39,388 Topics

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Hello Sir, I have a question that when i feed numerice 10 digit mobile no in the form then it does not feed same as i feed. i took phone no type int(10)and also took different differnt value but in mysql database the value is changing when i feed 10 …

Member Avatar for diafol
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Member Avatar for mutago

Learning the best way to securely upload files to a server Can someone tell me the best way to ensure that only image is uploaded using finfo() thereby preventing hackers from uploading a malicious files.Assuming I don't want to upload files outside the roots. 1: I check if file exist …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I am trying to write .htaccess; but two statements are conflicting each other.. If one runs another not; vice-versa; The last statements are conflicting each other.. #Fix Rewrite Options -Multiviews RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f #RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ hotels-in-india-list.php?url=$1 RewriteRule ^top-destination/(.*)$ package-detail.php?g=g&url=$1 RewriteRule ^hotels-list/(.*)$ hotel-city.php?g=g&url=$1 RewriteRule ^hotel-detail/(.*)$ hotel-detail.php?g=g&url=$1 RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/$ hotels-in-india-list.php?id=$1&url=$2 …

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Member Avatar for ankit.4aug

I am developing an application in CodeIgniter with Doctrine for ORM. In my doctrine model, I have classes which are inhereted something like this One abstract SuperClass ( let's call it Super ) and two base classes BaseA and BaseB. @InheritanceType("JOINED") @DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", type="string") @DiscriminatorMap( {"a" = "DerivedA", "b" = "DeriveddB"} …

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Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, The home page of the website I'm creating displays an excerpt on multiple pages and below I need to display the text of the home page. The problem I'm having is when I call the title and the text, it's displaying the title and the text of the last …

Member Avatar for Doug_Vann
Member Avatar for mutago

what could be the best way to disable symlink attack 1: i use**disable_functions= symlink,ln** at php.ini 2: at .htaccess i disable it as follow with minus sign(-) Options -FollowSymLinks Options -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is my workings okay. or they are other work round thank you

Member Avatar for Doug_Vann
Member Avatar for iv_jo

Hi, I have problems with INSERTing VALUES in new table, with ALTER i made columns but then when I am inserting values for example one column from one table with 4 rows and second column from other table with also 4 rows, in my new table i get 16 rows …

Member Avatar for iv_jo
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi I have an XML file that is storing numerous books and their details, I then have a PHP page that is to search the XML list by Author. This I can do but I was wondering how I can style the page for when the search button has been …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for Indians

this is my sendmsg coding page. Am i right? its not working. First i got fatal error: call undefined function curl_init(). i cleared that error. now it takes time to load 10 to 15 seconds and show error in that page. coding is below... $name = $_POST['name']; $connum = $_POST['connum']; …

Member Avatar for iLikePHP
Member Avatar for cussel

hi all, how to check same values array if it values is the high values in array associative and get it values? example 1: Array ( [value 1] => 0.8434 [value 4] => 0.8434 [value 6] => 0.8434 [value 3] => 0.3434 [value 2] => 0.3434 [value 7] => 0.2114 …

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Member Avatar for <M/>

Hi, i have been search for an answer for this for a few hours now and i finally got frustrated... soooo... how do you create a redirect link that redirects users back to last page they were on? Lets say they are on page A and they visit my site, …

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Member Avatar for sriramkarthick

what will be result of the following ? "$qry_expirydt="SELECT ('".$stdate."' +INTERVAL ".$day." Month) as expirydt";" especially explain about (+INTERVAL) and (Month) used in the query ???

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anandatheerthan

Experts, Please forgive me if this is a dumb question. 1)I am developing an application that needs data to be displayed in a grid format. 2)I need the ability to edit multiple records inline 3) I need the ability to use custom validations on rows being edited. 4)I am not …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for n21115

Hi, I'm trying to execute some commands via the exec / shell_exec / system / passthru / popen PHP functions. The commands are getting executed successfully, but they're not returning any output, which they would normally do, if they are executed in a terminal/shell environment: http://i.minus.com/ipySNqCnFn5iG.png http://i.minus.com/ibmq8Cer2yOAOR.png **What I expect:** …

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Member Avatar for edotman

Hi Guys I am creating a site and i want users to be able to upload videos to a folder on a server, using SQL to store the path of the video and the name. I have created this Code. And it does upload all the details, but does not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dean.ong.14

ok so i am trying to do multiple checkboxes that will directed to their own page with a single submit but not working <form action ="trip1.php" method="post" name="form1"> <p><input type="checkbox" name="agree" /> Auckland</p> </form> <form action ="trip.php" method="post" name="form2"> <p><input type="checkbox" name="agree" /> North Shore</p> <p><input type="checkbox" name="agree" /> Waikato</p> …

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Member Avatar for Stanley_1

<PATIENT PATIENT_NUMBER="1"> <DEVICEINFORMATION> <SERIALNUMBER TYPE = "String" Value = "664231931" /> <CURRENTDATETIME TYPE= "String" Value = "200801301439" /> <SOFTWAREVERSION TYPE= "String" Value = " T2.2" /> <TIMEZONE TYPE= "String" Value = "-2" /> </DEVICEINFORMATION> <DEVICELIST> <DEVICE TYPE="String" Value="UA767PC" /> </DEVICELIST> <BP> <EVENT EVENT_NUMBER="1"> <DATETIME TYPE = "String" Value = "200801301439" …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for sriramkarthick

![8879e41bbac91150577048d2bb602f32](/attachments/large/4/8879e41bbac91150577048d2bb602f32.png "8879e41bbac91150577048d2bb602f32") If possible provide me the editor like FCKEditor for including into the php file

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dean.ong.14

Notice: Undefined variable: result in C:\Users\User\Desktop\Desktop\htdocs\trip1.php on line 67 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\Users\User\Desktop\Desktop\htdocs\trip1.php on line 67 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <!-- --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I just uploaded a website that I build in windows to Linux Server. I wonder why not all codes loaded correctly. The website does not appears as good and there are some errors in it (such as the includes codes). What's the difference between creating website in Linux and …

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Member Avatar for judah.raine

Hi there, I'm utterly desperate (being a total novice at all things php) and am hoping someone can assist. In brief, I have a submission form. User adds url. Output should then display as an image link with the amazon affiliate code. In my template I have the following (which …

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Member Avatar for iLikePHP

Hello, is it ok if I private message a few of you my website so that I can have some testers? I am a solo website developer, 13 years old and I would love to get feedback from people. Is this against the rules?

Member Avatar for iLikePHP
Member Avatar for renierdbruyn

This function always returns `FALSE`: function rank($applicant_id_number = 0) { $this->load->model('advert_model'); $application = $this->advert_model->get_applications(); // $user = $this->flexi_auth->get_user_by_identity_row_array(); $rank = 0; $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM applicant_details"; $results = $this->db->query($sql1)->result(); $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM job_advert"; $job_advert = $this->db->query($sql3)->result(); foreach ($results as $key => $applicant) { $applicant_age = $applicant->age; $applicant_id_number …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for sriramkarthick

My problem is "How to upload the image, while uploading store the filename with the extension in the database and while retrieving the image filename should be taken from the database and file should be taken from corresponding folder" ?

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Member Avatar for urbanthistleuk

Good Morning, I am after some help, I am still fairly new to php development so apologies if this one has been answered before, I have been tasked to build an email migration tracker that automates emails, this part I think I have covered, one part I am not sure …

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Member Avatar for ditty

i am new in drupal. i want to create a custom content type for uploading banners. it requires an image field only. but when i take manage fields there is one title field which i cant remove. can anybody help me to remove this title field. thank you

Member Avatar for maori
Member Avatar for annyangel

plz help me to create a code in PHP the INSERT operation is used with a Class which inserts data and go into the database.

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Member Avatar for sriramkarthick

What is the usage of "**preg_replace('/\\x13\\x00*$/', '', $plain_text);**" ?

Member Avatar for n21115
Member Avatar for docamitverma

I want to make data entry form which inserts data to MySQL. Select (Dropdown) from List A --- Values of dropdown to be populate from database A Select (Dropdown) from List B ---- Values of dropdown to be populated from database B .... .... and so on Select (Dropdown) from …

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The End.