39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for trilithon

Hi All, I need to use the results of this query as an array to exclude files from a tree. The file and folder names that I enter into $exclude work fine but I can not seem to add the results from the query to the array. Below is the …

Member Avatar for trilithon
Member Avatar for vinay9785

Hey everyone.. I am relatively new to PHP and JS and I need help. I need to populate a dropdown list from a db(mysql). I can do it just with PHP. The problem arises when I add another of the same dropdown to my form using javascript. I need the …

Member Avatar for vinay9785
Member Avatar for programmer12

Ok, my question is... Why is it that when i uploaded my files to the server the [CODE]header("Location:".$config_basedir.");[/CODE] wont execute more than once.... But on my Localhost I had no problem with the header refreshing... Is there a way to stop this from happening or maybe a revise PHP code …

Member Avatar for ofus
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey everyone i need your help i want to create a mailling list in php and mysal but i dont know how to do it , so please if you know how to do it please tell me or if you know where i can get it also tell me …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for mbhanley

Hi * I have spent the last 18 hrs or so trying to get the wright sql code or think of an alternative but I just can't get my head around it. If any one can help me it would be awsome. What I am trying to acheive is getting …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi anybody can help me out i need a form that user can enter their detail choose a selected template and checkout via paypal. check this link for an example of what im talking about [CODE]http://members.webs.com/s/signup;jsessionid=1E94BB8091A2B4FB15336909E2115F5F?execution=e1s1[/CODE] i will be integrating this form in Joomla. i know how to build a …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i am working on a project, it needs google images search, how do i integrate google images serach, i want to add that images to my website, is it possible?, anybody know about this, please help me.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jonasjo

[CODE=php]<?php $server="localhost"; $username="root"; $password="root"; $db_name="test"; $db=mysql_connect($server,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($db_name,$db); if(isset($_POST['btnsave'])) { $quesid=$row['question_id']; $question=$_POST['txtquestion']; $ans=$_POST['choice']; $mark=$_POST['mark']; /*checking no of questions in question table */ $countcheck=mysql_query("select count (*) from question"); echo "no of questions in table are".$countcheck; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($countcheck)) { for(i=0;i<='$countcheck';i++) echo $row[i]; } $ab=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM question "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ab)) { …

Member Avatar for jonasjo
Member Avatar for Muath2000

Dear Friends, I'm having a problem for a few days with an sql statement. Idea: I'm trying to retrieve from table (sms_out) a list of mobile numbers. Each number with it's status of sent i.e Failed or Success. The output should be like this: Mobile No. ------------ Failed--------------Success--------------Total 0171112554 5 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine

Everything I have tried doesn't seem to work so I thought I would stop in here to see the experts. Is it possible to write the following into a $whatever = ''; ? I had some people try and while they sort of got it to work they broke the …

Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine
Member Avatar for jon44

Hey everybody, I'm new to PHP, and am having a seemingly simple problem, (Probably a stupid error on my part, atleast I really hope so) I hope you can help me deal with this, and to say thanks for any efforts, I will build 1,000's of backlinks for you, for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Setvir

Hi guys and gals! I want to know if I am on the right track. I am working on a simple in-house cms. Here is a templating function I wrote to test an idea. It does work. [LIST=1] [*] The function loads the template file, [*] finds all the template …

Member Avatar for Setvir
Member Avatar for JoeyWong

Hi all, I want to ask how i insert the selected data (Institution Name) and the input text data (School name) into MYSQL?? Thanks~ my database as below: [CODE=SQL]-- -- Database: `inno_education` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `institution` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `institution` ( …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I found a crawl detection script on the internet that works great. But at the moment I only have Googlebot. I'm trying to add YahoosLurp, and Ask Jeeves, and any other popular web crawler. PHP is definetly my weakness Heres the script [CODE] <?php $useragent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (stripos($useragent,"Googlebot")) { …

Member Avatar for mbhanley
Member Avatar for noellieb

I need help with writng a php code that reads cookies containing a user's name and the number of times he or she has visited a Web site. Whenever a user visits the site and clicks the submit button, print the value of the cookie count to the page, increment …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for tunde011

I have been reading php manual and i need to encrypt passwords for users on my site. The thing is i do [CODE] $password =md5($password)[/CODE] and store it in the database what about when they want to signin. they enter their password but it won't be the same as the …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for radialgraphics

Hi All I am looking for a way to collect basic enquiry form data from a Japanese website. The form data needs to be delivered with Japanese characters intact. I have set the form handler up using the php mail() function to email the data to my address in Australia …

Member Avatar for ibrahimjaved

a. Customer Registration i. Customers who do not have an online account should be able to register. Only customers with an existing bank account should be allowed to register online for online banking. You will have to allow the creation of bank accounts in the admin section. b. Login i. …

Member Avatar for kakaliki
Member Avatar for pjrey

hi, i have a form that i am using inside of my site.. and i just recently updated it... to use captcha... all is well, its just that when i submit it.. it hides the rest of the page, and only shows the form, and says, form sent successfully.. i …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for terrymold

Hi everyone Does anyone know of a PHP solution, or even a HTML solution, whereby a visitor could select a group of about 10 files (out of a couple of thousand!) and then click a "Download" button to download the selected files onto his/her PC? There is one solution I've …

Member Avatar for Setvir
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I have a SQL Query that is meant to get a value from one table then UPDATE the date based in another. For instance: I have a table called 'Products', it has a colunm called 'JobLength'. JobLength has three values '1 MONTH, 14 DAYS and 7 DAYS'. I have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Hello, I have this weird problem - I made a php class for uploading images, and it works. Now, once on (shared)server parts of some images start to dissapear - parts of images turn into gray area, and it always seems to happen from bottom up. Or it may seem …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello! Yes, I am making a login system that recognize if the moderator is the main moderator or sub moderator. So i made a type row. If type = 2 the moderator is main and if it is 1 the user is a admin. So I made this on the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

Hi i have created a form, with the submit button, which is working ok, but everytime the form is submitted, the page remains the same. I would like that as soon as the form is submitted, the system take the user to a thankyou page. Can anyone help please this …

Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello! I have made at site for my company that are going to upload images, and when the image is uploaded a watermark with copyright are being set in the bottom. But I got errors. [QUOTE] Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg() [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: Filename cannot be empty in C:\xampp\htdocs\sjohaugbygg\admin\upload.php on line 66 Warning: getimagesize() …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello, i was searchin for some fancy flash effects for my website and come accross this website [URL="http://agencynet.com/#/home/"]http://agencynet.com/#/home/[/URL] i am unsure what this website is coded in and would like to know. and also what skills are needed to create a website like this? im not after creating a massive …

Member Avatar for nats01282
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I have an include file called 'includes/header.php' and would like to know the impact of this file on SEO and Search Engine Rankings, Keywords and Descriptions. 1) Would I be better saving the file as header.html (although it does have php code in it) ? 2) I have a …

Member Avatar for mankis
Member Avatar for maxicube

oh hey guys, i got this little issue where i can read from the database. but i cannot write to it.. here be my full code. live site at [url]http://downloadavirus.net[/url] [CODE]<?php $params = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $url = $_POST["url"]; $username = "--------"; $password = "--------"; $database = "--------"; mysql_connect(localhost, $username, $password); @mysql_select_db($database) …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for Brianbc

I am using the code below to insert time into a table, and this is the output it's giving me: 0000-00-00 [CODE]//table start DATETIME, //code to insert date into db $_POST['start']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $insert = "INSERT INTO eguardIPs (Field1,Field2,Field3,start) VALUES ('".$_POST['Field1']."', '".$_POST['Field2']."', '".$_POST['Field3']."', '".$_POST['start']."')"; $add_start = mysql_query($insert);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Brianbc
Member Avatar for nats01282

if i use this code page1.php [CODE] <form action="" method="post" > First <input type="text" name="first" /> last <input type="text" name="last" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> <a href="page2.php?first=<?php echo $_POST['first'] ?>&last=<?php echo $_POST['last'] ?>">click here</a>[/CODE] page2.php [CODE] <?php session_start(); define ('first', $_GET['first']); define ('last', $_GET['last']); ?> <p>information submitted thank you, <a …

Member Avatar for Setvir

The End.