39,316 Topics

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Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init(). in my php.ini() file i removed the semi colon for extension=php_curl.dll and then restarted my xampp server. but its not worked. any idea?

Member Avatar for Indians
Member Avatar for kyle.santelices.31

hello pleas help me , it says i have a suntax error in line 19 ";" <?php // if something was posted, start the process... if(isset($_POST['upload'])) { // define the posted file into variables $name = $_FILES['picture']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['picture']['tmp_name']; $type = $_FILES['picture']['type']; $size = $_FILES['picture']['size']; // get the width …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Really hate the way Moodle is written, was wondering if there was a quick way around this. $custommenu = $OUTPUT->custom_menu(); $hascustommenu = (empty($PAGE->layout_options['nocustommenu']) && !empty($custommenu)); <?php if ($hascustommenu) { ?> <div id="custommenu"><?php echo $custommenu; ?></div> <?php } ?> How can I add a seperator into the navigation e.g | Home …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for everton.retweets

Hi Everyone. I have the following preg_match to check user passwords contain elseif (!preg_match( "((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,15})",$bpwd ) ) { 1 Upper Case Letter 1 lower case letter 1 number It works as described, but what I am looking to do is to create a stronger password requirement. I would like to …

Member Avatar for everton.retweets
Member Avatar for mutago

can apache server be able to access php files saved outside docroot what if the person just guest the directory link and bypass index.php files residing on public_html eg https://example.com/i have seen it/steal.php won't it execute. I think we need to tell apache not to load directory /web outside root …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for patk570

Hi Everyone, I have a timezone variable that is stored in my database. In my code, I have it generate every timezone there is but what I need is to have it return the results of the selected="selected" when you go to pull the edit page up so you dont …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for diakonos1023

Greetings! I'm building a PHP table from data I'm pulling from a MySQL database. I'm querying data from two tables where the common field between them is a customer ID. Table A contains customer ID and a customer score. Table B contains customer ID and a mailing code. The easy …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kishore_4

I am not able to Integrate Beanstream to my wbe page. I am trying to submit the form which includes amount, Mer id, card details, action = https://www.beanstream.com/scripts/process_transaction.asp. It will goes to the beanstream page and doesn't come back. The page which browser stops here : https://www.beanstream.com/scripts/process_transaction.asp?rbCCType=Visa&trnCardNum............ Can anybody please …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for karen.frias0316

Hi! my first time here. i'm new to programming. I have a code which checks if a .txt and .jpg file exist in the same folder.(*this part is working well*) after checking it needs to display the value of .txt file and the .jpg file inside a modal popup. (*in …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, Product Category ----------------- pc_picture pc_title pc_slug pc_description pc_visibility pc_action Product --------- p_picture p_title p_category p_description p_status p_action Out of these two tables, I am trying to create two table. How to create the model file, controller and the view files that organize the information in a neat table? Thanks …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for k2k

I have just installed (binary install) php 5.3.6 to my redhat box. However, it is still seeing a 2.x version. Does anyone know how to find out where my 2.x version is and possibly uninstalling it? And how do I make mysql to use my new 5.3.6 version? Thanks. I …

Member Avatar for rakib.sarowar
Member Avatar for Vania Almeida

hi everybody! I'm here because I have a problem with my Contact Form. Aparently is okay but when I check if the messages are sent to my e-mail address is nothing there! I already have a paid domain (in portuguese 'Amen' internet domains), is why I don't understand the reason …

Member Avatar for Vania Almeida
Member Avatar for Red_Rain

**SUMMARY** Hello all, I am currently working on a project that requires me to mine data from websites so i can work with it later. I have been using cURL to accomplish pretty much all the needs i have had thus far. I ran into a complication that cURL is …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Kniggles_1

Hi I am trying to write my first loop to count and output pixels from (1,1,1) to (78,78,1) this is the line i am trying to loop <area shape="circle" coords="1,1,1" href="./index.html" target="_blank" alt="" yellow=""> how do i go about doing it please ?

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Member Avatar for jazz.viper

Hello , I am a new user of this site and also new to web development.Recently while developing my site on tourism by php/mysql i thought of placing a search bar at the top of my website where users can search topics and results would be provided according to the …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for t_thakar

Hi I was taught not to use global variables and one of my friend is using global variable for database handle for his website... could you please explain if there is an issue if he uses global variable for database handle? he is using it to access database from anywhere …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for dlmagers

I am trying to display scores by what the user is requesting either 'Average','Total',or 'Both'. The following is my code for the looper.php and below is the code for my index.php. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Loop Tester</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css"/> </head> <body> …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for Indians

in my db have 20+ columns. i added 19 columns throught input form and stored in db succesfully. i fetch few details from db in my main page. in my main page 1 more column is there. that is status column, it is a combo box. if i click status …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for sabarinadh.ch

I want to show only first 50 lines of the $name of the player using string. I used substring but its not work for me. Can anyone edit the code and show only first 50 lines of name. Thanks for the help.... <?php include('config.php'); $tbl_name="players"; // Table name $sql="SELECT * …

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Member Avatar for pardeepkhatri

i have wordpress template and i want to convert it into responsive template, how can i do it????

Member Avatar for HoverportMedia
Member Avatar for wallance

Hi everyone, I need your help, desperately. I am trying to install the Imagick Pecl extension on my MAMP installation. I have installed Image Magick using MacPort by typing the following into Terminal: sudo port install ImageMagick It seemed to install ok. If I type the following: cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin/ .pecl …

Member Avatar for aleksandr.kravchuk
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello brothers sisters and friend on daniweb, my question look stupid but i want learn :D waht is API HOW TO USE basicaly in payment gateway and i would like to ask waht is the best api alternative to paypal easy to use and economic

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for Mapper99

I have two similar nodes in an XML file. When using a CONTAINS query via XPATH, the XPATH query returns two sets of data. I would like it to only return the exact match. Any idea if this is possible? Here is my code: $uc = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $lc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" …

Member Avatar for Mapper99
Member Avatar for Tko_1

I have a script that search's for the word in the file just fine, I would like to echo the line number it was found on. Thank you. <html> <body> <form name="form" method="post"> input: <input type="text" id="search" name="search_box" style="background:#000006; color: #FF0000" /> </p> </p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> </form> </body> …

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Member Avatar for devianleong

How to use the function within the class?? class UserRegister{ public $password = ''; public function escape($val) { return mysql_real_escape_string($val); } public function setPassword($val) { $this->password = $val; $val = escape($this->password); $this->password = $val; } public function getPassword() { echo $this->password; } } $obj = new UserRegister; echo $obj->setPassword("dsadsadasdas'das"); echo …

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Member Avatar for BrickZ28

Ok so this issue has been stumping me for awhile. I have a website where a user inputs 2 times and dates i.e. 0100 and 0400 hose get assigned to a variable and are later pulled from the database to get the total time. Currently I have the code below …

Member Avatar for BrickZ28
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

Hello. Help with my code. [code] echo ' Division Office : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="division_name" SIZE="23" ><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON onClick="window.open(../Tables/popup_client.php,popup,width=500,height=500,left=500,top=100)" style="background-color:#003366">'; [/code] it works if i will not use "echo"...but, i doesn't works if i use echo.. Help..Thank you again

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using Wordpress 3.6 . I need to integrate an alert system(to send email notification) to users when a preference value (Reach price of onion 40 $/kg). Is stored procedure can do any thing with it? Please advise how it is feasible. Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I have some PHP code to get info from a database. $category='New Boats'; $titles=array(); $result=db_query('SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE name = :type',array(':type' => 'Boat Types')); $row = $result->fetchAssoc();//8 $vid=$row['vid']; $tid=db_query('SELECT tid,name FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid=:vid',array(':vid' => $vid)); while($ttd_row= $tid->fetchAssoc()){ if($ttd_row['name']==$category){ $tid=$ttd_row['tid']; $result=db_query('SELECT entity_id FROM {field_data_field_boat_type} WHERE field_boat_type_tid=:tid',array(':tid'=> $tid)); $eRows=$result->fetchAssoc(); $eid=$eRows['entity_id']; …

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Member Avatar for Victor_4

Hello, Noob alert!! I tried to protect some pages with a code I found googling. But since my server was recently moved to a better one, the code stoped working and gives me the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_is_registered() .../protect_page.php on line 3" I googled it, and …

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The End.