39,388 Topics
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Hi, I have the following code in test.php file <form name=f1 method=get action="test.php"> <textarea name="question"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> If I enter "sample text" its working fine with [url]http://www.example.com/test.php?question=sample+text[/url] But if I enter "Create a view that does not contain the" its throwing the following error message with [url]http://www.example.com/test.php?question=Create+a+view+that+does+not+contain+the[/url] [B]Internal … | |
Hi all, Can anyone help me to solve my problem? I m doing one PHP project in which i maximum used Javascript and Ajax.Now client require that when he close browser session have to automatically cleared means when he open next time that browser he must have to login first. … | |
hey guys, I have a site where users can upload photos, what i want is when they upload photos, then automatically, my site name should be labeled on image so that when some one download that image a watermark of "mysite.com" is printed on that image. any idea how to … | |
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me. At the moment, I have some quizzes on a site which store the result in to a database. there are 6 quizzes in total and the the fields in the database are. Quizresult1, Quizresult2 Quizresult3 Quizresult4 Quizresult5 ,Quizresult6. What I would … | |
Hi, I am fetching data from the database.but I want to fetch it in proper format on PHP page. Suppose i insert some data like. 1)chair 2)bed 3)sofa n when i fetch it comes like that 1)chair2)bed3)sofa But i want to do in proper format. 1)chair 2)bed 3)sofa Need suggestion? | |
I am reading from a file, upon certain condition I want to insert rows into a Excel file. This is to be done on a regular basis. The current will be replaced with old one. | |
Hi All, Does anyone know how to implement PGP with PHP? Examples will be really helpful. Thanks | |
Hi, I'm working on an application that is supposed to allow a user to upload a picture, which would be immediately displayed... how do I go about doing this? | |
My question is how hard and how much time do you think it take to make a site that integrates Drupal CMS, Vbulletin, drupal question and answers (similar to yahoo answers) and an open and freely editable online encylopedia (like wikipedia), a live chat function and lastly with a user … | |
hello guys! I am looking for a large upload script. A script that can carry files like a movie on 1GB up to my server. # i got the host and the required settings. But i need a script with progress bar etc. I am willing to pay for it. … | |
I am getting a error of: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mprhode/public_html/lightbulb.php on line 1 I can't seem to find out the problem. Please direct me? [CODE]<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title> … | |
Hi all, I want to automate the work of uploading excel datas to databases using PHP. I am familiar with working on csv files and databases. But I want the XLS file which i am uploading , to be converted to CSV file using PHP before the process begins. PLEASE … | |
hi, i am not a coder and trying to make this work [CODE]var body = 'Reading Connect JS documentation'; FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: body }, function(response) { if (!response || response.error) { alert('Error occured'); } else { alert('Post ID: ' + response.id); } });[/CODE] to make it work above code … | |
hi All, does anyone knows what does mean [CODE]define('INCLUDE_CHECK',true);[/CODE] below is full script [CODE]define('INCLUDE_CHECK',true); require 'connect.php'; require 'functions.php'; // Those two files can be included only if INCLUDE_CHECK is defined session_name('tzLogin'); // Starting the session session_set_cookie_params(2*7*24*60*60); // Making the cookie live for 2 weeks session_start(); if($_SESSION['id'] && !isset($_COOKIE['tzRemember']) && !$_SESSION['rememberMe']) … | |
[B]:confused:[/B] what will be the code for log-in using PHP code in server and client website.... pls... reply immediately......... | |
I am trying to write code for a guestbook on my website that takes the input from a input text field and a textarea, writes the information to a .txt file and then displays the contents of the .txt file on the screen. This is the code I have so … | |
Hello , I'm trying to split a string using preg_split() ( since split ) is deprected... I'm trying to split it using '=' sign and to get the GETS variable from a url but I'm getting the error : "Warning: preg_split() [function.preg-split]: No ending delimiter '=' found in C:" The … | |
![]() | At the moment i have dynamic list which displays the latest products added to the inventory list. I want to display birthday cards from the category. In my database i have the column 'category', and in a form you can select different options with values one being birthday. This is … ![]() |
I have a page at the following URL: [url]http://www.streetkids.org/ways_to_donate/make_donation2.php[/url] which is a basic donation page. The two page sections you see on the page "One Time Gift" or "Monthly Subscription" are normally hidden via a document.write via a body onload. Generally, all of this functions well. But, I want to … | |
Hello, I can't figure out what is wrong with this code. I poseted here in the PHP forum because I believe that is where my problem lies. I have a customError script that extracts the last 5 errors from the database and compares them with the current error that is … | |
In my previous post i strugled with a Mail form, which eventualy got solved with your help. Now i want to insert some check-boxes in this Mail form. I've already created the HTML form and the PHP, but something is not working. I can't send the values in the check-boxes … | |
Hi there. I appreciate your help as previously. You all are amazing! I'm not sure my php code is my problem as it checks out ok in syntax checker. Maybe I need a second php file that the first one points to? I know my form is fine. I use … | |
Hi there, I wonder if you could help me with some form validation please. Here's the problem: at the bottom of this page [url]http://www.antobbo.webspace.virginmedia.com/webediting/testing/bold_and_other.htm[/url] - still testing at the moment - there is a contact form. When javascript is enabled you can call the form with a button and then … | |
[CODE] if(!$this->upload->do_upload()) { //echo $config['upload_path']; $error = $this->upload->display_errors(); echo $error.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); $this->load->model('Image_model','image'); if($data['image_width'] > 700) { $task = $this->image->image_resize_for_gallery('./uploads/gallery/'.$this->input->post('album_folder').'/'.$data['file_name']); if($task != 'ok') { echo $task.':err'; //pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida } } if($this->image->gallery_thumb($this->input->post('album_folder'),$data['file_name'])) { … | |
Hello!I need help about this code[CODE]<? Header( "Location: http://mysite.info/video.php?id=myid" ); ?>[/CODE] can someone help me please how to get id in that header? i try this [CODE]<? Header( "Location: http://mysite.info/video.php?id=$id" ); ?>[/CODE] but i get error in that code.Thank you in advance. | |
Hi, I'm developing one site that should use maps for showing locations. Here should be addresses in Bosnia & Hercegovina, that aren't shown on google maps. So, what's the best choice: 1. to make my own google map (can you please give me instructions how to do it), 2. to … | |
Hi, I'm making a custom user management class that inherits from DBManager class. The problem I have so far is executing queries using mysqli prepared statements. DB connects fine but then prepare statement fails. I have mysqli object as an attribute that is shared in the class. I'm new with … | |
I'm having some problems on gettin the Login page to redirect the users back to the login page with error message if they input the incorrect login details... But instead of the redirect i receive an blank white screen (Nothing in View Source and Nothing on page).. How do i … | |
Hey, I'm trying to implement CSRF tokens on a site of mine, but all the existing solutions have one of two problems; 1) The site runs on multiple servers (4 to be precise) so we can't use anything in _SESSION 2) The site gets over 400k hits a day on … |
The End.