39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, nusoap doesn't support php 5.3 therefore, It is not usable for me. Is there any SOAP+PHP example for me to be run on my localhost rather than pointing/accessing wsdl files of other websites? Everything should be stored in my localhost. Thanks

Member Avatar for sayakyi

Dear All, Since in Our Country is blocking the FTP port 21 and others port, we only use Web2FTP service. But unfortunately Web2FTP service is also down. Do you know a good PHP based WebFTP script. many thanks in advance, regards, saya

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Member Avatar for itsrahulk

Hi folks, my url querystring is [CODE]querytring.php?checkin=10/11/2009&checkout=10/01/2009&minprice=100&maxprice=200&page=1[/CODE] i want to remove [CODE]&page=1[/CODE] from this url. Please help Thanks

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, just wanna ask, could you give me some code about session time out? i have a different page for login and index. any help would be very much appreciated. thanks in advance ^^

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for venkat0904

PHP mailer class is a pretty famous 1 so i believe many of u have used or atleast heard abt it.. The problem i m facing is when i try using it with my application on my local system it works fine but as soon as i upload it on …

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Member Avatar for Nareshdeven

I need to send sms to my customers. I developed my website using PHP. I need Own SMS gateway to send and receive message. How to create own SMS gateway?

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for hawkontvn

Hey! I'm quite new to this whole thing, so please don't fire me with shait on this one =D I'm trying to learn PHP and MySQL, and atm I am trying to make a website which corresponds with a database - a database with customers. 1. I want the page …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for codemaker

Hi guys, I'm trying to use the mail php function to send my subscribers emails like news, information, offers,etc. The problem is when I test it on my system (Fedora 11 box and sendmail is up and running without changing any settings) I usually receive the mails after 4 or …

Member Avatar for codemaker
Member Avatar for hno

HI my host doen't support cron job (I can't see any thing that related to cron function in my control panel of my host. I want to execute a page daily and the server automatically run the page daily.What shloul i do?How can I do that? My host is byethost …

Member Avatar for Cronless
Member Avatar for rukshilag

what is the script to customise a login. for example if "abc" logs in to the website, how do i get it to display "Welcome abc", if "pqr" logs in "Welcome pqr" and so on... please help!

Member Avatar for phouse512
Member Avatar for rukshilag

how do i add an image path to a mysql table of mine which has "product image" as a field. i have saved the necessary images to images folder in root folder as well... please help!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites

Is there a way I can display an image, pdf or word doc that is stored in a my sql database? I tried to pull up a word doc with this: [CODE]$sql = " SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '$_SESSION[MM_Username]' "; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $inv=$row['invoice'];} ?> …

Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites
Member Avatar for ez123

When I run my fie and open this one folder, I get this error message Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/ezbiz/public_html/ar/templates/a_settings.html on line 61 Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Member Avatar for honos1

Hello all.. Very new to php and am working on an online strategy game as a precursor to my business websites. I am having a problem coming up with something I thought would be simple. My intention was to have a list of units display on the screen using checkboxes …

Member Avatar for honos1
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, I am a training developer in .NET and web 2.0 technologies and this one is an exercise from one of our first lessons in PHP: accessing a MySQL database from a PHP script. The problem I've encountered is that while database is thought to be in Unicode (i.e. the …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for mrshailesh

Hi everbody, can anybody give me the code for payment integration for hsbc,paypro. also i need code for xml aparing in php5 thanks shailesh

Member Avatar for manojdonga
Member Avatar for akvlko

Hi, This is Ashok from India as I am a student but currently having a training for web development so I made a Job Consultancy Project and face the following problems.... 1. i designed a form on which user can input the information about the candidates and a search will …

Member Avatar for akvlko
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hi, Is it possible to upload a file that contains some data and directly save the data in specific fields as in database using php?. this is important as the data retrieved according to their field name. Thank you.

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for elanorejoseph

[CODE]hi can any one tell me how validation can be done in PHP WITH OUT USINGjavascript[/CODE]

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for olunde

Hi everyone, I am new to PHP, and I am trying to upload 10 files with differnt input names. From reading forums and such, I came up with the following code, but it doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong? [code] if (isset($_POST[submit])) { …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for AirGear

i'm a newbie in php, and i know this question maybe silly :( i tried to create a php file that will redirect to yahoo.com. i have searched in google, and i found that the code should be [CODE] <?php header('Location:http://www.yahoo.com ?> [/CODE] but i found that it didn't work. …

Member Avatar for AirGear
Member Avatar for AirGear

i'm a newbie in php and maybe my question is so silly. i tried to create a session in a file named login.php [CODE]<?php include "koneksi.inc.php"; $name=$_POST['name']; $password=$_POST['password']; $hasil=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM TabelPegawai WHERE nama='$name' AND password='$password'"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil); if ($row[nama]==$name AND $row[password]==$password) { session_start(); $_SESSION['namauser']=$row[nama]; $_SESSION['passuser']=$row[password]; $_SESSION['level']=$row[jabatan]; if($_SESSION['level']=="Manager") {header("location: manager.php");} else …

Member Avatar for AirGear
Member Avatar for meko22

Hi, I'm sure this is very simple but am unable to find out how. How do I display an email address as a mailto link like in HTML? I have records displayed from a mysql db but would like to display a member email address that acts as a mailto …

Member Avatar for meko22
Member Avatar for shashank2009

I just want to know that How can I grab small discription of a specific news from the news websites using url like [url]http://www.bhaskar.com/2009/11/05/091105062426_uid_number.html[/url] If you have a sample code,please send me. thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi What i want to do is using php code to write to delete the entire row in the db. each row has its own id, field and content. instead of deleting the row with the id, can i do by the field name? how would i do this?

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, the following code will allow you to type content, and saves it fine, but it just wont populate that paticular area with the current database entry. Please can somebody advise. Im sure i have missed something so simple. [code] <?php $result = mysql_query("select * from `indexinfo` where id …

Member Avatar for saranya14
Member Avatar for verbob

I would like to take a string (I have loaded it from the database) and extract it into chunks. The beginning string, lets call it "$string", has the following format: [CODE]<li>item1</li><li>item2</li><li>item3</li>[/CODE] (maybe more li's, maybe less, or even none) What I would like to do is extract to an array …

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for violarisgeorge

Hey all, I need to use the PHP mail() function in order to send an email to a number of individuals. So lets say that I have 5 users that need to get a particular email. I was thinking that the correct way of going about using the mail() function, …

Member Avatar for violarisgeorge
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have a table with 14 columns and 4 rows. i know how to echo a result with a table from a query but how do i input results into a table thats already there? results go into cell 1, cell 2, cell 3 etc been having trouble on this. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i found that your supposed to use this: session.gc_maxlifetime but i dont know how. does anyone know how i can destroy a log in session so the user wont be logged in 30 minutes later. ?

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

The End.