39,388 Topics
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Hi. Not sure where to put this but basically I have a form. There are two buttons. One says submit and the other says print form. How do I make sure that the user has clicked the print form button before the form gets submitted. For example, a user fills … | |
![]() | I was going through this book on php and i was left confused what author is trying to convey. Following is that part. You must use quotes if you’re using interpolation to build the array index: $age["Clone$number"] However, don’t quote the key if you’re interpolating an array lookup: // these … |
![]() | What is need of Associative Arrays when Indexed arrays is present. Please Suggest. Thankx. ![]() |
Hi I am having a problem with the following line: $query = mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE `getgigs` SET `venue` = '$venue', `town` = '$town', `phone` = '$tel', `website` = '$web', `email` = '$email', `address` = '$add' WHERE `rock` = '$url'") or die("Error: ". mysqli_error($link). " with query ". $query); It is telling … | |
Having these questions and answers hard coded. I want to be able to read them from a text file and load the arrays questions with questions from questions.txt while also read answers array from answers.txt. but at the same time maintain my data structures used. How should I go about … | |
I have an array('one','two','three'); I want to query one time, for one result. First query using the first array value, the second query with the second array value, the third query using the third array value. Do I have to use some kinda counter to loop through the array values? … ![]() | |
Hey guys, think I've just been staring at this problem too long to find out how simple it is to fix... worked with several methods of finding and saving image dimensions to MySQL (actually used this same method several times), but the MySQL width and height is not populating this … | |
Good evening, I have a client that wants to be able to display a list of contacts that have requested a call back from him. On this list he wants their phone number that was submitted. This is easy stuff to here... But then he wants to click on the … ![]() | |
The program I use takes items out of a database per query. <?php myquery(array('region'=>'florida','region'=>'florida','region'=>'florida'));?> I have regions per example (florida, georgia, delaware, etc.). After the query it return: more items from one state then the other; nothing; or just one (depending on what users are posting). Now I would only … | |
What is the difference between: isset($foo['bar']) array_key_exists('bar', $foo) Is there a performance difference? Is one way more correct than the other? | |
Hey guy's need your help. Am building a system to track all the pc's plus monitors each user in the company is logged on to. I need a php code to read the system information and display this details. | |
I'm quiet confused as to how PHP works. Just starting out and want to learn it but all I have done prior to now is C++ and Javascript. I'm not sure where to start. I have tutorials on PHP, no problem there. I'm not sure whether it is compiled, interpreted … | |
Hi all I have no idea if im in the right place, but im gonna try anyway. I have a basic php form to email / uses a captcha verification before submitting, when i recieve the info via email the font that the client inputs is the same as the … | |
Hello, I trying to learn how to create a forgot password page. I used some code from another forum and having some trouble with it. I get an error for the $recs and $row variables. Any feedback on this topic would be appreciated. Thank you. <?php require_once('Connections/connadmin.php'); ?> <?php session_start(); … | |
hi, for wordpress theme which portfolio plugin is best for portfolio page thanks in advance | |
Hi, i'm using facebook like box on my website but it seems it doesn't work with localhost. I hit the like button and when i refresh the page the Like was not "accepted". Is there a problem being localhost? Thank you. | |
I have a site where I upload data into mysql database. When I upload my text, it is just the way it was uploaded in mysql, but when I call for the text upload, in my php page, there are no paragraphs. Everything is just muddled up. what could be … | |
I downloaded the script just for fun and for learning some new things. For the one who are curious what this is: [url]http://facemash.moefelt.dk/[/url] I wanted to install this on my localhost, but i got this: [url]http://imageshack.us/f/41/facemashalikenotgood.png/[/url] This is my index.php code: [CODE]<?php /* * Title: Facemash-Alike Script * Author: Anders … | |
So im new to the PHP world because I have to learn it for work. So one of my clients is a musician and wanted a music player so I made a simple way the user could click a link and load a song. ok first I set the variable … ![]() | |
[b]. I have searched google and everywhere before asking this question. I have a forum that the posts support php bbcodes. All basic bbcodes like [b], [i], [h1], e.t.c are working well. I used the str_replace() function for the bbcodes. Now i have a problem on how to create the … ![]() | |
I was wanting to develop some PHP websites on my own laptop to build up knowledge of PHP and was wondering what I needed on my laptop for PHP. At university we use filezilla to upload our files to the uni's server but I haven't got that facility at home. … ![]() | |
Hey guys, I want to connect my **VB.NET application to the data saved on my webserver's mysql database**. Can you please tell me, is it possible or not? Can you give me any hint for further coading? Where should i look for help in this regard? Or should I consider … | |
This is my code. $arrivDate = $_POST['arrival_date']; echo $arrivDate; //Print correctly echo date("Y/m/d", strtotime($arrivDate)) ; // every time print 1969/12/31 echo date("Y/m/d", strtotime('.$arrivDate.')) ; // every time print 1969/12/31 but if i put like this, it is print correctly echo date("Y/m/d", strtotime("05/08/2019")); // Print like this --> 2019/08/05 (This is … ![]() | |
I have to sync with two tables in the database The following is the error I get: *A database error has occurred Error Number: 1054 Unknown column 'Array' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `client` (`interior_client_name`, `Interior_client_email`, `interior_client_mobile`, `interior_house_id`) VALUES ('a', 'b', '8989898', Array) Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\ThinkInterio\system\database\DB_driver.php Line Number: 330* These are … | |
hi how to do automatic url rewriting in opencart ? Now I have a following link for login page Example : http://dejavutrends.com/index.php?route=account/login and I want to do like this http://dejavutrends.com/account/login same for the all products,manufacturers, category's So,How I can i do that Thanks in Advance | |
What does the PHP error message `Uninitialized string offset: 0` mean? | |
Hi All! i have her a code <?php /** * Main.php */ include("include/session.php"); //include("viewproj.php"); ?> <html> <head> <title>Export to Excel</title> </head> <body> <form action="searchemp.php" method="post" > <?php define ('DB_NAME', 'vincegac_vince'); define ('DB_USER', 'root'); define ('DB_PASSWORD', ''); define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: … | |
How to run *.swf file ? I have installed adobe flash and still unable to run the *.swf movie by it self. What should I do ? I also have downloaded flash plugin. | |
Hi all, I'm having one problem with disapling the json data into ul and li based content with using of foreach() json data from database is [{"id":1},{"id":2,"children":[{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5,"children":[{"id":6},{"id":7},{"id":8}]},{"id":9},{"id":10}]},{"id":11},{"id":12}] $loop = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveArrayIterator(json_decode($get_menu, TRUE)), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach($loop as $mydata) { echo $mydata foreach($mydata->values as $values) { echo $values->value . "\n"; } … | |
using this query: $queryC = "SELECT * FROM tbl_courses WHERE course_id='$course_id'"; $resC = mysql_fetch_assoc(dbQuery($queryC)); $allUnits = $resC[course_unit]; print_r(array($allUnits)); returns: Array ( [0] => 3 ) Array ( [0] => 3 ) Array ( [0] => 2 ) Array ( [0] => 2 ) but am expecting it to return Array … ![]() |
The End.