39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi all, Just installed PHP 5.2.6 on SLES11. I have editted php.ini to try and turn error reporting on, but it's not turning on (I have restarted apache2). At the moment, I'm using php in cli to debug which is getting a bit stale... Here's a section of my php.ini …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for tsp003

Hi, i've been going round in circles for an answer to this one. Basically, i've downloaded a search application for my website here [URL="http://hvn.org.uk/searchengine"]http://hvn.org.uk/searchengine[/URL]. This all works fine. What i now need to do is take the link on the results page and populate a new details.php page will display …

Member Avatar for tsp003
Member Avatar for sussy123

Hi not too sure if this has been asked on this forum, i've checked but couldnt find one that explains my situation exactly. So if i missed a thread, apologies. Question is: I am busy setting up a software selling site. How would i go about pinging the developers servers …

Member Avatar for sussy123
Member Avatar for pssubash

Hai, how to write code to work with google apis in core PHP. I found the code only in ZF. Have any one have sample in core ?

Member Avatar for kracko

hey. I need to make file names be consisted of only numbers and letters. Like if there is an image named 'img*1L%^_ove>ly.jpg' it will become 'img1Lovely.jpg' . Only digits and letters (btw letters meaning even if not english letters). Thanks a lot. I went through php.net, failed finding sth like …

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for noufal68

i have one auto suggest text box.my problem with this is that when the suggestions are listed out and when i tried to navigate it through the arrow keys, the selection of the item disappears very soon as and when they are selected. also i cannot navigate through all the …

Member Avatar for noufal68
Member Avatar for LindaJ

[CODE]Hi, I need some help! Not sure if this is the right spot to post this, so forgive me if this could have been posted in a better place. This is the error I'm receiving when I try to edit an article from the frontend, as a Publisher. Fatal error: …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for neil59812

hi there, I'm having a problem with mysql, php and phpmyadmin 1. MySQL will not start as a Server Service, on Windows XP - when installing goes through process and tells me it cannot start as a service, and then tells me mysqld.exe will close, is there anything I can …

Member Avatar for neil59812
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I am currently working on a website written in php. Its a script I purchased from someone else. I like most of the script, but some of it I dont. Its a freelance website, or outsourcing website as some would call it. Currently, either when a provider or buyer is …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for akashnair

I have created log in system with your log in script . In that when the user completes the registration process an auto reply(auto-reply@domain) will generate and sent this to users email id regarding about the user name and password (Lo gin Details). After formal approval from the admin the …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for phpbeginners

Hi All, I just want to share my simple program :-) [url]http://www.momococo.com/nmbp/ajax/virtual_edc_sales.php[/url] Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:22-23, Jude 1:5, 1 John 4:2-3, I Timothy 3:16 [url]http://armandecastro.wordpress.com[/url]

Member Avatar for richardmorris

I am creating a online control panel for clients to process orders and view invoices. Prior to the invoice being raised, it must go through our orders database. I am using PHP on a linux server. When an order is placed and entered into the order database, the client then …

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for Siege

Hi, I am wondering how I can use PHP and MySQL to make it easier for me to make links. If you look on the picture I have attached, you can see how I want my page to look like. I want to be able to copy and paste a …

Member Avatar for ryan-t
Member Avatar for Geordie_Ben

Hi all, I want to create a required field on a registry form. I am using php nuke evolution and want the field "Game GUID" as a requirement. Where i am having the problems is i dont know where to put it in mysql and how to read it from …

Member Avatar for Geordie_Ben
Member Avatar for ujjval dave

hi everyone, i have a problem in my php code.i hope anyone of you can help me in this problem. i have a problem for image uploading in particular folder. my code works but this will upload images in root directory called as 'upimg'. i want to upload images into …

Member Avatar for ujjval dave
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello fellas I'm actually developing some web applications in Ajax, and have been trying them in my Wamp server for Windows 7. I've been using the php_sqlsrv module since its release, because of its new features. The thing is, my office has a fedora webserver, and I'm looking for a …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for timon_zed

Hello fellow Daniz, i working on a website and am trying to upload images but i keep getting an error stating that i have undefined functions in my code, could someone point me in the right direction here. My code is below. [CODE]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> …

Member Avatar for timon_zed
Member Avatar for designershiv

Can anyHere my code: [CODE] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { $('#countdown_dashboard').countDown({ targetDate: { 'day': 17, 'month': 9, 'year': 2010, 'hour': 1, 'min': 0, 'sec': 0 } }); }); </script> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Geordie_Ben

Hi all, I want to create a required field on a registry form. I am using php nuke evolution and want the field "Game GUID" as a requirement. Where i am having the problems is i dont know where to put it in mysql and how to read it from …

Member Avatar for Geordie_Ben
Member Avatar for Usernamex235

Hi All, thanks in advance for any replies. Environment: PHP5, MySQL, Windows XP/Server 2000/Server 2003. Problem: Using shell_exec to run a small program connected to a database, waiting for it to finish and then outputting a file which was produced. All was fine until I got a new and larger …

Member Avatar for goldseiker

hi everybody, Could you tell me how to get data from other site to my website. If you have script like that, plz show to me. THANKS SO MUCH

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Is it possible to pass arrays into a function and/or return an array from a function? I think it's possible but I don't really know how to go about it. lets say I have a function that returns a bunch of field from a database ex: [CODE]function a($sql){ $result = …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for netrapal

hello i want to some help in php for uploading video file diffirent format

Member Avatar for it200219

Hi, Please read this carefully before you reply. I have a content which is really big has more then 4000 lines into it. My client want to have pagination into it. So on first page it will show some content and on second page other content and so on. Any …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for jessicaZ

Getting an error on line 302 (which is the one that starts: [I]If (Is_Object($GLOBALS[/I] ... ) Can anyone see the problem? [code=php] If (!Is_File($template_file)) $template_file = $this->get_default_template(); // Look whats the current post If (Is_Object($GLOBALS['post'])) $this->the_current_post = clone $GLOBALS['post']; // Use the template Ob_Start(); [/code]

Member Avatar for jessicaZ
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

i just finished upgrading my php to php5 because i wanted to see the changes, but now my code doesnt do anything at all. like the one to connect to a database. it just gives me a blank white screen so when i went to check phpmyadmin to see if …

Member Avatar for baedaar
Member Avatar for philip.s

Hey Guy's I have to write a simple page that uses "Get page content" and display's the page back in my website. The problem is that when someone clicks a link it opens an external page. ie. I want to open a page on my site, read it in as …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ppetree

Sorry for the duplicate post... I just posted an AJAX forms generator that will read a MYSQL table, allow you to define how the fields are treated and then generate the necessary HTML, Javascript and PHP files to implement the form. You end up with a complete and working form …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have a form that I use for people to contact me on my website. I have been using server-side php form validation which has been working as it should. I decided to implement java script client-side validation using the jquery validation plug in. Ever since I added the client-side …

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Member Avatar for mayursharma

Hello, I m makin database in which i hav 10 tables for each sem storeing student result. i hav link this with php...and giving access to students to see thier results and administrator to edit them olso. i hav a problem in updating the fields. Process: first i authenticate the …

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The End.