39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: I'm trying to sanitize/secure my query, and it all seems ok when I test it with most special-characters... but when I try to test the single quote (') like this... [url]www.mysite.com/page.php?category=[/url]' Then it gives me this error: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hi all, I am rather new to PHP, but have a fairly ok grasp of software design. My question arises from the fact that I'm getting ready to deploy some scripts etc. to my website which is hosted on a *nix type server. My home / work computer that I'm …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for chaines51

Here's the problem: I have a folder /tests/ which contains all my unit tests. I want the test runner to be able to go and include all of the unit test classes from that directory, and then run all the tests in those classes. So the first part of the …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for mahakaal
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello Guys I am working on a website I am not getting the forget password can u please help me in solving problem please Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Vikk

Hi all, Please I'm a newbie in PHP and MySQL, I have results from a GROUP BY (grouped by col2) query in the format. col1 | col2 ----------- a1 | a a2 | a a3 | a a4 | a b1 | b b2 | b b3 | b I …

Member Avatar for Vikk
Member Avatar for valonesal

Ok so I created a small page using smarty, now what I need to do is create a link to the page(s). The set the page up so that it will display information for the individual user and not to everyone, also the pages are created dynamically. So I need …

Member Avatar for levsha

How do you declare your select menu in the PHP? Does it have to be an array of variables? One single variable? Something else? Let's say this one: [CODE] <select name="search" title="Search Criteria"> <option value="id">ID Status</option> <option value="ip">IP Status</option> <option value="pd">PD Status</option> <option value="nva">NVA Status</option> </select> [/CODE] Thank you!

Member Avatar for violarisgeorge
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello guys, I'm creating my own website-it's coming along very well but I'm stuck. There is a login, so that you can login to your account. Each account has an access of 1-10, if your access is 0 you are not logged in. When you put your username and password …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for Hummdis

I've been writing PHP for about two years now, nothing complex, mostly just HTML form processing scripts. My latest project for a customer has over 40 items in the form. It's a dynamic form using some JavaScript and PHP that displays certain parts of the form based on other options …

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is the echo code from my site: [CODE] <?php $url1 = "http://www.canadiandriver.com"; $url2 = "http://www.chevrolet.com.br"; $autoguide = "Autoweekly"; $autoguide1 = /"<b>"<a href=\"$url1\buyers-guide/2010/volkswagen/passat.php"\>New car of the day</a>"/</b>"; ?> [/CODE] Yet it produces a T_STRING error, and I can't work out how to fix it. The other variables work fine, $autoguide1 …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for phouse512

Hello, I'm a pretty basic php user, and I'm wondering how someone would go about implementing a message system into a website with different users. It doesn't have to be anything specific, I'm just wondering about the basic design of it. Thanks

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for ezb

I am currently building an online system, it has come to the point to think about securing peoples passwords. How ever, for admin reasons I was wondering if it was possible to decode the encoded password, I believe this is not possible with md5 but hoping there is another method? …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for lcyew

Hi all. I have two date input fields. Is there any way to restrict date input from only date picker (users are not allowed to input date through keyboard). The reason I want it this way is to prevent users from entering invalid dates. Any help provided is greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for f3dor4core

how to refresh page one time only? if i using <meta http-equiv=refresh content=\"0;URL=\".... it keep on refresh every according as what in the content was set. wat i want is.. it only refresh one time only before the page was loaded. can anybody help me? thanks :?:

Member Avatar for monstruo
Member Avatar for wayz1229

i'm having problem with survey script and voting function. can anyone please help me out.. the script only accept the last question's answer and update the database = acount+1. script to dislay survey: [CODE] <?php echo "<form action='vote.php' method=post> <table width='300' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'>"; $query1 = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for infernojmd

Im trying to use session variables to save the puzzle key, and than open a new file that prints it out, but it gives me Notice: Undefined index: puzzleName in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\users\jmdrenning0\wordfind\wordfindkey2.php on line 13 i have no idea what it means, any help please. wordfind.php [CODE] function printPuzzle(){ //print puzzle …

Member Avatar for infernojmd
Member Avatar for web3

is there any way that php can show a person's webcam and their voice?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for daryll1

I am writing a PHP registration form but when i view my page i cannot see the form, any ideas all my code is below. i have noticed that if i remove the [CODE]print '<h1> Please Register To Continue </h1>'; print '<style type="text/" media="screen> .error { color: red; } </style>';[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for web3

I am making a forum and i was wondering how trough PHP make a HTML page off that topic when the user creates it.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Kparas

Hi All, I am working on a website in which paypal is working very well. But when paypal complete the transaction it sends some "Inavalid or Bad order" Like this type of mail . Means customer is getting such a mail I am showing here: [QUOTE]Subject: [Wed Nov 4 9:27:48 …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for gptArun

hi there, How to fix this ? i got below message when activating plugin from wp-admin Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 15990784) (tried to allocate 77824 bytes) in …. plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-admin/display-groups.page.php on line 187 I found below code at …

Member Avatar for gptArun
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

we have two radio buttons with same name. when we check radiobutton no.of imagefile boxes appear. for example i have two radio buttons. if i check 1 radio button appear 5 image upload fields. now selects another radio button selects then appear only 10 image upload field. anybody help.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, after thinking for sometimes, I thought it will be grat opportunity to learn if I will start from scratch and build my own register/login system. Here is the thread that I will be posting the progress and I hope you guys will help me. The code below is …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for pankaj_sengar
Member Avatar for imhunk

Hi every one, i m in a bit trouble as i have bought a new .co.cc domain name ,but not able to upload my files on that .can anyone tell me how to upload file on that and how to use use phpmyadmin.do i require ftp tool.

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

hi frnd... i want to remove/disable ADDRESS BAR from the new pop up window... now i m using this code....its working only for IE6..... [CODE]window.open(url ,'title', 'location=1,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no ,toolbar=no,width=300,height=200')[/CODE] Also i want to remove expand button in browser...plz tell me how can i do it... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi, now i m working for musical website... here my problem is how can i create a playlist and how to pass the selected songs to my player.... i dont have any idea regarding this.. plz give me JAVASCRIPT, php code ... plz give me some suggestions...sorry for asking code..but …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

hi friends, again a problem I have a mysql table name tbl_admin fields are below id(int), image1(text), image2 (text) , image3 (text) now i want to show these pics, i use randomly function to display them [code=php] $query=select * from tbl_admin where id=5; $result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result) [/code] now for show i …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Millsy013

[code=php]//create and issue the first query $add_topic_sql = "INSERT INTO forum_topics (topic_title, topic_create_time, topic_owner) VALUES ('$_POST[topic_title]',now(),'$_POST[topic_owner]')"; $add_topic_res = mysql_query($conn, $add_topic_sql) or die(mysql_error($conn)); //get the id of the last query $topic_id = mysql_insert_id($mysql);[/code]

Member Avatar for network18

The End.