39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for skald89

What stuff on a website can't be tested locally? If everything can what do I need to be able to test it?

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hello I m having great problem with indic(indian language) convert. for example Say I wrote something by google indic for bengali Now I copy this text and paste into textbox of my web form the after submitting it not showing desire result. my code is [CODE]$tvalue=$_POST['textfield']; echo ord($tvalue).' = '; …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Huiliam

Hi everyone! My boss is using a Java program called Animal Shelter Manager, which stores all images as BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) in the database. She needs me to put all of those pictures she has stored on the shelter's website. I look at them in the database, and they …

Member Avatar for Huiliam
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm very new with this. I need to make all of the random images below link to the same page. In other words I need to add a 'hotspot' to this script. The code below is how far I've got: [CODE]<?php $img_array = glob("images/Coupons/*.{jpg}",GLOB_BRACE); //Pick a random image from the …

Member Avatar for Marty1963
Member Avatar for ellenski

hi, the layout of my site is. there are five files (4 are inside the includes folder): index.php , header.php , pageniavigation.php , thumbnail.php , footer.php the header file is where you select the number of images you want to be displayed per page. the pagenavigation file contains the page …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for puvi

Hi ppl, I copied the code of a small php web application from a remote machine(where it was running fine) to my local machine. Symfony framework is used to generate the frontend of this application. I want to add some features and enhancements to this application, so I installed sf_sandbox …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I have created a system where users can follow another user, I am currently querying the table to display who is following who. I have two queries as shown below: [code=php] // followers query $query = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE friFriend='$view'"; $result = queryMysql($query); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); // …

Member Avatar for miketurpin

Hi, I'd need a function where an optional argument takes on the value of another argument when it's not specified. I'd like to be able to write: function some_fun ($a, $b, $c, $d=$b) { ... However, this is not correct PHP syntax. I'd really like it to be, and may …

Member Avatar for miketurpin
Member Avatar for Blazar

How would one go about having a unique forum made when user does a certain thing on a web site? On this web site I am making there are user groups and every time a group is made by a user, I want a unique forum made just for that …

Member Avatar for Blazar
Member Avatar for bwallace

I'm working on a script for a custom inbox to read e-mails. (We have several inboxes available to us on our hosting account but we need a custom one for a few reasons.) Today, e-mails have begun vanishing from the account -- they're not just gone from this custom inbox …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hi Everyone, I have made my own forums/site which is working out quite well. The only problem I'm having is when people edit there topic or if I edit the news. The current topic or news is loaded into a textarea including all the line breaks which were instered via …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for Skrljutak

Hi people. I'd like to allow HTML code in my forum but I don't know how :) Would any of you explain to me how I could do it? Regards

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for VikkiC

Hello I’m trying to create a simple facility booking system using PHP/MYSQL for a leisure centre as part of my final year project. I’ve been looking online for the best way to do this and I can’t find anything of use. Does anyone have any idea what would be the …

Member Avatar for VikkiC
Member Avatar for shuipint

I create a form which use the check box to get the info from user, but don't know how to write it in php for send to my mail, did any one can help me? my html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for shuipint
Member Avatar for grandfso

Hi, I am a beginner, and would like to do something like: I have a mysql table with date column. I would like to select all the rows from table, and print them out in tables. One table per month. E.g. January: ... ... ... February: ... ... ... etc. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kunalch
Member Avatar for jonnafun

Hi All I've checked around all kinds of sites, but to be honest I'm literally just learning PHP and not a clue what people are saying. Basically all I want to do is make some fields required before the form is submitted. At the moment all it does is go …

Member Avatar for Gants
Member Avatar for emen24

Please see php script below. When I log in, the screen goes blank and on the same /login.php web page. If I enter a wrong password, it will tell me it is wrong, and I registered and activated the user/password successfully. It is just when I login in, it doesn't …

Member Avatar for emen24
Member Avatar for abelingaw

i have to make a log in form that displays a msg if the user uses the username 'letmein' if not, a msg will also be printed. But the message to be printed aren't showing. Here's my code: [CODE] <html> <head> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; if ($username …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for jrhitokiri

I am trying to get Domain names/URLs from the title and description in ebay, but the text varies a lot. Note that the url/domain names are limited to *.com, *.net, *.info, etc. For instance, I'd have to parse through text such as: IPAD SCREEN LENS.COM 3 4 5 Letter LLLL …

Member Avatar for jrhitokiri
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

[CODE] class test{ function load($mailID,$message){ echo $mailID; echo $mesage; } function test1($arr,$message){ foreach($arr as $mailID){ $mailID = $mailID.","; $this ->load($mailID,$message); } } }[/CODE] this is my code ... bt this is nt correct.. actually i need is function test1 get mailadresses and message for the mail.. arr is a array. …

Member Avatar for Kadafiz
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, I'm trying to display an image inside a php tag using a file path name I stored in mysql. So far not working. [CODE]<td><?php echo "<img src='images/$image'/>";?></td>[/CODE] $image is the path to mysql. I can echo the path name so I know it works there but I can't display …

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for Joe34

Can anybody tell me what is wrong with these mysql statements? I believe the LIKE is what is incorrect. [CODE] $Find_Query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title='$Search' AND keywords LIKE '$Search' AND description LIKE '$Search' "); $Find_Query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title LIKE '$Search' AND keywords LIKE …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for lyrico

Hi to all again, Can anyone one help me with this? The scenario goes like this. I have this PHP script: [code] <?php $to = "email_address_here"; $subject = "SAMPLE AUTOMATIC MAIL"; $body = "Hi to Every one. Please help me with this ^^,"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) { echo("<p>Message successfully …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, I am trying to insert an image path name into mysql. I not sure how to insert the path only if the path name "image name" does not exist. Also, I get duplicate rows when uploading image path name, not sure why. Here is some code. Any suggestions would …

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for concordia

Hi again, I'm stumped. I'd like to store results from a questionnaire in a multi-dimensional session variable to tally the number of questions answered after the entire questionnaire is completed. Users choose selections from checkboxes, so I have that info coming from an array. I was hoping I could just …

Member Avatar for keyroche
Member Avatar for tcollins412

ok, so i am writing a program for my client. i have a thing where they can view all of their clients. I have it listed where their clients names are listed. How do i make it so when they click on thir clients names, it calls their id from …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for prithvi.web

Hi Guys, I am trying to make a string from an array.The array structure looks like this [CODE][n3] => Array ( [0] => 2011-01-19 [1] => 2011-01-12 )[/CODE] Now if n3[0] or n3[1] is null i mean if any one value is absent then the string should look like [CODE]$str …

Member Avatar for prithvi.web
Member Avatar for dragostone

Greetings everyone. i have a number of check box's, a message text area and a submit button. Depending on what box is checked it will send the message to that email address. Here is the code for the form: [CODE] <form method="POST" name="myform" action="checked.php"> <input type="checkbox" name="emails[]" value="user1@domain.com" /> <input …

Member Avatar for dragostone
Member Avatar for Jwallis

I had someone build forms for me but they didn't put in tags to have those forms do anything, the just made input fields. I have some knowledge on how to do this, but have never written PHP before and was told this is what I need to do to …

Member Avatar for nicholas1981

The End.