39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Karthik.gautham

Hi guys I want to commit the transaction if all the queries executed in the loop, or else I need to rollback how do i do this, I tried this , but I am not sure how efficient it is. mysql_query("START TRANSACTION"); for($i=0;$i<100;$i++) { $res=mysql_query("some query") array_push($array,$res); } if(in_array(0,$array)) mysql_query("rollback"); …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for brunope

Hello everyone, I have a small problem for using a regex in PHP. The problem is that I get a text output from another website. I want to get some informations by using a regex but I'm not sure in advance how the informations will be display. Here the example: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for avario

I have a PHP page on my site that (almost) continuously loops and sleep()s. While this page is looping and sleep()ing I cannot load another page from my site until the looping page has finished and returned a result for me. Is there a way to get around this? Is …

Member Avatar for avario
Member Avatar for Acute

Hi everybody, i have a web site without login system, and i want to integrate a good login system into it. Plz, suggest me a good tutorial about it?

Member Avatar for Acute
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all,, i have 4 , 5 links on my site which onclick link to powerpoint presentation but on IE it will showing zip file. any help appreci.. thnx

Member Avatar for kadriirdak

Hi There, For some reason I need my form to be submitted twice (in one go). Is there any way to do that instead of submitting once go back and submit again? My form based on PHP and Javascript... Thanks!

Member Avatar for nirwannursabda
Member Avatar for Olliepop

What would the workflow/logic be for distributing resources to players? I currently have a Java server as a component to the game, would you suggest i just distribute X number of resources to players every second? (X is defined in the database) Or are there any mathematical formulas which can …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people . how iseverything i need your help i want to creat a page that allow me to post new posts and article to my website .the page contain a select category and the post space and the title and tags . i have created everything except the select …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

Hi, I am trying to insert two columns each from a different table into a single table and give that a value and i can only find insert INTO different table examples, and none for FROM different tables? I have attached the table im trying to insert into: the samples, …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth
Member Avatar for cmapant

can any1 help me ... i am creating a cms using a fckeditor .. can ny1 tell me how to custmize it( to reduce the tabs available thr) thanx in advance

Member Avatar for usiyalla

Hi i'm doing some php i make login page where i check if user put right information i redirect him/her to index.php where session starts and other things occur.But when i put right username and password it not going to index.php else it coming back to login.php again. Here is …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for azniaga

Hi, I transferred a folder from server A which consists web scripts (php) to another server i.e server B. After creating the database just like in the server A, I managed to have the log in page ready. Then I exported the sql data from server A and imported it …

Member Avatar for azniaga
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello everyone, i need your help i want to create a php age that work the same as the mobile application"to do !ist" so i want to create to do liat with php and mysql but i really dont know how to start and how it is supposed to work …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for raul8
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi im looking to echo a result of a query code i have at the moment is connections + [code=php] <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(tablefield) FROM table") or die(mysql_error()); [/code] got no idea if this is right, i seem to have got really mixed up with this. Can anybody help …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for ilanpillai

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to submit registration on my website. Am not able to figure out the issue. Any help is greatly appreciated. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/t/h/i/thinkvirtual/html/includes/registration_mail.php on line 3 The code on registration_mail.php is <?php $message="<body> <div align=Â¥"centerÂ¥"> <table …

Member Avatar for ilanpillai
Member Avatar for jheichimiste

Hi, I need help. Im an new to this one. I have been into web designing for a long time. Just the designing part... I'm new to JavaScripts and PHP.. cant hey go together to create a web site that can work with the dynamics of both server sided and …

Member Avatar for mikecronauer
Member Avatar for remosathya

I have a form in file.php , when i submit that form it redirected to another page.There i display all the values that i got in the form.Now there is a button called Ms word when i click that the current page has to exported to a word file and …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for Winterton

Hi, I set up an upload page and a script to view files uploaded into a mySQL database. I'm using phpmyadmin and everything looks fine for the database, it's showing content in the BLOB field. My problem is that my download script isn't working. It should be bringing up a …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for amras123

[CODE]<?php require('./configs/reg_conf.php'); function doesUsernameExist($name){ $exit = FALSE; $result = @mssql_query("SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT_TBL WHERE account='$name'"); if (mssql_num_rows($result) != 0){ $exit = TRUE; } return $exit; } if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $user = preg_replace ("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['username']); $pass = preg_replace ("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['password']); if($_POST['username'] == ""){ echo '<font color="red">Enter a user.</font><br /><br />'; } …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for arunpatyal1987
Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi, I have a list of postcodes in the UK and their co-ordinates... I've also written a nice function that measures the distance between two postcodes. When my user logs in their postcode will be stored in a cookie, when they do a search for events I want to show …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for almahmeed

Hi Everybody, I have two tables in my database (mySQL). The 1st table records the data entry of the employee with the following columns: 1. msisdn: Mobile Number 2. fname: Full Name 3. cpr: National ID 4. username: Username (of my data entry staff) 5. createdate: Record Create Date The …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for kashif farooq

[B]Pagination in PHP (New help) display page wise results, CAN U DO IT... FOR ME... [/B] :) There are tons of pages, I'm not in favor of the display page numbers in PHP like that << <1 2 3 4.... 100 > >>. I like the drop down menu for …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for dev.vini

if we delete any entry in a table in mysql than there has another field that has serialise no and if one entry is deleted from whole entry than another fiels entry will automaticaly searlized.......pls help

Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, this is prob really simple but what is the best way for me to add time to call on a form? i have created a column in my tesk table called timetocall with type = TIME what is best way to allow the user to key on the time? …

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Member Avatar for ZER09

i hope i entered in the right place and ask this question. hello to i am new in joomla and still doing something unfamiliar, now i am trying to install resmanai but i cant install it correctly. i already installed ioncube but when and all the prerequisite for installing resmanai …

Member Avatar for thr

hello I want too choose among c++ + qt + php and java for my programming language and platform please help me too choose best platform I want to choose a platform that has this features : speed, portable I am c++ programmer and familiar with java programming language i …

Member Avatar for Premsathishbe
Member Avatar for rje7

How do i perform search from php within the search result that was just returned? In oder to perform a search on the result set again i need to have the result set stored some where. either in session/cookie or temporary table in the mysql server. i tried the mysql …

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Member Avatar for raul8

The End.