39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for HedoBum

Hello fellow code heads! I have issues (or so my wife says) but mine stem from the wonderful world of PHP. My web design knowledge is largely based on XHTML and that's where I left the scene. I was recently asked to delve back into the world of web design …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange

Hey All, I am trying to write a php script and would like to have an autosuggest text box with data from a mysql database. This would be for designating a town in a form. The sql query I would use would be. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `Town` FROM '".$Table_Name."' …

Member Avatar for noufal68
Member Avatar for s_kanika

Its urgent I have a auction script In that bid butler is not working I have code butler.php but depends on cron I dnt know how to run cron to run butler.php each 1 min. Plz help me

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Dorayaki

Hello, What is the best hashing for password and what is the best encryption for credit card (of course we will need to decrypt it later) ? Also I would like to know, how did people usually generate salt ? I always heard about md5+salt but how did they usually …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Smudly

I have a mysql table that looks like this: id int(11) autoincrement artist varchar(50) title varchar(50) I need to check for any rows that have the same titles. So for example, if I had the following rows: 1 - Bob - Hello World 2 - Charlie Brown - Theme Song …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ﻼim

did this means na sa pdng mag'search or add or delete at the same time dito sa form na 'to? such that yung entry ng user sa mga field dito is pdng ma'search din?

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for Pado

Every once in a while I run into this problem and finally decided to consult the experts. :) I insert foreign characters (Czech letters) into my MySQL database and see them there. They look fine. But when I try to retrieve them using PHP they come out with question marks …

Member Avatar for Pado
Member Avatar for ello

Hey guys this is kind of a JavaScript question but the script works elsewhere so I have a feeling it's got something to do with the fact it's being echoed by php. Can anyone tell me why this isn't working: [CODE] if (($_SESSION['count'] % 5 == 0) && ($_SESSION['countView'])) { …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cadtel

Hi all, I've been watching Jefferey Way's excelent video series on Codeigniter, and while I was trying to follow along, there was a bug that I couldn't fix. When I placed an anchor tag: [CODE=php]anchor('login/signup','Create Account');[/CODE] and clicked on it, this was the url generated: [url]http://localhost/ci/index.php/login/localhost/ci/index.php/login/signup[/url] instead of: [url]http://localhost/ci/index.php/login/signup[/url] The …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for finnj6

Hi I'm trying to develop a site that users can log into. It's all standard enough the details are being kept on a mysql database. I can add the details to the db but my code for logging in isn't working. here is my login script [CODE]function user_login($username, $password) { …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Muazam

I made a config.php file which contains MySQL connection info. [CODE]$con = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die('Cannnot connect!'); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $con) or die(mysql_error());[/CODE] My question is how do I add it into a class? [CODE]<?php require_once('config.php'); class users { private $id; public function __construct($id) { global $con; $sql = "MySQL script'"; …

Member Avatar for zark_yoc
Member Avatar for DeMolen

Dear Forum, I've been searching for quite a while for something which comes close to my question - and [I]freiheit's[/I] thread back in May 2010 entitled [B]'Sorting data asc and desc using a jump menu'[/B] came the closest. Whilst pointing me in the right direction, I need to take it …

Member Avatar for DeMolen
Member Avatar for Dorayaki

Hello, I'm just looking for an answer or idea. I plan to connect vb.net to mysql (which is done) and also the PHP connected to the mysql. But I'm confuse with something. VB.NET is use for offline things (which people will come to store and buy), but PHP is buying …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for munyu

Hie guys i have just started php development and i want to be professional developer.I hope if there is an experienced php developers who are willing to guide me in my quest to be a highly skilled developer who will be able to give back to the php development community.

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i have a time that i need to order by but i dont know how to make it order, in order by am then pm. Ex: i have to events that i put in the calendar one for 6:00 am and one for 9 pm. I put order …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for micahgeorge

Hi, Iam new to PHP I need some help I am trying to insert multiple checkboxes values <td> <input name="myvar[]" type="checkbox" value="abc"> abc<br/> <input name="myvar[]" type="checkbox" value="def"> def<br> <input name="myvar[]" type="checkbox" value="ghi"> ghi</td> along with other datas to the database, and I dont know how to do this I wrote …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Pityu

Hey. I use uploadify for uploading avatars on my website. When "JPG" is selected in place of "jpg" it can't upload the picture, it returns "1" in place of the filename. Now, the question is, how could I strtolower the extension or something, to be able to upload pictures with …

Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I have a site that has a dynamically generated page and looks like this: [url]www.example.com/articles.php?aid=1[/url] [url]www.example.com/articles.php?aid=2[/url] [url]www.example.com/articles.php?aid=3[/url] The page has the article title and description stored in a database and printed in the page itself. How do I go about changing the URL from this: [url]www.example.com/articles.php?aid=1[/url] To this: …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for tAALz

I need to execute a .exe file located in C:\Program Files\ABC\test.exe on my windows machine using PHP. I have installed WAMPP/XAMPP to run PHP. I have tried the exec() system() shell_exec() but I'm unable to run the file. [B]Can someone help me with the exact code?[/B]

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, i need some advice, looking for someone to point me to somewhere which would be a cheap/free sms text gateway to integrate with my existing mysql/php site. need to be able to record texts that are sent to clients. do we need an sms gateway provider? many thanks

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for arunmag

Hi friends I have a small doubt regarding PHP programming. I want to know how to parsr .svg files or .xml files using PHP. Actually i have a bunch of .svg files and i want to know how to read those .svg files using PHP? Can you please provide me …

Member Avatar for arunmag
Member Avatar for dvidunis

im making mail like site using mysql, i have a working [CODE=php]mysql_fetch_assoc()[/CODE] while that displays correctly. i made a single delete page it worked, but i want multiple delete with checkboxes please help. if you can please dont user javascript im bad im javascript:(. heres the code: [CODE=php]<?php include ("template.php"); …

Member Avatar for gunadat

How to do Image cropping using php... I needed 3 steps: 1. Upload a file, view before start cropping 2. Save the original image in the db, crop the image and replace it with the original image 3. View the cropped image and ask for upload another image..

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for SANTOSHJ87

Hi, I've been trying to get my webpage to send data via java script, AJAX, xmlhttprequest. i'm using IIS7 It definitely is the write path and stuff because i do get a responsetext but the response returns the entire php code in that file. Does any1 have any idea what's …

Member Avatar for Smudly

Hi, I'm working on a page that GETs a value that is passed in the URL. This variable echos correctly up until I try echoing it inside an if statment where it needs to be. The variable is called $siteid. Inside my if statement I have a query that runs …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for billy431

i can't figure out how to get recaptcha to work with my code properly and i'm just learning to code i was wondering if anyone could help with my coding. heres my code below and thanks in advance. [CODE=php]<html><head> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Evrsoft First Page"> <style>#conash3D0 { DISPLAY: none } </style> …

Member Avatar for kcrazy
Member Avatar for Meg_Spence

[CODE]$OrderId = (int) $_REQUEST["OrderId"]; // query one of two $sql = 'select * from mickey.mouse where OrderId='.$OrderId ; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed'.mysql_error()); $orderID_Passed =1; echo "test2<br/>"; $numfields = mysql_num_fields($result); echo $numfields ; echo "<br/>"; echo "<table><table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='3' border='1'>"; $orderID_Passed = 1 ; //replace with the request object …

Member Avatar for Meg_Spence
Member Avatar for momofthree

Hi! I am new to the world of coding, but am slowly learning. I am working on an internet scavenger hunt- so people search for a hidden icon on different sites all over the net. they are given a list of links to the sites participating and a riddle to …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for G_S

Hi, I need your help with a php issue here: I have a flash form where the user enters some strings. Action Script is supposed to get these strings and place them into variables, then send the to php. Now php gets these variables and places them inside other variables …

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have a script that creates a record in MySql database which allocates certain machines to any or all of six usergroups under the management of a unique manager. It works fine in creating an original record, but I want to be able to use the same form to update …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

The End.