39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for filch

Hi, I don't know if I have just been working too much or have gone brain dead (or both), but the solution to this eludes me. I am using PHORM ( a PHP form processor) which uses variable substitution to allow you to quickly create user interaction pages etc. What …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for slr

Hi! After years I decided to sign up! Can you please tell me of a bot tutorial or getting a solution to my problem. What direction should I be going. I want to make a PHP script that searches a MySQL table's columns, rows and then returns all the spelling …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello everyone, and thank you in advance for any tips you may be able to provide. I am hoping there is a way to do paging with static html content with php? I have to redesign a very text-heavy site and would like to limit the page lengths of the …

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hi Guys, a while back i was working on a components list for a marquee firm, the project was put on hold for a while but now i'm taking it up again. A while back i asked how to add extra input fields with an onClick button, this was achieved …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi, I am new in making a social networking site. I want to make such a social networking site which have this type of feature: 1.[B]Search EASILY for artists by name, type of art (about 10 variables), geography, etc - so the Database link and lookup function has to be …

Member Avatar for violarisgeorge
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i want to do "images and text" which is in database...that content fetch in user's side....but sliding problem occuring...for example i have 5 images and 5 descriptions is der..so i want to show image[1],description[1] after some milliseconds image[2],description[2] .....etc like this...but all images are displaying once..that is my problem.. …

Member Avatar for pushpakalpana
Member Avatar for mike14

[CODE]hi all How to store xls and xslx ,txt extension file to mysql database? [/CODE]

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for elanorejoseph

[CODE]hi can any one tell me how i can make a thumb nail of an image?[/CODE]

Member Avatar for elanorejoseph
Member Avatar for pushpakalpana

hello... i am doing shopping cart. in that there is billing address is there and shipping address is there. in there between "copy" link is there. when that page is loading "billing address fields comming and 'copy' link is also comming. but shipping address fields are not comming. after 'copy' …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for dwdata

Hello, I have just started to develop a PHP/mySQL site and was wondering if there are any Open Source Security Frameworks they can recommended. Not only do I want to deal with data hacking issues, but also want to know what the best practices to insure that users are not …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for anumitadas

How to import file in wamp server? I have a database file named as db.opt .I want to save this file in proper location so that I can access database from wamp server..Its showing unable to access database everytime. I saved those file in wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36\data. But I cant access database …

Member Avatar for sanjay1kumar11
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Hai Every one... Im totally new to X-cart open source .Its a e-commerce source actually..And my company needs to create a shopping cart with x-cart.. Any suggestions , tips on this will always welcome... thank you, shanti..

Member Avatar for oskido2010

Hi I would like to set up a php birthday reminder so that if users bdays are within the 7 days, it should display that the folllowing people celebrate their bday next week so far i have got to this stage, does any one have a better idea? [CODE=php]if(!empty($_POST)){ function …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi What i want to do is using php code to write to delete the entire row in the db. each row has its own id, field and content. instead of deleting the row with the id, can i do by the field name? how would i do this?

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for CFROG

I'm trying to display a menu option only for certain session id's and for some reason it displays for ALL session id's ... not just the ones i have indicated. Not too sure why it's doing this, it all looks okay to me. [code] <?PHP if(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $_SESSION['user_id'] == 1 …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hi guys, i have been trawling around looking for a decent and simple way of working out an age from a birthday. The way i'm working is a date of birth is added to a database then when pulled we echo the actual age and not the d.o.b. It's probably …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for abrocketman

I am writing this simple code. I used this class in PHP 10 minutes ago and now when I did it again it gives me this error. I cannot see the difference [CODE] <?php class user { public $Username; public $FullName; public $Password; public $LoggedIn; public $JoinDate; public function changePassword($newPass) …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for gpss

Hi! I need help... i want to make a button that when i click on it... it save's some attributes of my database (postgreSQL), and it save in .xls or .txt file... how can i make that? is it possible?? i can show my attributes on a table view on …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my code which is intended to produce an URL like the following: [url]www.mysite.com/test.php?day=1[/url] [CODE] <? if (!$_GET['day']) { $day = date('N'); } elseif ($_GET['day']==1){ ?> <?php include("test1.php") ?> <? }else if($_GET['day']==2){ ?> <?php include("test2.php") ?> <? }else if($_GET['day']==3){ ?> <?php include("test3.php") ?> <? }else if($_GET['day']==4){ ?> <?php include("test4.php") …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I'm building a Content Management System on my own in PHP & MySql. I thought it's a good idea that all CMS files to be stored secure on the server "before" www folder so that it can't be accesed from the browser (all cms files in one folder). In www …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for Maged Media

hello plz i need help with this urgently as it i supposed to be used tomorrow :S i get this error from the following script Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/aybasuco/public_html/MySQL-Formmaker/lib/db_index.inc.php on line 42 thanks in advance for your valiable time [CODE]<?php # …

Member Avatar for Maged Media
Member Avatar for vs224

Hi, I can create pdf using fdf and send email out with pdf attached using PHPMailer on press of button. Now i would like to know how can i open an email client with pdf created with fpdf attached to it, user can then manually send the email with send …

Member Avatar for garcon1986

Hello everyone, I have a problem when i use json and array. And i need your help. Here is my code: [CODE] while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo json_encode($row); } [/CODE] The result is: [CODE]{"id":"1","title":"event1","start":"2009-11-10 14:18:15","end":"2009-11-03 14:38:22","allDay":"false","url":null}{"id":"2","title":"event2","start":"2009-11-09 15:41:20","end":"2009-11-10 16:41:25","allDay":"false","url":null}[/CODE] But i want the result is like this: [CODE] [{"id":"1","title":"event1","start":"2009-11-10 14:18:15","end":"2009-11-03 14:38:22","allDay":"false","url":null},{"id":"2","title":"event2","start":"2009-11-09 15:41:20","end":"2009-11-10 …

Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites

Heres the skinny: I have created a site with user login that directs the user to a page that only shows thier information pulled from the database. What I want to do now is create an admin side that allows the site owner to be able to use 1 login …

Member Avatar for foxwizzy
Member Avatar for Eman84

Hi I need to integrate paypal gateway on my website. We sell memberships. There is a trial period for using some features of the website. After that users must purchase their memberships - it can be a mounth or 6 mounths or a year. Now, I could dynamically generate the …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... i m doing music portal. i need to upload Albums to FTP from admin side.Each Album having 5/6 audio files. Each song details should be saved in my DB also..plz give me some suggestions ...

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for bonzi200x

I'm getting the following error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Trying to get property of non-object Is this an installation error?? I'm using php 5.2.11 on centos 5.4.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I need an php soap example that should run on my local wampserver. Also, wsdl file should be in my www/mytest folder with server and client php files. Not outsourced. I tried a lot from web but they all outsource wsdl in their servers. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for daneuchar

danni web has been a great help to me i want just one more help i am able to connect to MSSQL present in my localhost using wamp but i am unable to connect to my MSSQL running in a pc with ip 123.xxx.xxx.xxx can u guide me on how …

Member Avatar for daneuchar
Member Avatar for Bobic

I used sessions in these scripts: Login, Main pg containing the different links, and theLogout pg. What i wanted is to prevent a user from viewing, the info/transactions of a previous user who loggedout, by clicking the windows Back button. But when i login, click one of the links to …

Member Avatar for network18

The End.