39,388 Topics
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This is regarding paypal through Curl. I am trying to access paypal by using below code. The code is working fine in one server. After moving this code to live server, getting the below error. Can anybody tell me the solution for this. $API_Endpoint = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp"; $version = urlencode('76.0'); $ch … | |
<table width="200" border="1" class="form_table"> <tr> <td>Driver:</td> <td><select name="driver" class="driver" id="form_name" > <?php do { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_Driver['id_driver']?>"><?php echo $row_Driver['driver_fullname']?></option> <?php } while ($row_Driver = mysql_fetch_assoc($Driver)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($Driver); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($Driver, 0); $row_Driver = mysql_fetch_assoc($Driver); } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Waybill:</td> <td><select name="select" class="waybill" id="form_name" ></select></td> … | |
i want to put custom search in my website...google custom search...bt if i use the code it will not show my html search box...it shows google custom search box...how to use it for my search box??? | |
I want to add a new line and when I tried "/n", it did not work. `while($row_selecttemptable = mysql_fetch_array($result_selecttemptable)) echo $row_selecttemptable['ArtistName'] . ' ,' . $row_selecttemptable['NAMEOfTheDVD'];` I want to add a new line between ArtistName and Name of The DVD ![]() | |
Sorry for long title. I have been trying for hours to get this thing to log out... no success. I am using the form action $_SERVER('PHP_SELF') to send the info placed in the registration form. All infor is validated and sent to database with no problem. Once logged in the … | |
Receiving this upon run: Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'srv26.main-hosting.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/u871385583/public_html/ob_re4.php on line 32 NEIN! Host 'srv26.main-hosting.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' I am not sure about how to go about *flushing the host*, … | |
Hi, I trying to learn how to build a meta search engine. I found lots of info about them but not much on coding. I trying to use php for this. Does anyone know any good tutorials or books for this. Examples of code would be awesome! Thanks. | |
I am still working with redirection. **This** works great, but is not exactly what I need: <?php ob_start(); ?> <h1>ob redirect test</h1> <?php $redirect_page = 'https://www.google.com'; $redirect = true; if ($redirect == true) { header("Location:$redirect_page"); } ob_end_flush(); ?> I have spent all day trying to figure out how to use … | |
hello I a. php that gives me an error can someone help me thank you Error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/dancr/public_html/movies/variklis.php on line 1 ` <?php class { function prisijungti() { $jungtis = @mysql_connect("localhost", "dancr_phpfilm", "phpfil",); $pasirinkti = @mysql_select_db("dancr_phpfilm", $jungtis); if (!$jungtis) { die("<b>eroare:</b> Server sau … | |
I am developing a wordpress site for my client. I am using Sahifa theme in wordpress.The problem here is, the styles what i have written are loading in chrome and working well. But those styles are not working with Firefox and IE. I have stuck with this problem for a … ![]() | |
Greetings, I have a site that was created back when the dinosaours were around and of course there is a feedback form that wasn't secure and was generating spam via injections. I have implemented my typical measures; CAPTCHA, preg_match, trim, stripslashes, strip_tags, and even preg_replace. Still the spam continues. I … ![]() | |
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Hi all. I have a PHP script that reads my email inbox via POP3. I'm using the PHP IMAP extention. I can already access the "From" and "To" fields. What i'm having trouble with is accessing the Cc field. I need to read/count/summarize all the email addresses and draw up … | |
Hi All, I'm trying to hide php extension using **.htaccess** and it works but, I also want to show custom error page when, somebody enters url which is not exist. The code is mentioned below :- RewriteEngine on # Rewrite /foo/bar to /foo/bar.php RewriteRule ^([^.?]+)$ %{REQUEST_URI}.php [L] # Return 404 … | |
Hi, Firstly, forgive us for posting such noob question, we are still new at PHP/web development. We are not sure what's the proper approach for the problem we are working on. Basically we are building a system where user could program their hardware board online: The user will upload their … | |
Hi How do I strip the </ br> from the database when a carriage return is entered into the text area by a user? I get something like this: hello<br /> <br /> hello<br /> <br /> hello In addition when using the php mail() function, the text area also … | |
Hi there! First of all Happy New Year to all the community. I just update the wordpress at the 3.8 version and a pair of codeline I wrote don't work now. Actually I call the database in a new table I created to have back some data but if yesterday … | |
Hello, I'm trying to get a website source with a curl call but some data is missing and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If i make a call to the url in browser in the page source will apear "<!-- request captchas: blabla -->".. but after I call … | |
I have database with Name, email, joindate and my Query is $name=$_POST['txtname']; $email=$_POST['txtemail']; $date = date("Y/m/d"); INSERT INTO member (name,email,joindate) VALUES ('$name', '$email', '$date') What should be the output query to get all data by month? | |
Hi i want show the image in php i connected the database i show the images it is comming this type of code ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccÿÀx "ÿÄ ÿĵ}!1AQa"q2‘¡#B±ÁRÑð$3br‚ %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚáâãäåæçèéêñòóôõö÷øùúÿÄ ÿĵw!1AQaq"2B‘¡±Á #3RðbrÑ $4á%ñ&'()*5 i put in header("content-type: image/jpeg") is show only img symble. any persong know that code please update,,, | |
HI: I'm new to prstashop developement Enviroinment. In Prestashop I have created on module, In that I want to create a page and need to place the link in user dashboard once the user was logged in this link will be display in user dashboard, how to do this. Thanks … | |
Hallo, How to trim content? I would like to show only the first 30 letters of this content. This is what I have so far: include('include/con_database.php'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dynamic_content WHERE id='124'"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo '<div id="text">'.$data['content'].'</div>'.'<br>'; } Thanks before. | |
I have no idea why I cannot get jquery to parse a JSON array from a PHP server side call. Here is my jQuery $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/Home/Profile/cb_profile.php", data:{loadProfile: JSON.stringify(itemsToPost)}, success: function(data){ var returnedItem = $.parseJSON(data); }, error: function(e){ console.log("We've had a error"); }, }); Here is my PHP if(isset($_REQUEST['loadProfile'])) { … | |
hello friends. like the question title i want add function to my jquery script when a user choose a option of select html form field to calculate a totoal price. here is my script and the html form field THE FIELD <option value="0" selected="selected">Shipping</option> <option value="0">0.00</option> <option value="9.80">9.85</option> <option value="19.60">19.80</option> … | |
Ok so i an very new to this site and am trying my luck with PHP. Got a great idee to make some cash but now to implement it is a whole new game for me. I want to keep the selceted value of the select box after the form … | |
Dear All , In my website there is an inputbox . When I click on it ,light box will be opened where list of products and its product is will come from database . Now when I select any product ,this product come(ie visible ) in my inputbox. Here is … | |
I am a computer science graduate and want to learn web application development. I have learned HTML,CSS and JavaScript. I have knowledge of Oracle and medium knowledge of C++. Now I want to learn a server side scripting language. I am really confused what language should I learn. Personally I … | |
Hello, Cek this: [Events](http://rustoleum-indonesia.com/Events.png) Those event news will be added through the admin CMS. I wonder how to create the link pages? What should I name it? It seems like everytime I input a new event news I have to create a new php file. Any idea? | |
Good day, I need help with my ajax based dynamic drop down list. Right now, ajax.php pulls up data depending on value at a single column. I need it to pull up data based on value at certain columns. I am new to php and its going over my knowledge. … | |
hello all i have to work in joomla virtuemart for my client he wants to give discount on products in some other manner there are 2 category of products 1stcategory and 2nd category now 2nd category have more sub category and sub-sub category now i what client want that when … |
The End.