39,388 Topics
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**I want to fetch data from database and show in multiple check box value e.g id_number of laptop in 5 checkboxes with different values but really dont get how to do this..hope anyone can show me easy code in php** ![]() | |
Hello, when i click on option of dropdown box they could not select any option. Its working good in all other browsers.option coming through ajax. I have a problem in dropdown select option in IE11. see attached screenshot .Please help me someone to solve my problem. Thanks & Regards Nits | |
Can you help to show how to upload multiple image with php and mysql, please? | |
Hi Folks, I need help with my Project. I need to pull a value from the populated dropdown list using an ORACLE DB. When I pulled that value, I need to fill the quantity with the corresponding quantity value and show it to the user. And I also need to … | |
Hi hope someone can help me with the folowing: if( $verscil_huwelijksdat_tot_zestien_jaar->format('%R%a') >= 0 ) { echo"bla bla"; } dosn't work it only works when >=1 or <=-1 and wy not >=0 ? | |
![]() | So I read somewhere that your views should not contain any logic in them. But let's say you pull back a query from your model which displays four boxes two of them need to be checked in the view. I'd pass this as an array into the view but in … |
Hi All, I am completely new to the concept of soap and need to generate multiple xml response at the response page. I am requesting some parameters and in turn want to generate an xml response in multiple nodes. //****MY REQUEST XML STARTS*********** <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" … | |
if(document.form1.captcha.value != <?php echo json_encode($code) ?>){ alert("qq. \n"); return false; } whats wrong with my code? syntax error | |
Hi, I am using image upload for REGISTRATION page. I am able to upload images and also database works. My problem is that i get the "Undefined index: emp_image in C:\wamp\" when the image upload page is loading itself. This error is for about 10 lines when i open the … | |
Hello everyone, I use the example from [Google](https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3) Now, I would like to know how to change center location from city to another city like this map in [example](http://http://www.enasher.com/billboards) please can you help me to know how becouse im new in google map and i have anthore question in my … | |
Hi I need to put google maps inside my website so that the user can add his location (manually) Then the location will be stored in the database so I can brows it in the display page.I've looking over the web but couldn't find the way to do it :( … | |
Hi Guys this was working this morning and now when my computer crashed and I restared it again it wont work, I've un-installed and re-installed wamp about 4 times now and it still wont work! I really dont know what to do, I cant open the "wampmanager.tpl" file as it … | |
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. SMTP server error: 5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and then try again. 534-5.7.14 Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=787 534 5.7.14 54 e67sm2084558qge.13 - gsmtp | |
is there any way we can scrap php data from the website? like we can get full data about website content? how can client view the server php code ? | |
I'm trying to create an automated sms expiration reminder but i'm kind of stuck and don't know where i'm going wrong. Can anyone help plssssssss!! <? require('file/connection.php'); $resul = mysql_query("SELECT `firstname` , `phonenumber` , `dob` FROM `members` WHERE DATEDIFF(`dob`,CURDATE())=7 ")or die(mysql_error()); $num = mysql_numrows($resul); mysql_close(); $i=0; while($i < $num) { … | |
I am interested in how to know the price of building a website with shipping cart, is there any thumb rule out there for a non-IT expert to evaluate it. you'd better give me some price with website reference, you could also inbox me if you like. thank you | |
I just created a simple theme option page that is working fine and also saved after when press save options. But whene reload page by pressing "theme options" menu the saved settings disappeared. Or if you go another page and come back to theme options page the same thing happens. … | |
I have just used this code in a project which works perfectly, but I have noticed that the first record is always not displayed. Eg. the SQL query lists 15 results, but the output only displays 14, missing the first record. Any ideas why? <?php $result = mysql_query($sql); //first put … ![]() | |
Hello guys, I need your Help, why i can get this warning? Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\OJT\FINAL\profile.php:112) in C:\xampp\htdocs\OJT\FINAL\profile.php on line 122 this is my code <?php $member_id=mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['id']); $result=mysql_query("select * from user where id='$member_id'")or die(mysql_error); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $username=$row['UserName']; $FullName=$row['FullName']; $image1=$row['img']; header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); … | |
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at G:\xampp\htdocs\prac\picvw.php:202) in G:\xampp\htdocs\prac\picvw.php on line 220 ![]() | |
I'm trying to create a script that will calculate the tip a customer should pay, based on the number of customers and the amount of the bill. I also have to create an HTML document that has a form with two text boxes, one for number of customers and one … | |
can anybody tell me how to integrate fedex api with a website in php | |
Hi I am using MSSQL ODBC Connetion for my project in PHP. I have created login form with PHP and MSSQL with ODBC Function. Can any one please help how to use SESSION to carry on to next page without get function. | |
im getting unexpected '$sql' when I run this code.. and idont know why.. <?php include('connect/connection.php'); if(isset($_POST['pid2'])) { $pid = $_POST['pid2']; $name = $_POST['name'] $sql="INSERT INTO tbl_wishlist (prod_id, name) (select prod_id, image from tbl_product where prod_id ='$pid' AND image ='$name' )"; }else{ echo 'mali';} mysql_close(); ?> | |
Hello everyone i have a pattern that checks the given url is correct or not and this is working perfectly fine, but when i give arabic chrarcters in pattern it return false because of invalid URL. I want english and arabic chracter to check in URL. where i can do … ![]() | |
if(document.form1.captcha.value != '$_SESSION["code"]'){ alert("Wrongwrong captcha \n"); return false; } hello ,i just want to ask why is it not running ?i decided to convert my php function to javascript . thank you | |
hi everybody... i'm creating some educational based website in which students results r displayed. but i'm willing to send result to there mail plz visit https://github.com/shaan7/vturesults can anyone explain how to use this code files in my database and made it to work in my website(similar to http://vtu.shaan7.info/) | |
I have a form and a mysql table name parcel. I need to insert tracking number in the table which is personally generated based on year,category and status. But the tracking number must auto increment. For example : category has two values : D and L status has four values … | |
I have a query which i am trying to get the last date and when i do, the purchdate and LastPayDate is the same for all the data. the query is below: SELECT DISTINCT customer.custid,customer.compname,customer.balance AS balance,customer.phone,acctofficer.acctfullname AS acctoff, preAgg1.LastPayDate,customer.depot, MAX(mastorders.lastsuppdate) AS purchdate, MAX(mastorders.id) FROM customer,mastorders,acctofficer, (SELECT DISTINCT T.custid, Max(T.timestamp) … | |
i need a regex for ectract meta title, description exg: <meta name="description" content="xxxxx"> and <meta name="Description" content="xxxxx"> and <meta name="Descriptions" content="xxxxx"> and <Meta name="Descriptions" content="xxxxx"> and <META NAME="Description" content="xxxxx"> i want to extract all type od descrptions, same also meta title ![]() |
The End.