODE]<?php $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("connection failed!"); mysql_select_db("users") or die (mysql_error()); echo "connected!" $extract = mysql_query("select * from member order by id ASC") or die mysql_error(); ?>[/CODE] and this error appeared : [ICODE]Parse error: syntax …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for erza26

can somebody check my code...i really don't know what's the problem is... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-top: 50mm; } --> </style> <script src="gen_validatorv4.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function upperCase() { var x=document.getElementById("specification").value; document.getElementById("specification").value=x.toUpperCase(); …

Member Avatar for erza26
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

Hello, I'm building a database using SQL and PHP and I've started on the user interface first rather than the database queries and everything - a little backwards perhaps. I have a login button that disappears for some reason when I add in a function for my search button. Here's …

Member Avatar for KadajXII
Member Avatar for Amr87
Member Avatar for mightysnake

Hey all, Well I can't find a common solution for calculating price based on time elapsed and I thought you guys could help me a bit to find an appropriate solution. So, I need to calculate price like this: 24h - 40€ 30h - 50€ 36h - 60€ 42h - …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm new to JQuery and attempting to write a script to check username availability. My problem is that no matter what I type, I always get back "This username is already in use." JQuery source: [CODE] $(document).ready(function() { jQuery.validator.addMethod("usernameCheck", function(username) { var isSuccess = false; $.ajax({ url: "username_availability.php", data: …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I have gone over and over the subject and still confused. I currently develop in PHP 5.2.x along with MySQL. (awaiting host to upgrade to 5.3.x, hopefully not to long although on local i develop using php 5.3.5) Currently i use the standard MySQL functions in PHP like: [B]mysql_connect()[/B],[B] …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for Acute

Do you know how to store multi-level menus in db and build them into html lists using php? thnx p.s.: i googled and could not find what i need

Member Avatar for Acute
Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks

the below code is intended to update a database file with the no of days late and tax calcs for each record. I'll understand this before I qive up. the subject is the error message. [CODE]<?php $stat = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); $stat = mysql_select_db("oodb"); $query = "SELECT invnum FROM oocust Where WHERE …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for killerqb

I seem to have an error updating a checkbox using an SQL Query. I am trying to get the box to be checked if equal to 1 and unchecked if equal to 0. My database is updating correctly, but the checkbox is not. [CODE]<input type="checkbox" <?php if ($row['create_event'] = 1){ …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for phplover

Hi, I have created what i think is correct is one mysql_query with multiple counts. Could someone please tell me if i have done it rite ? plus how would i be able to access each count query using PHP so i can display each count query result? If it's …

Member Avatar for phplover
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tarantulaturk

Hi all, I use a program (OpenGrads) to run on the command prompt in OPENSUSE. It worked on Windows very well but I cant run the command on linux. System commands works without any problem. But the specific command that is 'grads' doesnt work. I used system(), exec(), shell_exec() functions …

Member Avatar for tarantulaturk
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi I have the following array: [CODE] $links = array("Home", "About us", "Our Services"); foreach($links as &$link ){ $space = implode(" ", $links); echo $space ; break; } [/CODE] the above code displays Home About us Our Services, but now I want to use the same array for links so …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kasxxiazexxi

I am using HTML for the contact form fields and I wish to redirected the inputs to another webpage and have it displayed there. Is there a way to do it with PHP? Thank you!

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for ptara1

I'm creating a html form that allows the user to search for people in a database. I want the form to work with drop down selects and radio buttons. Currently I'm using an if { } elseif {} else if{} format to my script. However this causes a problem because …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for ptara1

I have a html form where a user can narrow down his or her's search. For example they want to find a person based off of a number of characteristics, say hair color, eye color, body type. These are selected by a drop down menu and there are additional radio …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am working on a project using HTML, PHP, and LINUX shell commands to create a dynamic web page but I seem to be having some trouble figuring out how to run the .cgi file with the shell commands in it using either HTML or PHP (if they are both …

Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, currently I am working on embedding a flash video box into my dreamweaver site. All I would like is an empty video box so users can upload their own video. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Member Avatar for luisthedude

Im having problems loading content with ajax, the problem its that lets say that I have 2 links on my index.html, one is #page1 and the other one is #games1, well have happens is that if I click on either of them it just loads the same site, even thought …

Member Avatar for luisthedude
Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks

this program inserts data (correctly) into fields b4 update but I get the error message when I submit. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? [CODE]<html><head> <!--when the paidamt is keyed in, the current date, pd & paidsum are autoinserted--> <script> function $_(IDS) { return document.getElementById(IDS); } …

Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks
Member Avatar for Yemen Coder

hi guys as the title which is the best in security mysql_connect() or mysqli_connect() and which one you prefer thank you for help or suggestion .

Member Avatar for infinitizon
Member Avatar for luisthedude

Can anyone help me add another folder destination to the code below. for example Categories/test, keep in mind that I want to add not repplace the location below which is Categories/Game [CODE]<?php if(!$_POST['page']) die("0"); $page = (int)$_POST['page']; if(file_exists('Categories/Game/page_'.$page.'.php')) echo file_get_contents('Categories/Game/page_'.$page.'.php'); else echo 'There is no such page!'; ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for luisthedude
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello: I'm trying to figure out what exactly is causing this error: [code]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in D:\Hosting\7528136\html\request_confirmation.php on line 463[/code] this is my code: [code]<?php ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); //error_reporting(0); //error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); if ( isset ( $_POST['submit'] ) ) //If submit is hit { //here were …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi All, Can someone tell my how I can make this work: I have subjects AND pages from the Database. I am in this small script deciding which link is set, a subject or a page. Also I am showing the relevant pages under each subject, by ordering the pages …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BaSk

Hello, I'm trying to get a var from php into my jquery code, but I'm having no luck. Jquery: [CODE]$.ajax({ type : "POST", url : "sortProp.php", data : "f="+type+"&s="+filter, success : function(data){ $('#propHold').html(data); $('#propHold .prop:first').addClass('active'); alert(data.title); } }); [/CODE] Php: [CODE]$title = array("title" => "$propName"); json_encode($title);[/CODE] I can't seem to …

Member Avatar for BaSk
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

Hello, i am doing shopping cart with google checkout. but upto now i didnot integrated google checkout. so give me the sample code. it will helps me a lot. actually i integrated paypal already like below [CODE]<form name="frmpay" method="post" action="success.php"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" /> …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks

I've fought this for days - can someone help? [CODE]<?php mysql_connect(localhost,root,""); mysql_select_db(oob) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query = " INSERT INTO oocust (payrec,invnum,date,time,name,name,street,state,zip,terms,fob,ordernum,dateord,datecomp,datepaid,charges,paidamt,tax,amtdue) VALUES('$payrec','$invnum','$date','$time','$name','$street','$state','$zip','$terms','$fob','$ordernum','$dateord','$datepaid','$charges','$paidamt','$tax','$amtdue')"; echo "data inserted</font><br /><br />"; $stat = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if (isset( $_POST['payrec']) ) { $payrec=$_POST['payrec']; $invnum=$_POST['invnum']; $date=$_POST['date']; $time=$_POST['time']; $name=$_POST['name']; …

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The End.