39,388 Topics
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Hi Guys I'm trying to create a page which uses session data to find a user in a database and then sends the events that this user has signed up to. I'm a bit of a newbie and have got very confused with where I am at. I am using … | |
<td width="186" align="right"><label for="collegetxt"></label> <select name="collegecategory" dir="rtl" id="collegecategory" class="title"> <option value="-1">Choose college</option> <?php $rs=$db->GetAllCollegCategory(); while(list($name)=mysql_fetch_array($rs)){ echo "<option ".($collegSearch==$name?" selected=selected ":"")." value='$name'>$name</option>"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Teacher Number:</strong></td> <td width="217" align="right"><label for="Teachesearch"></label> <label for="TeacherNo"></label> <input type="text" name="TeacherNo" id="TeacherNo" class="title" checked="checked"/></td> <input type="submit" name="evlBtn1" id="evlBtn1" value="Evaluate" style="width:119px;height:39px;font-size:16px;" /> Hi, … ![]() | |
Hi guys. Can you tell me what do you think of No Glue project? The aim is to create a set of loose components in PHP that can be used individually or combined to make web applications. Whoever likes the idea can join the project too. [Click Here](https://bitbucket.org/npavlicevic/no-glue) No Glue … | |
Hello Friends, Am actually trying to get a Foreign key which is a Primary key in Diagnosis table Controller: <?php class AppTreatment extends CI_Controller { function AppTreatment() { parent::__construct(); $this->view_data['base_url'] = base_url(); $this->load->model('Apptreatment_model'); $this->load->model('Patient_model'); if(!$this->session->userdata('is_logged_in') ){ $this->session->set_flashdata('login_error', TRUE); redirect(base_url() . 'index.php/homepage'); } } function index() { $data['patient']=$this->Patient_model->getAllpatients(); $data['AppTreatment']=$this->Apptreatment_model->findAll(); foreach($data['AppTreatment'] as … ![]() | |
I have some IP list and 10 links stored in mysql. How to visit all links automatically in browser with assigning IP from database? After 10 links visited, how to change IP again i.e. (1 IP for 10 links) I want to use javascript to redirect to new page after … | |
Hello guys, Long story short, when I register a user on my website, it enters for every single column value 0. It should be due to the fact that's not picking up the data from my registration page? Although, it should be ok as I am only picking up the … | |
$res=mysql_query("SELECT code_type,code,date,provider_id FROM billing WHERE encounter='$encounter' AND pid='$pid'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $code_type=$row['code_type']; $code=$row['code']; $date=$row['date']; $provider=$row['provider_id']; $standard_code=$code_type.":".$code; $res1=mysql_query("SELECT procedure_type_id FROM procedure_type WHERE standard_code='$standard_code'"); while($row1=mysql_fetch_array($res1)){ $procedure_type_id=$row1['procedure_type_id']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO procedure_order(procedure_type_id,date_ordered,provider_id,date_collected,order_priority,order_status ,patient_instructions,patient_id,encounter_id) VALUES('$procedure_type_id','$date','$provider','$date','high','pending','$complaints','$pid','$encounter_id')") or die(mysql_error()); } } The above query saves(inserts) more than once in the database. what can be the cause especially in the while … | |
I am using a While loop to dispay data stored in a mysql database I would like all the data to be displayed on a single line instead of being displying below the prevoius. while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($popular)){ echo"<figure> <div align=\"center\"> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"images/" . $row['product_img'] . ".png\" alt=\"" . $row['alt_desc'] … | |
Hi, I'm using Joomla at the moment trying to create a component that will display an accordion with 10 catalogue items from a database. The problem I'm having is I'm not quite sure how to create the accordion and connect it with the database so that each row will be … ![]() | |
class_session.php is a session management and password protection class. It can be used to perform 2 major functions: 1. Create and maintain session state between page hits. The class does this using simple session cache files into which the session is stored as a serialized array. This is similar to … ![]() | |
Hi, I need help. Me wrote query in my wordpress theme to fetch latest products. Everything is working perfect. But don't know why pagination not working. I did select 9 post in backend. it's appear 9 on my home page. But i want to show all products on homepage with … ![]() | |
So i have created this code that is grabing info from a server, the string that it is giving me has these specail charecters that i need to get rid of, then I need to exploade it by another. Here is my code: function fetch_server_info($ip, $port){ $socket = @fsockopen($ip, $port, … | |
I have been searching for the past several hours to find a way to rotate through 4-5 different graphics in the header of a web page that I am creating, but have had very little useful help. There seems to be countless jquery slider scripts out there, but even after … | |
hii, i have some dynamic urls which are indexed by google , but all my urls are static as generated by htaccess, dont know how those urls got indexed, so whenever some one visits through google , he cant get page 2 on same url,as that generates 404 error eg … ![]() | |
I'm dealing with a SOAP client response for a flight booking application, I successfully got the response, See the response below: <arzoo__response> <Response__Depart> <OriginDestinationOptions> <OriginDestinationOption> <FareDetails> <ChargeableFares> <ActualBaseFare>4850</ActualBaseFare> <Tax>4267</Tax> <STax>31</STax> <SCharge>0</SCharge> <TDiscount>0</TDiscount> <TPartnerCommission>0</TPartnerCommission> </ChargeableFares> <NonchargeableFares> <TCharge>0</TCharge> <TMarkup>0</TMarkup> <TSdiscount>0</TSdiscount> </NonchargeableFares> </FareDetails> <FlightSegments> <FlightSegment> <AirEquipType>321</AirEquipType> <ArrivalAirportCode>DEL</ArrivalAirportCode> <ArrivalDateTime>2013-05-20T08:00:00</ArrivalDateTime> <DepartureAirportCode>BOM</DepartureAirportCode> <DepartureDateTime>2013-05-20T06:00:00</DepartureDateTime> <FlightNumber>601</FlightNumber> <OperatingAirlineCode>AI</OperatingAirlineCode> <OperatingAirlineFlightNumber>601</OperatingAirlineFlightNumber> … ![]() | |
Hi friends can anyone suggest me best loging code with php which is high secure. please share your feedback. Thanks. ![]() | |
wpml plugin not working for some labels on front end please help see this link on this bedroom bathroom and property type not translated please helpo me guys i am using wpml plugin ![]() | |
Good day all: I'm trying to create a graph using data from mysql on the jpgraph platform. I've been experiencing difficulties with an error 15009 and cannot seem to address the error --lots of reading on the net concerning this error has yield nothing. I'm hoping that someone here is … | |
I'm curremtly working on a project "Flight search" with SOAP and PHP. I'm new to this SOAP Technology. I've to send the XML over POST Request and get the response: <Request> <Origin>BOM</Origin> <Destination>DEL</Destination> <DepartDate>2013-05-20</DepartDate> <ReturnDate>2013-05-21</ReturnDate> <AdultPax>1</AdultPax> <ChildPax>0</ChildPax> <InfantPax>0</InfantPax> <Currency>INR</Currency> <Clientid>*********</Clientid> <Clientpassword>**************************</Clientpassword> <Clienttype>ArzooFWS1.1</Clienttype> <Preferredclass>E</Preferredclass> <mode>ONE</mode> <PreferredAirline>AI</PreferredAirline> </Request> to the URL: > … | |
Hi..! I am having a list of members in my database, which i want to display in my website. I am using php GET method, and the sample url is http://www.mywebsite.com/display.php?id=564 Can anyone please help me in getting url like http://www.mywebsite.com/munna_bharadwaj_564 I may not describe my question properly, but, hope … | |
Hello, I want a resume parser in PHP, which parse the resume and take candidates name, skill set, city, education, etc. If anyone have it and want to share then please do. (because due to some time schedule, I donthave time to write.) or please do let me know links … | |
Hi, I've accidentally uploaded an image to a website we use in work and now everytime we go on to the site the image is there. I can see it when I use the 'inspect source' function in google brouser but how can I permanently delete it without having to … | |
Hello: I need some assistance with the following script configuration. The goal is to run a cronjob with my initial script which would run a mysql query and pull some account ids, it then would create an array of those values and through a for() loop execute a second script … ![]() | |
I keep getting the following error and cant seem to figure out where I'm going wrong with the code and have tried changing it but just seem to make is worse wonder could someone please help me, the code i am using is as follows: [CODE] this is the code … ![]() | |
hello, I bought a script from one guy online and tried uploading it. The instruction in the script say i upload using a binary mode. I did exactly as i was told using CUTEFTP (BINARY MODE) The problem is that the site says i Delete install.php file for security reason … | |
Hi, I'm using a plugin in Wordpress to display events on my page, but instead of making it simple, they are requiring me to use php to display the title of the pages as I want to. The rest of my pages display with a little icon and then the … | |
<?php $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbUser = "root"; $dbPass = ""; $dbName = "test"; $conn = mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass); if(!$conn){ die(mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($dbName, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $field = $_POST['field']; } if(isset($_POST['submit2'])){ $field2 = $_POST['field2']; } if(isset($_POST['submit3'])){ $field3 = $_POST['field3']; } ?> <?php if(!isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit']) != "true"){ ?> <form id="create" … | |
Hi, I'm wondering how i can upload images into a database and display an uploaded image at the same time. For example when the upload button is clicked, the image is inserted into the database and displayed in the frame. (It doesn't matter whether the page reloads or not). I … ![]() | |
i need to join those two peice of code the first peice of code takes a csv file from a textarea formats it and put it into a mutidimentional array <?php if(isset($_POST['TextArea1'])){ $str = $_POST['TextArea1']; $patterns = array("/\t+/", "/ +/"); //set up an array of items to replace $str = … | |
hi coders.. i need live availability code i am using codeigniter. i am inserting values(username,password,email,phone number) by using array . if the email is already in databse i need to show error message.. with out reloading the page.... thanks in advance. |
The End.